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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

I'm trying to identify the powers of the backup singers, and I'm coming up blank. Anyone?

Pervy twins? Pretty sure its Gemini. If I read that right they copied Paige's power so that they could play back up singer. Because the only thing better than getting Canary to sing at your wedding is getting a Canary and a half to do it.
Taylor smiled, and turned to put her hands on Amelia's hips. Then the music started and my heart stopped, figuratively speaking. The song was soft, romantic, and I had no idea what language it was in. The girls were enraptured by each other, we were enraptured by the music.
in my head, i imagine Sigor Ros's "Glósóli" being played for the first dance.

warning this music vid has trigger warnings
So, are they plotting to copy Canary's power to coordinate people during the Boss Fight? Seems likely. Testing it on the wedding reception seems... well, both the perfect test environment and needlessly risky. I wonder just how many people were present that either didn't know or they weren't okay with finding out.

Unrelated: I really hope Sveta does know about Weld's alternative motivations. Maybe she's just trying to copy her Mom and have a Protectorate Political Friend.
Amelia, Ch 403
Amelia, Ch 403

After our dance the music became more subdued. Paige's power could be inhibited, but not completely blocked without simply removing her powers. The Tinkers and Vicky would make sure there was never too much in to influence our personalities beyond keeping everyone in a good mood. Not that we expected any problems, but still, it was a nice addition. Paige wanted a way to thank us for pulling her out of that hellhole, along with the other unjustly railroaded capes.

I gave a brief moment of thought to my father, who was not, and would not be freed. I made peace with that long ago. He is where he belongs. And so am I. I reached over and put my hand on Taylor's leg under the table, then I leaned against her. "Thank you for putting up with all my bullshit baggage." I meant it, too. Between the weird sister complex, and the weirder adopting a fugitive Class S threat with a kill order as a sister, and the drama with my adoptive parents, any sane person would have noped the fuck out before I got through the first half of the things wrong with me.

AmusementAcceptance. "And thank you for putting up with all my bullshit baggage. Now dig in. The band may be free, but we're paying for the food. Plus it's delicious and we'll need the energy tonight." EmbarrassedOhGodThatSoundsHorrible. "I meant for the dancing! We're not going to be allowed to avoid that forever!"

Mark laughed. "You girls don't have to be embarrassed. You're a healthy, happy, newly married couple, so it's to be expected. Besides, we remember what it was like to be kids. Or have the rest of you finally become old?"

Healthy. To be expected. I tried not to think about that too hard. FineAcceptableWe'reHappyNoRegrets. Yeah, no regrets.

Danny smiled. "Oh, I definitely haven't forgotten. Every time the weather changes I'm given a detailed reminder of every last stupid thing I did between the ages of fifteen and yesterday afternoon."

"But the memories are worth every ache," Aunt Sarah agreed, giving Taylor's dad a far too dreamy smile for my comfort.

OhGodEww. Oh god, eww. CanNeverThinkAboutSexAgain! If we weren't celibate before, we would be now.

Carol perked up, just a bit more smug than usual. "Speak for yourselves. One of those little perks of having a Breaker power."

"You should try this," Taylor offered me a bite from her plate. "it's delicious." I accepted it readily enough. She was right, it tasted wonderful. I accepted another bite and resolved to pick some of it up my next trip past the buffet.

I focused on ignoring the conversation, as the adults played their games. Mark constantly trying to play the energetic one with no worries, Carol acting the one who didn't need to worry, and Danny and Aunt Sarah trying very hard to be the adults at the table by steering things back to safe conversations like sports, not-cape-news, and anything else on the planet that didn't have to do with family or each other.

Instead, my concern was on Taylor. My wife. The thought was going to take some getting used to. I loved her, and she loved me. More than I could have hoped for in life. We had good music that just so happened to serve the function of alcohol since this was a 'dry' ceremony. We had good friends seated out there chatting with their friends. Everything was perfect. Sure, we had the occasional outlier like Lisa who was only really here for Taylor, but that was fine.

And a bunch of people who were here more because we wanted to show our political friends some respect and pad the guest list than because they were actually our friends in any significant way. In that manner, Alexandria and Legend being here was both an open nod to the Protectorate and Guild, and a subversive one to Cauldron. And then there were the ones from Haven, the Adepts, Akaihana and her date for the Japanese groups. All in all, a broad and multicultural showing that the celebrity rags would just love.


