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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

One- it didn't affect everyone identically. Two... that just attacks a specific part of the brain. Really pretty easy, all considered. Lots of already existing diseases (including prions) do that.
I thought everyone except Amy had the same basic "who is you?" response? Either way, you're dismissing the part where she was able to either make or modify it using whatever she could find, which is the important part.
What's the difference between THAT, and ordinary real world steroids?
The giant extra dimensional supercomputer used to develop the drug? The same one that lets them casually break the laws of physics to fit more shit into a single space, or organic anti grav tech, or teleportation tech, or...

Amelia has perfect biological control, Riley, Emma, Rey, Anton, and Symbiosis all work wet. It just strikes me as strange that you're using prosaic reasoning to limit the spacewhale magic.
Deadpool says hello.
Cursed so that he can never die, iirc. Immortal is generlaly considered the opposite of a normal person. If you were referring to him wanting magical supercancer, I wouldn't consider Deadpool in any question regarindg the health of someone you care about, unless by "care about" you mean "want dead".
I thought everyone except Amy had the same basic "who is you?" response? Either way, you're dismissing the part where she was able to either make or modify it using whatever she could find, which is the important part.

The giant extra dimensional supercomputer used to develop the drug? The same one that lets them casually break the laws of physics to fit more shit into a single space, or organic anti grav tech, or teleportation tech, or...

Amelia has perfect biological control, Riley, Emma, Rey, Anton, and Symbiosis all work wet. It just strikes me as strange that you're using prosaic reasoning to limit the spacewhale magic.
I think he's saying that it's difficult for humans to replicate spacewhale magic without the spacewhale component.

So Amy with a touch, or Vicky + Chevy with a power-interaction, can cause a spacewhale to gaze at a person briefly and solve that person's problems.

But there's no way to generalize that into a pill or injection, since the pills or injections won't cause an appropriate spacewhale to do spacewhale magic.
I think he's saying that it's difficult for humans to replicate spacewhale magic without the spacewhale component.

So Amy with a touch, or Vicky + Chevy with a power-interaction, can cause a spacewhale to gaze at a person briefly and solve that person's problems.

But there's no way to generalize that into a pill or injection, since the pills or injections won't cause an appropriate spacewhale to do spacewhale magic.
Oh, when you put it that way...

Wait, are we ignoring the healing pods that already gather spacewhale attention for appropriate spacewhale magic?
Healing pods, like pretty much all Tinker Tech, cannot be mass produced.
One- it didn't affect everyone identically. Two... that just attacks a specific part of the brain. Really pretty easy, all considered. Lots of already existing diseases (including prions) do that.
Not really. Like not at all. If you want to say "this is true" for the story cool you're the author, but that disease thing is so utterly bullshit in how it's supposed to work that my mind literally ground to a halt when I read it.

I really, really wish Wildbow hadn't explained Tinker tech as being normal technology taken to 11. It makes a lot of the story painful as hell to read, the part with the memory plague is one of them.
Didn't you just add a production Tinker from the Cauldron Mass Trigger Experiment #1?
Umm... yeah, a production Tinker... a tinker with a specialty in mass production. Basically you dump a bunch of parts into a hopper with a blueprint and it spits out a completed product. Not mass producing Tinker tech.

You might be thinking of Masamune, the canon tinker that Dragon employed to outfit the Dragon's Teeth and help her build her equipment.

Who is currently dedicating his talents to exactly that.
Give Dragon enough time with Riley, Emma, and Defiant and they probably could. The simple answer to this 'why not?' is simply that they are busy doing other stuff.
I don't think we've seen anything of Dragon in awhile. Last I saw was a mention of some underground (?) base the size of Rhode Island.

Next thing you know they're going to visit her and that mountain range that they don't remember being there is actually a new dragon mech and/or spaceship.
I don't think we've seen anything of Dragon in awhile. Last I saw was a mention of some underground (?) base the size of Rhode Island.

