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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

no your wrong this is not NUKING, this is more like taking the computer that ran the law of reality and plug it in to a random number generator, what ever come out is going to be so fuck up that even the Chaos God would puke themself to a coma, and the Yangban did that to their own people
To be honest the whole crazy crystal land with fun-house mirror birds turning into goo sounds right up Tzeench's alley.
Honestly I wouldn't mind it so much if they had nuked the city. Or rather used a weapon like a nuke that had a chance of taking out Behemoth.

What they did was so stupid it would have been like the Americans test firing a nuke while still thinking that the Teller proposition (that detonating an atomic bomb might set the atmosphere on fire) was a possibility...

Of course no-one was that stupid. Oppenheimer wrote "This would be the ultimate catastrophe, better to accept the slavery of the Nazis than run a chance of drawing the final curtain on mankind!" (they checked the math and it turned out to be wrong)

That being said I think it made perfect sense in the Worm universe that someone would be insane enough to try this shit, but it was still a really stupid idea on their part.

You know the author is doing a good job when the actions of characters in a story infuriate you to the point where you want to find a sliding drive and some nukes.
Or they ran the numbers and deemed it acceptable. ie Sealing Behemoth into a region where the VERY LAWS of reality denied its existence and would utterly destroy it. They needed bait and sacrificial fighters to distract Behemoth to do so, that is what the city was. The world's largest trap.

And let's be honest, if the CUI had been successful and did manage to kill Behemoth ( as far as could be determined in setting ), you guys wouldn't be declaring them to be incompetent monsters. Nor would Pantheon be going "they're monsters"...
The decision to make a weapon like this does make a lot of sense, especially as a power synergy took out one previously. Natural next thought after that is "what power combo can we make that will do the same thing?"
I hope someone can point out why this wouldn't work because it seems obvious. Why not have Flechette shoot Behemoth from this alternate dimension? Sting cuts through ALL dimensions, so it should work. Yes, its major league cheating, but against an end bringer anything is fair.
I hope someone can point out why this wouldn't work because it seems obvious. Why not have Flechette shoot Behemoth from this alternate dimension? Sting cuts through ALL dimensions, so it should work. Yes, its major league cheating, but against an end bringer anything is fair.
"string cut through all dimensions" works but doesn't mean the endbringer is in all dimensions, just several. So there isn't an endbringer to aim at in their own dimension... fortunately.
I hope someone can point out why this wouldn't work because it seems obvious. Why not have Flechette shoot Behemoth from this alternate dimension? Sting cuts through ALL dimensions, so it should work. Yes, its major league cheating, but against an end bringer anything is fair.
Because people have this stupid habit of mixing up Dimension and Reality. and they are currently watching things from a separate universe(reality) and not just out of faze with the real world(dimension)?
Missing word.

That's exactly what we have to do," Lisa responded. "There are no other possibilities.
Missing doublequotes at beginning and end of line.

Why not have Flechette shoot Behemoth from this alternate dimension?
I'm not precisely sure, but I will hazard a guess that it's because Behemoth isn't actually on Planet Pantheon. If I understand correctly, Sting works on 'objects-that-are-connected-with-each-other-via-powers-bullshit' rather than geoanalagous-ness. In other words, it doesn't work for the same reason Atropos doesn't worry about accidentally hitting the nice folk on Earth Aleph.
Edit:Which makes me wonder what the people on all those other Earths would think if she DID need to worry about that. Especially considering the population density of most New Yorks.
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Missing word.

Missing doublequotes at beginning and end of line.

I'm not precisely sure, but I will hazard a guess that it's because Behemoth isn't actually on Planet Pantheon. If I understand correctly, Sting works on 'objects-that-are-connected-with-each-other-via-powers-bullshit' rather than geoanalagous-ness. In other words, it doesn't work for the same reason Atropos doesn't worry about accidentally hitting the nice folk on Earth Aleph.
Edit:Which makes me wonder what the people on all those other Earths would think if she DID need to worry about that. Especially considering the population density of most New Yorks.

I can accept that, but it does give a "we win" card to Pantheon. It points out that Endbringers do not exist/influence their alternate dimension. Have Clotho build a big web or net of fabric (think giant screen door) suspended in the air. Have Atropose charge it with Sting. Wait for the Endbringer to go under the web, then shunt the web to "main reality" and drop it. I'm fairly sure that turning the core into pebbles counts as killing an Endbringer.

