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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Because it's a stupid idea?

Because Vali is an asshole


Because Exaltations DON'T work like that

Because we are NOT Sol Invictus and so can't make any Solar Flavored Exaltations, hell we can't make any exaltations at all

Thank you. The reason why I made that omake of him was so that he wouldn't Worf Kokabiel. This time around, he is just Azazel's back up in case Issei can't handle it.

We will defeat Kokabiel without that silver haired maniac showboating.
This is an Omake that I thought of as a spur of the moment. Hope you'll enjoy it!

"HORA!" The white-armored man cried out as he defeated yet another gorilla-like youkai. Another one of its companions, equal parts weak and foolish, launched itself towards the man, only to meet the same fate as his companion – destroyed in a single blow from the man's fist.

"Hmph. How disappointing," the white armor man sighed. "Not a single one of them could stand a hit from me? Truly a shame."

Off to the side, a group of fallen angels watched in awe as the man before them casually tore apart the monsters that had been giving them such a hard time. A single punch from the man seemed to kill the monsters almost instantly. It wasn't any kind of magic, it was simply the sheer force of the man's punches that shattered them into the debris and gravel they were made up of. He was terrifying, like a one-man army.

When the last of the youkai were finished off, the man's armor disappeared. With it, the fallen angels could see that he had the appearance of a human in his early twenties with silvery hair and a completely bored expression. His black jacket and pants along with the arrogant expression on his face, gave him a cool bad boy look.

"You there." The man looked at the black-winged angels. "Are you alright?"

"Ah-ah… yes. We are now." One of them said. "We have some injured, but we can manage thanks to you."

The man nodded, before growing giant blue and white wings and taking off without another word. Not like he had time to talk to them anyway. He had better things to do.

Several hours later, Vali Lucifer was able to find a coffee shop that had a suitable for his tastes. Subtly retrieving his laptop from a magical pocket dimension, he began to call up an old friend.

Soon the video conference was established and Azazel's face appeared on the computer. "Ah, Vali. I knew you would call. So, how do you like Japan?"

The White Dragon Emperor leaned back in his chair sporting an arrogant smirk. "Please. It is about as boring as any other place you've sent me too."

"Heh. Should've known sending you to help those guys would've been no problem to someone as powerful as you. Especially after that fight you had with the Tarrasque in the South China Sea. Compared to that, even the stronger youkai would be hard pressed to give you a good fight." Azazel mischievously grinned.

Vali sighed. That expression… he knew when Azazel was planning something especially big to screw over his plans. Living with the man for years had taught him exactly what made his old mentor tick. "So tell me, why did you call me out here in the middle of nowhere? Something tells me that you had something a lot more important for me to do here than have me run around acting like your pest control."

"Why, I'm glad you ask!" Azazel looked both ways. "By the way, mind making sure nobody hears in on this?"

Vali nodded and wordlessly cast the spell. Immediately, a wind barrier was formed and all the sounds around him were muffled to barely noticeable levels. Not that he could sense anyone around who would be troublesome, but Vali knew as a principle if Azazel had important information he wanted to share, you made sure you didn't let anyone eavesdrop.

Azazel leaned closer to the camera conspiratorially. "You know about the traitor I've been looking out for recently? Well he's about to make his move soon, and I have a feeling it is going to be in this country."

Vali's eyes narrowed. "What makes you so certain?"

"Our spies have told us that the Church has sent a few of its members to Japan to search for the pieces of Excalibur that were stolen. He's definitely planning something big, but I have a gut feeling that he will try something at a place called Kuoh Academy."

"That's… awfully specific."

"Well besides the fact that he's caused trouble in that area in the past and it is the school that the heiresses of both the Gremory and Sitri clans are going to, there is also the fact that the current Sekiryuutei goes there."

"Well that's reasona…" Vali was about to continue before he processed the last part of what Azazel said. The full revelation nearly made him fall out of his seat.

[Sekiryuutei?] Albion said inside Vali's mind. ['Red Dragon Emperor', as in the wielder of Boosted Gear?]. As long as Vali had possessed [Divine Dividing] and was able to speak to the dragon inside of it, Albion had rarely spoken to him, and if he did, it was with a calm and stoic voice. This time, White Dragon sounded… nervous? And maybe a bit excited too?

Vali, on the other hand couldn't be anything other than thrilled. For as long as he had heard about it, he had been all too eager about fighting his destined rival, the wielder of [Boosted Gear]. He had such high expectations for the Welsh Dragon. 'Now, I can finally have a worthy challenge.' It had been a while since that last great fight against the Terrasque, and the last few months had been rather quiet, but all that boredom would be worth if he could fight his rival.

