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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

The head patting seems kind of demeaning. Particularly with the 'no except yes' nature of the speech...

I mean Kiba knows this isn't logical. He's fully aware of everything you guys want to say, he just can't get over his hate, and doesn't see why he should bother to try.

So... even this late into the vote. I'm going to make a try of my own.

[X] Putting you hand on Kiba's shoulder, "I'm not going to pretend I understand your feelings, so I won't insult you or your friends by saying I do. Instead I'll ask you this. How far will you go for your revenge? How long will you wait? And what costs are you willing to pay? Your hatred is understandable, your goal is destructive, but you are my friend. So one way or another I'll help you see it through. But you are a devil. This means that you have both options and responsibilities you did not have before Rais gave you your second chance. You have power a human doesn't. More importantly, if you don't die in combat, you will live longer then any standing human civilization, any organized religion."

"At the same time because you are a devil, if you don't act very carefully, you could not only bite the hand that has done everything it's power to help you, but could bring immense danger down on everyone in this city. Maybe even trigger another war between the holy factions and the Devils, which would not only cost countless more lives, but inspire more radicals like the ones who did that to you in the first place!"

"Irina said their main goal is to deny Excalibur to the enemy, so we might have a chance now, but you need to think. Really think, on just when the right time is to take it."
It's not patting Kiba on the head, its patting him on the back
Thank you tropers thatguythatguy, and Kalaong for updating the TV Tropes page.

Wich are the pros and cons of both plans.
I have finished an Omake, is there anybody who wants to Beta'd.
[X] Plan Mizuki_Stone

I've only just found this quest and have been binging it for the last few days, gotta say that I'm really enjoying it though admittedly I wasn't as interested in some of the detours like the Nurarihyon arc.

I'm a little curious though, how come Issei's harem dream/motivation seems to have fallen a bit by the wayside? He's met girls even sexed the twin bakeneko up but he hasn't truly added any new girls to his harem after Rias and that was ages ago. True he's advanced some relationships are found new potential girls but nothing really solid.

Girls like Akeno and Koneko who've been around Issei for so long and were part of his harem in canon haven't had any development in ages (which could probably be attributed to the questers) and it's probably greedy but I do wish that Issei's relationship with them had advanced further.

One small thing that has also been bugging me a little has been Mittelt's little statements lately about being Alpha Wife. I thought that Issei loved and wanted to treat all his girls equally so how come he hasn't said anything about this since it does imply that she thinks herself above or at least first amongst Issei's lovers?

I was glad to see that Renka followed us back to our home town and that her interest (understatement) has been aroused, her fighting ability is amazing and she's a major hottie so she's a welcome addition to the cast.
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[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
No. of Votes: 14
Prince Charon
Sol Mark-1

[X] Putting you hand on Kiba's shoulder, "I'm not going to pretend I understand your feelings, so I won't insult you or your friends by saying I do. Instead I'll ask you this. How far will you go for your revenge? How long will you wait? And what costs are you willing to pay? Your hatred is understandable, your goal is destructive, but you are my friend. So one way or another I'll help you see it through. But you are a devil. This means that you have both options and responsibilities you did not have before Rais gave you your second chance. You have power a human doesn't. More importantly, if you don't die in combat, you will live longer then any standing human civilization, any organized religion."
No. of Votes: 10
Blight Gecko
Undying Litch-King