And of course we had to make our rounds, eventually. No one could spend the whole night dancing. Except Sveta and Weld, who were apparently the proper combination of motivated and impossible to tire out. Taylor and I reluctantly split up so we could talk to everyone and thank them for showing. It didn't escape my notice that Taylor volunteered for both Akaihana and Narwhal. She was cute when she was jealous. I was on my way to talk to Alexandria and Legend for a moment when Rapture pulled me aside.

She was all smiles, her armor leaving her face open. One of the few who never accepted a biosuit, relying instead on her own technology. "I wanted to congratulate you on your on your marriage in person. And let you know how much Halo appreciated you asking him to officiate."

I felt a little uncomfortable at that one. "No, we should thank him."

She shook her head. "Don't worry, we know it was a decision made by pure politics. He was proud to do it anyway. For the political reasons, yes of course. But also because that's just the kind of man he is. It's a pity we, our teams, never got to know each other better."

I smile at her. "So much to do, so little time." ConcernAreYouOkayOverThere? Yeah, just trying to thread the needle of politeness.

"And, well, one piece of advice I wanted to give for you. Because you deserve it." Her voice dropped to a near whisper. "This should be the kind of advice your mother would tell you before your wedding, not a functional stranger." But that's not an option here. "I know about the sexual issues between you and Taylor."

I froze up for a moment. No, Taylor, just keep doing your thing. OkayIfYou'reCertain.

"An unfortunate side effect of my powers, I wish I could turn it off. I just wanted to tell you how to fix the problem."

I thought back at all the options at our disposal. Brain rewrite tech, my powers, sex alteration, sensory loaded changelings. "We're not really lacking for those kinds of tools, and we've rejected them for a reason. I don't see what else you could offer."

She shook her head, smiling softly. "Ah, the inexperience of youth. I can offer advice. Sexuality is an incredibly fluid thing, with more variables than a sane person would ever dare try to explain. Taylor is straight, and there's no way to change that which isn't a crime against both God and all human decency."

Then why are-

"But that's not the only aspect of her subconscious that you can play on. Like I said, there's a lot of factors that go into anyone's identity. She already loves you, on a level I've only rarely seen between any couple. And believe me, I know how to look. More than that, she trusts you completely. Those are massive head starts, especially for someone who has so many reasons not to trust anyone."

Of course Rapture knows that. She's met Taylor, she's seen the stuff about what Emma did. It's doesn't even take a Thinker. "Okay, so, you're saying I can talk Taylor into wanting to..." I flushed a little. AreYouOkay?What'sHappening? It's fine, I'll explain later.

"Not exactly. Some people are that flexible, but she's not one of them. In her case, you want to do the exact opposite. You have to take away her ability to say no." I was too shocked to protest. "Don't worry, I don't mean doing anything evil. Just take command of the situation. If you initiate, she won't stop you. After that, just lead and she'll be happy to follow. Like a lot of powerful men and women who are used to being in charge, there is a certain part of her that wants to allow someone else to be in charge of her for a change. And there's no one she'd prefer to be that someone else than you."

I thought about it. The times when she was impressed with me when I took command of a situation. I could actually see that working. I was even looking forward to it.

Rapture nodded. "That's the spirit. But don't think about it too hard right now. You've still got a party to concern yourself with. Save your enthusiasm for the honeymoon."

She's right, that can wait for later. "So, why are you telling me this? I thought that, well..."

"I'd be all 'you're both sinners, rawr, except I can't say that because it's politically unpopular so I'll be a passive aggressive bitch instead'?" Rapture's voice was a blend of mockery and amusement. "Yeah, no. See, I've actually read the Bible, in the proper languages. There's nothing in there for you that isn't also true for straight couples. As long as you don't plan to do it in a church or in front of other people or with anyone other than your spouse, we're pretty much golden. You can agree not to do any of those, right?"

I nodded my head. No, those are definitely not things I am ever going to do.

"Well then, no particular problems there. At least in terms of that. Your team could afford to visit a few confessionals. Get some baptisms. An exorcism or two, maybe."

Wait a second. "How long have you been sitting on this advice?"

She shrugged. "I think approximately three hours after I first met the two of you."

"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner?" Fuck, the troubles we could have avoided...

"You weren't married, before."


A/N- I've missed Rapture. Also, she spends too much time around Rey.

Oh, and yes, Lisa figured this advice out, too.
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It's just the way it looks to me.
Well, you're welcome to interpret the chapter however you like it, I left it open for a reason.