"Ah yes, I can see the excitement on your face. So young and eager." Azazel grinned. "Now, I suppose you want me to tell you about him?"

"Yes." Vali was struggling to maintain his cool attitude. He knew Azazel was doing this on purpose, leading him on to get him all riled up. The troll.

"Well now, the Sekiryuutei is unusual in all senses. Granted, he didn't start out anywhere near as strong as you, but he is getting there pretty rapidly. Give him until he learns the Balance Breaker, and he'll definitely give you the fight you've been craving."

'Albion, did you hear that? I'll definitely get to fight my rival!'

Albion couldn't help but chuckle a little at Vali's uncharacteristically childlike glee. [Indeed partner. I have been waiting for our battle with Ddraig and his wielder. I wonder what it will be like. Ask him about information about the Sekiryuutei- his strengths, weaknesses, personality… we could use them in the coming battle.]

Vali nodded, then looked closely at Azazel's face on the moniter. "Anything I would like to know about this Sekiryuutei? You said he was 'unusual'…"

"Aha! I knew you would be uninterested. Yes, [unusual] would be the best way to describe this guy. I've been training this guy for a little while now, and he is definitely unlike any other wielder of Boosted Gear I've ever seen. He seems to have altered his Sacred Gear in a way that has given him great power, to the point where he might become a new Heavenly Dragon altogether." Vali gasped a little. "Aha, I know how excited you are, but that's all I'm giving you. You'll have to find out the rest on your own. Try to hold off on it though, at least until he has Balance Breaker and I can get you two to a place where I can monitor your fight."

Vali noticeably slumped. "Fine. I'll wait. I wanted to try and fully master Juggernaut Drive in time for it anyway."

"I thought you already did?"

Vali shook his head. "Using my demonic power as a substitute for life energy was just a temporary solution. It leaves me tired afterwards, and I still go insane if I use it for too long. I want to make it where I can use it with no ill side effects."

Azazel shook his head. "Ever the perfectionist I see. Well, I can talk to you later. Hopefully, the devils or the Holy Church will take care of the traitor for us, but I want you around as a back-up plan."

"Of course. Talk to you later." Vali dismissed the wind spell and closed the laptop.

[Are you serious about mastering Juggernaut Drive?] Albion asked.

'Of course. I'll need it for more than the battle with the Sekiryuutei after all.'

[You mean…]

'If I'm going to be the strongest, I will have to beat the strongest. The Sekiryuutei might be our greatest challenge yet, but in the end, he will be a stepping stone for my true plans: to be strongest being in existence.'

[If anyone can do it, it'll be you Vali. You are the strongest wielder of Divine Dividing, past, present, and future. If anyone can do it, you can.]

Vali looked up to the sky with a bloodthirsty grin that would make even Shougo Kitsukawa a bit nervous. 'I'm coming Sekiryuutei. I hope you're ready, because Balance Breaker or not, I will be coming for you!'

Hopefully, Alex will give us some XP for this!
Cool! Let's not disappoint Vali huhu... But we shouldn't be cocky, Koka isn't going to be easy, he is the first hard boss.
Why not?

The Crimson and White Emperors together can cleanse all of Creation and restore the Solars to their rightful place.
Besides everything that EternitynChaos said, do you think a Bigger Hammer is what Creation needs? Everytime it was used, Creation became lesser and lesser. Violence is always the worst choice in Exalted, it just creates more violence.

