I trust you know where the happy button is?
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Okay, I'll be honest here: this whole section fucking sucked. Look, I get that you don't want to fall down the cliche route of Ron-bashing, but this was worse, by far, to the point where I immediately stopped reading."A GIT?! You do realize that if I hadn't been hanging out with Ron during your first year you'd be dead right?!" Despite his own anger at Ron, Harry felt that she had crossed a line. Normally, he would have just laughed it off, only really comfortable expressing what he felt around Hermione and Ron, doubly so since Ginny seemed to be acting normal around him this year, but this time he felt his anger rise and another mental nudge told him he needed to express it.
"The only reason I went down to the chamber was because my friends little sister was taken! And let's not forget that Ron WAS with me down there! The only reason he wasn't IN the chamber with me was because of an idiotic teacher setting off a cave in! Despite the fact that he had a broken and unreliable wand, he was still willing to face a Bloody Fucking BASILISK! All to rescue his little sister! He also went into the forest to face several hundred acromantulas, creatures that thanks to these two, he fears beyond anything else, with the same broken wand to save his little sister!" Harry knew he was somewhat altering facts, at the time they didn't know Ginny was in danger, they were doing it for Hagrid, Hermione and the other petrified students. "So to be quite frank Ginny, you owe that 'Git' YOUR LIFE!"
Turning on the twins, face red with anger he didn't even know he had, "And you 2 are just as bad. Ron has always placed his family higher than himself, even when he's had every reason not to care about them in the slightest! Think you two! What happened every time you two got in trouble your first two years? Professor McGonagall sent a letter home didn't she? What do you think your mother did then? I like your mom, don't get me wrong guys, I really do, she's been more of a mother to me than my aunt ever was, but do you really think that she just read it and didn't do anything? Or do you think that she spent the entire day grumbling and snapping at anyone she saw? I bet she went out of her way to lecture Ron about proper behavior and all that other rot simply because he was a boy, and happened to be right THERE when you two were out of reach! Because I'm sure that she never even considered that her Little Girl would ever get in any trouble!"
"For two years Ron had to put up with being punished for your misdeeds. Despite that, he is still willing to go beyond any reasonable expectations to save a family member that he has every reason to hate." Turning back to Ginny, "Why do I hang out with him? He's the only one who's ever looked at my bloody fucking scar, been awed for a couple of seconds and decided I needed to learn about the Cannons and wizard candy. He's the only one who's ever seen me as nothing more than a boy sitting on a train alone, instead of a freak or path to personal power, not as something to be hated or worshiped. He's the only one to never see me as an oddity of magic, a character in a book, a point of discussion in history or simply as a prize to show off."
"Because he's been there for me every step of the way till now! He went with me to face down a troll and rescue someone he didn't even like at the time! And let's not forget that he was the one to take down the troll, not me. Something that no matter what I've told people, I'm always given credit for. His contribution cast aside, even by his own family. And all he got out of it was 5 bloody points. Saving 2 peoples lives was worth 5 points, but when McGonagall decided being out after curfew was worth a ten times that as a penalty, you two, like everyone else in Gryffindor, treated us like shit, only Ron was willing to stick by us. He helped with the dragon our 1st year, faced down a giant 3 headed hell-hound with me, was willing to jump into a dark pit with no idea what was at the bottom to help, was willing to take a blow that should have killed him, from something none of us knew had been enchanted to be nonlethal. AND THAT WAS JUST IN OUR FIRST YEAR!"
By this time the common room was virtually silent, nobody even pretending to not listen. "I've already mentioned our second year, your first, but that was only part of the utter bloody CRAP we went through that year! Would YOU have been willing to sneak into the Slytherin dorm in disguise to question one of the bloody snakes when his guard was down? Do you honestly expect me to believe, with the way you're acting now, you would do that for Ron the way he did it for you? Knowing that if any of the older snakes catch you, you will be lucky to only get the crap kicked out of you! Or Heaven forbid, someone telling SNAPE! And I'm not even going to get into last year when everyone was convinced there was a bloody fucking serial killer after me! Ron spent the year trying to protect me in an attempt to pay back a life dept he felt was owed for saving Your life Ginny! And while I never considered you to owe me anything, none of you three even considered it. Only Ron was willing! So how about it you three, how about you go face off with a Couple of Dozen Dementors?! How about you just stand up to a Mass Murderer?! Ron Was GAME, How About You Three?! How about you show me what you got?!" Reigning in his anger as best he could at the sight of their surprised and pale faces, he ended his tirade with a quiet, "You three are pathetic."
Turning, Harry grabbed his bag and stormed off towards the exit, seeing a shocked Hermione standing there, halfway thru the portal, avoiding his gaze, he walked past her without saying anything and did not look back. Never seeing what Hermione was looking at, not noticing her gaze locked onto a horrified Ron standing on the steps up to the dorm, and never seeing the equally shocked eyes of a cat underneath a sofa, whose head turned to watch him exit.
What exactly did they say? They said that Ron was being a git, which he absolutely was, and which he apologises for later on in the story. Just minutes earlier, Harry had been crying precisely because of the fact that Ron was being a git, who'd turned on him out of jealousy, and who despite having been through so much with Harry, still didn't trust him. They didn't say they hated him. They didn't say they wanted him dead. They didn't say he was completely worthless as a person. Instead, they simply justly criticised his appalling baviour. Sure, he was there for Harry in their first, second, and third years, but that doesn't somehow mean that he gets a free pass for behaving like a cunt throughout the start of their fourth year. If anything, it makes it worse, because he's actively betraying Harry.
The rant about how Ginny owes him her life? Not remotely true, at all. Do you really think that Harry would just have left someone to die in the Chamber of Secrets if they hadn't been Ron's sister? Do you think he would just have allowed Hermione and muggleborns like his mother, and halfbloods like him, to be targeted and likely killed by the Basilisk in future? He would have tried to save the innocent victim, whoever it was. And that's without counting the fact that if the victim had died in the Chamber, Hogwarts would have been closed forever. The fact that it was Ginny just added some extra emotional oomph.
And why on Earth does he have "every reason to hate" Ginny, to the point where it would apparently be understandable if he'd wanted her dead? Where the fuck are you getting the idea that their relationship was so hostile and acrimonious?
And what the fuck was the whole thing about how Ron's the only person who's ever liked him is also just bullshit. What the fuck about Hermione? What about all his other friends, like Neville? When exactly have Ginny and the twins "treated him like a freak or a path to power"? Even when there was paranoia about him being a Parseltongue, plenty of people stuck by him, and his status as "The Boy Who LIved" didn't really impact his relationship with anyone other than Slytherins. Even Ginny's childish crush in first year, which she'd grown out of by this point, hardly constitutes blind hero worship worthy of the scorn Harry delivers here.
And it's also beyond stupid to criticise people for not doing stuff that you never told them about in the first place, and never asked them to do. Moreover, in light of Ginny's and the twins' actions later on in the series, it seems pretty clear that they would actually have helped in all of Harry's adventures if he'd trusted them enough to merely ask. Hell, previously the Weasley twins gave him the Marauders' map, and they busted him out of the Dursleys.
There's just so much wrong with everything here, that I don't really quite know where to stop. Take the issue of Ron's credit, for instance. Yeah, he got in trouble for the trouble, but so did Harry and Hermione, and moreover it was his fault that she was in danger in the first place. On top of that, he got a huge amount of credit when it came to getting the Philosopher's Stone. As for Harry's other escapades, they haven't actually really been general knowledge at all. It's not like he's advertised the fact that he rescued a convicted mass murderer, is it?