The author's stance is deliberately shrouded to avoid having a stance. I feel it'd hurt the story for me to push my personal ethos here, one way or the other. But I remind you I've shown nothing but respect to religion in this story thus far... where it showed up, at least, which is admittedly not often.

I even had a couple people over on SB send me quite hateful messages for being TOO respectful of religion in this fic.

As oppose to, say, politics. I think I've made my personal opinion of politics quite abundantly clear in this story. And I am okay with that.
Sarah-and-Danny-squick-the-kids-train keeps on rolling.

A nice solution to the "issue", though Amelia will still have to soldier through Taylor's initial negative reactions. I presume those will fade relatively quick, but it is probably why "practice makes perfect" never occurred to either of them earlier.
Omake: Handle The Truth
"I'd be all 'you're both sinners, rawr, except I can't say that because it's politically unpopular so I'll be a passive aggressive bitch instead'?" Rapture's voice was a blend of mockery and amusement. "Yeah, no. See, I've actually read the Bible, in the proper languages. There's nothing in there for you that isn't also true for straight couples. As long as you don't plan to do it in a church or in front of other people or with anyone other than your spouse, we're pretty much golden. You can agree not to do any of those, right?"
Couldn't resist doing it. Too bad!

"...You can agree not to do any of those, right?"

I went to nod my head but stopped. Rapture had always been forthcoming with us; god knows she stopped Lisa from being such a bitch, and she'd been happy to help our various members talk about whatever they needed. She was probably the only reason Emma had ended up as stable as she did. She deserved the truth. "Uh, I might not be able to, you know, honor that agreement..." I muttered.

It took her by surprise. "I beg your pardon? You're intending to go off and have sex in a church, in front of other people, or with someone other than Taylor?"

Maybe I'd said it the wrong way, but I'd started so I might as well just force it all out. "Well, I mean, technically the whole planet is connected to me. There's a couple of churches that were made utilizing the Yggdrasil and because of the relay nodes built in to all of it Taylor and I have an awareness and presence across the entire planet, and our emotions clearly have an effect on the things we control."

She shook her head. "That's... not exactly what I meant."

"Which kind of ties in to the issue of other people;" I said, bulling my way onwards. "They're almost constantly looking at some part of us, or watching what we're doing in some way. Not to mention the thinkers like Crow and Victoria who can pretty much envision whatever the hell they want to, along with whatever bullshit Cauldron is working with." It was something we'd given some thought to in the past, and whenever the thoughts of Cauldron happened to cross my mind after I'd been thinking about Taylor, well, it had certainly helped to keep my desires down.

Actually, this whole conversation was going to end up cockblocking me. Figuratively speaking.

There was a look of borderline horror on what I could see of Rapture's face. "Ok, I'm not sure what I'm most concerned about; that this is a thing, or that you've been putting thought into it."

"And, if I'm coming clean, we're actually working on the idea that our clones aren't really, exactly, 100% us at the moment." This was kind of big news, so I pitched my voice as low as I could, leaning in slightly to make sure she'd hear. "We're happy with it. We've accepted that we're not really who we used to be. But you and I both know that Taylor's not one for baulking at sacrifice. Give her a month or so, two if we're being generous, and there's bound to be something going wrong so... yeah. If I'm being honest, I really can't agree with any of your terms."

Coming clean was like ripping off a band-aid. For me, anyway. For her part, Rapture just stood there, mouth moving every now and then as she tried to process the facts I'd just dumped in her lap. I waved my hand in front of her face for a bit before deciding she'd snap out of it sooner or later.

That done, I made my way back to my wife, the thought still sending a shiver down my spine despite recent topics. We'd deal with these new thoughts the way we always did; together. Which reminded me, maybe I should have mentioned the quasi-masturbation angle to Rapture whilst she was still capable of rational thought?

A quick glance back showed she'd made her way to the punch bowl and was attempting to get drunk off the non-alcoholic selection.

Ah well, maybe it's a conversation best saved for another day.

I even had a couple people over on SB send me quite hateful messages for being TOO respectful of religion in this fic.
That's actually a good thing. How often is it so easy to figure out who to block?
Who said I did? You can just as easily say the exact opposite, in fact, and this is a pro marriage first stance.

I suppose you could read it that way, but the parallel with abstinence only education seems obvious.

The adult withholds advice that the teenagers could use to have sex with fewer nasty expected consequences, because they think they shouldn't do anything like that until they get married, the teenagers attempt to have sex anyway, because human psychology and teenagers. Things go more poorly than they would have had the adult just given the advice.

