Hells Bells Part 4
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Hells Bells
Part 4
Despite probably outweighing him by as much as forty pounds Kane's height, and longer arms afforded him the reach to keep the bigger man at bay... and of course the other man was merely human.Part 4
Emilio stumbled back into the ropes, and coughed, "You've got those stupid pterodactyl arms," The heavyweight boxer coughed again.
Ana laughed at the comment. Kane rolled his shoulders back, which only emphasized the reach his hieght afforded him. The dojo for lack of a better description had been temporarily roped off in to a boxing ring. He knew some people were using fight club esque chain link sections, but there was no need for that... there really were enough warehouses and sporting goods stores to loot to have 'authentic' spaces. They were underground, a meter plus of reinforced concrete and steel protecting them from any kinetic strike that managed to come over head... and of course any such strike would have to get through the dirt above the bunker's 'roof'.
This was probably going to be the future for the foreseeable future of humanity in terms of habitation. No one asked questions about how it had gotten built. It was living space, beds, electric lights, furniture, exercise ... all of it could either be produced or looted from stores no longer in operation. The habitation blocks were creating small safe communities.
... well assuming that Ana didn't end up being proven right. In terms of construction there were intended in much the same fashion of any hardened cold war era structure, they weren't being built with any truly complex electronic systems. That was both a time saving measure, and a security one... but it would also keep questions down. During the cold war the US Army corp of engineers had in conjunction with civilian firms established networks of installations in secrecy and quickly without attracting attention or needing significant time investments. This wasn't quite the same thing, but the principle of digging and setting concrete was similar even if it had as much, if not more in common with rail tunnel construction underground than that.
"Did uh," Emilio was gingerly tossing his wotter bottle between hands, testing his hand eye coordination, "The Indians and Pakistanis really nuke each other?"
"It certainly looks that way." Kane replied. They still weren't entirely clear on what had happened... and it was true, Ana had brought up how the invasion had given plenty of people just looking for an excuse to slip the leash and go full boogaloo on a world where there wasn't a civil law apparatus, but that wasn't what had happened between the two countries. Not that she had actually used 'boogaloo' as a term, but others had. "We're short on details.. the internet was patchy over there before they nuked each other, and now more so."
There was no telling what in some future history course the number of concurrent wars that 'Space War 1' would have going on alongside it. Did they consider what was going on in Mexico a part of the drug war, did they call it a Mexican Civil War... maybe they'd continue to just call it unrest. They being whoever ended up writing the textbook. US Forces Afghanistan, and Iraq both were known to have surviving, if significantly diminished troops in action, but western European countries simply lacked the geographic depth that most US facilities, most NATO facilities west of Germany had eaten either first or second wave Kinetic Strikes. There were surviving NATO forces in Germany, Poland, the Baltics. The Swedes, and Finns, Norway, and Denmark all allegedly had units in the field but it was less concrete at present... again due to degraded communications.
The Russian situation was who the fuck knew. Moscow had taken a first wave KEW, and then several subsequent hits. Lack of communication in the Russian Far East... no one knew what was going on. China simply hadn't been prepared... not that anyone else had, but given how significant their urban build up on their eastern seaboard had been catastrophic, but they didn't have a timeline for what had happened only broad strokes, snapshots of events.
"But that's why we do this?"
"China, yes. India, Pakistan? No, I don't know what caused that exchange," Or rather what had caused it to actually happen, the precursor grievances, well he could imagine some of it, but it didn't matter. It would be the sort of thing historians could talk about, and speculate, and pontificate on at length after the Shongairi were destroyed. "Given the Shongairi willingness to air strike, and use their KEWs this is the only way I can think of to minimize that." Even these warrens weren't perfect... the meters of dirt before you even got to the outermost reinforced concrete shell would stop KEW strikes, but what then?
Did the Shongairi have better weapons, probably. On the other hand if they had come expecting to fight knights on horseback, well they probably hadn't planned for defeating bunkers... and ultimately KEWs were cheap. The puppies used the cheapest thing in their arsenal to do the most damage,.
Kane shook his head. This was the best option available to them. The furnishings would be sparse, but he knew that would be only a matter of time as different enclaves looted, or otherwise acquired better furniture to make the place less 1950s chic. They could only be built so large, and part of that was secrecy. The simple reality was they couldn't relocate significant chunks of an urban population into any single habitation block. Eggs in one basket and all of that.
