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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

icon restored...

Poor Riley. And poor Lisa. Most of all poor Zach. This is gonna screw with him some. Throwing Emma at him might be a good chance at character growth and more WAFF.

And Missy didn't go nuts on Theo. She might be the most mature person in the story, followed closely by Theo.
I have a lot of respect for you, TN, for a lot of reasons. The way you handled this move is one of them.

I'm looking forward to future updates.
1) Managed to find my old password for this site acc. Was hard. Tana still truly evil.
2) So instead of resolving the issue of Lisa needing hugz, we now have to deal with Riley needing more hugz as well. Oh, and also Lisa is possibly getting some boxing done, instead of hugz. By a space-warper. One sided boxing. >.>
3) /Tempted to read Atonement.
/Fights the desire, knowing there are worse things to come.
/Feels proud of winning the fight vs temptation.
/Purpose of achieving nicer feelings accomplished.

@alethiophile - would it be feasible to edit the robot.txt to let us get crawled on the SFW section only?

The robots.txt was to kill all the bots that pretty much killed the site for a couple days after the server switch. The google crawlers pretty much ate all the bandwidth and left the site all but unusable.

I don't know if it would be that bad if they changed robots.txt back, but I'm not sure people want to risk it.

@alethiophile - would it be feasible to edit the robot.txt to let us get crawled on the SFW section only?

This should help. Specifically the part about disallowing specific directories.

To exclude all robots from part of the server
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /junk/

So, if I'm reading the URLs right, and I may not be, the robots.txt should read

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

User-agent: googlebot
Disallow: /#nsfw.9/
This should help. Specifically the part about disallowing specific directories.

Not sure this is feasible with robots.txt - the URL for an SFW thread and a NSFW thread are of pretty much the same format.

Sooo next time TanaNari is utterly blocked and bored, there's always a mass cut'n'paste to AO3 ...
The last few chapters (174 and 175) were amazing. Riley/Bonesaw was one of my favorite characters in canon, and seeing her character development in Amelia has been really fun.
The robots.txt was to kill all the bots that pretty much killed the site for a couple days after the server switch. The google crawlers pretty much ate all the bandwidth and left the site all but unusable.

I don't know if it would be that bad if they changed robots.txt back, but I'm not sure people want to risk it.
The lag was determined to be something unrelated, and that was fixed prior.

I should know, given I was the one who kept poking alethiophile to add it in the first place during the move :p
The Googlebot couldn't see the NSFW section anyway, since it wouldn't have an account. But yeah, there's no inherent reason why the SFW section shouldn't be google-indexed. (I'd probably just remove it entirely if I did that, and let defaults work.)
The Googlebot couldn't see the NSFW section anyway, since it wouldn't have an account. But yeah, there's no inherent reason why the SFW section shouldn't be google-indexed. (I'd probably just remove it entirely if I did that, and let defaults work.)
Mhm. Might be worth thinking about. Being searchable is a good thing, now that we are more or less stable.
Funny how we're all talking about how Pantheon needs hugs, and here's Riley with a dedicated hug-buddy.

Lisa... her ideas seem like they'd work on the face of it, but it requires that everyone just go along with what she says. It might even work, but getting there would need more work than just throwing her at him. And then Missy is gonna go yell at her about it.

This whole story is "beat on Lisa for her ideas." Even after a 2nd trigger, she can't catch a break. I'm hoping that she gets someone in her corner for a change.
The Googlebot couldn't see the NSFW section anyway, since it wouldn't have an account. But yeah, there's no inherent reason why the SFW section shouldn't be google-indexed. (I'd probably just remove it entirely if I did that, and let defaults work.)
Mhm. Might be worth thinking about. Being searchable is a good thing, now that we are more or less stable.
You know, between your avatars and the conversation you're having, it makes me think that David Xanatos is having conversations of strategic or tactical importance with a talking penguin capable of wielding purple lightning.

Given what Xanatos gets up to normally, I find this oddly believable.
Great chapter, but this could really fuck up Pantheon. Some asshole stranger faking to be this guys dead girlfriend. Seriously poor Zach, but maybe Glory girl has a chance now. She certainly liked the guy after all.
This whole story is "beat on Lisa for her ideas." Even after a 2nd trigger, she can't catch a break. I'm hoping that she gets someone in her corner for a change.
I pictured Lisa and Riley meeting up at the icecream fridge*, Lisa pointing out that Riley could use a hug, Riley pointing out that Lisa's body language indicated similar dearth of hugs, and so Lisa and Riley hug...

