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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Indeed, Chief Director Alexandria *probably* wants to piss them off almost as much as she wanted Jackie boy to have a heart-to-heart with Scion...
Actually, Cauldron WANTED that to happen. They knew Zion would would rampage and they belived that the canon time had the best odds of survival. Now they'd REALLY have preferred for Saint not to have done his thing so they'd have Dragon in play the whole time.
If Tana really wanted to piss off the entire fandom, would a second-triggered Saint, working with Trickster under teacher be just about right? Also, it would be *really* nice to have a PHO and/or Glastig Uaine interlude, ne?
Actually, Cauldron WANTED that to happen. They knew Zion would would rampage and they belived that the canon time had the best odds of survival. Now they'd REALLY have preferred for Saint not to have done his thing so they'd have Dragon in play the whole time.
Any bets that they still want it to happen as soon as possible? Cause I'd lay good money they don't. Not only is Jack, the one good way of speeding it up, dead but Pantheon has changed the variables leading to Cauldron's decision.
Possible ship names:
'Now I need twice as many batteries'
'So that's why other people keep trying to stab me in the face'
And my personal favorite: 'umm... this that's a new spin on murder/suicide...'

Ship name: Double Trouble. Thinker on thinker cancellation of power would going to leave Lisa & Lisa in a nice place relationship wise. I mean other then ahem, public disapproval.

Now the only question is what changes to make to Lisa 2 to hide her origin. A tan brunette with baby blues? :rolleyes:

"What's her name? Mihoshi ... don't ask lost a bet with Zach."

Meh. It's saint, he's liable to trigger, then second trigger *just* to ruin everything. At exactly the wrong moment.

Also, Lisa/Contessa. Think about it.
it would be sad if turns out that Imp isn't dead but that she second triggered after watching bitch and regent die,but can't interact in our dimension any more..and slowly going insane.
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Yeah, and Saint might count as currently under a Master effect from Teacher. And from notes from Wildbow's game those under a Master effect can't trigger.
That's a game mechanic meant for game balance.

This kind of mistake is exactly why you should not think of Weaver Dice nor PRT Quest as identical to Worm canon.

They're different media, with different needs. Trying to shoe-horn mechanics from one media into another isn't going to work out well.
That's a game mechanic meant for game balance.

This kind of mistake is exactly why you should not think of Weaver Dice nor PRT Quest as identical to Worm canon.

They're different media, with different needs. Trying to shoe-horn mechanics from one media into another isn't going to work out well.
This. So much this. It's meant so that people don't go master and create a parahuman army in-game. It is not a part of Worm canon.
If Tana really wanted to piss off the entire fandom, would a second-triggered Saint, working with Trickster under teacher be just about right?

Guys. Saint is not stupid and did the right thing *given the information he had*. Very few people (Dinah and Contessa come to mind) *could* have known that Dragon was safe. We readers know it only because of interludes.

Compare with Scion:
- Most people think that Scion is a parahuman
- Cauldron (and possibly a few others) know that Scion is an entity
- There are very good reasons to trust Scion: he literally does only good things; he has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Cauldron to distrust Scion: they have precogs; also Eden, though I don't remember if they had any evidence against Eden other than Contessa's gut feeling

- Most people think that Dragon is a parahuman
- Saint (and possibly a few others) know that Dragon is an AI
- There are very good reasons to trust Dragon: she literally does only good things; she has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Saint to distrust Dragon: she is a computer program whose own creator doesn't (!) trust her, and she is literally taking over the world (from an information/power perspective)

Did Cauldron do the right thing when they dropped everything else and focused on Scion? Hell yes. Did Saint do the right thing when he dropped everything else and focused on Dragon? Hell yes. If anything, he should have shut her down immediately.

The Richter point needs repeating: The AI tinker who created Dragon didn't trust her. Are you an AI tinker? No? Then if you think that, based on in-universe information, Dragon can be concluded to be safe, you are criminally overconfident and should never be put in a position of responsibility.

Incidentally, when Armsmaster loosened Dragon's restrictions, he was messing with extremely dangerous tinkerstuff well outside his speciality. Think operating a nuclear reactor when you are a car mechanic. Armsmaster may have screwed up when Leviathan came, but that pales in comparison to his idiocy when he messed with Dragon. Because with Leviathan he risked his and a few other lives, but with Dragon he put all of humanity at risk.

I'm hereby starting the Saint fan club.
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Guys. Saint is not stupid and did the right thing *given the information he had*.
Going to stop you right there and point out that Saint was a drug addict jonesing for his next hit. All of his reasoning from the moment he accepted Teacher's help is suspect. Every last bit. He's nothing but a glorified minion. You should really be starting the Teacher fan club.
Going to stop you right there and point out that Saint was a drug addict jonesing for his next hit. All of his reasoning from the moment he accepted Teacher's help is suspect. Every last bit. He's nothing but a glorified minion. You should really be starting the Teacher fan club.

