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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

"I can teleport anything I can see into touch range of myself. Anything I'm already touching, I can teleport to anywhere I can see.
Maybe they can use the data they have on Sting and Theo's Supah-Metallu to piggyback her power's signal across all dimensions?
Since those two powers seemed to have issues mixing with each other due to they way the users couldn't properly bring the entirety of each effect into a single dimension (I believe the words used were something like "I can't see all of it." or something like that) there may be issues with Arianna acquiring a 'lock' on those types of objects.

And maybe there wont be and they'll all sit themselves in whatever dimension they damn well feel like next time an Endbringer shows up, not even shunting over for the fight, leaving the gathered capes standing around an Endbringer corpse wondering what the hell happened?

Hmm, it'd actually be a little bit funny if Pantheon and their various cape synergies kept prompting the Endbringers to spawn with new ways to get around whatever Pantheon is capable of... and accidentally left themselves completely open to utterly mundane damage. Oops?
Ch 212
Amelia, Ch 212

I woke up in a nice hug. Taylor decided to be the big spoon... wait, when did she get all the extra arms? "Gah!" I shot up in my bed, only to drag the grasping arms with me. WorryConfusion. I looked down at the thing wrapped around me. Riley's damn spider. I tried to will my heart to stop beating so fast and took some slow, deep breaths. "Don't worry, Taylor, I'm fine." Then I slowly pealed the fuzzy little abomination's legs off of me. It purred at the attention I was giving it like the worlds friendliest, and dumbest, cat. I tossed the thing on my bed and hit the shower.

After that and getting dressed, I walked out where the ever friendly plant spider sat attentively on my pillow. I sighed. "Okay, Snowball, hop up." It climbed up onto me and wrapped its arms around me like a backpack while purring the whole time. I can't believe I'm saying this. "Don't worry, your mama will be home soon."

I walked out into the group area, still toting the albino furball. Lisa just looked at me. "Dammit."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, ordinarily I would have teased you mercilessly for this, but we actually have business to discuss today," she informed. "At least you won't need the coffee. It's already gone cold anyway."

"Blasphemy," I muttered as I took the pot and started pouring the lukewarm fluid into one of the disposable cups. "Coffee is life. And try working at a hospital. You learn to drink this stuff even if it's achieved a solid state."

"Your sister reports her mission as, and I quote, 'complete success, until government corruption fucked us'. Turns out, the PRT Director was responsible for the message we responded to. He didn't do the killings, he just doctored up a crime scene."

Oh god damn it. "Is this going to be one of those messes where we overthrow a PRT office and install our own puppet government? Because honestly that wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it'd be the last time. Now it just sounds like a headache."

"Nah," she replied. "Costa-Brown stepped in and saved the Director's ass. Vicky says she's 'fucking blackmailing us'."

"Is she?" I asked, then took a deep drink of my coffee.

"Pretty much," Lisa shrugged. "Slightly more polite than that. 'We wanna keep this guy, yadda yadda, we've ignored worse from your team's members, calling in the favor' stuff, no big deal. I'm not sure if the Director in question is one of Cauldron's agents or this is just a power play by Cauldron by holding it over the guy's head in the future. Either way, I talked with the Chief Director about it and very politely agreed with her assessment. Something was said about us doing them a favor, and that favors made good currency. You'll have to sell it to your sister later."

"Okay, that doesn't sound so bad," I muttered. Really didn't like us letting this kind of corruption slide, but such was our reality these days. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, Vicky's found a pet mob princess that she's inviting over for tea," Lisa added dismissively. "So, y'know, plan for a new roommate."

What? "What?"


"Her power's more like Lachesis than Trickster," Trevor kindly informed me. "Pretty sure she has a cousin Passenger."

"What's a passenger?" Arianna asked.

"I'll explain later," Vicky answered. "For now, they're just what powers come from. The detailed explanation is gonna take a few hours and a bottle of whiskey to wash it all down with. Then some more whiskey. Then another few hours because you forgot it all."

Trevor politely waited for them to finish, then started up again. "She compresses space and time, things go Taboo, and the target moves. If Lachesis' power works like a warp drive, then Arianna's is a wormhole generator."

I looked at him blankly. I wasn't surprised by the 'Taboo' part. Almost every power, if you analyzed its functions deeply enough, stumbled into 'Taboo'. Tinkers were the most obvious, preventing people from understanding the technology that might be used to fight the Entities. All powers that had to do with dimension warping ran into similar barricades. The Entities obviously feared what would happen if we could access Passenger dimensions. The blank look had nothing to do with that. "Explain it in layman's terms?"

