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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Amelia...what's the first lesson about tempting fate? That's right: Don't.

...taking bets! Taking all bets! Will it be Europe that Burns this time? How about a chunk of Africa? Nothing important is in South America right?

Personally? I'm putting my money on Mexico turning into a radioactive wasteland pretty soon.

No, he's going to troll everyone by causing a round 2. He's going for the Bay.
You know, I'm used to reading the thread before I go to sleep, waking up, refreshing the thread, and reading the new chapter(s) that were posted while I slept.

This time you failed me, TanaNari; when I refreshed the page after waking up there was no new chapter, and only 4-5 new posts.

So I refreshed the page again, like 2 minutes later (after reading the new posts)...and BAM! There's the new chapter! Good job!

I sometimes wonder when YOU sleep, lol.
Guys, what happened in canon when Behemoth was killed? There was Khonsu... and then there was more. This might be yet another brand-new Endbringer.
this would be the song to play in the scene for this in chapter in my opinion here,this is Former Vandal's "WAR".you can try putting any song that you could imagination.it would start when the alarm rings then it gets heavy as they they do their putting on their Armour montage.
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Guys, what happened in canon when Behemoth was killed? There was Khonsu... and then there was more. This might be yet another brand-new Endbringer.

They already know this and are planning to use/exploit it as best they can. Kill the ones that cause massive body counts and widescale destruction but ones like Barghest that have relatively few casualties and their overall damage can be moderated easily are going to be fought but not killed. They hope the replacements for Leviathan and Behemoth are going to follow the trend set by Barghest and give them a lower body-count than it's predecessor.
I figured out immediately that Eric was the new guy. (Get it?)

It was obvious that he chose the name "Eric" as part of his plan to get into Crystal's pants.

"She has a dead little brother? Let's pick a name to remind her of him! Bitches love that kind of nostalgia!"

I am certain that this is the case because it's about as sensible and sane and likely to work as her plan to trick Pantheon was.
I figured out immediately that Eric was the new guy. (Get it?)

It was obvious that he chose the name "Eric" as part of his plan to get into Crystal's pants.

"She has a dead little brother? Let's pick a name to remind her of him! Bitches love that kind of nostalgia!"

I am certain that this is the case because it's about as sensible and sane and likely to work as her plan to trick Pantheon was.
That's our Rebel Anomaly,because who on earth would think that's a great idea.:D
They already know this and are planning to use/exploit it as best they can. Kill the ones that cause massive body counts and widescale destruction but ones like Barghest that have relatively few casualties and their overall damage can be moderated easily are going to be fought but not killed. They hope the replacements for Leviathan and Behemoth are going to follow the trend set by Barghest and give them a lower body-count than it's predecessor.
Wow, that's food for thought. I wonder if, now that Eidolon wants to stop the Endbringers more than anything else, and has a power that's a perfect counter to the first Round 2 Endbringer, if that will happen with the next two, so that he has three powers that perfectly counter the three Endbringers, and gets what he wants (Not sure what that is at this point: to save everyone and be known for it?).
has to be
"What?" he put his hand on his hip in a complete mockery of feminine grace. "Oh, I see how it is. Missy gets to anachronistically cross dress and you're not asking her any questions. But when a maaaan does it, suddenly it's wrong."
Zach fights for equality in a female-dominated organization.

"For every Endbringer that a woman kills, a man only gets to kill 75% of an Endbringer!"
I'll bet you five grand that won't keep the princess costume on during the fight
that you won't
R: So, you're saying we walk around town, and threaten people into giving us candy?
V: No, no, we have costumes, and people give us candy because they're scary.
R: Ooh! I bet I could make a costume that replicated Cherish's power!
V: You know what? I'll pick a costume for you.
R: Yay!
Z: Why are you even going trick-or-treating? Amelia can make you as much candy as you want, and you'll know for a fact that it's not poisoned.
... Also, for anyone who can't figure out who Eric is? Let me preemptively call you a moron.
I was going to make a joke about raising Shielder from the dead, but it appears I've been beaten to the punch.
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Guys, what happened in canon when Behemoth was killed? There was Khonsu... and then there was more. This might be yet another brand-new Endbringer.

