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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I have been wondering what kind of songs would you want to use as openings, and/or endings if God Harem King Quest was an anime?
Opening for the Genesis Arc: Arterisk from Bleach.
Opening for the Kenichi Arc: Ideal White
Opening for the Kyoto Arc: the opening of tale of the world: rathian mythology 2
Opening for the Excalibur Arc: Either the opening from Dragon Ball Super, or the one from Heaven's Feel route.

Does that works?
Not bad.
Question to Alexander : Dragon are created from large mass of energy. Does that mean that a dragon could have been created by a nuclear detonation ?
If magic is added to the mix, yes. Then again, I am sure you can image how horrifying a nuclear dragon would be.
It's probably been asked before, but is there any reason Issei can't build a recursively self-improving Exaltation ala what he has with the Solar Booster?

They don't need to start off very strong since they'll grow in power given enough time.
It's because it cannot be done. You cannot make a small Exaltation that grow larger: by its very design an Exaltation is the ultimate quintessence of divine power and unlimited grown. It needs to have a metaphysical base, and it needs to be huge.
Seeing how horrible are the effects of Radioactive Fire in WoD, I can have the idea how dangerous this type of dragon would be.
He's really, really RETARDED.

It's like hating a boulder that landed on your feet, an untinking being that have no choice or agency in it's actions that only exists as any other object, except the boulder of this metaphor never landed anywhere near his feet and he had to deal with the cultists that wanted to have said boulder landed on other people feet and were training young people to be withstand the pain, were deemed a failure and died in the process.

My methaphor went to weird places, but it's more or less like that.
He's really, really RETARDED.

It's like hating a boulder that landed on your feet, an untinking being that have no choice or agency in it's actions that only exists as any other object, except the boulder of this metaphor never landed anywhere near his feet and he had to deal with the cultists that wanted to have said boulder landed on other people feet and were training young people to be withstand the pain, were deemed a failure and died in the process.

My methaphor went to weird places, but it's more or less like that.
He is a severely traumatized survivor of a series of cruel experiments where all the other "participants" were mercilessly slaughtered. You can't expect him to be entirely rational when the root cause of that trauma comes up.
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
He is a severely traumatized survivor of a series of cruel experiments where all the other "participants" were mercilessly slaughtered. You can't expect him to be entirely rational when the root cause of that trauma comes up.
I would expect him to blame the actual people responsible for doing this, or at the very least the church, not a fucking SWORD HE NEVER SAW.
I would expect him to blame the actual people responsible for doing this, or at the very least the church, not a fucking SWORD HE NEVER SAW.
No one is claiming that his hatred for the sword is particularly rational or sensible. But, the circumstances that lead to that hate don't exactly lend themselves to sensible or rational responses. Him, and all of his friends, were tortured, likely for years in an attempt to make someone who could wield a Holy Sword. And then they were all casually killed off when the project failed to produce results. He's only still around because Rias happened to be in the area and some of his friends fought to protect him long enough for him to get away before succumbed to his injuries and the cold. The sword is the target of his rage and anger because if it did not exist, or if it wasn't so particular about who used it, the project would have either never happened or would have been successful. So, he seeks to destroy them so that no one else will ever have to go through such pain.
I would expect him to blame the actual people responsible for doing this, or at the very least the church, not a fucking SWORD HE NEVER SAW.
I swear, I don't understand why people keep expecting an irrational, emotional, reaction, to be founded in logic and rational thinking, with a well reasoned and thoroughly researched argument as to why he hates this particular entity, because they are objectively the guilty party. Of course its retarded. Its an irrational hatred, it isn't going to make sense.

Even so, while hating the sword in the sense of hating an inanimate object is stupid, hating the sword as an extension of the project sort of makes sense. Not even in a "if it didn't exist this never would have happened" sense, but in the sense that probably the one thing Kiba knows for certain about the people that hurt him is that they wanted Excalibur. If he can't go after those people directly, then he can still hurt them through the sword, however indirectly; by destroying Excalibur, he robs them of something they wanted.
[X] "My friend. I cannot comprehend your feelings of loss, but I can understand the need for revenge, just by thinking that something could happen to my friends... like Irina who, it seems was slated for basically the same fate as you, even if she 'volunteered', probably even by the same people. I will help you. You will get your revenge. I am Solar, If you let me I will help you find the ones responsible and bring them to justice, because that's what a Solar does. But hating an inanimate object? Consigning a pair of girls to the same fate as your friends because they have holy swords? That is simply insane. You'll never get your revenge on those responsible if you cannot use your brains when confronted with the problem. I can help you become strong enough, both mentally and physically, to get your revenge." Hasten the Night's End. "If you just let me."
I swear, I don't understand why people keep expecting an irrational, emotional, reaction, to be founded in logic and rational thinking, with a well reasoned and thoroughly researched argument as to why he hates this particular entity, because they are objectively the guilty party. Of course its retarded. Its an irrational hatred, it isn't going to make sense.

Even so, while hating the sword in the sense of hating an inanimate object is stupid, hating the sword as an extension of the project sort of makes sense. Not even in a "if it didn't exist this never would have happened" sense, but in the sense that probably the one thing Kiba knows for certain about the people that hurt him is that they wanted Excalibur. If he can't go after those people directly, then he can still hurt them through the sword, however indirectly; by destroying Excalibur, he robs them of something they wanted.

