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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Honestly, someone should just convince her to roll with it. She's strong enough to get the Myrrdin treatment of "Well, she's fucking crazy, but I'm not gonna tell her to her face." Presumably this would occur after some kind of character defining self-revelation. Like a drunken threesome with 2/3rds of an Endslayer combo.
I think she would trigger from the fact that she won't remember it.
Honestly, someone should just convince her to roll with it. She's strong enough to get the Myrrdin treatment of "Well, she's fucking crazy, but I'm not gonna tell her to her face." Presumably this would occur after some kind of character defining self-revelation. Like a drunken threesome with 2/3rds of an Endslayer combo.
This. I want to see Grandma Beth rocking the princess vibe.
"I know," I agreed. "Hell, you don't even need to do that. If the Empresses wanted to conquer a world, they could do it a hundred different ways. The Yggdrasil, turned into an invasive species. Those giant bug monsters. The threat of sending you or Victoria in would probably be enough to make most nations surrender on its own."
Or, y'know, they could use their orbital death ray, which is capable of striking into any dimension that Avalon has the shunt coordinates for.

Giant bug monsters are probably a more practical invasion method, though.
I know it was just my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard the explosion. One of Dragon's newest weapons, functionally an orbital satellite set well above Avalon. It was the largest object ever put into space by man, enforced with cloned EB tissue, Khonsu forcefields, a bunch of other forcefields, and all kinds of other Tinker bullshit. It also had the most powerful weapon ever built. A super sized railgun, using hyperdense Endbringer tissue for the bullet. A bullet equipped with a shunt drive. At full power, it could knock the moon out of orbit. I didn't know how much power Dragon was using, but I was pretty sure it wasn't that much.

"Sensors confirm target was on location," Dragon responded. "Bolla has achieved a direct hit."
Reading this section, I initially thought it was funny that they built a superweapon that was only capable of hitting half of the planet. But, then I looked at how much energy it takes to knock the moon out of orbit. It depends on how exactly you define 'knock out of orbit,' but it requires adding on the order of 10^28 joules of energy. So, if they need to attack a Chinese settlement on the other side of a planet, they can just fire into the earth's crust, and wait for the pressure wave to pulp anything with lungs.
I really expected some comment, considering that with his power his 'hug' was full-body skin contact.
GL can't control clothing in direct contact with skin. He can ruffle the parts that aren't touching her, though.
power could be more embarrassing than mine would literally involve use of bodily functions as the power's main mechanism.
I am reminded of my GM's Case 53 OC created around the phrase "butt still". He hasn't had a chance to use him yet, sadly, and he refuses to tell us more about him than that.
And hat brings us back to the guy I'm trying to hook you up with.
it was already pointed out but since you haven't fixed it, have a reminder.
"She even looks a little like Taylor," Vicky continued, heedless of my words. "With the whole supermodel skinny thing going on."

"Goodbye, Victoria," I turned off the phone. Why is it that the Dallon side of the family is completely fucking insane? I stood up and left my office.
there's an extra line between these paragraphs.

the latest chapter... ehh, like pepperjack, I was a little surprised but not shocked.
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but how possible would it be to introduce Teacher to their brain conditioning tech so that everyone can have extra free thinker powers? Combat/social/etc thinker powers for everyone!
I'm gonna take a minor break from the story for a day or two, fully edit the lost formatting chapters and establish a complete backup on SV.

The site's recent hiccup leads me to believe I should have a fully up to date backup.

That and I'm hoping that having the full story over at SV as well would drum up more activity and speculation.
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I'm gonna take a minor break from the story for a day or two, fully edit the lost formatting chapters and establish a complete backup on SV.

The site's recent hiccup leads me to believe I should have a fully up to date backup.

That and I'm hoping that having the full story over at SV as well would drum up more activity and speculation.

that is a good thing, your update rate is obscenely fast. also, you should make a copy over at fanfiction.net. they will only delete stories that have explicit sex scenes in them.
... roast beef with ketchup?

Must be a cultural thing. I don't get that at all.

I think I get it, but don't like it.

Photon Mom Sandwich. P.M.S.

Roast beef is often derogatory slang for labia. Add ketchup to imply menstruation.

That's awful, you should feel bad for making the joke.
I really didn't need to know that. Just like the meaning of mushroom stamp. DO NOT GOOGLE. Seriously, it's the same low-brow brand of "humor".