You're thinking of Tohu and Bohu. I'm honestly not sure if they're considered massively dangerous or not. I mean, the creation of booby trapped buildings in a radius isn't much of a pain when Amelia can just send in the intradimensional Yggdrasil to terraform the land back into whatever it was before. The 'three faces copying three nearby capes' thing could be risky if it tries to wrest control of Khepris' Zerglings. And of course there's the people killed in the original radius. Still a whole lot less damaging than Behemoth or Levi though. Those fuckers go hard.

Edit: Maybe just kill Tohu (the tall one I think) then send an endless parade of tinkertech automatons to fight off Bohu next time she appears so she doesn't get any powers.
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You're thinking of Tohu and Bohu. I'm honestly not sure if they're considered massively dangerous or not. I mean, the creation of booby trapped buildings in a radius isn't much of a pain when Amelia can just send in the intradimensional Yggdrasil to terraform the land back into whatever it was before. The 'three faces copying three nearby capes' thing could be risky if it tries to wrest control of Khepris' Zerglings. And of course there's the people killed in the original radius. Still a whole lot less damaging than Behemoth or Levi though. Those fuckers go hard.
Bohu's power gets stronger the longer she is in a particular place. She'd outpace Amy eventually if attackers were not able to move her. I don't remember the nature of her traps exactly but I assume they would ramp up in lethality as time went on.

Pantheon knows all about power synergy, and Tohu is just the right being to take advantage of that in a way that others can't. She can access the power of any living or dead cape, but Cauldron means she gets access to plenty of other powers that weren't supposed to get around, such as Eidolon's. I fully expect Eidolon to have some power that could curbstomp Pantheon if he or Tohu had the juice for it, such as Eidolon's unblockable matter annihilation power that he only regained use of near his death. Slap that together with Contessa and Doormaker's powers and you're fucked. Or just consider how effective Khepri was with Doormaker and Clairvoyant. Tohu might or might not have access to a master power like Khepri's, if not there are still plenty of other powers that could be super-effective if used that way such as Ash Beast's if the effect passes through portals.

All in all I consider Tohu the deadliest of the bunch if she stopped jobbing. Having Eidolon's power lets you break the rules.
All in all I consider Tohu the deadliest of the bunch if she stopped jobbing. Having Eidolon's power lets you break the rules.
If Tohu stopped jobbing, she could also just pick Strider + Cherish + Imp.

"What Endbringer?"

"That's no Endbringer, that's my wife!"
Glastig Uaine + Eidolon + Contessa. The ONLY thing that can beat that combo is Zion, and only because PtV doesn't work on him. If it did, Tohu would have just solo'd him in canon.
Glastig Uaine + Eidolon + Contessa. The ONLY thing that can beat that combo is Zion, and only because PtV doesn't work on him. If it did, Tohu would have just solo'd him in canon.

It also probably be because Zion would've stopped dicking around and use his own PTV shard to curb stomp Tohu like how he did with Eidolon when he and GU together gave Zion enough of an actual fight that he went "fuck my lifespan I want that bastard dead." Zion only
lost in canon literally because he gave up. Even the only reason they survived long enough to figure out to best him was because he was too busy enjoying himself to get the job done as quickly as he could.

Still Tohu jobs so fucking hard. I mean she doesn't even have to be present if she copied projectors like Manton or Genesis(Tohu Siberian)

imagine if Tohu copied GU,Eidolon, AND Brian for glorious "fuck you" trumpception. Or if Tohu copied Noelle.
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Tohu could pick Blasto/Bonesaw/Panacea and clone an Endbringer.

Why would a bunch of biotinkers and a biokenetic be able to create an endbringer? They aren't even close to organic. They're a super-dense semi-robot formed of super dense crystalline layers which may or may not (i can't remember if it was WOG or not) be made of a galaxies worth of condensed matter powered by a singularity which in Wildbows own words, could potentially put out the sun, or at the very least, throwing an endbringer into the sun would be a BAD idea.

