Amelia, Ch 358
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Amelia, Ch 358
Alexandria and Dragon both had remarkably brisk walking styles, like a military march. They even, probably intentionally, walked in time with each other. It was Dragon that delivered their news. "Synth has agreed to a work program in lieu of a prison sentence. Conveniently, we even convinced him to skip the trial and conviction stage."
SuspicionConcern. "Chances of him attempting some form of sabotage?" That's Taylor for you, clone or no clone, always the suspicious one.
Alexandria glanced over at Lisa, and once again I had to wonder what they were saying to each other. "Right now, nonexistant. I can't promise he'll stay that way forever. I recommend you use your behavior altering implants."
Lisa turned her head toward us. "He's used his skills to do far worse to others. Not quite 'Bonesaw' levels, but pretty fucking close at times. There's nothing for you to feel guilty about."
DistasteConcernResignation. "You're probably right," Taylor admitted unhappily.
I reached over and gripped her hand. "We'll monitor him closely. If he sticks to his promises, won't have to use the implant. If he slips up, then it's his fault." HopeGratitude. It wasn't the optimum solution, but Taylor had enough issues weighing on her mind right now. She latched on to the 'clones aren't the original, and don't carry the original's sins, just their memories' idea so eagerly that it was almost like a religious epiphany. Fuck, I'd be lying if I didn't find the idea tempting as hell. Sacrificing that concept of innocence on the same day she found it would have been too cruel.
I was painfully aware of Alexandria and Lisa watching me as well. Lisa cleared her throat without even bothering to pretend that's what she was really doing. "We should probably go somewhere private for the next discussion. We'll need Hecate and Defiant as well."
"Hecate's pretty busy with Anima and Citrine," Taylor pointed out.
Lisa sighed. "There's nothing she'll be able to do for them that Clarice and Elena can't. What I have actually requires her help. I know I've pretty much stomped my own credibility in the face these last few weeks, but give me this one."
SuspicionWorry. Taylor squeezed my hand before speaking. "Alright, I've let her know. Amelia? May as well get started on the privacy room."
"I really should just start leaving them behind instead of dismantling them when I'm done." I got to work, forcing the ground to shift and expend its energy into forming walls and a ceiling from what was essentially a hybrid of bone and wood. We needed this one larger, if it was to hold everyone and still generate the anti-spying effect. I'd be concerned about the energy drain, but the simple fact was we had access to an entire planet worth of sunlight as a power source.
All the energy that went into hurricanes and lightning strikes and forest fires on normal worlds was instead absorbed by the Yggdrasil and converted into convenient high calorie oils. Dragon was using the stuff as jet fuel because it was better than actual jet fuel. Still, this was going to drain the local reserves fast, so I preemptively started drawing resources from the surrounding area, and had those areas draw from the areas beyond. By the time Defiant arrived, I was influencing over ten thousand square miles. By the time Emma got here, that had gone up to a zone larger than California.
I so rarely got to flex my power at this scale, and it was heady, intoxicating. I didn't even hear Lisa's announcement. Taylor's reaction cut through. NegationLoss. "Resign? I thought we already fixed this problem! You can't resign now!"
Snapped from my distraction, I focused on Lisa, in time to hear the next part. "I'm pretty sure I can, Taylor."
DenialFear. "Fine, you can, but you shouldn't. You're too important. What about the Endbringers and Scion and"
Lisa brought up a hand. "I'm just going to stop you there. That's the problem. You still default to how 'important' my power is."
ShameGuilt. Taylors head drooped. "That's not what I mean, and you know it. Clone bullshit notwithstanding, you're still a friend and I still care about you. I'm just not good at expressing feelings like that."
Lisa managed to smile without looking like a condescending bitch for once. "Yeah, I know. And maybe a few weeks ago, that argument would have even worked. But, well, I put a lot of effort into forcing you to fire me. Would be a real shame to let it go to waste. Crystal hates me, her team hates me, and that means Lily is currently contemplating my assassination, while hoping her attacks extend to clone bodies. You have to realize you can't keep me and them, not after the stunt I just pulled. I'm less valuable than your arrangements with Japan and half of your Endslayers."
RegretTrappedAnger. I tried to push support into the link, calming Taylor where I could. Lisa took our silence for an invite to continue.
"Then, well, let's be honest. The only person on this team that more than tolerates me is you, Taylor. I played the bad guy with Riley, because seriously you recruited fucking Bonesaw and let her run with a flimsy leash that she slipped more than once." Now it was Taylor's turn to calm me down. As far as I was concerned, Riley had earned her place, Lisa did not have the right to talk about her like that after all this time. "Now she has Missy and Theo to motivate her to stay good, but she still despises me. And frankly, I don't like her much, either. Every time I look at her it makes me want to scream in horror, because I can't help but see what she's responsible for."