On the other hand, I thought it was referring to an unlucky male (beef) whom Photon Mom roasted with her lasers and who is bleeding out.

There's way too many things one is better off not knowing. For example? "Scientifically Accurate" series of videos. They will ruin your childhood memories of cartoons you've watched.
I'm gonna take a minor break from the story for a day or two, fully edit the lost formatting chapters and establish a complete backup on SV.

The site's recent hiccup leads me to believe I should have a fully up to date backup.

That and I'm hoping that having the full story over at SV as well would drum up more activity and speculation.

that is a good thing, your update rate is obscenely fast. also, you should make a copy over at fanfiction.net. they will only delete stories that have explicit sex scenes in them.

AO3's another option if you're worried about ff.net deleting this
If a hypothetical attack happened in our world that killed a entire European government, who is running the country in question? The French military, NATO or the UN.I guess Marseille would be the new capital of France.
If a hypothetical attack happened in our world that killed a entire European government, who is running the country in question? The French military, NATO or the UN.I guess Marseille would be the new capital of France.
There are chains of command that go arbitrary distances down and it's basically impossible to wipe it all out.

In this case, I'd assume that either a MP visiting his constituents or a senior ambassador would head a provisional government until elections could be held. Barring that, the EU would step in until an election was held. Barring that, NATO.
for the chapter 323- Missy,i picked the Smashing Pumpkin's "Disarmed" as covered by The Civil Wars,it goes with Theo's grief over having to give mercy to the infected and the foreshadowing of someone losing a limb.

Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the years burn

I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love, I send this smile over to you
Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
Ooh, the years burn
Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn

The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
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Amelia, Ch 327- Sabah
Amelia, Ch 327- Sabah

"Hey, if you think it's scary for you," Beth asserted. "How do you think it feels for everyone else?"

She made a really good point. How did we look, to the outside? I was a no-name, dodging recruitment attempts from the Protectorate and villain groups by sheer virtue of not being worth the effort of recruiting. Now I'm one of the most famous heavy hitters on the continent. Possibly even the whole world. A freakin' Endslayer. I looked over at Lily, who had gone silent as well.

"And now I've made it awkward," Beth sighed.

"No! I mean, well, yes, but not for the reason you think," Lily responded. I recognized she was starting to ramble a little. "I've just been sorta going with the flow in this whole thing. We have Thinkers for considering the consequences and everything. For me it's just been about fighting the good fight. All the good fights, I guess. I'm really good at the 'causes' thing, just not so much at the 'consequences' part."

Beth smiled and shrugged. "I'm the opposite, I guess," she admitted. "I can't help but think about consequences, how things could turn out. I've always been that way, thinking about everything and worrying about how things might turn out. I'm surprised I didn't get a Thinker power. That's where they come from, right? Triggers where you worry about things get Thinker type abilities" Woulda made things so much easier for me, too."

"Take it from me, Thinker powers aren't all they're cracked up to be," Lily responded. "Thinker powers don't make you smart, and they don't solve a thing for anyone. I mean, I technically have a Thinker sub rank, but I don't really think of myself as a Thinker, I just have superhuman aim. Real Thinkers, like Minerva or Alexandria... let's just say their powers fuck with their heads. They sometimes do really stupid things. It's... I think the problem is they rely too heavily on their powers as a crutch, and it makes other things harder for them. Like knowing how to not be complete assholes. It's a rare Thinker who can do that. Besides, parahuman smart doesn't mean honestly smart. I think that's part of the problem with Thinkers. They got their powers because they're not smart enough. And powers don't change that, they just give you a crutch. You are just naturally smart, so that's not what you needed."

"Uh... thanks," Beth smiled. "Do you really think I'm smart?"

"You figured out in a few minutes what I hadn't managed to consider in months," Lily responded. "Either you're really smart, or I'm really, really stupid. And I'm pretty sure I'm at least a little above average intelligence."

"You seem smart to me," Beth responded. "I think you're just too close to the issue. It's not like this is something people ever expect to think about."

"Except heads of state and military advisors," I added. "That's kind of their job. Maybe that's why you're so good at it? You're used to commanding your summons. You've had lots of practice with thinking about troops and stuff like that. All I ever had to worry about was assembling stuffed animals, and I could never do more than one. And now that I have this armor, I don't even do that."

