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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Vicky and Chevalier continue to be adorkable.

Siphon (which I read as 'Sophia' at first) is sweet and very much a d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww moment. (Yeah, that many 'w's). Tendril prolly deserved whatever he got. Repeatedly.

If they took the time to look into the background of the guard who shot him (and why did she stop at six? Hasn't she heard of reloading?) they'd probably find a friend or relative who's a victim either of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or Tendril himself. Which, of course, they'd carefully bury before moving the guard to another part of the facility.

Because Tendril needs to get the message. THAT SHIT DOES NOT FLY ANY MORE.

You can't use your powers to commit multiple (sounds like it) cases of sexual assault and then hide behind the fucking law.

Not any more. Not when the Endbringer Truce is less and less necessary.


Good post. Loved it.
Amelia, Ch 337- Victoria
Amelia, Ch 337- Victoria

"Hey, Mom!" I shouted as I walked in, still fully costumed. "Guess who's finally got that date!"

"Please tell me I'm you're just messing with me," Mom looked in from the kitchen. I simply smiled broadly at her. Sorry about how totally not sorry I am. "Vicky, he's closer to my age than he is to yours."

"Mom, we've been over this like a thousand times, already," I rolled my eyes. "He's smart, he's successful, he's hot as hell, and he treats me well. Or he'd better if he knows what's good for him."

"You should find a boy closer to your age," she insisted. "It's not like you're hurting for acceptable suitors. Half the internet wants to marry you."

"Mom, there is no such thing as an 'acceptable suitor' on the internet," I countered. "And age is just a number, especially when you've got Amy around. I bet if I asked nicely, she could make me fifty. Or five. Ooh! An even better idea! She can make you my age and I'll introduce you to all those so-called 'acceptable suitors' and you can cougar it up like it's going out of style."

"Don't be crass, Victoria," she chided.

Good thing I know she'd never call that bluff. I have no idea how I woulda talked my way out of that. I surpressed a shudder at the thought.

"Fiiine, but I'm still going on that date," I insisted. "Would you mind driving me?"

"You mean you want me to drive you?" She asked incredulously. "To a date with a guy that I don't want you dating?"

"Ya-huh," I confirmed, still smiling. Some days, I wish I still had my aura. Made stuff like this so much easier. "I have a super cute outfit and I'd like it to be clean and perfect. If I wear my armor, it'll get all wrinkled and bunched up. Or maybe even eaten by the costume. And if I try to get a cab? Mom, the cabs around here have more fungus based biomass and human genetic material in them than my armor does. I know because my power tells me these things."

"Nothing I can do is going to stop you, is that it?" She sighed.

"Not unless you get Clockblocker's power," I sang happily.

"What time do you need to be there?" She relented.

"Thanks, Mom!" I exclaimed happily, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You're the best! We can leave at six thirty and be there with some time to spare. Oh, right, and I have some legalese bullshit to talk with you about on the ride. It doesn't even have anything directly to do with me this time!"


"Thanks again for the ride, Mom," I smiled as we pulled in to the parking lot. I was looking into my makeup mirror, adjusting my features to be just perfect. I didn't need the makeup, my powers made those kinds of adjustments trivial. What I did need was to look at my new face and make sure it didn't look freakish. "Don't worry, you won't need to pick me up later."

"Vicky!" She exclaimed. "You can't seriously be planning that on the first date."

"Relax," I rolled my eyes at her reaction. If I told her about that when I asked for the ride, she'd have said no. "First, I'm an adult, I can do whatever I like. Second, that is not what I meant. I've got my armor on standbye over on Avalon. After the date, I can shunt it over, suit up, and go looking for some drug dealers or something to smack around. Y'know, what I typically do with my nights now that I don't sleep anymore."

"You did that on purpose," she sighed.

"Probably," I hopped out of the car and took off to the restaurant.


