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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 15)
"You seem happy. I had my doubts, but you aren't a normal human: the pressure from you is too strong." Isabela assumes a boxing stance. "They say dragons attract strong people. From what I saw, it's true."

Shougo tilts his head before looking to the side, replying with an even tone. "I don't know about strong... but if we consider crazy, then yes: that's exactly the type of people that guy attracts like a magnet."

She raises an eyebrow. "Yourself included?"

"Sanity is overrated."

Isabela smiles before her lips form a thin line. Playtime is over, now it's her turn to show the might and glory of the Phenex family.

And to have fun too, but that's just a minor detail.

She steps forward one, two times before sprinting at her max speed, walking into the blonde fighter's guard in the blink of an eye. Knowing that her opponent is just a normal human, and there is no system to automatically bring someone to the infirmary, she holds back a lot of her strength and aims to punch her opponent directly in the cheek, knocking him out in one blow.

So imagine her surprise when Shougo tilts his head at the last second, with a movement so natural that it looks like he merely change position because the muscles of his neck were starting to ache.

"Oh. So you can dodge a punch like this. Sorry, I was looking down on you a bit. I'll increase by one level, no by two!"

She starts punching at an higher speed, throwing jabs from different angles. As Shougo still manages to dodge them all with minimal movements she tries for an uppercut. Her aim is to force him to dodge in one direction, then using her shoulder movement to instantly change the angle of attack and hit him where his head is going to be.

As she predicted Shougo sees her uppercut and moves her head to one side... only to move it again to the other side the moment Isabela's uppercut changes direction!

The Rook has just enough time to register the bizarre event before the blond boy twists his body to follow his head's tilt and releases a savage kick, his heel digging into her uncovered cheek with enough force to push her back and onto the ground. Before hitting it she pushes with her hands and does a backflip, landing neatly on the tip of her booths. There isn't a single mark on her flesh, and she barely feels the blow. However, the splendid way her opponent counterattacked is enough to make her pause.

"Nothing. I guess that make you one of those Devils that are tough instead of fast." Shougo spits out the gum he was chewing. "This will take a while."

"No, it will not." Isabela narrows her visible eye. "I clearly underestimated you. A mistake I will not repeat."

She attacks again with a flurry of jabs, this time employing the boxing variant known as "Flicker Jab": instead of snapping the fist straight out with great speed, a Flicker Jab is thrown from a lower angle, the wrist snapping forward with an almost jerking motion. This allows for jabs to come from various angles at high-speed and come back like a whip, making it a dangerous unpredictable weapon. Isabela also uses her full speed.

Shougo manages to dodge the pumped up onslaught for a few intense seconds before he takes advantage of a small gap between jabs to follow up with a kick on his own. Isabela however was expecting it and catches his foot in her right hand. "You're finished!" The left hand delivers a thunderous uppercut to Shougo's chin, making his head snaps back from the force.

"Even in that awkward position you managed to reduce the force of my punch...such terrifying talent." Isabela smiles, having seen that her opponent bent his back before the impact. "You would make a great Knight...no, a magnificent Rook."

"..." Shougo puts his hand were the punch grazed his cheek: the fingers come back stained red. "Blood...?"

"However, skills can take you only so far!" She declares hotly. "Against me, an opponent you cannot hurt in any way, your defeat is assured!"

"...Heh." Shougo's shoulders begin to shake. "Hahahaha..."

The next instant Shougo's clenched hand is in front of Isabela's face, his index finger pressed against her forehead. "What?!" She backhands it away by instincts before she feels a strong burning on her forehead. Unbeknownst to her Shougo's finger left a circular imprint on her flesh.

"That's a marker." The blond street fighter tells her with a shark-like grin, his left eyes looking almost like a white glowing circle in a sea of black shadow. A faint golden glow comes from the tip of his still stretched index. Then he clenches his hand fully and the golden glow, no stronger, starts to envelop his whole limb. "Next time, my fist will connect there!"


Shougo spreads his legs and crosses his clenched hands over his chest, every muscle in his body tensing in preparation. His mind briefly went to a recent memory.


"Touki?" Shougo stares with curiosity at the azure energy covering the hand of the man that called himself Furinji Hayato. "Never heard of it."