Edit: Well technically the butcher would have hung around longer or not been killed at all without Taylor going suicidal, so maybe on net this way was utilitarianly better, but it involved more trauma for our characters. Similarly I'd be incredibly surprised if there haven't been people born from teen pregnancies that wouldn't have happened if the teen had been more educated/had more access to birth control, whose lives outweighed the negatives incurred by their impact to their parents and their less than desirable circumstances of upbringing.

Other Edits: Phrasing
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I suppose you could read it that way, but the parallel with abstinence only education seems obvious.
True. But the opposite parallel is equally established. A teenage couple who've known each other for two and a half months, and were only in anything resembling a romantic relationship for a month of it... then one partner tries to rush a sexual relationship which results in horrific consequences up to and including a nasty breakup and then death...

Then they (or their duplicates) opt to go with a chaste relationship and do so happily for over two years without any significant problems. In the relationship department at least. Then they get married and get to have an actual, happy, sexual relationship... and no one has to suicide themselves...

This is an author who clearly went out of his way to send both messages.
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"No one".

Oh, and yes, Lisa figured this advice out, too.
Fucking Lisa. Then again she only became accepting of Taylia after Taylor died so I guess it's understandable. Still a dick move though.

... What does it say about us that I can't recall this simple solution ever being suggested in the comments?
Fucking Lisa. Then again she only became accepting of Taylia after Taylor died so I guess it's understandable

What does it say about us that I can't recall this simple solution ever being suggested in the comments?

It'd also require Lisa have this conversation while shard induced squick factor pokes her in the brain.

And I have absolutely no idea. Given how often it shows up in the NSFW section... maybe I've just got a less pervy class of readers?

.... Speaking of pervy readers... Next chapter. NSFW. Amelia or Taylor perspective. Start your votes.
True. But the opposite parallel is equally opposite. A teenage couple who've known each other for two and a half months, and were only in anything resembling a romantic relationship for a month of it... then one partner tries to rush a sexual relationship which results in horrific consequences up to and including a nasty breakup and then death...

Then they (or their duplicates) opt to go with a chaste relationship and do so happily for over two years without any significant problems. In the relationship department at least. Then they get married and get to have an actual, happy, sexual relationship... and no one has to suicide themselves...

But the early sexual relationship could well have turned out better if they actually had the advice. Given Rapture's tinker specialty I suppose I could buy that in this particular case it wouldn't and she wasn't just letting her beliefs make her misread the facts, unlike abstinence only education where the research is clear that the aggregate outcomes are better for real sex ed even if individuals might have been better off just being told not to try it.

Though Rapture could have also told Taylor that changing orientations to be with Amelia would end badly, unless her association with them was too short for her to pick up on that along with the other things she picked up about them.
Though Rapture could have also told Taylor that changing orientations to be with Amelia would end badly, unless her association with them was too short for her to pick up on that along with the other things she picked up about them.

THAT would at least require her knowing they could even do that. Which, at the point they were at in the story, it couldn't be done. It wasn't until Emma perfected the brain manipulation technology that this became an option. Or a safe option, at least. Maybe if she knew who Clarice really was....

The rest of your argument is valid. But not exactly unbeatable. As was my goal all along.
"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner?" Fuck, the troubles we could have avoided...

"You weren't married, before."

:p Rapture is just awesome. Also, totally right about sexuality, which either Taylor or Amelia could have learned if they had bothered to do any research on the matter at all.

Geez these kids, they spend all their time Cronenberging around and don't make the time to actually read shit. Maybe they could get it as a brain upload, since apparently reading up on a subject that actually effects their lives pretty seriously is too much trouble to fit in during the two years they've been together? :D

Oh, and yes, Lisa figured this advice out, too.

I figured. Also figured since Lisa finds sex yucky she would have never brought the subject up because... Lisa finds sex yucky. :D

.... Speaking of pervy readers... Next chapter. NSFW. Amelia or Taylor perspective. Start your votes.

Now we both know that just when they're about to start with the Barry White and D/S is when whomever Scion is listening to is going to be angry drunk and tell him to "burn it all down!", because sexual frustration is the mana that God eats.;)

But I'll play along, keep Amy's perspective for it. I've already read a bewildering variety of sexual situations from Taylor's PoV, not nearly so many from Amy's.

TLDR: my Vote = Amelia

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