"Her power works by creating a tunnel in space and time between two points," he answered. "It also temporarily accelerates her mental functions to process the information when her power's active, giving her the equivalent of several minutes to handle computing that would melt a supercomputer. This allows her to envision a scene, then scan the planet to find a matching location. She then generates a tunnel the physical size of a hydrogen molecule, compresses the target down to that size, moves them through the space between dimensions that we observe in the Labyrinth-Atropos interaction, and decompresses them on the other side. All in a span measured in nanoseconds. Like I said, wormhole drive."

"Holy fuck!" Arianna gasped. I agreed fully. "How do I do all that? I barely passed algebra!"

"It's actually only a fraction of what Khepri does," he added. "Passengers handle incredible amounts of information like it's nothing. This isn't anything new."

"Wow, way to make me feel special," Arianna pouted.

"And she has no Manton Limit?" I asked. Seriously, this could be gamebreaking.

"One," he replied. "Like Lachesis, she can't actually cross dimensions. Even right at the border of our gate, she can't cross it with her power. Not really a surprise. If she was capable of dimension jumping, she could accidentally teleport into any number of dimensions that look almost exactly like ours and never even realize it."

"Whoa..." Arianna muttered. "So there's an existential crisis waiting to happen. Good thing I'm used to those already. So now that we've tested my powers to exhaustion, am I on the team now? I'd like somewhere to put my stuff before the police sell all of it at auction."

"I'll find space to give you a room," I agreed. "We'll need a little bit of time before putting you on the team officially."

"Trust me," Vicky added. "You're not missing out on much. Our job basically consists of looking badass for the press. Pretending we don't know we're badass for the press. Avoiding the press. And making it very clear to the bad guys that we're totally badasses while our bosses are having snuggle time." Vicky had lifted up fingers as she went over each point.

"It's all here in this pamphlet that Zach made." she lifted up a sheet of paper that unfolded like a small map. "See this picture right here?" she tapped the paper. It was one of the photos of me and Taylor sitting under that tree at school. "Yeah, isn't it adorable? We have to make that look intimidating."

"Oh, I love that one!" Arianna agreed happily. "Especially the motivational poster one online!"

I actually facepalmed. God damn it. EmbarrassedAmusedProud. Glad you like it, I thought at my partner.

"Which one?"

"The 'For their one month anniversary, they gave each other a dead Simurgh' one," she chuckled.

"Really?" Vicky asked excitedly. "That one was totally my idea! I made Zach make it, but it's totally mine."

"Seriously?" she asked. "I've got a few ideas of my own! How does 'Diamonds are forever, Endbringers are for play' sound?" I cringed.

"It sounds horrible," Vicky answered with a deadpan voice. Oh thank god. "Which means it's perfect!"

God damn it, Victoria.


A/N- A fun little chapter showing how the new girl's power and personality works.
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Fun update, TanaNari. Thanks. :) Arianna is adorable.

Also, more general character interactions that are fun and interesting.
"Is this going to be one of those messes where we overthrow a PRT office and install our own puppet government? Because honestly that wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it'd be the last time."


"The detailed explanation is gonna take a few hours and a bottle of whiskey to wash it all down with. Then some more whiskey. Then another few hours because you forgot it all."

I like this Vicky. She seems to have become way less of an asshole since discovering the miracle of ... introspection.
"Show me," she instructed, and I felt something tap my side. I reached out and touched it. A stick of some kind? Too heavy, too thick, too smooth. I focused, and activated the teleport. Without anchors and without the ability to see, there wasn't anywhere I could send it. I obeyed her request and it returned to normal. The process took less than a blink of an eye. The object was gently removed from my hand. "So... Arianna..." she said after what felt like an eternity. "How would you like a job? The pay's slightly less than wonderful, but the perks are amazing."
Something tells me that there was something special about the "stick" Vicky had Arianna "teleport." My first thought Theo's power, and it worked... Which means she can transport multidimensional materials. We may finally have a way to transport Endbringers.:)

"Seriously?" she asked. "I've got a few ideas of my own! How does 'Diamonds are forever, Endbringers are for play' sound?" I cringed.

"It sounds horrible," Vicky answered with a deadpan voice. Oh thank god. "Which means it's perfect!"

God damn it, Victoria.
And Vicky continues to get the best lines.
If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. One of Pantheon's founding members is a mob princess. What's one more, really?
I know you're talking about Amelia, but it's a lot more fun if you pretend that you're talking about Taylor.

This whole time everyone assumed it was just "Dan" Hebert, when it was actually the New England accent's pronunciation of "Don"
You know, I think the dialogue is my favorite part of this story. The plot is cool and the action is neat, but you really bring the characters to life with the aimless chatter and interactions. Kinda reminds me of Buffy in a way... Minus the constant fear of cancellation. So, you know, bonus.