I hadn't seen Chevalier out of costume often, or ever now that I thought about it. Sure, my powers meant I could functionally see through the costume anyway, but nothing quite beat looking at things through my actual eyes. And right now, my eyes approved. Light brown complexion, dark hair and eyes. I briefly considered a wolf whistle, but he was right, this was a nice restaurant and I didn't want to draw that kind of attention.

"So nice to finally meet you, Michael," I smiled and wrapped my arm around his. I wanted to get as much as possible out of all of my senses. "I'm glad you finally listened to reason."

"Pleasure's all mine," he looked down at me, meeting my eyes with his. Even with my natural height and in heels, he had a couple inches on me. He did a remarkable job of not letting his eyes drift to the low neckline of my dress. "Sorry it took so long to come around."

"Good things are worth waiting for," I leaned my head against his shoulder.

He led us to a private booth that I assumed he picked out before I got here, since he didn't need a waitress or anyone to guide me there. We waited until our meal was served before we really started talking.

With a thought my features shifted, returning to my natural beauty. I happily noted that he found me much more attractive like this. "Y'know, we could just have the date on Avalon, and no one would ask any questions," I pointed out. "It's a world without paparazzi and tabloids. No one would even know they're supposed to ask questions."

"Perhaps on another day," he responded. "Probably would be more convenient."

"Hmm, that's awful presumptuous of you, just assuming I'll agree to a second date," I teased.

"I was actually operating on the assumption that you wouldn't give me much of a choice in the matter," he quipped back. He didn't sound all that upset about the idea. "No matter how much I try to avoid it, there will be a second date. And third. And so forth."

I pushed my tongue into my cheek and pretended to look lost in thought for a couple seconds. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"So, I know I've asked this before, but why me?"

"Do we have to have this conversation?" I sighed. Dammit. I leaned forward, trying to distract him a little. "It's pretty much the one way to ruin this evening. And I know how much you don't want that."

"Has to be done," he insisted, again keeping his eyes on mine. This time I was less happy about it. "You've been pushing for this since pretty much the moment we started working together, and you still haven't explained why."

"It can't be because you're hot and nice?" I asked. "Isn't that how this sorta thing usually works?"

He looked at me for a minute, his emotions awash with concern. I turned off my emotion senses for a moment. He was reading almost fatherly, and that was something I really didn't want to think about right now. Or ever if I could possibly help it. "I guess we could call it that," he admitted. "But I don't buy it. I've talked to your mother. I know about Gallant. Dean."

God damn it, god damn everything. An active shapeshift later and I no longer had tear ducts. They were a distraction I didn't need right now. "So, just how much do you think you know about him?" I tried to demand, to sound angry, but the words came out in a whisper.

"Not enough," he responded. "You were on again, off again for about two years. Starting right after you got powers that included the ability to influence emotions of people looking at you. Then he died in Leviathan's attack on Brockton Bay."

"He never should have been out there," I added, telling the part of the tale I needed him to know. "He didn't have any powers that would make an Endbringer blink. A blaster whose blasts only hurt as hard as a normal person's punch, and altered their emotions to make them not want to fight anymore. That's less than nothing against Leviathan."

I looked up at him and allowed the tears to come. Dean deserved that much, at least. That I cry for him. "How did they ever justify sending that power out there in battle against a fucking Endbringer? How the fuck does that make any sense at all? I... I don't even know if the Endbringer killed him directly, or if he was caught in one of the tidal waves. I... never had the guts to ask that question to anyone who'd know."

"He wanted to make a difference," Michael offered. "I've seen a lot of people make that decision over the years. A lot of us have. Choosing to take the risk, not because they believed they would be the critical piece to the puzzle, but because staying back and doing nothing was not acceptable. I've also met others who made the opposite choice and regretted it. There are no easy answers, there's just doing the right thing and hoping it matters."

"He probably would have said something like that, if I had a chance to ask him," I sighed.

"Is that what this is to you?" Mike asked. "I mean, he and I went with pretty similar themes. Am I supposed to be a replacement?"

I looked up at him. "No!" I insisted. "Yeah, there are similarities, but I'm allowed to have a type."