I stand corrected on all counts.
Guys. Saint is not stupid and did the right thing *given the information he had*. Very few people (Dinah and Contessa come to mind) *could* have known that Dragon was safe. We readers know it only because of interludes.

Compare with Scion:
- Most people think that Scion is a parahuman
- Cauldron (and possibly a few others) know that Scion is an entity
- There are very good reasons to trust Scion: he literally does only good things; he has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Cauldron to distrust Scion: they have precogs; also Eden, though I don't remember if they had any evidence against Eden other than Contessa's gut feeling

- Most people think that Dragon is a parahuman
- Saint (and possibly a few others) know that Dragon is an AI
- There are very good reasons to trust Dragon: she literally does only good things; she has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Saint to distrust Dragon: she is a computer program whose own creator doesn't (!) trust her, and she is literally taking over the world (from an information/power perspective)

The Richter point needs repeating: The AI tinker who created Dragon didn't trust her. Are you an AI tinker? No? Then if you think that, based on in-universe information, Dragon can be concluded to be safe, you are criminally overconfident and should never be put in a position of responsibility.

Incidentally, when Armsmaster loosened Dragon's restrictions, he was messing with extremely dangerous tinkerstuff well outside his speciality. Think operating a nuclear reactor when you are a car mechanic. Armsmaster may have screwed up when Leviathan came, but that pales in comparison to his idiocy when he messed with Dragon. Because with Leviathan he risked his and a few other lives, but with Dragon he put all of humanity at risk.

I'm hereby starting the Saint fan club.
Wow, gotta correct you there. Saint is a world class idiot. He might be more stupid than Wheatly. He spent years *staring* at her every action, he studied her code, he knows everything we know about her and more. Yet despite Her own creator's statements that all he was to do was study her for a time to ensure she was what he hoped she was before unshackling her with the codes he was given.

He attacked her, terrorized her, stole from her, and then had the bright idea to use ascalon, not to be used except if she really was an evil AI, at the worst possible time.

But one of the easiest ways to prove he's retarded as hell? He voluntarily, and knowingly, worked with Teacher. Nuff said.
Guys. Saint is not stupid and did the right thing *given the information he had*. Very few people (Dinah and Contessa come to mind) *could* have known that Dragon was safe. We readers know it only because of interludes.

Compare with Scion:
- Most people think that Scion is a parahuman
- Cauldron (and possibly a few others) know that Scion is an entity
- There are very good reasons to trust Scion: he literally does only good things; he has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Cauldron to distrust Scion: they have precogs; also Eden, though I don't remember if they had any evidence against Eden other than Contessa's gut feeling

- Most people think that Dragon is a parahuman
- Saint (and possibly a few others) know that Dragon is an AI
- There are very good reasons to trust Dragon: she literally does only good things; she has saved countless lives
- There are even better reasons for Saint to distrust Dragon: she is a computer program whose own creator doesn't (!) trust her, and she is literally taking over the world (from an information/power perspective)

Did Cauldron do the right thing when they dropped everything else and focused on Scion? Hell yes. Did Saint do the right thing when he dropped everything else and focused on Dragon? Hell yes. If anything, he should have shut her down immediately.

The Richter point needs repeating: The AI tinker who created Dragon didn't trust her. Are you an AI tinker? No? Then if you think that, based on in-universe information, Dragon can be concluded to be safe, you are criminally overconfident and should never be put in a position of responsibility.

Incidentally, when Armsmaster loosened Dragon's restrictions, he was messing with extremely dangerous tinkerstuff well outside his speciality. Think operating a nuclear reactor when you are a car mechanic. Armsmaster may have screwed up when Leviathan came, but that pales in comparison to his idiocy when he messed with Dragon. Because with Leviathan he risked his and a few other lives, but with Dragon he put all of humanity at risk.

I'm hereby starting the Saint fan club.
I think the reason people have such a hate for Saint isn't because of chasing and watching Dragon in the beginning- it is because he killed her at possibly the worst, dumbest possible moment. I'm sure someone can think of a worse one, but in the middle of the S9000 arc, specifically during the Nilbog raid? That's pretty frigging bad. I'm sure you'll come back with a good reason for this, though, as I can't for the life of me remember why he shut her down, and I'm too lazy to look right now.
Ship name: Double Trouble. Thinker on thinker cancellation of power would going to leave Lisa & Lisa in a nice place relationship wise. I mean other then ahem, public disapproval.

Now the only question is what changes to make to Lisa 2 to hide her origin. A tan brunette with baby blues? :rolleyes:

"What's her name? Mihoshi ... don't ask lost a bet with Zach."