This, this right here. This is my kryptonite. It's why I can't write anything worth reading because it always comes out sounding like IKEA instruction manuals.

Having this done right is what keeps a story alive and fun to read even more than a good plot.
Ikea has instructions? All I see are the pretty pictures.
And looking back makes me realize that I do the exact same thing.
My advice on this would be something along the lines of this: English is a massive language with a fuck-ton of tools. We have more adjectives than any other language on the face of the Earth. Combine this with poetic expression and you have a billion and a half ways of saying the same thing. Your characters may be putting tab a into slot b but you should say it with descriptors and metaphors.

Almost delved into NSFW territory before I remembered that this isn't the worm ideas thread :p
Very nice update, I like the explaination of Arianna's power just as I like her interaction with Victoria in the end, speaking of whom, she seems to be a lot better now...Now I hope you won't ship her and Arianna because while it has potential fro DRAMA! it is less so than shipping her with Brian, who would teach her to always look at the bright sight of life this plus an idea I had of their son and Theo and Riley's daughter coming to the past to do stuff.
i got bored so i decide to see if there is a hidden meaning in any of the character's name like in those harry potter reference books
Arianna means Chaste or very holy. Ariadne was a Greek mythological daughter of King Minos of Crete who aided Theseus to escape from the Cretan labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.
Cappello in italian means trckster, in Late Latin capa meaning "cloak, cape". in spanish it's an occupational name for someone who lives or works in a Chapel.
Zachary means Remembered by God or means if i have the translation right also means god laughs and Laughter.
Theo in Greek means God given,in german it means Bold people.
Amelia in Teutonic means defender, in saxon it's Industrious or Striving.
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The celebration will be "Eidolon has finally Mastered Endbringers day".

After all if he manages that, it means upwards to nineteen overpowered meat shields to throw at Zion.
Twenty. I expect that if he became aware of the connection he would also know that Ziz is still alive and could probably repair her.

That's how you know you've passed the Godzilla Threshold.
Any chance we'll get a PHO update (or 3) sometime? I know you only did it once, but twas a lot of fun.
As I have said man, many, MANY times already: hell to the fuck no.

but I don't think I've caught more then one in four of the twists so far, at least before they're revealed.
I don't think anyone even imagined the next one. The next chapter's gonna be fun.

I do not think Theo fits Arianna's type.
Ehhh... that would be kinda tricky.

Compatibility with Lily.
So would this.

Ok, In retrospect the daughter of the Boss of the Organisation selling him out because she wants to be good. Cliche'd as hell, but always fun.
Hah. Ahaha. AHAHAHAHA!!!!

Now Zach has the option to get a stereotypical Maffia Princess for his stereotypical anime harem.
See above.

I find it kinda repulsive that she rat out her entire family for some naive idea of right and wrong...she might be trouble for the founders of Pantheon.there's nothing worst then a rebel without a cause.
And I find your taste in music to be god awful. Also, see above.

I like this Vicky. She seems to have become way less of an asshole since discovering the miracle of ... introspection.
Vicky's still an asshole. But like most assholes, she can still get along quite well with people she likes.

Also: new chapter in probably an hour or so.
Ehhh... that would be kinda tricky.
Yeah I gathered

Yup, but then that's why I thought about it especially given that Lily seems to have quite an effect on Arianna, and well the Sabah/Lily relationship seems to be the most stable and healthy of the whole team(Theo and Missy come second because there is the whole thing with Riley and her feelings as well as the remnants of what Dreamgirl did to Theo)so of course they are in need of possible drama between them., I mean otherwise they would not really be part of the Pantheon right ?
Hah. Ahaha. AHAHAHAHA!!!!
...I'm thinking Arianna's betrayal was less about 'turning over a new leaf' and more about the fact that she felt she wasn't getting the respect, power, influence, etc...and maybe there were plans to marry her off and/or 'breed' her.

So, Arianna's probably not looking to be a 'good person' so much as looking to gain power and influence.

...she could do a lot worse than joining Pantheon, so she'll probably be content with her status...

The inevitable attempt to grab power, possibly attempting to seduce either Taylor or Amelia.
...I'm thinking Arianna's betrayal was less about 'turning over a new leaf' and more about the fact that she felt she wasn't getting the respect, power, influence, etc...

So, Arianna's probably not looking to be a 'good person' so much as looking to gain power and influence.

...she could do a lot worse than joining Pantheon, so she'll probably be content with her status...

The inevitable attempt to grab power, possibly attempting to seduce either Taylor or Amelia.
i could respect that motive... but trying to honeypot Taylor or Amelia looks very suicidal at first and second glance.brings a whole new meaning to the praise"i can take them".

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