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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

I really don't get Amelia and Taylor's problem, I really don't.
I'm perfectly 90% straight, but I've got a friend who I've recently realized I loved, in a non-romantic way. If he wanted to talk me into sex, I'd actually probably agree if he were persistent enough.

Now, what would I expect from having gay sex? That I'd have a natural response to be kind of disgusted about it, but I know that's because things like decency and shame were drilled into me by my parents. I imagine it'd be the same for Taylia. They are reluctant to do anything sexual together, but see it as important.

Now think about this. You're a woman, you have a best friend who you absolutely love. Would it be disgusting to make out with her? Give her a fingering? Maybe at first, but that response is easily squashed.

You know what else is disgusting? Anal sex. Yet it's such a common thing.
It Doesn't Get Much Less Canon Omake: Happily Ever After, Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Happily Ever After, Part 3

WARNING: More crack than a "My Little Simurgh: Friendship is Space Whale Bullshit" marathon

"I don't get it," Zimmy said. "Why did Ack-eye … Ock-ee … that lady get in trouble?"

"I'll explain it when you're older," Taylia replied. Libecca managed to convey a smirk without perceptibly moving in any way, as she knew what part of the story was coming next.

Lisa awoke the next morning with a vague sense of dread and an awful hangover. After her morning ritual of cursing her alarm clock, the sun, her body, the existence of other parahumans, the existence of other humans, and existence itself, she stumbled into the kitchen and dining area for a pot of coffee. Maybe some food too, if the stomach gods were feeling merciful.

Zach was at the stove, frying something green that smelled an awful lot like bacon. Missy and Theo were sharing a bench seat and, Lisa noted with disgust, a single plate of food and set of silverware. Clarice had joined Taylor, Amelia, and Emma for a strategy meeting at the end of the table. What to do with Akaihana, her power informed her, filling in the gaps. Though I could've seen that one coming from a mile away, even without my powers. Now that just leaves the problem of … oh, shit.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat loudly to catch her teammates' attention. "I don't suppose anyone has checked on pedo Sleeping Beauty this morning, have they? Or our lovely wedding crashers, Aisha and Alec?"

"Good morning to you too, Miss Sunshine," Taylor responded testily. "And that joke about Aisha and Alec is in poor taste, even for you. They're dead-"

Taylor was suddenly interrupted by Akaihana's voice, speaking in a strange yet all-too-familiar cadence. "More like dead sexy, amirite? Eh, eh?" The body was Akaihana's all right, but those mannerisms, that makeup, that outfit could only belong to one person.

"Aisha?! What are you … what's …?" Taylor spluttered as her brain fought valiantly to make sense of what was happening, and failed. "What." The sentiment was shared by the rest of the team, who had stopped what they were doing and just stared at the scantily-clad woman in front of them. The room slowly began to fill with a smell much like burning bacon.

"Bravo, Aisha!" Lisa said sarcastically, starting a slow, mocking clap for emphasis. "You've actually managed to out-skank that body's previous owner, and her cape name was a euphemism for labia. Now will you please put it back where you found it? You don't know where it's been." But I do, she thought with a shudder. And there goes any chance of food this morning.

"Oh my dah-ling Lisa, I could never do that," Aisha said, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm seeing things so differently now, so clearly. For instance I never realized you had such beautiful eyes…" She swayed her hips as she stepped toward Lisa, who retreated with a strangled cry, scrambling to put the table in between them. "Nah," Aisha said, cracking up, "I'm just fuckin' with ya."

Lisa collected her composure and shot back, "Well you can go fu-" Aisha-in-Akaihana's grin grew even wider. She did, last night, Lisa's power none-too-helpfully informed her, as she trailed off. And again this morning. Twice. She rubbed her temples in a futile attempt to ward off what was shaping up to be another killer migraine. Sometimes I hate my power so, SO much.