"You are," he responded. "But that, plus your habit of avoiding serious questions. Of actually talking about things. I'm allowed to be worried about you, right?" He reached over and rested his hand on my forearm.

"Yeah, I guess you are," I couldn't help but smile as I put my hand over his.

"Part of that means being honest with me," Michael insisted. "The teasing's one thing, I can live with that. Would appreciate if you did less of it at the office, however. But no more evading questions and pretending things are alright when you know they're not. I don't mean to put pressure on you, but..." He trailed off

"I'd rather just move on," I objected. "Being honest is one thing, but there's no point in wallowing in the past and being miserable." My mother's been doing that since before I was even born, and it hasn't done her any favors.

"Pretending it never happened isn't going to help, either," he countered.

I shrugged, and he squeezed my arm gently. Far more carefully than he needed to, considering that he could probably throw all his strength into it without causing me any discomfort. I wasn't as strong or as tough as I used to be with my old powers, but I was still up there. "Yeah, you're right," I finally admitted.

"Good," he smiled. "Don't worry, we don't have to cover all the heavy stuff in one night. As long as the door's open."

"Thanks," I smiled back. "I... I think Dean would have been glad. That I have someone who will look after me."

Michael reached across with his other hand and cupped the side of my face, leaning forward while guiding me subtly toward him. I knew what was coming next, I had been looking forward to it for months. He did not disappoint.


A/N- Bonus scene up shortly in the NSFW Worm section. Then I'll link it here!

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And adorkable CheVicky continues to be adorkable. With feels.
Just be grateful that you have only Two names,my brilliant:rolleyes: Father gave 6 or 7 names on my birth certificate and a embarrassing nickname...
Coulda sworn this was gonna be Lisa and Rebecca holding hands.

It would be 5,000 words.

So it would be a writeup of this?

So it would be a writeup of this?

What assault on my purity is this?!

No, that's far too crass and open a display for Minerva and Alexandria - especially at that Protectorate/Pantheon round table that they insisted needed to be held in-person (for security reasons!), in front of all their friends. They're far more subtle than that.

Lisa communicates a squeeze of Rebecca's hand by increasing the pressure of her grip infinitesimally; against her palm, Alexandria slides her thumb two and a half milimeters to the right.

You know what's going to be really funny? When we keep joking about this and Tananari does exactly that just to be a dick. A full week of teasing about an incoming lewd Lisa/Alexandria scene and we end up with hand holding while watching a movie written out in exceedingly heavy detail.

Except now he won't because I said that.

And now he will just to prove me wrong.

And now it'll be Taylor/Amelia snuggling with little pecks on the cheek being the highlights.

And now it will be...
You know what's going to be really funny? When we keep joking about this and Tananari does exactly that just to be a dick. A full week of teasing about an incoming lewd Lisa/Alexandria scene and we end up with hand holding while watching a movie written out in exceedingly heavy detail.
Meh, I just want to see Lisa and Rebecca's in-person conversation. I'm looking forward to that more than anything atm. Should be soon, unless it's happening off screen.
You know what's going to be really funny? When we keep joking about this and Tananari does exactly that just to be a dick.
I ... wouldn't say I was joking, exactly. I really think this is the next stage of their relationship, you know? It's a big step, to be sure, but I feel like they're ready to take it to the next level.
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Cursed so that he can never die, iirc. Immortal is generlaly considered the opposite of a normal person. If you were referring to him wanting magical supercancer, I wouldn't consider Deadpool in any question regarindg the health of someone you care about, unless by "care about" you mean "want dead".
as I understand it, Deadpool basically has a body made of magical supercancer (mentioning him was thus relevant due to the connection between him and magical supercancer)
Simurgh was a master manipulator. The phrase "why not both" is an understatement when it comes to her. Personally, I don't buy that the Simurgh wanted to prevent people from making the world a better place, not directly. I can, however, see her doing it because crushing despair creates more triggers. As does Mannequin joining the S9. And I highly doubt Khepri was her only attempt at killing Scion, and I doubt she's the only one who interacted with Mannequin.
yeah, it's more like 'why not both plus a half dozen things you hadn't thought of... and another dozen you noticed but didn't think were relevant'
Tendril prolly deserved whatever he got. Repeatedly.

