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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

For the most part aren't they against a cure being forced on anyone or otherwise being pressured into it, rather than just one existing and being available if people want it?
There's that. And then there the one who are obsessed with their own "DON'T YOU DARE PITY ME!" bullshit. There are always idiots ready and willing to make trouble for utterly stupid reasons.
Actual Deaf activists are mostly criticizing cochlear implants for specific technical shortcomings, that they see as an unsatisfying halfway between deafness and hearing.

This is a distinction I haven't observed in practice. Typically it's to start off claiming that, but somehow the claim transforms into the broader one. Add debunked data coming up over and over and the repetition of points refuted a thousand times and you might think you were arguing with creationists. TanaNari dropping it in here is completely believable based on my experience.
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Just a style nitpick. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "ma'ams" before. Makes me think of yams.

It's a little awkward. Wouldn't something like 'ladies' fit better?'
Nope. Ma'ams is a totally common (if mostly limited to the southern USA) usage of the language.

I see you made the edit to explain Eidolon no longer being there.

I'm reminded of how politicians retire so often and explain it as them wanting to spend more time with their families.
Kinda had to. Makes sense, anyway.

Enjoy the like bomb ya jerk. Spent the day rereading everything.
And it is appreciated. Now if the rest of the stragglers would do the same, I can literally have more likes than the rest of the top ten list combined! No, probably not, but I COULD have ~8-9000 more likes than I do have. And that'd come pretty close.

And added. Even more reason to ship Alexandria and Lisa. :p They have so much in common.

Jack Slash is still alive. Everything after halfway through his interlude is a delusion Amelia made for herself so she wouldn't have to face the reality of her life in the S9.
I swear I've seen this creepypasta before... hundreds of times, actually... I think the first time was for Pokemon...

Well, if you're going to get mail in death threats, these are probably where they came from.

For the most part aren't they against a cure being forced on anyone or otherwise being pressured into it, rather than just one existing and being available if people want it?

Yup. In the same way that, for the most part, humans are perfectly rational creatures that don't need to be driven extinct for the wellbeing of the rest of the cosmos.

... And then there's the rest of them...

Direct your attention to the last update in the article tkloz linked. A couple "designed" their child to be deaf so it could be like them. I... I have the words for what I think of this but they aren't really appropriate or relevant for this thread.

Good chapter TanaNari.
To Pantheon
1 Magic Treehouse Lane
Brockton Bay, NH 03801
No, really, what's their mailing address? Or do they just use a PO box?
No need to bother with that.

Just scream really loud out your window for Khepri. If you get swarmed by a bunch of bees then you'll know you need to give them the later.

Well, hopefully that is what they want.
"I think he'll be inclined to be forgiving here," Taylor replied. "Apparently they ran into a drug smuggling crew offshore. Three unexpected capes they think are from Haiti. I don't know how they caught a tinker tech submarine in the ocean. Especially one that had a water manipulator, a forcefield generator, and a tinker on board, but that's exactly what they just did."

What the... How the fuck???

I have no idea where they could have begun.
Nice update, it was good to see how the Pantheon negociates with the different PRT directors and how they each do their own thing, in a way one could almost see that as Feudal lords doing their business as they please. Proposing a synergy between the adepts and Haven was funny given that after the pantheon itself the adepts must be the group the rubs the christian capes the wrong way the most with their magic theme. Eh would be funny if that gave birth to yet another inter team couple.

Now the thing about the Heartbroken kid is bad IMHO on many levels, not only because of what he does but also because they are basically using a traumatized child as a vicious prison cell, the Pantheon would better make a batch of master cure that cures his effect.
It has blatant implied intercourse by teenagers.

And Amelia after one joke got in trouble. Wtf?

That's because that story was written by a mod.

Anyways: So we get some more Pantheon being diplomatic (Read: Being awesome until the other side has no choice but to acquiesce). This is a tricky area since Pantheon is moving into the area of law enforcement, but isn't chartered like the PRT/Protectorate. I wonder if there's a similar deal in the works for them?
What the... How the fuck???