As if on cue, Regent's voice rang out, making everyone jump. "And I helped!" He had been sitting on the other end of the bench seat the entire time, with Aisha's real body cuddling on his lap. "Hi everybody." He mouthed the words, but it was Aisha's body that spoke and waved, ventriloquist dummy style.

"Isn't she just the cutest?" Aisha cooed as she sauntered over to them, kissing first Alec and then her old body with gusto—and tongue. "I call her Impty." AggravationDesireEmbarrassment flooded from Amelia to Taylor, who amplified the Aggravation and sent it back mixed with a hefty dose of Sympathy. Aisha tends to have that effect on people.

Whether it was the girl-on-girl action, the supremely bad pun, or the combination of the two, Zach began spluttering, then choking, and then collapsed into dust. "I'm fine!" he shouted upon respawning. Emma was not amused.

"Fucking Strangers," Missy grumbled as she hurriedly hopped out of her seat and fled the kitchen, dragging Theo and Clarice with her. She wasn't going to take a chance that any of the stupid in that room might rub off on her and hers.

What Taylia actually said was, "That night, Aisha snuck into Clarice's lab and used the mind-switching machine to take over Akaihana's body." She winced at the thought of trying to explain that farcical kitchen scene to the children.

"Will you tell them what actually happened when they're older?" Libecca silently snarked from across the room. Her mouth was twitching up into a smile at one corner, the equivalent of side-splitting laughter.

"If I never have to explain—or think about—the details of Aisha's and Alec's love life again, it'll be too soon," Taylia signaled back. "Besides," she added, "I don't remember you being nearly so amused at the time."

Libecca's fingers tapped out her reply. "One of the benefits of hindsight, I suppose. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?" Taylia began to respond, but Libecca cut her off with a minute gesture. "Uber and Leet don't count."

Taylia continued her story. "After that we had a long talk about what to do with Aisha, or Akaishana as Zach insisted on calling her. We decided that since she was a troublemaker by nature, we'd have her make trouble for our enemies. She'd already developed a strong power interaction with Alec—the ability to prevent the targets of his body-snatching from noticing while he attuned to them—plus they both possessed a certain … ethical flexibility … that I had to admit was tactically useful."

"I think the word you're looking for is 'sociopathy'," signaled Libecca. "Potato, potahto," responded Taylia.

"The interaction got even stronger after Aisha … borrowed Akaihana's body. Using their powers together she could puppet someone without them even realizing it, which also let her control more people at once. And she could become a nearly perfect infiltration specialist if her armor was loaded with the right selection of powers, for example: her original power for stealth, Strider for movement, Vicky for defense, Lisa and Rapture for intelligence-gathering and psychological warfare planning, and Alec for manipulation."

Plus a discreetly-installed crystal that would resonate in response to a special signal from Pantheon armors, letting us know if Aisha was within 50 feet.

"A good thing too," Libecca signaled. "I don't want to know what she would've used those goats for if we hadn't caught her."

"We worked with Dinah to devise the perfect plan, one that would turn the two greatest threats to our world against each other." She continued, carefully avoiding any mention of the code name Zach had given the operation. "Phase 1 was straightforward: Aisha, Alec, and Impty snuck into the CUI-occupied territories and began creating as much chaos as possible. Which is to say: a lot.

"It started with weapons manufacturing and storage facilities being sabotaged, surveillance records lost or corrupted, government slush funds drained, and state secrets leaked. The trails of evidence always led back to powerful hard-line party officials, who without exception claimed to be completely loyal and have no knowledge of what had happened. Which didn't save them from taking the blame."

The kind of blame that involved a bullet if they were lucky, or rubber hoses and electrodes followed, much later, by a bullet if they weren't.

"The CUI aristocrats were so accustomed to backstabbing and power plays that it took them months to even realize they were under Master/Stranger attack, and after they figured out that something was happening they still didn't know what. They kept it quiet to avoid appearing weak, which proved to be a mistake.