That's completely aside from the fact that they'd have to crack how to give it endbringer level powers.
It also probably be because Zion would've stopped dicking around and use his own PTV shard to curb stomp Tohu like how he did with Eidolon when he and GU together gave Zion enough of an actual fight that he went "fuck my lifespan I want that bastard dead." Zion only
lost in canon literally because he gave up. Even the only reason they survived long enough to figure out to best him was because he was too busy enjoying himself to get the job done as quickly as he could.

Still Tohu jobs so fucking hard. I mean she doesn't even have to be present if she copied projectors like Manton or Genesis(Tohu Siberian)

imagine if Tohu copied GU,Eidolon, AND Brian for glorious "fuck you" trumpception. Or if Tohu copied Noelle.
The version of PtV that Contessa has is MUCH better than Zion's. Tohu using that without the blindspot is basically the same team that forced Zion to use PtV to win, only PtV to win doesn't work because Tohu brought her own.
The version of PtV that Contessa has is MUCH better than Zion's. Tohu using that without the blindspot is basically the same team that forced Zion to use PtV to win, only PtV to win doesn't work because Tohu brought her own.

It would have the blindspot hence why Tohu didn't bother using Contessa against Zion.

Still doesn't change the fact Serious!Tohu would fuck up basically everyone else. Pantenon better hope their power synergies don't subconsciously ispire Eidolon to make Tohu. It be dragon getting hacked all over again if she copied Kephri and Panacea to take over the Zerg and Yggdrasil besides whatever trolling she does with her chosen third face.
Ch 215- Taylor
Amelia, Ch 215- Taylor

I landed next to Amelia. ConfidentSafe. "Welcome to the party," she greeted.

We took our position, with everyone else forming clusters in front of us. The tech group was the obvious one, with Emma, Trevor and Riley for now. We'd fill out the ranks later with Ray and Rapture, the latter of whom might be instrumental in learning more about how the Endbringers thought and acted as a whole. Clarice would of course swap out with Riley instead of simply stand dumbly off to the side of the platform.

Lisa also took her place in that group. She wasn't a tinker, but in many ways she was better equipped to understand the Endbringers than anyone. With any luck, Victoria's power would be useful as well, but I wasn't holding a lot of hope. A lot of thinkers get pointed at Endbringers, only a rare few have ever got anything useful from them.
Then there was the 'big kid table' with Lily, Sabah, Crystal, and now Eric. It was remarkable how few on this team were actually adults, in retrospect. Eavesdropping was something I normally tried to avoid, but under the circumstances I wasn't so concerned.

"Are you okay?" Crystal asked Eric.

"Umm... not really," he admitted. "This is... I've only been a parahuman for about six months. I've never been in a real fight before, and my first is an Endbringer." Six months and he's never been in a fight? Six months ago was right around the time when Leviathan attacks Brockton Bay. I couldn't even remember the last time my life was so peaceful. Though, granted, things had gotten less dangerous of late. Having an army of monsters did that for you.

"My first real fight was Leviathan," Sabah added, showing a rare amount of initiative. I liked the woman, but she really wasn't the leadership type.

"Yeah," Crystal agreed. "Look, you won't even be in the thick of the battle. We've got an army of bug monsters that are going to do most of the heavy hitting. You just worry about getting people to safety. And that includes keeping yourself safe."

"Thanks," he replied. "I guess I'm just afraid of fucking it up on my first time out."

"Most veteran heroes are afraid the Endbringers," Lily replied. "You'd have to be insane or insanely powerful to not be. Just remember to stay calm and follow instructions. Trust that your team knows what it's doing. We've killed one Endbringer, we can kill another just as easily."

They don't need our help, I decided.

It would be a misnomer to say I turned my attention to the younger group, since I had the ability to focus on both. Zach, Theo, and Missy made up that core for now. They'd normally have all three of the tinkers with them, but those we needed in position and getting all the equipment up and running. Zach, for reasons I really didn't want to speculate upon, was wearing a 'slutty princess' halloween costume over his armor. Their conversation seemed fairly mundane, with Zach teasing Theo about radiation and glow in the dark sperm.