Taylor's hand went from holding mine, to around my waist, holding me. Lisa looked at us, then continued her rant. "Oh, and let's not forget the rest of the team. Missy wants to punch me. She and Dinah make fun of me behind my back. At least they're professional enough to not let anyone else find out. Zach goes out of his way to play elaborately squicky pranks on me, including bringing peripheral members like Janus in on them. Theo's asked all of them to 'be patient, she's had a rough life'. Yeah, that's what I've always wanted, pity."
RegretPity. Oh jeez, and Lisa just saw that one. I pulled Taylor tighter.
Lisa looked at me. "You're not what I'd call fond of me, either." I said nothing, but we all knew she was right. "And Emma's tolerance is built entirely on her guilt of knowing she's done far worse."
Emma looked down. "You really didn't need to point that out."
Lisa glanced over at Emma, and for a brief moment, I almost expected her to apologize. "And after all of that, there's the greater political spectrum. I made an enemy of Chevalier today, and I'm pretty sure he's figured out my power interaction with Alexandria. If not, Victoria will tell him sooner or later. She's not a fan of mine, either. My resignation is the only thing that gets you out of the line of fire."
Alexandria frowned. "I was afraid of that. He can see the power interactions as they happen, can't he?"
Lisa smiled and shrugged. "Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why he didn't catch it before. Maybe it just wasn't strong enough for him to notice, or he never bothered really looking while we were both in the room together before. Practice using his Passenger sight. Lots of little things adding up."
Alexandria smiled back. "Well, can't be helped. He'll contact the Chief Director shortly, I'm sure."
ConcernResignation. "Fuck. This is one of those 'it's for everyone, but it's really for me' things that we use all the fucking time, isn't it?" Taylor spoke up.
I frowned. "So that's what that feels like?" No wonder so many people hate us but can't quite figure out why.
Lisa's smug smile returned. "Yeah, pretty much. Don't worry, I may be quitting, but I'm not quitting quitting. I'll go back to Bet, maybe get a consulting job with the Protectorate or even Cauldron. More likely than not, both. I'm as dedicated as ever to stopping Scion and finding the Endmakers as ever. In fact, I'll be even better at it without the distraction of managing Pantheon's day to day affairs while constantly being reminded of all the reasons I don't want to be there anymore."
Taylor glanced over at Alexandria. "It also means the two of you get to spend more time together. Perhaps even openly, one way or another."
Lisa smiled at Alexandria, who even smiled back. Guess they figured they didn't need to hide the secret. "I can't say that didn't cross my mind. But if we're being honest, I think one of the things I'm most looking forward to is no longer using Yggdrasil for everything. Seriously, I almost resorted to using Riley's kitty-shower because the idea of using a hot water bladder for anything makes me nauseous. Then I realized that was stupid and rented an apartment on Bet to shunt over and use instead. No offense, Amelia."
I looked at her. Seriously? "Would you believe me if I said 'none taken'?"
Lisa kept on smiling. "Not at all."
ResignationAcceptanceRegret. "You've been putting a lot of thought into this for a long time, haven't you?"
Lisa's smile faded. "Since before we went public with Avalon. And, yes, that includes forcing your hand. I know you, Taylor. You'd have begged and cajoled and found some way to make me stay if it this was just a thing between us. You may not realize it, but you're an expert at the guilt trip. I had to force you to choose between me and the wellbeing of Pantheon or Avalon. You know it's true."
RegretLossDisgust. Taylor nodded. "You even used my own tactics, the same ones we used to make Pantheon so successful. Not bothering to ask for anything, simply arranging the field so the only option is to do what you want."
Lisa reached into her outfit. "I knew you'd catch that. I would have left sooner, but I needed to find my replacement first. Which brings us to why I invited Emma, Dragon and Defiant to this confrontation."
Defiant shifted uncomfortably. "I must admit, I was starting to wonder. But I don't believe we have the time or talents needed to handle your job on top of our own."
Lisa's grin grew smug again. "Oh, don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunity to do just that." She pulled the small black box out and set it on the table. "This is a very special program created for a very special purpose. Saint named it Ascalon, and used it to disable Dragon, access her memories, and steal her technology. But it had a name and purpose, well before he found it. Andrew Richter calls it Iron Maiden, and it's the gatekey to the Human Emulation Artificial Intelligence program, Test Three. More widely known as Dragon."
A/N- Despite metric being the official Avalonian measuring system, Amelia was raised with the American system and still thinks in it.
Lisa doesn't do things by halves, and had a LOT of reasons to want to leave. One little Taylor speech doesn't fix everything.
Now would be the perfect time for finally having a Dragon chapter, wouldn't it?