"Next came a string of incidents where formerly-loyal party officials denounced the royal family and called for liberalization during TV interviews and press conferences, all of which leaked to the international media with a little help from Dragon. And then there was a 24-hour period where every website under the CUI's 'Great Forcefield' of censorship automatically redirected to an itemized list of the regime's human rights violations—except PHO."

And, at Alec's insistence, all the porn sites. "Because withholding porn from half a billion Chinese is a human rights violation in itself," he had said. "Give us your turgid, your perverted, your horny masses yearning to beat freely…" Et cetera.

"The disruptions kept getting worse, more frequent, and stranger, and before long it was obvious that it was only a matter of time until the CUI crumbled completely. The last straw came when the remaining members of the royal family performed a can-can on live television while holding up a banner reading "We Suck!" in seventeen different languages.

"The people took to the streets in revolt, and 90% of the regular army defected to join them. Somewhere in a bunker deep underground, a general gave the 20 Yangban battalions their final orders: to massacre their rebelling countrymen, then embark on suicide missions against neighboring countries' infrastructure and population centers. In short, World War III.

"All of which was, as Dinah was growing increasingly fond of saying, 'Just. As. Planned.' As the Yangban members took to the skies, their bodies began to shift and change, sprouting fur and whiskers, soon turning into an army of fuzzy kittens."

"No way!" Zimmy shouted, her eyes wide. That's sooo cute … but is it really what happened, gramma Taylia? Or is this one of those times when you don't tell us the real story because you think we're too young to understand?"

"That's exactly how it happened, sweetie." Taylia reassured her. "I'd given Aisha a vial of my power in order to begin Phase 2 of our plan. She gradually infected all the Yangban with a parasite that would let her later affect them remotely, and when they attacked she activated them all at once." Which was the truth, if perhaps not the whole truth…

"Are you sure this will work?", Taylor asked. "We're going to need a lot of kittens."

"Trust me," Emma replied. "I've done the math on this. An average 8-week-old kitten—scientifically proven to be the cutest age—weighs 1.5 kg, while the average Yangban member weighs 65 kg. So that works out to 86 and 2/3 kittens per Yangban, and they currently have about 12,500 active members, which will give us over a million kittens. It'll be perfect."

"What will happen to all those fractional kittens?" Zach wondered.

"Playful, cuddly widdle kittipedes!" Clarice said, before her brain caught up to her mouth. "… are something I definitely will not make. Because that would be bad. And wrong."

"I grew a giant tree out of Yggdrasil, reaching over three miles high, with its lowest branches a mile from the ground. Pantheon and our allies rounded up the Yangban kittens and put them in the branches. I'd designed the tree to provide food, water, and shelter, so they were free to play and squabble all day long, as kittens do. The most important thing was that since the kittens were originally parahumans they retained their powers and an instinctive knowledge of how to use them, although only at about 1% of their original strength. Just enough to be extra adorable, really. There was only one step left in our plan: to wait."

The golden man was distracted from his battle against a Bolivian forest fire by a great disturbance in the shards, as if thousands of voices suddenly cried out in terror and suddenly … mewed? He flew halfway around the planet in a flash, arriving at a sight unprecedented in his thousands of years of wandering the stars.

A portion of the host species had been shaped into a different form, their shards not destroyed but instead diffused. He noted with satisfaction that the creatures maintained their drives toward conflict: chasing, wrestling with, and nipping at each other. Some floated gently through the air, while others erected eggshell-fragile barriers of force around themselves and others, batted around levitated twigs and insects, or momentarily shifted into other states of being. He even detected hosts with fragments of the same shard battling each other, such as a group of creatures that hissed and clawed at each other as they flickered backwards through instants of time. This novel form of conflict merited further study.

The golden man became aware of a conundrum as he moved to rescue the first armload of the creatures. Removing his shards' hosts from such a concentrated source of conflict felt wrong on a fundamental level, but if he ignored them he would be failing to fulfill his self-imposed duty. While that duty had seemed pointless at the time the man Norton had suggested it, and his subsequent experiences had done nothing to convince him otherwise, terminating such an investigation prematurely was also anathema to him.