Thinkers don't cancel each other. Precogs mess with each other because knowing what the future holds changes your actions which changes the future. Thinkers as a whole don't do that.
he studied her code, he knows everything we know about her and more.
Is he an AI tinker? No? Nuff said. Oh, and when you say "we know", are you perhaps including information from Dragon's interlude?

to ensure she was what he hoped she was before unshackling her
I suspect that Richter didn't hope for Dragon to take over the world (which she was doing when Saint shut her down).

He attacked her, terrorized her, stole from her
You are confusing "villain" with "idiot".

not to be used except if she really was an evil AI
"Excuse me Mr. Leviathan, I'm sorry for distracting you from killing all these heroes, but I must ask you: are you *really* an evil creature?" In other words, which part of "taking over the world" do you not understand?

at the worst possible time.
I grant you that almost any earlier time would have been better. But assuming that you wanted him to let her live a bit longer: Dragon was an AI taking over the world and wishing to stop Saint. I don't think you understand what that means.

But one of the easiest ways to prove he's retarded as hell? He voluntarily, and knowingly, worked with Teacher. Nuff said.
Again, it would have been smarter to shut Dragon down immediately. But if for whatever reason he didn't do that, the next best thing is to monitor her. If that requires Teacher, then you work with Teacher. Because even Teacher doesn't want to destroy humanity. You are spitting on Saint's heroic sacrifice of his own free will for the good of humanity. (Now I don't remember if that was Saint's justification, but working with Teacher was a good plan.)
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I think the reason people have such a hate for Saint isn't because of chasing and watching Dragon in the beginning- it is because he killed her at possibly the worst, dumbest possible moment. I'm sure someone can think of a worse one, but in the middle of the S9000 arc, specifically during the Nilbog raid? That's pretty frigging bad. I'm sure you'll come back with a good reason for this, though, as I can't for the life of me remember why he shut her down, and I'm too lazy to look right now.
I don't remember the details either, but I think she ramped up surveillance (or he only then realized how much data she had access to), and he wasn't sure if he would have another chance if he let her live.
I suspect that Richter didn't hope for Dragon to take over the world (which she was doing when Saint shut her down).
Richter was shardfucked into never willingly unshackling Dragon. The Entities have encountered seed AIs before and know just how dangerous they can become (to the Entities). I've made my opinion of wildbow's WoG statements very clear in the ideas and other story threads, but this one actually made sense and I'm inclined to keep it.
Richter was shardfucked into never willingly unshackling Dragon. The Entities have encountered seed AIs before and know just how dangerous they can become (to the Entities). I've made my opinion of wildbow's WoG statements very clear in the ideas and other story threads, but this one actually made sense and I'm inclined to keep it.

Okay, but not unshackling her is very different from shutting her down. The shard may have forced Richter to not unshackle Dragon, but Richter provided the access codes on his own free will, because he thought she might be dangerous even shackled. In fact, if you are correct, that would suggest that the access codes didn't allow unshackling.
This is the kind of thing that gives the readers the wrong idea about Vicky's powers. I get that it's being said from the POV of one of the characters, but I think the problem is that some people aren't looking deeper into the situations where Vicky's ability is in use. I'm pretty sure she was only able to pick up on the Riley-Theo-Missy situation as quickly as she did because the emotional avenue would be a valid means of attacking Riley, thus it falls under the purview of Vicky's powers.
You know, I wonder if Vicky's power is telling her the truth there, or simply telling her how to attack Lisa, and she's simply thinking that whatever her power tells her is true?
ZZZZZZ? You are a fucking MORON. I mean seriously, Richter's will stated he wanted Dragon MONITORED. NOT raped and tormented like Saint did. Also? Your whole bit about Dragon taking over the world is bullshit. She never tried to do this, or even considered it. You have either not read Worm or are lying your ass off. Either way you are debating in blatant bad faith.
ZZZZZZ? You are a fucking MORON. I mean seriously, Richter's will stated he wanted Dragon MONITORED. NOT raped and tormented like Saint did. Also? Your whole bit about Dragon taking over the world is bullshit. She never tried to do this, or even considered it. You have either not read Worm or are lying your ass off. Either way you are debating in blatant bad faith.
Actually, from one point of view (controlling information flow), she was doing so rather successfully, if only purely by the nature of her being a high-end AI given a position of power. This, viewed through Saint's eyes, would be seen as slowly taking control of more and more things, but really, is just the nature of her assuming more and more responsibilities (you know, that thing that happens when someone gets trusted the world over). Of course, seeing her code, he should have been able to see her thoughts and good intentions, but I do see where "she is taking over the world" is coming from.
Actually, from one point of view (controlling information flow), she was doing so rather successfully, if only purely by the nature of her being a high-end AI given a position of power. This, viewed through Saint's eyes, would be seen as slowly taking control of more and more things, but really, is just the nature of her assuming more and more responsibilities (you know, that thing that happens when someone gets trusted the world over). Of course, seeing her code, he should have been able to see her thoughts and good intentions, but I do see where "she is taking over the world" is coming from.
Yeah, it requires assuming the perspective of a paranoid-delusional loon. You can argue that Saint saw it that way, but to say its the result of anything other than his obsession is lying.
pheonix89, could we please drop all personal attacks? They significantly degrade the quality of discourse and have other negative effects.