If they took the time to look into the background of the guard who shot him (and why did she stop at six? Hasn't she heard of reloading?) they'd probably find a friend or relative who's a victim either of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or Tendril himself. Which, of course, they'd carefully bury before moving the guard to another part of the facility.

Because Tendril needs to get the message. THAT SHIT DOES NOT FLY ANY MORE.
ok, that's all well and good. I can believe he merely got what he deserved.

You can't use your powers to commit multiple (sounds like it) cases of sexual assault and then hide behind the fucking law.
having a problem with a police officer shooting you six times with a shotgun and then claiming that, despite you being comatose at the time, you were resisting and it was a case of self-defence is not what I think of when I hear the phrase 'hiding behind the law' even if he did heal from it.

Good thing I know she'd never call that bluff. I have no idea how I woulda talked my way out of that. I surpressed a shudder at the thought.
that would probably be hilarious.

and finally, a spelling correction!
Or maybe even eaten my the costume.
Congratulation, you have finally break the only rule you had made.

What's your opinion on this masterpiece?
You know, I just have this image of Rebecca and Lisa having some odd form of Exhibitionist Streak. When they are together with others outside of business needs, I imagine them doing their little unspoken communication. What appears to be a relaxed, friendly talk is actually something far, far more explicit... with the challenge that the first one to excuse herself from the conversation to 'freshen up' would be the loser of their little game. To everyone else, it appears that they are simply showing a little more of their 'relationship' to others, opening up a bit more. But in Thinker terms, they are baring it all and doing unspeakably wonderful things to each other... and the only ones who pick up on it are Vicky and perhaps a couple of Lisa's new Think Tank.

Taylor: Vicky? Why are you staring at Lisa and Rebecca like that?

Vicky: *Blushing slightly with a knowing grin* Hm? Oh, no reason. Those two are doing their little Taylia impression again.

Taylor: *Blinks, glancing over at Amelia, who simply shrugs.When she looks back at Vicky, she and the Gemini are sharing popcorn as they continue to watch Becky and Lisa.* Something tells me I don't want to know. ComfortCuriosityInterest

Amelia: If it has Vicky's interest like that... it must be similar to what some people imagine we do with the Taylia bond. ConfusionReflectionRealizationEmbarrassmentCuriosityLove

*As all this went on, Rebecca calmly excused herself from the conversation with Lisa, only slightly breathing faster than usual as a single hair was out of place across her forehead. A soft giggle escaped Lisa as she tucked a strand of lose hair over her ear, before glancing over at Vicky and the Twins, a smug, foxy grin spread across her features.Then with a slight wave in their direction, she walks off to freshen up herself, even as the Twins high five eachother and Vicky looks half tempted to let out a catcall at the retreating Minerva.

Taylor: Yeah.. I don't want to know.
Amelia, Ch 338
Amelia, Ch 338

"Is it too late to find an excuse to back out of this?" I admittedly whined to Taylor. At least I was allowed to wear my costume for this, instead of normal clothes. But I was very much not looking forward to a family get together like this.

AgreementSympathyAnnoyance. "Not unless another Endbringer pops up," Taylor responded. "It's been a while since I've been able to see my dad, though, and I'm really looking forward to that. Even if, well..." NostalgiaRegretLoss. She trailed off, but I knew what she meant. I still found my aunt dating her dad to be weird. It was worse for her, no matter what she claimed about being glad he had someone.

"Aunt Sarah's a good person," I said softly as I stepped over and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "She's always treated me well." Sometimes she was the only one who bothered. Laying my head against her long hair, I couldn't help but be reminded of all those expensive shampoos and stuff in our shower that I tease her about. Couldn't complain about the results, however. Her hands clasped over mine. WarmthSafeLove

"I know," Taylor sighed. "I just... there's so little left of Mom to remember. Her pictures, her belongings, even her grave. All of that is gone forever. And there was a time I believed Dad would never stop grieving. Now... it's like she's being forgotten. I know it's not true, and I'm being stupid, and I should be glad for what time I did have with her..."