Torn between two competing drives, he floated motionless. A satisfactory solution would no doubt present itself if he studied the situation more closely. He slowly circled around to examine another branch of the gigantic tree. Did that creature just set another's tail on fire with a burst of heat from its eyes? And did the burned creature's companion just summon a tiny cloud of rain to put the fire out? He calculated that there would be no harm in observing for just a few moments more.

… or a few moments after that.

… or a half-turn of the planet.

… or a full turn. It wasn't like he needed light to see.

… or a revolution around its star. Just one, and then he'd return to his duty.

… maybe two.





"He's been floating up there ever since, and our best thinkers predict that's unlikely to change anytime within at least the next two hundred years. He even started a breeding program. At first he seemed to be testing out different power combinations, but for the past few decades now it's been mainly for effect, like a Persian Longhair with aerokinesis or a black cat with a shadow form. We'll occasionally send up new varieties for him to play with as well, ever since the UN decided that the Cattree was a more human method of dealing with dangerous parahumans than the Birdcage.

"Without the threat of Scion hanging over everything, humanity was free to expand to other dimensions and begin colonizing the solar system. Cauldron stopped acting like a nutter's idea of the Illuminati and started to work on making life better for everyone. The last I checked, the Endbringers were busy terraforming Mars. And none of it would've been possible without the CUI.

"So, that's how the CUI saved the world. And then everyone lived happily ever after," Taylia concluded.

"Even the platypus?" Zimmy asked.

"Yes, even the platypus."

"What happened to the platypus?"

"The platypus and Ingenue got married and had lots of abom-, I mean adorable little children."

"Umm," Bemmy spoke up, "What's a platypus?"

"That's a long story," Taylia replied, "but it will have to wait for another night. For tonight though, who wants cookies?"

"Me!" "Me!" "Me!" cried three young voices in unison.

Taylia lead the way, followed closely by Levi, then Bemmy. Last was Zimmy, who hummed contentedly to herself as they headed into the kitchen. And then they all had Samosas.

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You wanna name that so I can make it an omake.
"Handle The Truth", if you like.

I really don't get Amelia and Taylor's problem, I really don't.
Of course you don't. You're not them.

I'll start by assuming you didn't have a massive infatuation with your closest family member whilst growing up. Further, I'll assume you never had anyone, or yourself, change their sexual orientation forcibly for you, or for someone else. And that you never had to live with the fear that you might initiate an unnatural change in someone's mind just by touching them and thinking the wrong thing.

I don't really get why people are racist, but that doesn't mean that they don't get why they're racist. We're all a product of our own lives, and even if it doesn't make any sense, that's just how we're built.
I really don't get Amelia and Taylor's problem, I really don't.
I'm perfectly 90% straight, but I've got a friend who I've recently realized I loved, in a non-romantic way. If he wanted to talk me into sex, I'd actually probably agree if he were persistent enough.

Now, what would I expect from having gay sex? That I'd have a natural response to be kind of disgusted about it, but I know that's because things like decency and shame were drilled into me by my parents. I imagine it'd be the same for Taylia. They are reluctant to do anything sexual together, but see it as important.

Now think about this. You're a woman, you have a best friend who you absolutely love. Would it be disgusting to make out with her? Give her a fingering? Maybe at first, but that response is easily squashed.

You know what else is disgusting? Anal sex. Yet it's such a common thing.
Teenagers who are not gay can still experiment with each other. I know I did a certain amount of experimenting in my (much) younger days. Didn't amount to much, but it happened.
"Bravo, Aisha!" Lisa said sarcastically, starting a slow, mocking clap for emphasis. "You've actually managed to out-skank that body's previous owner, and her cape name was a euphemism for labia. Now will you please put it back where you found it? You don't know where it's been." But I do, she thought with a shudder. And there goes any chance of food this morning.
It...is isn't it...*sigh*.
Okay! I was here earlier to vote but i was kinda busy and couldnt really comment, sooo.....*ahem*

This chapter just proves what ive always thought; kinks the solution to all life's problems. :D
It...is isn't it...*sigh*.
It literally means "red flower" for fucks sake. My first thought was actually menstruation. Labia, espescially aroused, are also a valid interpretation though.