Alexandria and Dragon both had remarkably brisk walking styles, like a military march. They even, probably intentionally, walked in time with each other. It was Dragon that delivered their news. "Synth has agreed to a work program in lieu of a prison sentence. Conveniently, we even convinced him to skip the trial and conviction stage."
SuspicionConcern. "Chances of him attempting some form of sabotage?" That's Taylor for you, clone or no clone, always the suspicious one.
Alexandria glanced over at Lisa, and once again I had to wonder what they were saying to each other. "Right now, nonexistant. I can't promise he'll stay that way forever. I recommend you use your behavior altering implants."
Lisa turned her head toward us. "He's used his skills to do far worse to others. Not quite 'Bonesaw' levels, but pretty fucking close at times. There's nothing for you to feel guilty about."
DistasteConcernResignation. "You're probably right," Taylor admitted unhappily.
I reached over and gripped her hand. "We'll monitor him closely. If he sticks to his promises, won't have to use the implant. If he slips up, then it's his fault." HopeGratitude. It wasn't the optimum solution, but Taylor had enough issues weighing on her mind right now. She latched on to the 'clones aren't the original, and don't carry the original's sins, just their memories' idea so eagerly that it was almost like a religious epiphany. Fuck, I'd be lying if I didn't find the idea tempting as hell. Sacrificing that concept of innocence on the same day she found it would have been too cruel.
I was painfully aware of Alexandria and Lisa watching me as well. Lisa cleared her throat without even bothering to pretend that's what she was really doing. "We should probably go somewhere private for the next discussion. We'll need Hecate and Defiant as well."
"Hecate's pretty busy with Anima and Citrine," Taylor pointed out.
Lisa sighed. "There's nothing she'll be able to do for them that Clarice and Elena can't. What I have actually requires her help. I know I've pretty much stomped my own credibility in the face these last few weeks, but give me this one."
SuspicionWorry. Taylor squeezed my hand before speaking. "Alright, I've let her know. Amelia? May as well get started on the privacy room."
"I really should just start leaving them behind instead of dismantling them when I'm done." I got to work, forcing the ground to shift and expend its energy into forming walls and a ceiling from what was essentially a hybrid of bone and wood. We needed this one larger, if it was to hold everyone and still generate the anti-spying effect. I'd be concerned about the energy drain, but the simple fact was we had access to an entire planet worth of sunlight as a power source.
All the energy that went into hurricanes and lightning strikes and forest fires on normal worlds was instead absorbed by the Yggdrasil and converted into convenient high calorie oils. Dragon was using the stuff as jet fuel because it was better than actual jet fuel. Still, this was going to drain the local reserves fast, so I preemptively started drawing resources from the surrounding area, and had those areas draw from the areas beyond. By the time Defiant arrived, I was influencing over ten thousand square miles. By the time Emma got here, that had gone up to a zone larger than California.
I so rarely got to flex my power at this scale, and it was heady, intoxicating. I didn't even hear Lisa's announcement. Taylor's reaction cut through. NegationLoss. "Resign? I thought we already fixed this problem! You can't resign now!"
Snapped from my distraction, I focused on Lisa, in time to hear the next part. "I'm pretty sure I can, Taylor."
DenialFear. "Fine, you can, but you shouldn't. You're too important. What about the Endbringers and Scion and"
Lisa brought up a hand. "I'm just going to stop you there. That's the problem. You still default to how 'important' my power is."
ShameGuilt. Taylors head drooped. "That's not what I mean, and you know it. Clone bullshit notwithstanding, you're still a friend and I still care about you. I'm just not good at expressing feelings like that."
Lisa managed to smile without looking like a condescending bitch for once. "Yeah, I know. And maybe a few weeks ago, that argument would have even worked. But, well, I put a lot of effort into forcing you to fire me. Would be a real shame to let it go to waste. Crystal hates me, her team hates me, and that means Lily is currently contemplating my assassination, while hoping her attacks extend to clone bodies. You have to realize you can't keep me and them, not after the stunt I just pulled. I'm less valuable than your arrangements with Japan and half of your Endslayers."
RegretTrappedAnger. I tried to push support into the link, calming Taylor where I could. Lisa took our silence for an invite to continue.
"Then, well, let's be honest. The only person on this team that more than tolerates me is you, Taylor. I played the bad guy with Riley, because seriously you recruited fucking Bonesaw and let her run with a flimsy leash that she slipped more than once." Now it was Taylor's turn to calm me down. As far as I was concerned, Riley had earned her place, Lisa did not have the right to talk about her like that after all this time. "Now she has Missy and Theo to motivate her to stay good, but she still despises me. And frankly, I don't like her much, either. Every time I look at her it makes me want to scream in horror, because I can't help but see what she's responsible for."