"Feelings aren't so easy to work out," I agreed. "I'm sorta the poster child for that."

"Thanks for being there for me," she responded, entangling her fingers in mine. She relaxed as her emotions smoothed with mine. "Well, I think I'm ready."

"Yeah, me too," I agreed. I was ready half an hour ago. Why does everyone think Taylor's the guy in this relationship? I'm not one who spends an hour combing her hair. At least she never pesters me about whether or not she looks good, we have our bond to take care of that.


We weren't quite the first people to make it to the restaurant, that honor belonged to Danny, Mark and Aunt Sarah, all of whom lived in actual Boston. I could feel Taylor trying very hard not to think about the part where Danny and Aunt Sarah probably met up before coming here. We landed more or less right in front of them.

We'd given Taylor's dad the most bare minimum suit that could possibly have been made. It didn't even have the Shunt Drive, simply the system needed to piggyback alongside another suit. A security measure to protect him from would be thieves. Anyone that thought they stood a chance in hell of actually coming for us or our tech would have Thinkers on their side, and those Thinkers would be able to simply reject the idea of going after him for lack of anything worth stealing.

"Hey, Kiddos," Danny spoke up. He was wonderfully unwilling to even tease us about the whole 'Empress' thing. We were his daughter and her fiancée, and I was so glad for that normalcy, even if I so rarely got to enjoy it. Taylor jumped forward and hugged him. "Missed you, too."

Mark approached me and gave me a hug, which I returned somewhat less wholeheartedly than Taylor did her father. ConcernSupportAcceptance. "We're waiting out here because the restaurant's kinda full at the moment. Seems like somewhere along the line this place got popular."

I frowned. DisappointmentAnnoyance. Well, crap, that wasn't what we wanted.

People had started noticing us as well, including a few people that had started coming out of the restaurant. So much for peace, quiet, and being left alone for a nice meal with the family. On the plus side, this was better than before. When I was Panacea people stopped and stared and then tried to ask questions or get autographs or talk to me as if we were friends. Now everyone seemed to have frozen at the staring part.

"Oh, girls, don't be like that," Mark gave me a tighter squeeze. "I'm sure they'll let you in. Fringe benefit of owning the planet and all."

"Mark, I don't think that's the problem," Aunt Sarah cut in, and I was so grateful for it. "They're not the types that like using fame to their advantage. You remember back when New Wave was a big deal? We were always the same way."

"Yeah, I guess," he admitted. "It is weird having people do things for you for no reason but that they know who you are."

"Speak for yourselves," I recognized Vicky's voice immediately. Moments later, her arms were around both me and Mark. "The best part of being famous is all the free stuff, and the guaranteed invites to all the important parties."

"Victoria," Carol chided. "I know I didn't raise you to be like that."

"I blame the school system," she retorted. "And hip-hop."

Carol just sighed and shook her head. We watched her go over to talk to Aunt Sarah. She gave Taylor's father a brief, unhappy glance that I'm sure no one here missed except Mark and Danny himself. AnnoyanceFrustration. Yeah, I'm not a big fan, either.

"So, sis, what's the plan?" Vicky asked, pulling me away from Mark, much to my relief. Taylor spared a glance my way, and I knew she wanted to spy in on the conversation. I didn't figure Vicky would mind, and probably already knew Taylor would, so I didn't try to disuade her.

"We can probably just, y'know, have our get together somewhere else?" I suggested. "There's plenty of places I can set up. It's not too far away from our teleport pad, so we wouldn't be messing with anyone else's stuff."

"You are adorably dumb, sometimes," she rolled her eyes at me. IrritationDefensive. "Look at the building and tell me what you see."