Obviously, there would need to be coordination between Pantheon and whoever else is participating. I wonder who's good at multitasking and coordinating things like this...
Or they ran the numbers and deemed it acceptable. ie Sealing Behemoth into a region where the VERY LAWS of reality denied its existence and would utterly destroy it. They needed bait and sacrificial fighters to distract Behemoth to do so, that is what the city was. The world's largest trap.

And let's be honest, if the CUI had been successful and did manage to kill Behemoth ( as far as could be determined in setting ), you guys wouldn't be declaring them to be incompetent monsters. Nor would Pantheon be going "they're monsters"...

That's the problem with doing stuff like this, if you succeed people might still call you a monster but the'll acknowledge that you had cause but if you fail well you just "nuked" a city with no results. People tend to forgive winners a lot more than losers.
That's the problem with doing stuff like this, if you succeed people might still call you a monster but the'll acknowledge that you had cause but if you fail well you just "nuked" a city with no results. People tend to forgive winners a lot more than losers.
When it causes the endbringer to escalate by OOM and someone points out your were toying with weaponry that could kill the planet or in theory the universe you don't get that excuse.
... Aren't Endbringers multidimensional? Like, that's how they manage to be so impossibly dense? Or am I misremembering? I ask because fucking with a single dimension won't do a whole hell of a lot to something that exists in seven simultaneously. So the Yang Ban is going to sac a city and do nada. Yay. Don't copy Discord, like turning into a giant snake, there is no problem where it actually helps.
Behemoth's core is connected to "thousands" of dimensions. :p
I'm kinda relieved Behemoth didn't use the exotic energy to send the earth foreword in the future...or a alternate dimension..Look at the stars tonight.
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I'm kinda relieved Behemoth didn't use the exotic energy to send the earth foreword in the future...or a alternate dimension..Look at the stars tonight.
Personally I'm surprised he didn't just absorb the energy and explode the barrier with it
Or they ran the numbers and deemed it acceptable. ie Sealing Behemoth into a region where the VERY LAWS of reality denied its existence and would utterly destroy it. They needed bait and sacrificial fighters to distract Behemoth to do so, that is what the city was. The world's largest trap.

And let's be honest, if the CUI had been successful and did manage to kill Behemoth ( as far as could be determined in setting ), you guys wouldn't be declaring them to be incompetent monsters. Nor would Pantheon be going "they're monsters"...
I disagree. I'd still be calling them incompetent monsters, and I know Pantheon would. Pantheon had a "Are we monsters?" moment after killing Ziz because of what ZIZ did. Admittedly they were also prepared to do it again even if that explosion really was the consequence for killing an Endbringer but they also acknowledged that it basically made them monsters themselves.

What makes the CUI incompetent monsters either way in in this particular instance isn't just that they failed. It's that they didn't even think of a way to save the civilian populace, or put a backup in place. Even when successful if you have no backup in place and someone notices you *will* catch hell for it and your one defense is "Well it worked didn't it!" which isn't actually that much of a defense. Add that they clearly had a way to save those civilians if this kind of tech is within their reach and they did nothing, more to the point they actually killed the civilians trying to run themselves.
Incidentally, after Zach's test when his cut-in-half staff refused to be safely restored, after being hit by Sting.

I've wondered - if Flechette shoots you in one universe, do your other-universe-analogues suffer the same damage? Because that would be horrifying. When a single stray shot kills not just you, but every instance of "you". And if it's true? Uncounted Vistas are dead, with only Lachesis still alive. One among trillions.
Or they ran the numbers and deemed it acceptable. ie Sealing Behemoth into a region where the VERY LAWS of reality denied its existence and would utterly destroy it. They needed bait and sacrificial fighters to distract Behemoth to do so, that is what the city was. The world's largest trap.

And let's be honest, if the CUI had been successful and did manage to kill Behemoth ( as far as could be determined in setting ), you guys wouldn't be declaring them to be incompetent monsters. Nor would Pantheon be going "they're monsters"...
*gapes at the lack of tanuki in profile pic*

The thing is, I've never heard anything about Endbringers not attacking after a city is evacuated. If the sirens had gone off, what would it have hurt?

I think Pantheon would still be calling them monsters, because not even trying to evacuate their people is pretty monstrous given no evidence that it would have chased away their target.

As for shooting the people approaching the barricade, I would guess they didn't want them screwing up the Tinkertech.
Achievement unlocked: FANART!
Woo! I has both the fanart and the omake achievements unlocked! Also: linked.