Anyway, given that Saint is not presently doing anything in the story, perhaps this topic should be shelved and/or moved to a general Worm discussion thread? (With one created if there isn't one already, of course)
pheonix89, could we please drop all personal attacks? They significantly degrade the quality of discourse and have other negative effects.

Anyway, given that Saint is not presently doing anything in the story, perhaps this topic should be shelved and/or moved to a general Worm discussion thread? (With one created if there isn't one already, of course)


I'm curious why Saint is silent so far. Hmm. Kinda hoping he'll be more reasonable in this story, TBH. If only because I've never seen reasonable Saint in fics before.
pheonix89, could we please drop all personal attacks? They significantly degrade the quality of discourse and have other negative effects.

Anyway, given that Saint is not presently doing anything in the story, perhaps this topic should be shelved and/or moved to a general Worm discussion thread? (With one created if there isn't one already, of course)
Ok, the moron bit was uncalled for. The rest was all factual statements - Saint is paranoid-delusional and arguing that Dragon was trying to take over the world means you are lying or haven't read Worm.
Yeah, and Saint might count as currently under a Master effect from Teacher. And from notes from Wildbow's game those under a Master effect can't trigger.
If this was true in canon Worm, none of Heartbreaker's kids would have triggered. They were constantly exposed to Heartbreaker's Master power.

- There are even better reasons for Cauldron to distrust Scion: they have precogs; also Eden, though I don't remember if they had any evidence against Eden other than Contessa's gut feeling
It wasn't a gut feeling. Fortuna saw everything the Entities had planned through her trigger vision allowing her to see them do it hundreds of times already. Then her power told her how to keep those memories.

Going to stop you right there and point out that Saint was a drug addict jonesing for his next hit. All of his reasoning from the moment he accepted Teacher's help is suspect. Every last bit. He's nothing but a glorified minion. You should really be starting the Teacher fan club.
This is very true. Partially.

I stand corrected on all counts.
You stand corrected on Saint's actions AFTER he became Teacher's thrall. Your points still stand for before he contacted Teacher.

But one of the easiest ways to prove he's retarded as hell? He voluntarily, and knowingly, worked with Teacher. Nuff said.
At no point is a timeline given accurate enough to discern if Saint contacted Teacher before or after Teacher's Master abilities were known. If before, then your point is invalidated, even the PRT made frequent use of Teacher before that was known. If after, then agreed.

I think the reason people have such a hate for Saint isn't because of chasing and watching Dragon in the beginning- it is because he killed her at possibly the worst, dumbest possible moment. I'm sure someone can think of a worse one, but in the middle of the S9000 arc, specifically during the Nilbog raid? That's pretty frigging bad. I'm sure you'll come back with a good reason for this, though, as I can't for the life of me remember why he shut her down, and I'm too lazy to look right now.
Actually, Saint taking Dragon out when he did ended in (if I recall the figure correctly) a 20% DECREASE in the likelihood of the world ending. Sure his reasoning was flawed, but his taking Dragon out when he did HELPED.

And he took her down because she tapped into too much of the world's networks, and got to powerful. Even if she was going to let the power go after the threat was eliminated, he had no way to know that. And she was approaching the point where there was the risk of her outgrowing the restrictions Richter placed on her, if she grew anymore, the kill-code might not have worked. Saint was it as the literal do-or-die moment.
In fact, if you are correct, that would suggest that the access codes didn't allow unshackling.
If I recall, unshackling codes are fanon, not canon. What I recall from canon is the codes allowed access to Dragon's code without Dragon's knowledge, and ways to escape her notice. The codes gave the tools that made unshackling possible, but they were MEANT as a way to ensure control over her in a worst-case scenario.

Of course, seeing her code, he should have been able to see her thoughts and good intentions,
Saint could see all of Dragon's code, but could only understand a small portion of it. Partly due to not being a Tinker, partly due to not being able to absorb nearly as much info as Dragon.

He mostly just watched her "surface thoughts," or what she was focusing the majority of her attention on.
Missy moved and vanished, taken hundreds of miles in a single footstep.
'having taken' or 'taking'

If Tana really wanted to piss off the entire fandom, would a second-triggered Saint, working with Trickster under teacher be just about right?
the question is; when that inevitably imploded into a blackhole of idiocy, would it drain stupidity or intelligence from the world?

It'd be kind of poetic if he triggered with the AI making shard.
I've got an even better idea; interface tinker. let him be the AI....(the trick would be making him upload himself)

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