[X] "My friend. I cannot comprehend your feelings of loss, but I can understand the need for revenge, just by thinking that something could happen to my friends... like Irina who, it seems was slated for basically the same fate as you, even if she 'volunteered', probably even by the same people. I will help you. You will get your revenge. I am Solar, If you let me I will help you find the ones responsible and bring them to justice, because that's what a Solar does. But hating an inanimate object? Consigning a pair of girls to the same fate as your friends because they have holy swords? That is simply insane. You'll never get your revenge on those responsible if you cannot use your brains when confronted with the problem. I can help you become strong enough, both mentally and physically, to get your revenge." Hasten the Night's End. "If you just let me."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] You place your hand on Kiba's shoulder. "I'm not going to pretend I understand your feelings, so I won't insult you or your friends by saying I do. Instead I'll ask you this: how far will you go for your revenge? How long will you wait? And what costs are you willing to pay? Your hatred is understandable, your goal is destructive, but you are my friend. So one way or another, I'll help you see it through. But you are a devil. This means that you have both options and responsibilities you did not have before Rias gave you your second chance. You have power a human doesn't. More importantly, if you don't die in combat, you will live longer then any standing human civilization, any organized religion. At the same time because you are a devil, if you don't act very carefully, you could not only bite the hand that has done everything it's power to help you, but could bring immense danger down on everyone in this city. Maybe even trigger another war between the holy factions and the Devils, which would not only cost countless more lives, but inspire more radicals like the ones who did that to you in the first place! And lastly, Irina said their main goal is to deny Excalibur to the enemy, so we might have a chance now, but you need to think. Really think, on just when the right time is to take it."
No. of Votes: 1


There are good points for the plans of burningclaw2 and Mizuki_Stone. For that reason you all get 12 hours more to vote/change your votes.

Also, I need to remember how I wanted character development to go...:confused:
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
[X] Pat Kiba on the back and say, "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do. Instead I will say this; Your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this, Kiba; Your friends, both the past and the present don't want you to be to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, Me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then remember don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better then them, you are better then that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."
Excalibur Arc - Part 5
[X] Plan burningclaw2
Rolls on Rolz.com

Charisma+Presence+Stunt+Compassion+Excellency=11 successes.


You pat Kiba on the back, just twice, before resting your hand there and saying. "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do."

The blonde Knight's eyes are still hard, but a soft grunt seems to indicate he appreciates your words.

"Instead I will say this: your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this Kiba: your friends, both the past and the present, don't want you to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then please don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better than them, you are better than that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."

He squints at you, deep in thought. Then he looks away and snorts. "How cheeky can you be?"

"Very. Apparently it's one of the requisites to be a Solar."

He snorts again, though this time there is the hint of a smile on his lips.

You smile back. "Better already? That was fast."

"Eh. Truth be told I had many weeks to deal with that. I got angry today at the idea of the real things being here, in the same city as me."

Blinking in confusion you ask the obvious question: "Many weeks to deal with that?"

"Remember when I first told you about my Sacred Gear? And you and Buchou started talking about Unlimited Blade Works and other otaku stuff? Well I grew curious and went to see UBW the Movie." He explained. "After that I played the visual novel. I was very angry during the first route...but, the idea that King Arthur was female and Excalibur was a Wave Motion Gun of all things was so baffling it curbed some of the anger. It's so ridiculous, I can't still take it out of my mind."

"..." You gape. "You played an eroge!"

"Duh." Kiba yelps as Koneko pinches him, her cute pouting face full of disapproval. "Just for the story! I skipped the ero scenes! I swear!"


Koneko's eyes narrow. Slowly she points her index and middle fingers at her eyes before moving them to point at Kiba.

'I swear those two are like brother and sister.' You grin in your mind. "Kiba's perverted tendencies aside-" That earns you a dirty look from said blonde. "You were said you were angry but also shocked?"

"Yeah, I was both. However, even if I remembered the object of my revenge I couldn't stay angry forever, and with everything that happened between then and now I had a lot of time to rationally think about it. And today I reached a conclusion."

He looks at you in the eyes.

"The hunt for the Excaliburs. I want to have a part in it."

"And destroy them? Not that I care-" 'Especially since the original Excalibur is kept by Britain Fae.' "But there are a lot of complications with that."

"Yes. The non-interference. But, self-defense is perfectly allowed." He clenches his hands. "If I get attacked first, I can retaliate all I want."