Its because of Armchair General Syndrome. All characters we control or near character we control must be emotionless wholly rational powergaming metagamers or they are illogical, stupid and dumb.
Its because of Armchair General Syndrome. All characters we control or near character we control must be emotionless wholly rational powergaming metagamers or they are illogical, stupid and dumb.
Speaking of Armchair Generals, do you think She Who Lives In Her Name is one such thing, albeit an effective one due to the nature of her powers?
Okay, in a scenario that She-Who-Live-In-Her-Name appear in this world and need a fake names, what do you guys think Issei would nickname her?
[X] Plan burningclaw2

burningclaw2 hey, how about adding the magic Issei used to console the birdy phoenix as well?

I forgot the name, though.
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Hastening Night's End
Cost: 10m
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (One dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hypnotic Tongue Technique
A touch, a kind word, a moment of intimacy— through such gestures the Solar Exalted may straighten that which is bent and mend that which is broken. This Charm's activation requires at least one hour of personal interaction, which may take a wide variety of forms. Patiently listening to a subject while they explain what ails them, sitting together to watch the sun rise or set, or an evening of lovemaking would all qualify. This Charm has two effects. First, the Solar may target and remove one derangement from the target's mind, regardless of whether it was inflicted by Charms, sorcery, the Wyld, or the simple stresses of life (if any effect contests this, the Solar adds his Presence in automatic successes to the roll-off). Second, the Solar forges in the target an Intimacy to a specific memory in the target's life of which she is aware. So long as this Intimacy endures, the target may not reacquire the derangement the Solar cured, nor may that memory be in any way tampered with, altered, poisoned, removed, or corrupted.

Hastening Night's End may be resisted for a cost of 0 Willpower—the Charm will only help those who wish to be helped. It is impossible for the patient to gain Limit or Resonance, or suffer a Dark Fate manifestation, Limit Break, or Torment during the course of the treatment.
Only works with things people are afraid or crazy of.
One despite him hating something we cannot use HNE for making him not hate it. We can use it if he was traumatized by it, but he got past that and now holds an irrational grudge concerning everything about that.
Hastening Night's End may be resisted for a cost of 0 Willpower—the Charm will only help those who wish to be helped.
Which I'm pretty sure is the opposite of the definition of Kiba right now.
Kiba trauma effects happens in real life, is not logical that is what some people say, human psicology is complicated.

I have been wondering how a person with True sight would see Issei.
Kiba trauma effects happens in real life, is not logical that is what some people say, human psicology is complicated.

I have been wondering how a person with True sight would see Issei.
Probably something like his Balance Breaker but more dragony and his full anima banner and caste mark glowing brightly.
Probably something like his Balance Breaker but more dragony and his full anima banner and caste mark glowing brightly.
It would be more like Issei as he is surrounded by a halo of light like a setting sun right before it disappears over the horizon, backed by a large red dragon, a not-angel woman and with several other people.

For Soul based true sight, a magical one would see POWER SO MUCH POWER ALL CONTAINED INSIDE THAT ONE MAN.
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
[X] You place your hand on Kiba's shoulder. "I'm not going to pretend I understand your feelings, so I won't insult you or your friends by saying I do. Instead I'll ask you this: how far will you go for your revenge? How long will you wait? And what costs are you willing to pay? Your hatred is understandable, your goal is destructive, but you are my friend. So one way or another, I'll help you see it through. But you are a devil. This means that you have both options and responsibilities you did not have before Rias gave you your second chance. You have power a human doesn't. More importantly, if you don't die in combat, you will live longer then any standing human civilization, any organized religion. At the same time because you are a devil, if you don't act very carefully, you could not only bite the hand that has done everything it's power to help you, but could bring immense danger down on everyone in this city. Maybe even trigger another war between the holy factions and the Devils, which would not only cost countless more lives, but inspire more radicals like the ones who did that to you in the first place! And lastly, Irina said their main goal is to deny Excalibur to the enemy, so we might have a chance now, but you need to think. Really think, on just when the right time is to take it."
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The head patting seems kind of demeaning. Particularly with the 'no except yes' nature of the speech...

I mean Kiba knows this isn't logical. He's fully aware of everything you guys want to say, he just can't get over his hate, and doesn't see why he should bother to try.

So... even this late into the vote. I'm going to make a try of my own.

[X] Putting you hand on Kiba's shoulder, "I'm not going to pretend I understand your feelings, so I won't insult you or your friends by saying I do. Instead I'll ask you this. How far will you go for your revenge? How long will you wait? And what costs are you willing to pay? Your hatred is understandable, your goal is destructive, but you are my friend. So one way or another I'll help you see it through. But you are a devil. This means that you have both options and responsibilities you did not have before Rais gave you your second chance. You have power a human doesn't. More importantly, if you don't die in combat, you will live longer then any standing human civilization, any organized religion."

"At the same time because you are a devil, if you don't act very carefully, you could not only bite the hand that has done everything it's power to help you, but could bring immense danger down on everyone in this city. Maybe even trigger another war between the holy factions and the Devils, which would not only cost countless more lives, but inspire more radicals like the ones who did that to you in the first place!"

"Irina said their main goal is to deny Excalibur to the enemy, so we might have a chance now, but you need to think. Really think, on just when the right time is to take it."

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