Also, do you think Solars are heroes like in DC or Marvel? They are just great people prone to screw up. Their "righful place"? The lost it when they became the greatest evil and their actions fragmented the Exalted Host forever; if a Primordial War class threat happens again, Creation is doomed because the Exalts can't trust each other anymore.
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Fun fact: The "terrasque" Vali faught was not actually the creature that was defeated by Saint Martha in French mythology. It was actually a con rit, a centipede like creature that lives near Vietnam. The French named it after the mythological beast. It was so powerful, that it was worshiped as a god by South Africans and mistaken for an Oriental Dragon by the Chinese. To defeat it, Vali had to pin it down with Juggernaut Drive, divide it a half-dozen times, then use Half Dimension on it to shrink it down so that the Grigori's scientists could study it.
Fun fact: The "terrasque" Vali faught was not actually the creature that was defeated by Saint Martha in French mythology. It was actually a con rit, a centipede like creature that lives near Vietnam. The French named it after the mythological beast. It was so powerful, that it was worshiped as a god by South Africans and mistaken for an Oriental Dragon by the Chinese. To defeat it, Vali had to pin it down with Juggernaut Drive, divide it a half-dozen times, then use Half Dimension on it to shrink it down so that the Grigori's scientists could study it.
:D Didn't know that! I thought it was DnD Tarrasque, never knew it came from a RL mythos. Thanks!
Fun fact: The "terrasque" Vali faught was not actually the creature that was defeated by Saint Martha in French mythology. It was actually a con rit, a centipede like creature that lives near Vietnam. The French named it after the mythological beast. It was so powerful, that it was worshiped as a god by South Africans and mistaken for an Oriental Dragon by the Chinese. To defeat it, Vali had to pin it down with Juggernaut Drive, divide it a half-dozen times, then use Half Dimension on it to shrink it down so that the Grigori's scientists could study it.
Wait.... that name sounds familiar....
Vali fought the biggest and baddest monster in DnD (Or at least what it was based on)? The one that requires a miracle or a wish to keep dead?

I will admit, I am now a bit scared for the upcoming fight. But also a hell of a lot exited for it.
Wait.... that name sounds familiar....
Vali fought the biggest and baddest monster in DnD (Or at least what it was based on)? The one that requires a miracle or a wish to keep dead?

I will admit, I am now a bit scared for the upcoming fight. But also a hell of a lot exited for it.

It was a con rit, not the dnd Terrasque.

The original Terrasque was a tortoise like creature defeated by Saint Martha. Con rit got its name because the French compared it to the Terrasque. You can look it up on the cryptid wiki.
It was a con rit, not the dnd Terrasque.

The original Terrasque was a tortoise like creature defeated by Saint Martha. Con rit got its name because the French compared it to the Terrasque. You can look it up on the cryptid wiki.
But "con rit" is just a type of poisonous centipedes? I thought they live everywhere?
the most we can do to vali is make him half caste which I recommend to do late game as he is a genius at fighting and a battle maniac comparable to shougo
It was a con rit, not the dnd Terrasque.

The original Terrasque was a tortoise like creature defeated by Saint Martha. Con rit got its name because the French compared it to the Terrasque. You can look it up on the cryptid wiki.
I was working of the assumption that they shared a name because they shared a trait. From the description you wrote it sounded like it was how hard they were to put down. Ergo, Vali's achievement being impressive and me being all fired up.
*Is a bit embarrassed about jumping to conclusions*
But "con rit" is just a type of poisonous centipedes? I thought they live everywhere?


Imagine something like that, but many, many, many times bigger, and you have what Vali fought.

I was working of the assumption that they shared a name because they shared a trait. From the description you wrote it sounded like it was how hard they were to put down. Ergo, Vali's achievement being impressive and me being all fired up.
*Is a bit embarrassed about jumping to conclusions*

You have nothing to be embarrassed about. In truth, I forgot about the DnD Terrasque. The Con Rit and the DnD version both stole their name from French Mythology.

I don't think Vali would have beaten the DnD terrasque as easily. Not without some serious collateral damage.
not only no fuck no, Vali has more then enough power the last thing we want is to give that asshole more

later volumes vali has cooled down and is a pretty good dude. The only time I got asshole vibes from him was during the treaty arc and even then it was more trying to bring out issei's full power than actually being an asshole or evil.

I'm not sure how far along you are but

Vali and Issei becomes friends and both their teams as well as the angels team up to fight the remnants of khaos brigade which are renamed qliphoth led by vali's grandfather.

cao cao is the most evil and asshole one of the dudes that want to fight issei.
later volumes vali has cooled down and is a pretty good dude. The only time I got asshole vibes from him was during the treaty arc and even then it was more trying to bring out issei's full power than actually being an asshole or evil.

I'm not sure how far along you are but

Vali and Issei becomes friends and both their teams as well as the angels team up to fight the remnants of khaos brigade which are renamed qliphoth led by vali's grandfather.

cao cao is the most evil and asshole one of the dudes that want to fight issei.

My interpretation of Vali is that he is an asshole mainly because he feels he is untouchable and getting beaten up by Issei and later befriending him caused him to be humanized more. Not to the extent of Raiser's complete 180 personality, but they do become close enough to argue about what the best part of a woman is (Vali believes it is the butt).

Edit: Yes Cao Cao is an evil asshole that needs to be brought down due to all the brainwashed Sacred Gear wielders he commands.
I'm going to create some Knacks. Before anything, sorry for very bad English.