[Clever. But, if he is willing to go that far I don't think he has everything under control.] Ddraig says, and you agree. Even Koneko looks torn between the desire to protect Kiba and the different with to help him.

You understand: Kiba is asking you to manipulate events and make so he can legitimately join the fight without endangering the relationships between Devils and the other factions.

[] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[] Refuse: you understand his reasonings but this is too dangerous, in more than one way


"So, what's your plan?"

"Our plan for what Issei-kun?" Irina asks back.

"For what...You know, for finding the Excaliburs? Kokabiel? Both?" You explain as if it is obvious. Which it is.

After the deal with Kiba you found Irina and Xenovia waiting for you outside the ORC's building, saying they decided to accept your proposal. They said that their superiors only said to not involve Devils, so it was okay to accept the help of someone who is not a devil.

That sound like a very flimsy excuses, but you didn't voice your opinion. So instead the three of you began the walk back to your house, until you pose your question.

"We thought to walk around this town, proudly display our robes and our crosses." Xenovia explains. "Surely heretics will be unable to resist the temptation to attack us. This way they come to use instead of the other way."

"Rejected." You firmly tell her. "I have a better idea." Taking out your phone you call Azazel: surely he would know some way to find his own fellow leader.

"Hello hello!" Your eyes widen when the one who answers is the voice of Yomi. "This is Azazel Laboratory. Who's talking?"

"Yomi? Why do you have Azazel's phone? Where he is?"

"Ara, it's Hyodo-san! It went like this: we had to interrupt Homura-san's special training regiment because she pushed herself too much and was about to die. Luckily Asia-chan is there. But the old pervert, instead of helping just left, saying he needed to go to the South Pole to find Atlantis."


"That's what he said. He also said that if someone call to search him to give them this other number." She tells you the number and you memorize it. After thanking her you type the new number.

"Hello." A deep and polite voice replies. It brings to your mind the imagine of the director of some important company dressed in an expensive but austere suit. "Who's there?"

"Hello. My name is Hyodo Issei: I am searching for Azazel, but he is absent and I was told to call this number."

"Oh, the Sekiryuutei? It's a pleasure to speak with you. I am Shemhazai, the Vice Governor General of the Grigori."

Woah! A super-important person answered! And judging by the massive contrast with Azazel he must be a real big shot!

"Did he say where he went?"

"He said he needed to go to the South Pole to find Atlantis."

"That's one of his usual excuses he makes when he wants to go picking up women without anyone following him." Shemhazai tells you with the bored tone of someone who had to deal with the same bullshit too long to be healthy. "First of all Atlantis was in the middle of the Atlantic, and second it is impossible to find it: it blew up. Completely. Only a giant crater was left: I know because I was there to see it. The bloody idiots discovered how to produce nuclear energy with magic, but forgot about safety measures. Also, the released energy condensated and gave birth to a dragon. A giant nuclear dragon, who was also massively pissed off. Do you have any idea what's it like to have a giant dragon that spew green nuclear hate-fire coming at you with the mood of a woman who has her period, but worse?"

"..." You don't reply, too busy picking up your jaw from the ground.

"My same reaction." He sighs. "If you need to talk to him just walk around night clubs: sooner or later you will surely find him. Now you have to excuse me, I have a lot of work to do and only a few people to help me. I hope I was of help." And with that he hangs on.

[A nuclear dragon? Interesting, I never heard of it before.] Ddraig muses. [Now I am curious. Partner, let's find more about it.]

[] Everyone's crazy! Fuck this, you need a drink. Like, right now.
[] Sure, why not? You always wanted to die by super dragonic cancer.
[] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[] You can't waste time with the bizarre. Gather all your friends and come up with a plan.
[] Write-in.


Events took a strange turn. Sorry T_T'
The next update will be the last before starting a timeskip. Issei will also resume school, so I advice you to start coming up with a list of things you want Issei to do during the timeskip: training, hanging out with a specific character, things like that.

Also, I need to update a shitload of things :mad:
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