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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Feeling really antsy about them ignoring China's refusal of aid. That could be considered hostile action and cause for war, if Pantheon were a government organization. As it is, China could request the US government perform some sort of censure, or perhaps the Yangban will attempt retaliation on their own.

For maximum grimdark, the Yangban actually does have a good system set up for Behemoth, but Pantheon fucks it all up and millions die because of it.
Well, I think Pantheon can take China and the US combined anyway at this point... so I'm not really worried.
I wouldn't be worried either, except for the fact that 'taking' China or the US is actually contrary to Pantheon's stated goal of acting towards global stability.

The US and China might not be perfect, but they are necessary at this point. If Pantheon gets in a pissing contest with them, Pantheon will *probably* win, but lose at the same time. Beyond the loss of China as a potential participant against Scion, Pantheon would also be outing itself to the public as potentially capable of destroying nations at will. There might not be any such thing as bad publicity, but good God that's bad PR.
I wouldn't be worried either, except for the fact that 'taking' China or the US is actually contrary to Pantheon's stated goal of acting towards global stability.

The US and China might not be perfect, but they are necessary at this point. If Pantheon gets in a pissing contest with them, Pantheon will *probably* win, but lose at the same time. Beyond the loss of China as a potential participant against Scion, Pantheon would also be outing itself to the public as potentially capable of destroying nations at will. There might not be any such thing as bad publicity, but good God that's bad PR.
If that happens their only hope is to build a clone army....which could turn in to an ugly pissing match on the leadership and idea seniority of rank.
A/N- Has it really been 25 chapters since we got a Taylor perspective? Wow.
At this point even if most of the cast dies off I'd probably keep following just because all the characters but Rey are pretty well fleshed out. I'd be perfectly fine with a Zach story, or a Riley one, or whatever.
Amelia, Ch 215- Taylor

"I've got the location," Lachesis informed us. "Chonqing."

I'm not familiar with that spelling, I know it's commonly anglicized as Chongqing though.

And damn, I remember backpacking around thereabouts. You're going to turn my favorite overcrowded, shitty city into a radioactive crater, aren't you? :-(
For maximum grimdark, the Yangban actually does have a good system set up for Behemoth, but Pantheon fucks it all up and millions die because of it.
That's not even maximum grimdark. Maximum grimdark would be Pantheon being stupid and charging in without doing recon. The Yangban isn't run by idiots. They've seen the kind of results that building upon power synergy can get parahumans, and they are tailor made for enhancing synergy. They could very well have a viable strategy, or one they consider viable, anyway.

I think it is far more likely that Pantheon will observe with their thinkers, first, and act accordingly. To do otherwise would just be both a bad tactical call and a deviation from their typical methods.
If that happens their only hope is to build a clone army....which could turn in to an ugly pissing match on the leadership and idea seniority of rank.

There is LITERALLY NOTHING that could force Pantheon to build a clone army that doesn't go by the name "Scion," "Cauldron," or "New Plot Element." The USA is already a plot element.

No, if Pantheon is put on the ropes they have several choices, in order of escalation:

LEAVE (shunt out, only come back for EB fights)

REVEAL (show off. Taylor's range, for instance)

CAULDRON (I hear Contessa is good at fixing problems, even diplomatic ones)

THREATEN (manufacture clone army, deploy Zerg, disable M4's, take your pick -- mix and match)

FIGHT (goodbye cruel world, humanity will continue in Pantheon's private dimension)

I could come up with more, but I won't. As you can see, "Clone Army" is option number FOUR. And option one isn't even terrible PR, just not good.


"Has it really been 25 chapters?" He asks.


*grumbles* damn writers and their damn literary experiments.


You, sir, are a hunchback and a ruffian.

... Fortunately for you, you are also my only consistent source of Taylia.

Damn you you and your eighth grandfather.
What're the odds that China takes this as an act of war and declares war on the US in return? Given how they treat their parahuman population it wouldn't surprise me if they refused to accept Pantheon's effective sovereignty.
What're the odds that China takes this as an act of war and declares war on the US in return? Given how they treat their parahuman population it wouldn't surprise me if they refused to accept Pantheon's effective sovereignty.
If there is one thing China wants more than the US's parahumans, it's its own planet. I think there is a near-to-zero chance of war.
I've met at least one guy named Ari, so you could've just used that.
Most transgendered people I know don't choose names particularly similar to their original name. Maybe you've had different experiences.

No, he's going to troll everyone by causing a round 2. He's going for the Bay.
I honestly DID consider that. Along with having him attack in late December. Just for this song.

But then I decided I have slightly more respect for my story than that.

Well it's not like she said it out loud. That would probably have doomed the entire planet.
Well, it's not like it's the only one they've got.

How long the time has passed since they fight the new Endbringer? IT has been three month already?
Timeline. First page. You've been here long enough to know this.