I looked. "Umm, a bunch of people staring at us?" I acted like I was trying, but I knew I wasn't going to figure out what she meant, so I said something deliberately dumb to hopefully speed the process along.

"Ugh," Vicky complained. "You're hopeless sometimes. Look, if they have more people than they have room, the easiest way to fix the problem is give them more room! You have absolute control over the whole surface of the planet, use it for something fun. Like building them an add-on for high profile guests that want to entertain their families to a nice dinner? Hint hint, nudge nudge, admit your sister is the most brilliant mind on this or any other planet."

"I will only admit that you're slightly less obnoxious than Lisa," I replied. AmusedAgreement.

"Oh, and while we're not being overheard by the 'rents... guess who finally got that date!" Vicky whispered.

"Really?" I smiled. SurpriseWorry. I frowned. Oh shit, that could be bad. "Vicky, I don't know if that's such a good idea, remember the warning I gave?"

"You mean about how he's pretty much biologically a teenager?" Vicky responded. "Yeah, we talked about that, and a lot of other things. Turns out it was Rime, his second in command, that encouraged him to go for it. There wasn't any impulsive hormonal bullshit going on. Well, not then, at least. That came later."

Oh. Oh! ShockProtectiveTerritorial. I glanced over at Taylor, who was doing her best to look interested in whatever Mark and Danny were talking about. She met my eyes, and I could see the worry on her face. I offered her what reassurances I could, but yeah, my emotions definitely peaked a few of the less pleasant options. Just because I no longer thought of Vicky... like that... didn't meant I didn't have memories of it. It made this a lot more uncomfortable than it might have been if we had a healthier background.

"Oh, I guess that probably isn't something you wanted to hear about," Vicky muttered. Oh, great, now she knows and it's even more awkward. Why couldn't she be one of the stupid empaths like Dean?

"It's just a little weird," I admitted. "But it's not like he's the first boyfriend you've ever told me about. I honestly am happy for you."

I was, and I knew her power would confirm that. Vicky could use someone sane in her life that cared about her and she actually listened to. The first two were hard enough to come by, but that last one was damn near impossible. I tried very hard not to sully the happy news by thinking of the political advantages this opened up for us as well. I've been spending too much time around Lisa.

"Thanks," she smiled. "You have no idea how much that means to me. Don't tell Mom, but if you didn't approve, I'd probably have broken up with him."

That... wow. Unless she learned how to beat my power with hers, she is telling the truth about that. "I take it Carol's not a fan?"

Her emotions peaked a mix of regret and defiance. The emotion reading was exponentially less clear that it was with Taylor, but that didn't mean I couldn't read her with my powers. "I sometimes forget how little the two of you talk," she finally spoke up. "No, she wants me with a guy my age. I won't bore you with the details, you know how she gets when she's decided something's not to her standards of propriety... and fuck, how about we just change the subject before I completely trash any chance of you enjoying this evening?"

Ah, she picked up that, too. Taylor offered me her support and confidence. "No, I'm fine," I responded to Vicky, letting my emotions focus on the presence of my partner, general and best friend instead. "Water under the bridge. So, is that drama why you didn't bring him along to this?"

"That and it's not like we're engaged or anything," she retorted. "Sure, he's great and I really like him, but we're not exactly at that place where I can invite him to private family gatherings, y'know. Things are weird enough already."

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

"Speaking of, what about the mushroom princess?" Vicky asked. "I mean, I know it's not quite the same deal, but..."

"All the new Tinkers," I answered. "The only reason she even sees Missy, or sleeps, is because of the curfew rules." And a bunch of other things. Riley had a lot of reasons to avoid coming with us. Vicky doesn't know what Riley did to Mark. "When she found out she wouldn't be able to bring Missy and Theo along, she decided she'd rather just spend her day with them."

"Yeah, I get it," Vicky responded. I was saved from speculating just how much she did or didn't get, and what she might figure out if we kept talking about it, when she looked up over my head. "About time you got here."


A/N- Do these girls EVER actually talk about anything if they can avoid it?

... No, of course not. What would be the fun in that?
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