"Sorta the same for me," Lily responded. "My powers are straightforward in their own way. All the thinking involved in my power is taken care of by the power itself. Worry about missing? Perfect aim. Not sure if the enemy's armored? Armor doesn't matter. There's no thought other than trusting the power to do what it does. You're more like Taylor and Amelia. Their powers are either useless or world shattering, depending on how they harness them."

"I hate my powers," she responded. I already knew that. "I honestly wish I never got them. They only made things worse."

Lily paused, glancing at me as if to say She's your friend, you know how to handle this better than I do.

"I know," I spoke up. "But I don't know why. I mean, sure it's one of the powers that's hard to control, with your summons acting whichever way suits their personalities, but you really do seem to hate your powers. Like they've hurt you. Most of us... we may not like what we had to go through to get our abilities, but we're still glad to have them. Even when I thought I had one of the dumbest and weakest abilities, I only wished I had better powers. I never wished I didn't have them. at all."

"I have Social Anxiety Disorder," she responded, looking at us. Her eyes watered a little.

"Like, umm, you're shy?" Lily asked.

"Different version of the same thing," Beth replied. "You know those people who act up, draw attention to themselves and just generally try to hard to get others to like them? Yeah, that's me."

"You don't strike me that way," Lily responded.

"I've been in therapy for years to try to get over it," she answered. "The meds help. It also helps that you're girls. I... it's a lot worse with guys, especially ones I think are cute. I'm not into women, so that makes it easier to spend time around them."

Well, that explains why a very attractive twenty year old heterosexual woman who flirts with every male she meets is somehow such a virgin that her first kiss was with me, another woman, I thought. I've known her for months and she didn't tell me about this. She tells Lily right after they meet.

"But even at my best, I'm terrified, wondering what people think of me," she continued her confession. "Does he think I'm pretty? Does she think I'm rude? Do they wish I'd just leave so they can get back to spending what little time they can together before they have to go back to work? Will my friends talk about me behind my back? Will they forget about me when I'm no longer there? I ask these questions all the time. It's part of how I got my powers in the first place. An army of servants at my command that are perfectly loyal and love me without question. Everything I wanted, and absolutely nothing I needed."

"That... that's something..." Lily responded. "Fuck, and here I thought you had such an awesome power. If it makes you feel better, I won't talk about you behind your back. And, well, I'm certainly picking up a lot of food for thought."

"Thanks," Beth responded, smiling nervously. "I keep telling myself that, and for a while I can believe it. And then something happens and it's back to the same old story. I think that's why I love acting so much. I'm good at it, and I don't have to worry about what people think about me, since they're really thinking about the character I'm pretending to be.
It makes things so much easier."

"Umm... you said you're on medication?" I asked.

"Yeah," she looked at me suspiciously. "You think I'm crazy now, don't you?"

"No!" I insisted. "It's not that, it's just... I think that we have the tech to treat that pretty easily."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's a really good idea," Lily agreed. "I mean, they have the ability to upload entire languages in, like, ten minutes. I have all the skills of an expert surgeon and general medical practitioner, mastery of half a dozen forms of martial arts, and the violin, and I even picked up the skill to drive a tank, just for the fun of it."

"A tank, really?" I asked, looking at her.

"Hey, do not dis the tank," she warned me. "And that's not even getting into the whole 'download your mind into a new body' thing, the 'injectable cure for all genetic disorders' thing, the 'add about ten I.Q. points and photographic memory' thing, the 'artificially evolve a billion years of genetic evolutionary history into an artificial life form overnight' thing. Or whatever other complete and total bullshit our Tinkers have dreamt up this week. I mean, I'm not an expert on this sort of thing, but they sure as hell are. There's only one problem I know about."

"Which is?" Beth asked.

"Well, it doesn't really work if the power itself is causing the problem," Lily responded. "Some powers, especially Thinker powers, fuck with how the brain works. Those can't be cured without erasing the powers themselves, for reasons I'm not too sure about. I work with a parahuman that has problems like that, and no I won't say who. But you're talking about something that you had a problem with before getting powers, and that medication works on."
I already knew that she meant Elle. The girl was a sweetheart when she was having a good day. And completely nonresponsive on a bad one.

"That sounds too easy," Beth responded.

"Sometimes easy's a good thing," Lily responded. "I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"


A/N- I love that phrase.
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