... I'll probably have to wait 'till I get into original stories to get fanfics of my own...

The C.U.I. fucked it up to the point that only Scion is standing between them and complete destruction.
To be fair it's not like they could have had any comprehension of what the Endbringers are *really* capable of.

When it causes the endbringer to escalate by OOM and someone points out your were toying with weaponry that could kill the planet or in theory the universe you don't get that excuse.
They really didn't know the first was a possibility. No one could have. The latter? Well, that wouldn't actually happen. Worm's multiverse is capable of taking lots of punishment.

Personally I'm surprised he didn't just absorb the energy and explode the barrier with it
Couldn't. Energy didn't behave in ways his power understood. Part of the whole "the reality you know doesn't work here" thing. So, basically, he stood there while the native life grew on top of him. Then after the effect collapsed, he went out to stomp some bitches.

And if it's true? Uncounted Vistas are dead, with only Lachesis still alive. One among trillions.
There's only one possible Vista in reality. Remember: the Entity X-Factor only exists in Bet. No one born (up to around nine months) after Scion's arrival would have copies in other dimensions.
Ah, that explains things a bit.

Though you're not technically right about the copies thing. You *might* not have a copy in X-Dimension. Noelle had one, though hers was different from herself. I suppose identical copies would be more accurate, because they would not in any way be identical.
here is a anthem for our Gang of gods as they go forth in to the unknown....
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Ah, that explains things a bit.

Though you're not technically right about the copies thing. You *might* not have a copy in X-Dimension. Noelle had one, though hers was different from herself. I suppose identical copies would be more accurate, because they would not in any way be identical.

There's the fact the Entities explicitly made it so that (near) identical dimensions wouldn't intersect too much because they found it redundant to get similar data.
Given that the Entities have Labyrinth re-sculpting multiple worlds, I find it entirely plausible that they might create "mirror worlds" which have no purpose except providing raw "alternate world" material for their current crop of experiment subjects (i.e. for capes).
There's the fact the Entities explicitly made it so that (near) identical dimensions wouldn't intersect too much because they found it redundant to get similar data.
Any person born after Scion's appearance would be different anyway because Scion wouldn't exist there. At all. There's exactly one golden spacewhale avatar and he's at Earth Bet.
if Taylor or Amelia became able to pass(near) identical dimensions..it would destroy them on a deeper emotional level then what they could handle...a world where your mother is still alive and a world where you weren't taken from your own family,grew up and had a brother or sister...a dream world.For Zach and Riley their worst nightmares.
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Any person born after Scion's appearance would be different anyway because Scion wouldn't exist there. At all. There's exactly one golden spacewhale avatar and he's at Earth Bet.
Earth Bet: "And we didn't want him anyway!"

Nice to see Pantheon holding back from causing (obvious) international incidents... should be fun to see the reactions to the tech they stole. Mainly I'm wondering if it's just that exotic that their array of tinkers can't work it out.

Either way, Dragon will be happy. More tech to trade with them! Should help her feel normal after she has to get over Saint panicking and urgently requesting her help just in case Pantheon go too far.

Given Saint's current frame of mind, if Lisa explains his hot-for-Teacher addiction to him, I wonder if he'd be more inclined to act more rationally, or act irrationally because Pantheon is obviously trying to drive a wedge between him and Teacher...
You know... No one's even considered the fact that this might be Standard Operating Procedure for the CUI when it comes to Endbringers.

I could definitely see them denying the Endbringer's existence to the populace, or making it seem like they had already killed the Endbringers.

"Just keep doing your jobs people; there's nothing wrong in the world, and we exist to protect you if anything does go wrong. All our enemies have been destroyed....yadda, yadda, yadda."

And of course, what do you have to do when an Endbringer shows up and proves you're lying? Kill all the witnesses.

It makes sense that as Xenophobic as they are, they'd block all communication and internet traffic into and out of their country, except for official channels. It would be easy to keep the populace ignorant.
Amelia, Ch 218

"Fuck to that," I said, adding my support to Taylor. "They just unleashed that... that! On their own people. No one's going to blame us for doing what we must to stop it from happening again."

Nobody is gonna blame Pantheon for not intervening to save those civilians, only to pop in afterwards to steal anti-Endbringer technology, and causing a major international incident? The media would nail them to a cross.

I've learned two things. 1. Lisa is the only person who thinks of the big picture. 2. Trevor just saved the world, and he's super humble about it.

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