It was probably intended to mean that she uses your blood to "blossom", for whatever meaning of "blossom" you choose.

The red also indicates leadership in tokusentai media so there's at least one part of her name that can be interpreted innocently, for what it's worth.
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edit: corrections posted in the NSFW thread.

Also, you might want to make the post in this thread the threadmark, so that anyone reading using the index can find it if they aren't going through the comments.
Also, regarding Rapture's suggestion of a bedroom solution, given the status of Darkest Fixfic, I hope their backups are recent, just in case Taylor's issues choose it as sufficient justification to flare up...or she just thinks it's time for Master-Stranger protocols, and sounds a massive alarm bringing the entire Pantheon combat line-up crashing into their honeymoon suite with sirens blaring.
You're not thinking outside of the box.

Taylor and Amelia have sex. They climax, and their link creates a feedback loop. They spend hours in a seizure-like trance, until they're found by Zach. He tries to wake them up, but they're nonresponsive. He puts clothing on them, and calls in Emma. They realize that the feedback loop is preventing them from surgically disabling their powers, or from removing Amelia's organism that links her to Taylor - doing that would kill them. Dinah calls in a panic: her divinations show that the CUI will attack tomorrow, while Taylor is incapacitated. Zach and Emma bring Vicky, Crystal, and Clarice in on the discussion. They decide to reclone Taylor and Amelia. They'll leave the decision of whether to kill the originals up to the clones.

Emma and Clarice go to the cloning chambers, and start the cloning process, but there's a problem: Clarice forgot to do maintenance on the vats, and it will take at least 36 hours for either Taylor or Amelia to be recloned. Dinah calls again: the schedule has shifted in response to Pantheon's actions, and the CUI is invading in six hours. Clarice suggests that she could make some genetic alterations to Taylor to make her grow in a matter of hours instead of days at the cost of some mutations in Taylor's body and mind.

Emma rejects this idea, because it's obviously terrible, and calls up Eidolon. After some persuading, he agrees to use Khonsu's powers to accelerate the cloning process. It's a success, and the Empresses are alive once more. China calls off the attack. Taylor and Amelia decide that they should vaporize their original copies. They hold hands, and move the lever controlling the plasma cannon together. FWOOSH. They realize that they can never have a sexual relationship while their link is active, and decide that their link is more important. Amelia and Taylor get Emma to remove their sexual drives, much to Clarice's disappointment.

But they forgot something: the other nations noticed that Khonsu was gone, and ask Eidolon what happened. He refuses to say what happened, beyond that he used Khonsu's powers to assist Avalon in a non-violent manner. This doesn't satisfy them, and the United States and European Union enacts economic sanctions against Avalon until they say what they used Khonsu for, and why. This causes millions of people on Avalon to lose their jobs, which causes public opinion to swing in favor of war. Russia and China offer to be allies, as they've suffered problematic sanctions in the past. Avalon agrees to the alliance, but decides not to go to war against the US, and merely supply China and Russia with arms, armor, fuel, Tinker weapons, and use of their cloning facilities.

The next day, Russia and China declare war on the US, and invade. The US tightens sanctions against Avalon, but doesn't declare war against them. The administration looks for a way to flip Avalon to their side. Thomas Calvert is appointed to Secretary of State, and manages to get Avalon to agree to an alliance, conditional on all sanctions being dropped, and a new trade agreement being put into place. He's celebrated, and has a real shot as a presidential candidate.

The next morning, Moscow and Beijing are under the control of Avalon zerg. Under the terms of their alliance, the United States annexes China, and Avalon annexes Russia. China's government remains unchanged, but the Royal Family swears allegiance to America. Avalon knows that it can't get the four factions that control Russia to agree to be loyal to Avalon, so they remove all high-level party members in Russia, and replace them with AIs.