Taylor's hand went from holding mine, to around my waist, holding me. Lisa looked at us, then continued her rant. "Oh, and let's not forget the rest of the team. Missy wants to punch me. She and Dinah make fun of me behind my back. At least they're professional enough to not let anyone else find out. Zach goes out of his way to play elaborately squicky pranks on me, including bringing peripheral members like Janus in on them. Theo's asked all of them to 'be patient, she's had a rough life'. Yeah, that's what I've always wanted, pity."
RegretPity. Oh jeez, and Lisa just saw that one. I pulled Taylor tighter.
Lisa looked at me. "You're not what I'd call fond of me, either." I said nothing, but we all knew she was right. "And Emma's tolerance is built entirely on her guilt of knowing she's done far worse."
Emma looked down. "You really didn't need to point that out."
Lisa glanced over at Emma, and for a brief moment, I almost expected her to apologize. "And after all of that, there's the greater political spectrum. I made an enemy of Chevalier today, and I'm pretty sure he's figured out my power interaction with Alexandria. If not, Victoria will tell him sooner or later. She's not a fan of mine, either. My resignation is the only thing that gets you out of the line of fire."
Alexandria frowned. "I was afraid of that. He can see the power interactions as they happen, can't he?"
Lisa smiled and shrugged. "Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why he didn't catch it before. Maybe it just wasn't strong enough for him to notice, or he never bothered really looking while we were both in the room together before. Practice using his Passenger sight. Lots of little things adding up."
Alexandria smiled back. "Well, can't be helped. He'll contact the Chief Director shortly, I'm sure."
ConcernResignation. "Fuck. This is one of those 'it's for everyone, but it's really for me' things that we use all the fucking time, isn't it?" Taylor spoke up.
I frowned. "So that's what that feels like?" No wonder so many people hate us but can't quite figure out why.
Lisa's smug smile returned. "Yeah, pretty much. Don't worry, I may be quitting, but I'm not quitting quitting. I'll go back to Bet, maybe get a consulting job with the Protectorate or even Cauldron. More likely than not, both. I'm as dedicated as ever to stopping Scion and finding the Endmakers as ever. In fact, I'll be even better at it without the distraction of managing Pantheon's day to day affairs while constantly being reminded of all the reasons I don't want to be there anymore."
Taylor glanced over at Alexandria. "It also means the two of you get to spend more time together. Perhaps even openly, one way or another."
Lisa smiled at Alexandria, who even smiled back. Guess they figured they didn't need to hide the secret. "I can't say that didn't cross my mind. But if we're being honest, I think one of the things I'm most looking forward to is no longer using Yggdrasil for everything. Seriously, I almost resorted to using Riley's kitty-shower because the idea of using a hot water bladder for anything makes me nauseous. Then I realized that was stupid and rented an apartment on Bet to shunt over and use instead. No offense, Amelia."
I looked at her. Seriously? "Would you believe me if I said 'none taken'?"
Lisa kept on smiling. "Not at all."
ResignationAcceptanceRegret. "You've been putting a lot of thought into this for a long time, haven't you?"
Lisa's smile faded. "Since before we went public with Avalon. And, yes, that includes forcing your hand. I know you, Taylor. You'd have begged and cajoled and found some way to make me stay if it this was just a thing between us. You may not realize it, but you're an expert at the guilt trip. I had to force you to choose between me and the wellbeing of Pantheon or Avalon. You know it's true."
RegretLossDisgust. Taylor nodded. "You even used my own tactics, the same ones we used to make Pantheon so successful. Not bothering to ask for anything, simply arranging the field so the only option is to do what you want."
Lisa reached into her outfit. "I knew you'd catch that. I would have left sooner, but I needed to find my replacement first. Which brings us to why I invited Emma, Dragon and Defiant to this confrontation."
Defiant shifted uncomfortably. "I must admit, I was starting to wonder. But I don't believe we have the time or talents needed to handle your job on top of our own."
Lisa's grin grew smug again. "Oh, don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunity to do just that." She pulled the small black box out and set it on the table. "This is a very special program created for a very special purpose. Saint named it Ascalon, and used it to disable Dragon, access her memories, and steal her technology. But it had a name and purpose, well before he found it. Andrew Richter calls it Iron Maiden, and it's the gatekey to the Human Emulation Artificial Intelligence program, Test Three. More widely known as Dragon."
A/N- Despite metric being the official Avalonian measuring system, Amelia was raised with the American system and still thinks in it.
Lisa doesn't do things by halves, and had a LOT of reasons to want to leave. One little Taylor speech doesn't fix everything.
Now would be the perfect time for finally having a Dragon chapter, wouldn't it?
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