I have no idea where they could have begun.
Remember that the Ambassadors are as a rule crazy overpowered. Each and every member was a particularly compentent and trusted member of Accords organization BEFORE he got them a top-tier Cauldron vial. The dude has ludicrous amounts of cash and a thinker power that is superior to PtV in certain areas - he can get top-tier vials pretty easily.

Edit: One canon Ambassador was so OP Wildbow had to kill her off. Think her name was Codex, and her power was literally to give other people the idiot ball while making herself smarter.
I want a chapter set on their private world. I mean, what's going on there? Is it a verdant, terraformed jungle yet? Pantheon has the material and energy resources of a planet to play with! Dealing with petty political concerns should be beneath them at this point.

Like, they could coat a fraction of the world in plants that convert solar energy into electricity. Power a laser using that energy, and we have a death ray. Hell, they could build an orbital installation that focuses sunlight, thousands of square miles in surface area. Shunt the output into Earth Bet: bam, instant orbital superweapon. The entire planet is one gigantic Chekhov's gun.

I'm just dying to know.
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Nope. Ma'ams is a totally common (if mostly limited to the southern USA) usage of the language.

I'm sorry to tell you that i have lived in the Houston area all my life, and never once have i heard someone use "Ma'ams" to address multiple women.
A hotspring episode is exactly what is missing from Amelia.

She can already make tanning booths. A hot spring probably would not be that hard.

Another idea for a laid back chapter is just would be that the others finally just say fuck it to secret identities and all of them just go on a group outing. Theo and Zack and carry the bags.
Or a beach episode?

They'll arrive to find Leviathan swimming calmly in the water while Behemoth floats nearby in a giant inner tube.

On the shore, Pantheon wonders what higher power decided to rain on their parade.
Emma spoke "What the Hell? What God want's to rain on our parade, any- Oh, fuck you."
In the background, Leviathan waves lazly, and it starts to rain.
Or a beach episode?

They'll arrive to find Leviathan swimming calmly in the water while Behemoth floats nearby in a giant inner tube.

On the shore, Pantheon wonders what higher power decided to rain on their parade.
They harness Behemoth to power the hot spring, and Leviathan to give them unlimited water works.
unlimited water works.

Leviathan: rrrarg garrar ragagara *clasps talons together as if in prayer*

Legend: What? What is he doing?

Dragon, over the armbands: All forces! Disengage! Leviathan is doing something new!

Levi: rah ra gar, graaah ha raaa. *Thousands of pools of water gather around him in the air in the shape of swords*

Alexandria: Get ready!

Levi: arg ah ra. Ra Gah Hargar! (Unlimited Water Works)
Leviathan: rrrarg garrar ragagara *clasps talons together as if in prayer*

Legend: What? What is he doing?

Dragon, over the armbands: All forces! Disengage! Leviathan is doing something new!

Levi: rah ra gar, graaah ha raaa. *Thousands of pools of water gather around him in the air in the shape of swords*

Alexandria: Get ready!

Levi: arg ah ra. Ra Gah Hargar! (Unlimited Water Works)
I feel like you're making a reference, but I'm not getting it. :oops:
I feel like you're making a reference, but I'm not getting it. :oops:
Don't worry about it. It's from Fate/ stay night. The main character has a really basic spell that let's him scan objects. He over levels it cause it's one of like three spells he can cast and learns how to scan EVERYTHING about an object, then he starts to come into contact with legendary weapons in this death tourney thing. Eventually he gains enough power to summon copies of every legendary weapon he's even seen.

He basically goes from: man, what a shitty power. To: Holy crap, OP plz nerf!

Like Taylor :)

Edit: He then calls it unlimited blade works.
Or a beach episode?

They'll arrive to find Leviathan swimming calmly in the water while Behemoth floats nearby in a giant inner tube.

On the shore, Pantheon wonders what higher power sandcastlesed to rain on their parade.

Meanwhile, Barghest is tanning in a beach chair with an oversized cheesy romance novel. The Simurgh is laying in pieces nearby, telekineticly building sandcastles.

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