The world is at peace once more, Russia's government works much better than before, and almost everyone who lost their job due to the sanctions found a new one.

Until Dragon and Colin started experimenting.

Now I'm going to read what actually happened.
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Okay, so that happened. I feel like this is either going to be an important development for the shards, or so completely trivial that it doesn't matter. But definitely one of those things. That said, now that Taylor and Amelia have experienced the wonders of sexytime, I think it's only a matter of time before we end up with power related experimentation in the bed room. They've killed the elephant in the room and sold its tusks on the black mountain. This is undiscovered country, and the last time those two found terra incognita, they covered it in a globe spanning lifeform.

I, for one, welcome the biotinker dildos that hook into the nervous system. Amy deserves to have a penis in a fic, too.

edit: HA on the chapter name. Well played.
.....an Exorcism or two?

What the fuck?

In some belief systems many problems that plague people that do not respond to normal solutions (bad luck, self destructive behavior, persistent and unrelated health issues, etc.) are laid at the feet of demons that "possess" people, but not at full on The Exorcist levels, just kinda riding along and causing shit.

Thus, exorcisms are performed to get these demons to leave the person's body and life.

Edit: People still seem divided on whether the exorcism line is a joke or not. I thought it was funny in any case.

I thought it was funny too, though it would be even more funny if it was a valid way to solve some of their issues.:p

Wow, just wow and Rapture thinks she's stopped being a villain.

<shrug> Pantheon thinks they're the good guys too...

If you have a strong enough stomach to read this and still want to discuss it, PM me. I really don't want this to clog up the thread.

Not wanting to discuss it, but it is nice to see others have done the research too. I spent waaaay too long living in the Deep South...Bible literalism my ass...:(

Interesting thought. Maybe Rapture sees the same problem as Lisa, but sees a different part of it as a problem.

I totally want to write a story where shit like that is going on along with the normal Worm stuff. Demons, etc, plus an actual Antichrist in full on Left Behind style madness showing up. Could be a party.

Lisa awoke the next morning with a vague sense of dread and an awful hangover. After her morning ritual of cursing her alarm clock, the sun, her body, the existence of other parahumans, the existence of other humans, and existence itself, she stumbled into the kitchen and dining area for a pot of coffee. Maybe some food too, if the stomach gods were feeling merciful.

Wow. Lisa wakes up almost as foul tempered as I do. ;)

Libecca's fingers tapped out her reply. "One of the benefits of hindsight, I suppose. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?" Taylia began to respond, but Libecca cut her off with a minute gesture. "Uber and Leet don't count."

When you need someone to laugh at, Uber and Leet always count.:D

This chapter just proves what ive always thought; kinks the solution to all life's problems. :D

There are people who don't think that?

This is undiscovered country, and the last time those two found terra incognita, they covered it in a globe spanning lifeform.

... It occurs that Amelia should be capable of full on sense sharing, with all attendant sexiness. I think she needs some practice though.

... It is also a weird thought that Taylor is less likely than Amelia to unlock human sense sharing first, given her power (barring, of course, going canon!Khepri).
Goddamn it, Tana, did you seriously save lesbian sexytimes till now just for the 404 Not Found pun?!?!
I maaaay have forced three chapters of reception when I really only needed the one. A Weld interlude was entirely superfluous. So, really, was Victoria's. The story would have continued without them. Then it would have been 402. But this was so much better.
He also admitted to padding the story so that wedding itself was on Chapter 400.

Now, consider the 400 series of errors:

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized (RFC 7235)
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required (RFC 7235)
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed (RFC 7232)
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable (RFC 7233)
417 Expectation Failed
418 I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)

And the list goes on and on...

And yes, these are all valid. And punny, too, in some cases.

Conflict. Entity too large. Expectation failed... Now don't worry, I don't think TanaNari is going to write the rest of the chapters as a theme. Probably.

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