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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Are you planning on adding anything from 3rd Ed when it comes out? Sorcery spells or interesting charms or such?

Also, how are you planning on handling martial arts techniques, since they give bonuses without needing Essence?
While I would like to...the problem is that I have yet to find the 3rd pdf version! While I know the site have rules against links to *less than legal* contents, hints to find it myself would be greatly appreciated.

I am working on it, but one thing would be that they are very limited in scope compared to Terrestrial MA.

Update is on the way, but first a quick vote:

How many people do you each post to cover?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[X] 3

Not too much at once yet enough to make things explode without killing the mixers.
How many people do you each post to cover?
This question confuses me. Do you mean how many people we can decide actions for or something?

Never mind. I realize what you are asking. You are asking how many people we want each post to cover in the upcoming fight.

[X] 3
[X] Never mind. I realize what you are asking. You are asking how many people we want each post to cover in the upcoming fight.
[X] 3

Its a nice number. An entry observer, middle observer, and then ending observer.
Kinglugia Omake
It's the eve of Chinese New Year in my time zone, and since I'm bored...I'm going to post an omake that I've prepared since January. Cheerios~

The Adventures of Ddraig prior to his sealing by the Biblical Faction

[A long, long time ago, there was an Evil Dragon by the name of Nian, also known as the Demon Hermit Dragon Nian Shou. Living in the deepest parts of the mountain, it comes out of hiding once every year, at the night when the old year heralds the new year, to feast upon the people and livestock.

Terrorizing the people of Ancient China, it was too strong for mortals to handle, even with the aid of their own variant of magicians, known as hermits.

Soon the situation became so bad that the Chinese Gods had to interfere, sealing the Evil Dragon in the mountain at the edge of the world, hoping that the seal placed upon it would weaken it sufficiently for them to finish it off.

However, they failed to foresee that the seal was the one that was weakened, the Evil Dragon being capable of using Senjutsu in tandem with Youjutsu and Draconic Energy to weaken, then shatter the seal, and after that the manacles binding him.

Nian Shou then plotted revenge upon the Chinese Gods, by first destroying their worshipers, then launching an attack upon the Jade Palace while empowered by the negative energies.

The people, though, came up with a strange, yet brilliant strategy to deter it from attacking their homes - they painted everywhere red, and prepared bamboo firecrackers, in the hopes that the color and loud sounds would frighten it away. And the plan worked, brilliantly. With the Nian being weakened, several disguised gods unleashed their most powerful attacks at him, slaying it for good.

One thing happened to another, and the tradition of wearing red clothes, decorating homes in red, as well as igniting firecrackers everywhere like there's no tomorrow every year on the exact same day, thus giving birth to what you mortals called the Chinese New Year.
The end.]

In the mindscape of a certain Solar Exalt, a red dragon, a scantily clad ex-god queen, and her Exaltation's successor (as well as the past holders of a certain Longinus) were seated, the red dragon telling the latter of a certain story that gave birth to the tradition of Chinese New Year.

"What the hell Ddraig! That was supposed to be a known legend, not one of your adventures!" Issei yelled, before his skull got stabbed by a sword, courtesy of Bright Shattered Ice, an angry vein ticking on her head.

{While I'm reluctant to admit it, the worm is correct. Lizard, you have approximately ten seconds to explain to me why you thought retelling this particular legend is a good idea,} Bright sniffed haughtily, before turning to regard her successor. {That does not mean that you're supposed to yell at the storyteller. It's just plain bad taste.}

Ddraig rolled his eyes at the antics of the duo, before puffing his chest out and giving them the most smug grin ever. [That's because I was the one who gave the asshole the fear of the color Red and loud noises.]

With that sentence, the others turned their heads to regard the Welsh Dragon, curiosity on their faces, before a loud groan can be heard at the foremost front, Issei being the source of said groan.

"Don't tell me...you fought Nian Shou once, and defeated him so thoroughly that you broke his mind?"

[Why yes, partner. Fought him because I felt like it and he looks strong. Didn't manage to kill him though, too slippery for his own good. Became a Dragon-Youkai hybrid at the end of our fight, which probably gave him a Fear of red and loud noises, as well as becoming more bloodthirsty from its Legend.]

[[[[Goddammit Ddraig,]]]] echoed the past possessors of Boosted Gear.

"So what, the only reason the guys back there managed to defeat it is because of it becoming a Dragon-Youkai thing and thus gaining a weakness?"

[Why yes, so every time that festival comes around, I become happier, knowing that my contribution was the one that made it possible. Shame their gods decided to keep my involvement hush-hush, but at least I get bribes to keep MY own muzzle shut.]

'I don't see how that's a good thing...' cue sweatdrop from Issei.

Gong Xi Fa Chai to everyone~
Though, in what form is the payment, and have they been paying since he's been sealed?
Don't forget that it could also be alcohol as well. I seem to remember that Dragons like alcoholic drinks.
Chinese wine that has been aged since Ddraig was sealed a yearly tribute is added in a secret dungeon awaiting his return...

Issei is going to be a wine connoisseur if he trys to claim that bounty.

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