Next thing you know they're going to visit her and that mountain range that they don't remember being there is actually a new dragon mech and/or spaceship.
That's a good point, actually. Off world colonization is viable again now that the Simurgh is gone.
How is it fanon exactly? It was said in the story that the Simurgh fucked up Sphere for trying... right?
my theory was that she went after Sphere because he was the Catalyst or involved some chaos.The Endbringers go after locations that draw possible conflict,Leviathan was only in Brockton Bay because of Coil having Dinah and Noelle in the palm of his hands.
The way I understand it, Ziz murdered his family, driving him crazy and causing him to cancel his moonbase project before it ever got off the ground, in favor of going on a national Slaughterhouse tour to de-stress.

Also, I note TataNari liked my post expressing concern about Victoria's possible future as a Punisher-style vigilante, but declined to actually comment upon it. Ominous.

EDIT: And again! Anticipation intensifies.
How is it fanon exactly? It was said in the story that the Simurgh fucked up Sphere for trying... right?
Or it was all part of her Path to Khepri. Or it served some other hidden goal. It isn't stated in the text either way, so any statement that makes it seem like a fact is fanon.
I murdered Imp so that I could claim her powers.


.... Huh. There's a prompt for you... Worm powers work like Highlander powers...
You monster.
Ah. On another note (and double-posting to avoid forcing TataNari to break their (probably not at all ominous silence) with regards to my Vicky-speculation-posts:

Would you be willing to add a sort of dossier on your custom or altered Endbringers (that have already debuted) to the front-page post regarding important names in the story, TataNari?

EDIT: Nevermind as to the double-posting. Took too long typing, became irrelevant! Yaay!
Interlude 11d said:
Her voice was quiet behind him. As much as anything, it helped keep him calm. "Mannequin. Original name Alan Gramme. Tinker, originally went by the name Sphere. Specialty is in biomes, terraforming and ecosystems… or
it was."

Colin nodded slowly. He knew this, but it was reassuring to get a recap.
"He became newsworthy when he took on a project to build self sustaining biospheres on the moon. He had ideas on solving world hunger, and building aquatic cities near cities plagued by overcrowding. And he was putting it all into effect. Until-"

"The Simurgh," Colin finished.
I guess you could say it was any of his plans. The moon project especially stands out, though.
Simurgh fucked Sphere up for trying to make Bet a better place to live. As she had done to many, many others. It wasn't about space colonization. It was about destroying hope.

And that's only if you reject the theory that she disrupted Sphere for the specific purposes of putting him into the S9 in order to bounce him off Noelle to fuck Cauldron's plots and achieve Khepri.

Space colonies in Worm are blocked by the very nature of Tinker tech. Or, at least, any space colony that matters. I'm sure Zion could kill the moon, or Mars, or Venus, just as easily as he can kill Earth. Extra-solar was the only hope, and as far as we know, no Tinker was given that kind of knowledge.

Never read. Sounds amusing.

Would you be willing to add a sort of dossier on your custom or altered Endbringers (that have already debuted) to the front-page post regarding important names in the story, TataNari?
I'd rather not. Avoid ze spoilers.

Also: next chapter delayed on account of writing smut bonus scene. :p
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And that's only if you reject the theory that she disrupted Sphere for the specific purposes of putting him into the S9 in order to bounce him off Noelle to fuck Cauldron's plots and achieve Khepri.
Simurgh was a master manipulator. The phrase "why not both" is an understatement when it comes to her. Personally, I don't buy that the Simurgh wanted to prevent people from making the world a better place, not directly. I can, however, see her doing it because crushing despair creates more triggers. As does Mannequin joining the S9. And I highly doubt Khepri was her only attempt at killing Scion, and I doubt she's the only one who interacted with Mannequin.
I think Vicky is heading to a potential Rorschach-like direction,only she doesn't need the mask.
The Simurgh is not and has never been an obstacle to space colonizing in Worm.
I thought that it was the fear of Simurgh reprisal, like what she did to Sphere as people have said, that kept people from trying? Not that she was actually specifically targeting people who wanted to leave the planet, just that she targeted people trying to make life better.

And that's only if you reject the theory that she disrupted Sphere for the specific purposes of putting him into the S9 in order to bounce him off Noelle
How did he 'bounce' off Noelle again? I can't remember him interacting with her at all...

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