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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Lol, little Rias. Pretty sure this'd be an embarrassing photo for her now.
noahgab1133's fanart


well its rias birthday and i want to do an omake but have class, instead enjoy the pictures and maybe i will have one written after class

"Yo hyodo, before you leave the hospital, want to see something interesting?"

Well it couldn't hurt to look right?


Rias felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as her onii-chan, pulled issei aside.

He wouldn't!

He would!

"nonononono!" Rias shoots straight toward them, fear and embarrassment fueling her speed.

"Ah this is one Rias sixth birthday. She was so cute then calling me nii-nii or onii-chan. Ah here she is playing with the cake-"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Rias tries to tackle her brother only for him to dodge at the last second.

"Ah Rias-tan, did I do something wrong?" Her brother asked playing dumb.

"Onii-sama how could you! Don't show him those!" Rias kept jumping up and down trying to snatch the pictures out of her brothers hand

"But why its cute. Right Issei?" he turned toward the boy giving him a smirk as he dodged his sisters spells

"Y-yes Rias is always cute!" at the boys words Rias's face turned the same shade as her hair and doubled her attempts to take the pictures only to trip and land on the boy.

'oppai! wait no have to check if Rias is okay' the boy thought

"Onii-sama! I hate you!" But before issei could check on rias she ran away

"hahaha always so lively. I'm envious Issei-kun of how much time you get to spend with Rias." The red haired man laughed, helping the boy to his feet.

"Take good care of my sister Hyodo. Or you will experience true hell if you don't'

"Of course I will! I'll protect rias even if the whole world went after her!" Not to mention the scary aura the man was producing.

"Good to hear. Ah I forgot want to see the video of her birthday?"


here it is the end of this short, silly omake for rias birthday. Art not mine btw! (google says they showed up on the author's twitter)
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not mine, just found it in high school dxd threads. Not sure who the actual artist is but props to them.
Uh, this makes the matter awkward...alright, since this is a loophole (and Rias birthday) and a funny omake, I will allow it, but in the future fanarts from others don't count.
I just caught up...wow I missed things.....like the reveal of the mounts for Ruby and Yang
So that's where the other half went. I downloaded half of that pic like 2 weeks ago.
Who would be Berserker, Caster or Lancer.
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 14)
"Fun? Is that what this is for you?" Mihae slowly walks towards Mittelt and stops five meters from the blonde. "You seem to have gotten the wrong idea."

"Oh?" Mittelt tilts her head, a cute puzzled expression on her face. "I thought we agreed for this to be a friendly spar?"

"That is most certainly true." Mihae sweeps her arms to the side, first the right one and then the left, with a grace that makes the movement looks like the prelude to dance, the hems of her long sleeves fluttering slightly. "However, the only ones who will have fun...are us!"

There's almost no interval between the accumulation of magical energy and the Bishop's attack. The Japanese beauty raises her left arm above the right shoulder while the right hand rests below the left armpit. She spreads her arms in a circular counter-clockwise motion, sending forth a spinning wave of fire.

Mittelt rolls to the side, the attack slow enough to allow her to dodge instead of tanking it. Assuming this is because her adversary is just testing her a Light Hammer taller than her tiny frame forms in her hands and she springs forwards.

But Mihae, as any good Bishop should be, is too wise to allow an opponent to get close to her. Especially an opponent using Light, poison for a Devil like her. Taking a deep breath she starts dancing, gentle wisps of wind rolling around her body before being sent forth by the movements of arms and legs, turning into either razor-shaped blades and battering rams.

The twintailed Fallen Angel-Oni hybrid swings her weapon to smash aside the first blow, training in the Exalted-native Martial Art and Essence coursing through her body polishing her strikes to a degree she's a dervish, the massive weapon in her hands faster than a much lighter one. Nonetheless the need to defend slows down her advance, but doesn't stop it. Step by step she keeps coming close, until there is only a couple of meters between her and Mihae.

That's what the Phenex Bishop was waiting for. The dance's rhythm changes abruptly and she thrusts her hands forwards while spinning her arms, the wind around the limbs igniting into a double whirlwind of fire way faster than the initial one and way stronger.

Mittelt has only the time to cover herself behind her hammer before the double attack hits dead-on. There is an explosion before the flames start spinning and forming a huge whirlwind of fire centered around Mittelt's position.