"We know the Shongairi don't understand human psychology. " He remarked, and the inverse was true. The Shongairi had been politically unified before they even developed nuclear technology, maybe even before they had had airpower. The puppies seemed to have come from a largely grassland dominated continental steppe... not desert arid but probably not the same expansive forest zones as in central or northern Europe either. Exactly what roll that geopolitics had played it still wasn't determinism. "I suspect given what we know of Shongairi history," Or at least fragments of official shongairi history they expected a quick victory based on fire support from orbit, but how much of that plan was based-"
"On expecting to fight knights in plate, longbows, and so on?" Ana snorted. "What's the expression how they can't reacquire and reassess the plan now that its been proven wrong."
"That does seem to be the case, yes." He replied, "The loop is broken, they keep repeating the same mistake." A failure that was useful... and yet did nothing to prevent the increasing conflicts with human scavengers as summer wore on The summer heat was almost certainly contributing to growing discussion of disease outbreaks.
... and that was only one more thing. Displacement from urban environs had reached a point where there were entirely new communities having to develop and it wasn't pretty. The disintegration of the old social order didn't appear to be encouraged by the Shongairi, it was just happening as a by product of the puppies' often wanton application of orbital strikes.
"The Shongairi have a base somewhere in the Carolinas," That was indisputable now... and it seemed on the face of it, it could be related to to North Carolina having a reduced but still largely coherent state government.
But the reality of not using Tiberium to to process ore first created a delay in what they could manufacture. Admittedly the Red Alert Techbases of both the Allies and Soviet Union didn't need tiberium... but they were largely confined to computer technology that was scarcely more advanced than the late cold war. Not using tiberium added time to the process of refining and ore purification which was delaying the eventual counter strike.
They needed more time for GDI ASAT systems, and strategic defense technologies, energy weapons, and so on. The GDI had never had the faintest plan for building an ion cannon network from scratch during a hostile invasion and without tiberium to bootstrap manufacturing... so instead of potentially taking months they were looking at possibly even years.
"The floppy eared freaks are going to notice someone," Them, "Are building nuclear reactors."
"We don't have a choice," GDI"s later second tib war, "Gas turbines isn't an option," Not the least of which was the volume of synthetic oil they would have had to produce would have meant investing more in that... it just wasn't feasible. No nuclear power was the much more practical and hands off solution. The only real danger was them being destroyed by direct action as well that was the advantage of modularity and replaceability.... "It will probably take them longer. The Shongairi don't seem to process outlier data sets well, they won't immediate jump to nuclear power plants coming on line regardless of what heat, and other indicators indicate especially from underground," But it was still a risk. "The shongair predictability is that they're basically a monoculture... the best comparison I can give is in recent history, that of Imperial Japan, not the least of which is that they emphasize a single standard dialect based off the one spoken in their capital district for Japan's Tokyo's dialect that emerged out of the Old Edo dialect, the Shongairi haven't had separate nation states... for who knows how long." That would be something for Zwei to dive into, "And hopefully by that point we'll have enough resource to sink into surface to air missile platforms." Which still did nothing to stop KEWs but they were banking on the reinforcement being enough... and not being detected in the first place as the first layer of the onion since they were fixed in place.
"So what then?"
"Regarding Ground Commander Terraik?" Ana nodded, "In all likelihood that depends on what we see develop over the next year... but..." he trailed off. The Shongairi response to nuclear attacks meant that any non crippling strike to orbital assets was pointless. The Shongairi may well have killed half the planet, and there was no telling what nature would do in the interim even without Shongairi actions, or human infighting. "He's in the way," The GB commander stradled eastern North Carolina from all reports. "And he'll have to be dealt with," But there were significant other problems from the destruction of the dam.
The thought merely reiterated to how scanty their information coverage was without orbital assets of their own. He wondered how well European dams, or China's massive three gorge megasite was holding up in the face of the invasion.
Marduk's daughter leaned back on one of the couch's in the living room. "Do you really think we have that long?" That was the question wasn't it.
"Zwei tells us that the Shongairi losses are unsustainable at their present rates, they don't have the trucks to support overland routes," And apparently didn't have the air wing either to bring landers in, not into contested airspace given that their thin skinned transport aircraft weren't designed to be shot at.
Notes: This is largely spacer material expanding other material as we move into dealing well the lead up to the Shongairi deciding fuck it bioweapon plan. By which time they had already estimated that half the pre invasion population was dead, and that half of that would be dead if they kept going like they were.
Unfortunately by deciding to go full mustache twirling idiot they picked a fight with Vlad who thus far had been largely content to be in stay off my lawn to transform into full on murder beast for the wolfmen. In any event Hell's Bells part 5 will resume, or conclud the chapter with a return look at the fighting of the invasion in a rather wolverine matter because who doesn't enjoy cult classics... but also to delve into side perspectives ahead of other chapters.