"As expected." The old man grins. "You see, all martial artists of a certain level learn how to harness their internal Ki, their life-force, and use it to enhance their techniques and attacks. However against many supernatural creatures, who by nature already possess physical abilities way above a normal human, it is not always enough. So, what do you do when you're confronted with an opponent and your current skills can't make you strong enough to defeat it?"

"...Create a new one that can?"

"Exactly! In the past many sages searched for a way to better protect humanity against the strongest creatures of legend. They found it, a technique developed by those who were so in synchrony with the World that they tapped into the very source of life itself: Touki."

Hayato laughs. "Now, before I explain what exactly is Touki and how to use it, I must mention that it comes with its own drawbacks...one of which is that a martial artist using Touki cannot use any other technique requiring Ki, Touki requires a lot of concentration and focus. Even I needed many years before I could use all my numerous techniques while using Touki. That's why one usually master the normal use of Ki before attempting Touki...but for someone like you, Kitsukawa-kun, who purely use his own talent and his against abnormal opponents, I suppose I could make an exception."

(End Flashback)

"Aaaahh!" Arcs of electricity running through his body Shougo pushes his arms apart. The next moment a golden burning aura envelops his body, his clothes and hair flailing wildly as if under a strong wind. His muscles bulge, straining against his clothes.

Isabela feels her eyes burn and her skin tingle just by staring at him. "What...What is this?!?"

"The start of the real fun." Shougo raises an hand, spreading his fingers before clenching them again. His eyes were like twin suns burning brightly. "Don't disappoint me."

And with that he jumps in the air, faster than anything Isabela saw him doing before, twisting in midair until he is directly above the Rook, where he unleashes a savage flurry of punches and kicks.

Isabela, for the first time since the start of the match, feels pain.


Shougo learned: Touki (Solar Flavor)!
-A technique that taps directly into the source of life to create a protective aura around the user's body that drastically increase their physical abilities, providing dots in Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity and Epic Stamina based on the technique level and the Essence score of the user.
--At its level Shougo Kitsukawa gains two free dots in all three of Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity and Epic Stamina, but cannot use any other Essence requiring ability. Touki also requires a great amount of Essence to use, making it impossible at the current level to sustain it for long periods of time.
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Amazing update Alexander.

I have been wondering how an Antitribu from the clan Tepes, and Carmilla would be?

Who liked the episodes from season 3 of Highschool D x D?, I did like the episodes.

I have been seeing in SV Worm: the microsoft paint gallery, it is very funny do you think that Alexander may like if somebody does something like that.

I have been thinking of writting an Omake were Issei, meets mages from the Old World of Darkness, I need help.
A saiyan would probably have defeated us in the snake arc fight.
Issei needs to learn Senjutsu so he can learn Touki, as well as the rumored abilities of Senjutsu to manipulate space and time.

using a magic ability in front of a twilight? a twilight with a ess 10 solar in his head?

yeah thats asking for it to be stolen, improved and used against you

lets do it!
Not me, I didn't really like how they made Fenrir and his twin sons look weak, also the way they changed Akeno's character development and the way Issei used Mjolnir is not that good too.
Yeah that part really bugged me, it could be a trick by Loki and they could be weak clones, Issei will still use the Mjolnir at the season end, I found some changes for this season really wierd.

I found funny the absurdity of Issei new house.

Barequiel got more screen time.

There were good changes, but also bad changes.

I hope they don't fuck the ending.
Who would that be again?
the younger brother of the nerd of the 4 maohs. he's got a massive nun fetish and he decided to feed it by tricking holy maidans into being excomuncated. after which he would wait for them to fall into disapir, put them in danger and then "rescue" them after they mentally broke so he could add them to his peerage.
the younger brother of the nerd of the 4 maohs. he's got a massive nun fetish and he decided to feed it by tricking holy maidans into being excomuncated. after which he would wait for them to fall into disapir, put them in danger and then "rescue" them after they mentally broke so he could add them to his peerage.
Ah. I was hoping for a name, but this'll do.
Ah. I was hoping for a name, but this'll do.
Diodora Astaroth

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