This is the signature move of the Phenex Clan that makes use of their affinity for both Fire and Wind, the [Whirlwind of Fire]. While with sufficiently powerful magical energy even a Pawn could use it, only a Bishop like Mihae can unleash its full potential. Only a Rook with very strong defence can take this attack and still be ready to fight afterwards. Mihae is sure the enemy isn't someone who received a Rook piece.

That's why she's shocked when a fire-encased figure jumps out of the whirlwind, Light Hammer raised high to deliver a punishing blow that the Bishop barely managed to dodge by jumping backward, even if it ends with her butt on the ground.

As the figure hoists the weapon on her shoulder the fire dissipates, revealing the unharmed figure of Mittelt. Unarmed, because a sheen of semi-transparent golden light is covering her entire body, similar to the halo of ancient saints or, as Issei would put it, like the aura of characters from Dragon Ball Z.

"You... Used your power of Light as armor?" Mihae mutters with an incredulous tone. "Absurd! That-"

"Should be impossible?" With a mocking grin the twintailed blonde stares at her free hand, fingers clenching into a fist. "As Azazel-sama confirmed, that is indeed true for most Fallen Angels and even Pure Angels: it offers the same defence of a shield and prevent the caster from moving else the construct dissipate.

However, my grandmother possessed a special power that let her manipulate density. This power passed on to my mother, who combined it with her Light powers to create what she named [Heavy Light]."

She twirls the hammer on her slender fingers before slamming it down, creating a mini-earthquake. If Mihae wasn't still on the ground he would have fallen over again.

"That is, to increase the density of my Light for greater weight and strength without the need to sacrifice malleability."


"What, did you think only Sacred Gear wielders and Noble Devils have abnormal powers?" Mittelt shakes her head. "Get real. The world is larger than you think. And not to brag about-" She says doing exactly that. "But I'm the First Mate of a Sun Dragon Demigod and you're just a minor character! Did you really think there was a contest at all? Kyahahaha!"

Mihae's left eyebrow twitches erratically as she stares at the laughing Mittelt before with a "Tsk!" she unfurls her wings and takes to the sky. "I-It doesn't matter! Even with an abnormal power, there is no way I'm going to lose to a Fallen Angel brat!"

Mittelt's laugher abruptly stops. "Fallen Angel? Oh no, not anymore."

And then no one, but two pairs of wings with golden feathers emerges from her back, her feet kicking off the ground gently as the magnificent pinions push her in the air and at the same level of a gobsmacked Mihae.

"I am a Solar Angel. Remember it!"

Mittelt has learned the [Heavy Light Armor] Spirit Charm!
Mittelt's Essence score raised to 3!
Neat. Was the second pair of rings from getting essence three?
Neat. Was the second pair of rings from getting essence three?
I assume you mean wings? Then yes. It goes like this:

Essence 2: 1 pair of wings.
Essence 3: 2 pairs of wings
Essence 4: 3 pairs of wings
Essence 5: 4 pairs of wings
Essence 6: 5 pairs of wings
Essence 7: 6 pairs of wings

No angel, even Michael, can go higher than Essence 7. God just build them that way.
Hehe, density manipulation is bullshit.
If you think that's bad, wait until you see Suika use it.

And then no one, but two pairs of wings with golden feathers emerges from her back, her feet kicking off the ground gently as the magnificent pinions push her in the air and at the same level of a gobsmacked Mihae.

"I am a Solar Angel. Remember it!"
Somewhere*, somehow, Azazel has just sprouted a three foot long SCIENCE! boner and he won't understand why for hours.

* Specifically, in the middle of a meeting with Kokabiel. Things are rapidly getting very awkward.
wow....I agree, the best roll we have made that's paid off SO MUCH!

Quick question....when the hell did we get to essence 4?! I swore we were essence 3
I assume you mean wings? Then yes. It goes like this:

Essence 2: 1 pair of wings.
Essence 3: 2 pairs of wings
Essence 4: 3 pairs of wings
Essence 5: 4 pairs of wings
Essence 6: 5 pairs of wings
Essence 7: 6 pairs of wings

No angel, even Michael, can go higher than Essence 7. God just build them that way.
Wouldn't Micheal be essence 4?
Well, duh, but why isn't it on the first page in the place marked Index?
Holy crap. I just realized, we can usurp God's servants. Hell, we can probably become God, assuming we can do the same with the system he left behind. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I just got a new goal.
Holy crap. I just realized, we can usurp God's servants. Hell, we can probably become God, assuming we can do the same with the system he left behind. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I just got a new goal.
This has been a known thing.

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