It was obvious that he chose the name "Eric" as part of his plan to get into Crystal's pants.
Actually, I have a trans friend...? Acquaintance? Somewhere in that area. Anyway, his name's Eric. It was Jessica at one point. See above about not using similar names.

"That's no Endbringer, that's my wife!"
Endbringer? I just met her!

Been even longer since we've seen Glastig,
Won't happen any time soon, if ever.

don't think we've ever had a nilbog chapter
Do you mean one where he features, or one from his perspective? The latter almost certainly is not gonna happen ever. The former will happen.

Director Costa-Brown
Yeah, I'll probably need to invoke her eventually.

I'm not familiar with that spelling, I know it's commonly anglicized as Chongqing though.
Yeah. Typo on my part. Fixed.

You're going to turn my favorite overcrowded, shitty city into a radioactive crater, aren't you? :-(
It wont be a crater. Probably. Maybe. No promises.

Maximum grimdark would be Pantheon being stupid and charging in without doing recon
No. That's not Grimdark. Grimdark is a setting full of suck. THIS would just be retarded. The difference is that grimdark settings usually have people who aren't completely fucking retarded.

They are far too busy sucking face.
Those are faces? Wow... my health class lied to me...

Nope, that's intentional.

Riley and Zach continue to be the best.
Also intentional.
Why is there a new Endbringer coming? If we are still only 6 months from Leviathan, then did they appear in every 2 months since then, or did this one just happen a week after whatsitsname the wolf thing? Either way, the Endbringer time table seems to be derped.
I thought Pantheon was considered to be a government, specifically for the purpose of claiming extra-dimensional territory, and as part of their plan to give Dragon a nice place to relax?
And I thought TanaNari has repeatedly said, "not yet." It's in the works, but not official yet.

I think it is far more likely that Pantheon will observe with their thinkers, first, and act accordingly. To do otherwise would just be both a bad tactical call and a deviation from their typical methods.
Except....Amelia needs to spread Yggdrasil over the ENTIRE engagement zone, which takes time. No Yggdrasil, no Bug Control relays. No Bug Control relays, no controlling Zergs. No controlling Zergs, no fighting Endbringer with their typical methods.

At least if they haven't gotten Taylor to control bugs in Beta while the relays are in Yggdrasil in their world....A better explanation of the shunting tech would be helpful TanaNari, if for nothing else than to set the limits of the tech in the reader's minds. Something like: it can do this, this, and this; but it can't do that, that, or that. An easy way to put it in would be a current member explaining the tech to a new member, or outsider. Or even just a short WoG snippet outside of the fic.

Chariot does have a thematic name. He's the Chariot of the Gods.

Calling it now.
He does have a thematic name in story already, it's Tir; check the character name chart on the first page.

I am really enjoying the additional content your story has gained since migrating to QQ.
You take a creative person out of a conservative environment, and they thrive.
Well now very nice updates, loved them the halloween discussion with Riley was excellent so was the Emma/Zach thing, now there is just one thing: Am I the only one finding Arianna's choice as a male name odd ? I mean her naming herself after one of the Pantheon's dead relatives when there are so many male names avaiable...

Now interesting to see that Behemoth is coming out to play, I wonder if he will fight and if he does how he will go about it. Now the worrying thing is where the attack takes place and the fact that the Yangban told the pantheon to fuck off, there are so many ways this could go wrong...Oh and for Maximum Paranoia: Might Brian have won an unwanted all expesnes stay in China ? :D

Oh and I just want to see Zach kicking endbringer ass and taking names in a princess outfit, bet even the Yangban will faceaplm at that, hell Behemoth himself might.
I don't think this is behemoth, canonically when the killed an endbringer 2 or 3 came back. Depending on how you look at it.
Well now very nice updates, loved them the halloween discussion with Riley was excellent so was the Emma/Zach thing, now there is just one thing: Am I the only one finding Arianna's choice as a male name odd ? I mean her naming herself after one of the Pantheon's dead relatives when there are so many male names avaiable...

While the One Steve Limit is a common literary tool, it's dismissal isn't unrealistic either. Realistically, Eric is a common enough name that probably Crystal and Vicky know multiple people called that, or Taylor has an old classmate with that name, or it was also the name of Zach's childhood friend's "boyfriend". Or maybe that guy was called Brian, but Riley's dad was the one called Eric. Or he was called Brian too. Coincidences like that happen.

Yes, Arianna could have called himself many other perfectly normal names, for example Jack, Mark, Brian, Dean, Alec, Danny, Greg, Colin, or Valefor, as easily as any other that we don't happen to be familiar with. There are dozens of good names, but many of those are also as taken as Eric.

It's strage to us as readers, because we expect the writer to pick them with collision-avoidance in mind, but in-universe, it's pretty unremarkable.

At least we should be greatful that his preferred name didn't happen to be something super-confusing like Zach, or Taylor.
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