... and Lisa experiences everything Riley's hands have ever done.

Now Lisa needs two hugs and a bottle of whiskey. :(

*) Of course Pantheon totally has a separate icecream fridge.
Great chapter, but this could really fuck up Pantheon. Some asshole stranger faking to be this guys dead girlfriend. Seriously poor Zach, but maybe Glory girl has a chance now. She certainly liked the guy after all.

Don't be silly. Glory Girl is dead. Victoria Dallon might have a chance, though.
If Glory Girl wants to be a superhero again, and she probably does, I'm sure Riley could whip something up. She doesn't even have to go through the whole Cauldron-vial thing, Pantheon has a massive amount of human-augmentation technology. They could even just let her pilot one of the prototype meat-puppet suits.
If Glory Girl wants to be a superhero again, and she probably does, I'm sure Riley could whip something up. She doesn't even have to go through the whole Cauldron-vial thing, Pantheon has a massive amount of human-augmentation technology. They could even just let her pilot one of the prototype meat-puppet suits.

Yes, but if she joined Pantheon, she still wouldn't be Glory Girl, because she'd have to take on a mythological name to fit the team's theme naming.
Funny how we're all talking about how Pantheon needs hugs, and here's Riley with a dedicated hug-buddy.

Lisa... her ideas seem like they'd work on the face of it, but it requires that everyone just go along with what she says. It might even work, but getting there would need more work than just throwing her at him. And then Missy is gonna go yell at her about it.

This whole story is "beat on Lisa for her ideas." Even after a 2nd trigger, she can't catch a break. I'm hoping that she gets someone in her corner for a change.

Well yeah.. Lisa also needs to learn how to present an argument, though. She's pretty impulsive about it, that's half her problem -- "I know stuff, my argument wins". She's good at the knowing stuff, but bad at getting people to change their mind (and given her power, this incompetence is through thoughtlessness, not ignorance. She improved after meeting Rapture, but it's still an issue.). So if she gets someone in her corner, I hope it's someone with this skill.

I'm not hopeful, though, because.. Parahumans, man. They're all lunatics.
Very nice job in giving us a look at how Riley feels and who she is and how while Bonesaw is still a part of her, she evolves it was nice to see her reactions to Dream Girl and what she did to her friends and how she reacted on the bit with Theo having feelings for Clarice when she thought it might be for her, truly I like how you make her into a human being instead of some psycho monster. Also it seems that Riley actually cares a bit about Emma given how she dispapproves Lisa's plan to throw her at Zach(plan that might not be as catastrophic as it might appear at first glance). I truly hope that at one point Riley will be able to truly open up to her friends.

Missy's reaction to Theo's confession was nice too as it showed how mature she is, in fact she strikes me as one with the most maturity out of the whole team, with her Boyfriend a close second, her reaction to Lisa's plan was good too, but again I think said plan might not be as bad as people might think.

Oh and about the last lne of 174: Riley's still being a good girl as she is protecting her friends and the closest thing she has to a family, she is merely not being nice so fuck you Dream girl Riley is a good Girl!!
I... care about my readers? When did this happen?

... No, in all seriousness, as nice as the occasional praise is, I prefer actual analysis and useful advice to my works... and as near as I can tell... there's been, like, three people who've given me that over on SB... and two of them are also here.

So I'm not missing out on an awful lot.
Well, I've given other writers advice from time to time, but you are, quite frankly, beyond my meager skill.
It might come from nowhere, but I really liked the cameo from Noelle as a secretary some chapters back, in a sort of "oh there she is now!" sort. It's too bad TanaNari doesn't like the Travellers, as I find them oddly interesting.
Can't find the post atm, but thanks to whoever pointed out that we can change the display style on QQ earlier in the thread. The controls for that are at the very bottom of the page btw, not in user preferences.

I'm usually reading in low-light conditions (AKA my bedroom with only one 40W lightbulb), so reading text on a bright white background tends to lead to headaches and eyestrain before too long. Quick switch to Blackened-Blue, and I'm back to reading for hours with no adverse effects, and it looks nice too!

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