Some clarifications about the Knacks I'm going to create:

1) I guess the foremost is to explain that, yes, customizing stuff is a thing in Exalted, nothing wrong with that if the GM approves, which Alex did.

2) The most important thing is to understand the purview of the object.
2a) Solars are: Sun, Fire, Holy, Excellency, Mastery, Perfection, gold, desert, leadership, governance, law, order, etc.
2b) My take on dragons is: Elements, Raw Power, Sexuality, Freedom, long life, selfish, Chaos, predator, etc.

3) My Knacks try to not compete with Solar Charms. Fortunately, their disparate purview facilates it. So, they usually will do stuff that Solars underperform or outright can't do.

4) Their raw power is higher than Solar Charms. Well, at least, I try, because Solar Charms are powerful indeed, it's hard to surpass excellency and perfection. My reasons are:
4a) There is over 200 official Solar Charms with very good synergy with each other, allowing for devastating Combo effects; no way in hell I'm going to be able to beat it in quantity or synergy, so quality and raw power I shall go.
4b) It's always easier to nerf than to buff to balance gameplay.

5) I'm not basing them in the Lunar or Scion Knacks. I'm coming up with these based on stuff from DxD universe, in other words, balancing its power against the universe of this quest, not Creation.

6)Equivalent Exchange: every time Issei takes a Dragon Knack he becomes more dragon and less human. I think losing humanity is bad.

Okay, then, this is my first Knack:

Black Death Venom
: 1 aggravated health level; Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Poison
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Knacks: None
A most dreadful ability of some dragons is to turn their flesh and blood into the most corrosible poison and miasma. This Knack turns the entirety of the dragon's body poisonous: fluids, scales, flesh, bones, fangs, talons, tail, dragon breath... everything. After activating this Knack, rolls (Stamina+Craft+Essence), the result is the venom potency and the target difficult. Whenever the dragon attacks or is attacked, the foe rolls (Stamina+Resistance) against the target difficult. If the dragon wins, the foe instantly dies and his body is consumed until only his shadow remains. Otherwise, the foe takes dice of unsoakable aggravated damage equal to the dragon's Essence; the aspect of infinity thin lines erratically marking the foe's body part (note: the dragon's body is similarly marked this way when she pays the cost of the Knack). Armor, shields and other forms of defense don't protect against the poison, as it spread through them seeking the foe's body. The dragon can cancel this Knack any moment to return her body to its natural state, however, any poison that was separated from her body prior to this continues as it is (example: dropping a poisoned blood in a cup and then canceling the Knack, the dragon returns to normal, but the cup still contains the deadly drink); many sorrowful tales were woven by forgetful dragons...
My inspiration for it is the poisonous dragon that appears in Tristan and Isolde and the titular Alien, with its dragonian appearance and acidic blood. Mechanically, it's similar to Soul Mastery, except much more powerful. It's usefulness is giving a bad touch effect to the Solar Issei, otherwise very difficult to get. The cost isn't motes or willpower based because I wanted to create a feel of "dangerous but powerful" and a little bit of "body horror".

Please, give me feedback and critics. I'm posting here for everyone to make these Knacks together, tuning it to useable condition for this quest and in doing so, having fun :D
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I'm going to create some Knacks. Before anything, sorry for very bad English.

Some clarifications about the Knacks I'm going to create:

Okay, then, this is my first Knack:

My inspiration for it is the dragon that appears in Tristan and Isolde. Mechanically, it's similar to Soul Mastery, except much more powerful. It's usefulness is giving a bad touch effect to the Solar Issei, otherwise very difficult to get.

Please, give me feedback and critics. I'm posting here for everyone making those Knacks together, tuning it to useable condition for this quest and in doing so, having fun :D

I love over the idea of a poisonous attack, but I do think it could make things almost too easy. It would definitely be outside Issei's regular purview.
I love over the idea of a poisonous attack, but I do think it could make things almost too easy. It would definitely be outside Issei's regular purview.
Ah, but the idea is to explore uncharted waters! You see, Issei's circunstance is so wierd for a Solar that we can do amazing stuff with Knacks! And, trust me, it's not going to make things easier because the antagonists have Epic Stamina.

And like I explained, everything is going to be above the curve because I want my fellow questers to come with ideas and suggestions.
Ah, but the idea is to explore uncharted waters! You see, Issei's circunstance is so wierd for a Solar that we can do amazing stuff with Knacks! And, trust me, it's not going to make things easier because the antagonists have Epic Stamina.