AmusementAnticipation. "You probably shouldn't 'inspect the troops' when your girlfriends right next to you," Amelia teased. "You might make me think I'm not attractive anymore."

I leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Whatever. We both know you're the one who gets to enjoy all the eye candy. Fifteen people, only five are guys. Of those guys, one is way too old, one was a girl, one is gay, and one is Zach."

"You didn't even mention Theo," she pointed out.

"Because Theo's not a guy anymore, he's Missy's property," I explained. "And if we're being honest, she's one of the capes I think could take us. Let's not tempt that fate. Besides, I'm happy right here." I wrapped my arm around her suit's arm. WarmSafeLove.

"You really know how to butter a girl up," she smiled at me.

"Yup," I agreed. "I know how to butter up exactly one girl. Luckily it's you, or things could get really awkward." AmusedPleased.

Dragon's voice came on over the command center. "Tentative confirmation of Behemoth," she informed our tinkers and thinkers. "Tracking estimates surfacing to occur in East South East Asia."

TrepidationConfusion. Oh, she must have picked up on my emotions. I opened all the coms just so no one was left out. "It's going to be China," I stated, there was no doubt. All the conversations died.

"Probably," Lisa agreed. "It makes sense. We either go for the kill and potentially start a massive international incident, or we let the Endbringer do its thing and make ourselves look weak in the process." FrustrationAnger.

"Another no win scenario," I agreed.

"Dragon's making calls on our behalf," Emma informed us. "Alerting the Chinese government about the potential danger and offering our help. There's a chance that China will accept it."

"They won't," Lisa responded. "What happened in New Delhi is being surpressed as much as possible by the CUI. They don't want to give their people the idea that outsiders are powerful enough to kill the Endbringers when they cannot."

DisgustCertainty. "We're going anyway," Amelia commanded. Riley turned and jogged toward us. Clarice robotically moved into position at her station. "At least we're getting close. Whether we choose to attack, we'll worry about later. If we're lucky he'll go after somewhere else." HopeDoubt.

"I'll relay that back to Dragon, if that's okay?" Emma offered.

"Do it," I agreed. She took a minute speaking into the interdimensional com in the command center.

"Dragon's acknowledged our decision, and is sending more detailed coordinates," Chariot informed us. Why hasn't he ever picked out a thematic code name, I wondered idly. Something to ask him about one day. "I'm uploading it into Lachesis' targeting system."

We waited in silence for a few minutes. "Damn," Emma muttered. "I know it's not a surprise, but Lisa was right. They're claiming they have a plan of their own and that we can fuck off. In words only slightly more polite."

ConcernDisgustDismissal. "We're still going anyway," Amelia insisted. "We are not going to let Behemoth destroy any more lives than we absolutely have to. If they want to bitch about it afterward, we'll deal with the consequences then."

"Damn straight!" Victoria shouted. No one objected, not even Lisa. And I was sure she would have.

"I've got the location," Lachesis informed us. "Chongqing."

She stepped forward, or what would become our forward, which was more to our right. I watched space twist and ripple from her power. Creating tunnels of this size took time for her, more for the risk of accidentally cracking continents than any actual difficulty. Our command center passed through first, guided by Clarice. Then the zerg poured through, using the infrared trackers left behind for them to follow. Amelia and I waited as everyone filed through. We were the last ones to pass through the passageway to our analogue of southern China.

"You know," I smiled at Amelia. "When you promised me an army, I was expecting giant hornets and relay bugs, not anti-Endbringer monsters."

"And when you agreed to be my partner, I was expecting you to help lead the team, not an engagement," she teased right back.

"I helped!" came Riley's muffled shout from her place in Amelia's armor.

In thinking about it, she was right on both counts. "Yeah, you helped," I agreed. "Keep up the good work."


A/N- Has it really been 25 chapters since we got a Taylor perspective? Wow.
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