One idea I have is for him to use it on Diodora to kill him the moment he starts going all rapist on Asia. Hopefully the poison kills him fast.
One idea I have is for him to use it on Diodora to kill him the moment he starts going all rapist on Asia. Hopefully the poison kills him fast.
Yeah, I don't like him either. But we could just get Sagacious Reading of Intent and never let him touches Asia for starters.

I know that giving poison to the protagonist seem evil, but that's not really the case. It's the way you use something that can be either good or evil. This power is more to use in powerhouses like Koka and Vali, they will make the saving throw and will only take the damage. I put all the other things because I'm starting from the point that these Knacks aren't Issei-only, but things that dragons can achieve by their power and shapeshifting.

Anyways, thanks Blight Gecko for replying! What is your opinion, it shoud be nerfed? How?
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Yeah, I don't like him either. But we could just get Sagacious Reading of Intent and never let him touches Asia for starters.

I know that giving poison to the protagonist seem evil, but that's not really the case. It's the way you use something that can be either good or evil. This power is more to use in powerhouses like Koka and Vali, they will make the saving throw and will only take the damage. I put all the other things because I starting from the point that these Knacks aren't Issei-only, but things that dragons can achieve by their power and shapeshifting.

Anyways, thanks Blight Gecko for replying! What is your opinion, it shoud be nerfed? How?

For starters, we could make it so it only works for our and our opponents' melee attacks instead of all attacks. It makes it more satisfying, as then you have to get up close and personal. Poison dragon breath seems a bit much.

What is Sagacious Reading of Intent?
For starters, we could make it so it only works for our and our opponents' melee attacks instead of all attacks. It makes it more satisfying, as then you have to get up close and personal. Poison dragon breath seems a bit much.

What is Sagacious Reading of Intent?
Maybe it's indeed strong with anything, but I think letting it be anything gives generous Stunt potential to do awesome cinematics.

Sagacious Reading Of Intent
: 3m; Mins: Linguistics 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lawgivers see others' purposes. This Charm identifies the motivation behind a given statement that the Exalt reads or hears—a one-sentence summary of what the person making that statement hopes to gain. If the Exalt invokes this Charm to defend against a social attack and the attacker's purpose is fundamentally hostile to the Exalt or the Exalt's Motivation, this Charm perfectly negates the attack.
Just one of the strongest Solar social Charms. It's a Perfect Defense against social attacks (maybe mental/psychic ones too) and perfectly lets the Solar to know the intent of the speaker/writter. Like, that first scene Diodora appears, being all gentle with Asia; we use SRoI, we immediately knows that he wants to rape Asia, and there is no power that could conceal it! Yep, Solars have some nice stuff.
Maybe it's indeed strong with anything, but I think letting it be anything gives generous Stunt potential to do awesome cinematics.

That is true.

A different way way you can nerf it is so you can't use Non-poison based attacks while using the poison body. Like, not being able to use poison and deal holy damage to creatures of darkness because the effect turns all our melee and dragon breathe into poison.
That is true.

A different way way you can nerf it is so you can't use Non-poison based attacks while using the poison body. Like, not being able to use poison and deal holy damage to creatures of darkness because the effect turns all our melee and dragon breathe into poison.
Problem with this is that poison and holy aren't mutually exclusive. Holy is about dealing special damage to the enemies of Heaven. Poison kills anyone regardless of political stance, being good or evil, it's not discriminatory.

There are other ways to nerf things. One is by nerfing the effect, like you suggested. Other ways are increasing cost or mins, change type, shorten duration, putting other knacks as prerequisites, etc. For example, we could increase the cost of 1 aggravated health level to 3 aggravated health levels; or lower the duration to 15 ticks, etc.

Also, consider that the Knack has the Poison keyword, meaning that beings with resistance or immunity from poison would laugh at it. It's a powerful Knack, but has weakness.
Problem with this is that poison and holy aren't mutually exclusive. Holy is about dealing special damage to the enemies of Heaven. Poison kills anyone regardless of political stance, being good or evil, it's not discriminatory.

There are other ways to nerf things. One is by nerfing the effect, like you suggested. Other ways are increasing cost or mins, change type, shorten duration, putting other knacks as prerequisites, etc. For example, we could increase the cost of 1 aggravated health level to 3 aggravated health levels; or lower the duration to 15 ticks, etc.

Also, consider that the Knack has the Poison keyword, meaning that beings with resistance or immunity from poison would laugh at it. It's a powerful Knack, but has weakness.

I don't really know if it needs a nerf at all.

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