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AMV Theater

Bedroom Hymns
Got some more Fullmetal Alchemist for ya. Dotdot3 takes a song I always took for a woman's power anthem and turns it into an AMV about bloody action scenes cut with fuzzy slice of life and some of the memorable heart-rending moments from the show.

Infinite Gate
If someone tries to tell me Wakfu isn't an anime, I will fight them in the streets. I'm not really one for dubstep, but it has excellent editing and Wakfu is just gorgeous anyway.

Under the Bridge
Did Arakawa Under the Bridge - for those of you who don't know, that's a comedy anime about a bunch of hobos living under a bridge - always have such gorgeous backgrounds? And the water effects, Jesus Christ.

Hard to beat Puella Magi Madoka Magica for a good mindfuck AMV, even if the movies by all accounts have issues. Also, some kind of obsession with hair, tying it up and unbraiding it and hairflips and... I don't know what's up with that one.

Youjo Senki is gonna be one of those anime that gets a billion generic AMVs done of it, for sure. There's dozens on youtube already, and it's only on like, episode 7? I do like this one, though. Simple lyrics but a good fit, a couple of good effects like having the camera zoom into Tanya's eye to do the backstory bit. Bit of a weak ending, but give it a few months for the anime to finish and I'm sure we'll find a better one.
If someone tries to tell me Wakfu isn't an anime, I will fight them in the streets.
It's not, but that's fine. Wakfu is awesome and I wish more cartoons nowadays put in the effort the makers did into Wakfu. Now if only they made a third season.
It's not, but that's fine. Wakfu is awesome and I wish more cartoons nowadays put in the effort the makers did into Wakfu. Now if only they made a third season.
Funny story about that:

My first introduction to Wakfu (and I had no idea that was its name at the time) was when I discovered a cartoon on Pornhub about French lesbian elves having tentacle sex with each other. Dat fulfilled a lotta fetishes at the time.


My first introduction to Wakfu (and I had no idea that was its name at the time) was when I discovered a cartoon on Pornhub about French lesbian elves having tentacle sex with each other. Dat fulfilled a lotta fetishes at the time.
Sounds like that Zone animation. That guy (?) is so freaking talented. I wonder what they've been up to lately?

It's almost TOO easy, to make a cool AMV with Fate/Stay Night. It barely even matters what music you set it to.
I recently rediscovered LC_Lapen, who has done some of my favorite AMV work over the years. I posted his T for Trouble AMV for Kill La Kill in one of my first posts in this thread. That was his work from two years ago.

Good Ship Lifestyle
A One Piece AMV from 2009, commemorating just one of the many dramatic arcs of the show that One Piece dips into from time to time: the Usopp and Luffy fight.

15 Minute Phone Call
2010. I don't really understand Sayonara Zetsubo-sensei. It feels like a deconstruction, but of what? Shonen? School life anime? The romcom genre? No idea. And it's stuck in this perennial place in my heart where it never leaves, but I don't even know if I like it or not. The AMV captures the feeling I have of watching that show, but without once dipping into the standard Zetsubo-sensei conceit with the noose.

Seven of Spades
One of Lapen's 2015 offerings. The Seven Sins is an anime about super powered knights with Tragic Backstories fighting other slightly less super powered knights with slightly less Tragic Backstories, when they're not goofing off. Traditional shonen fare, but the powers are cool, the fights are pretty, the characters are iconic. The song is from Shovel Knight, which is pretty appropriate if you know anything about these two things.

Captain DandEo
The other 2015 piece. I don't really understand the Dance subgenre of AMVs. They're not really intended to tell a story, and a lot of the time the visuals seem to place second in importance to the music, which is almost always peppy and lively. Do people actually dance to AMVs at cons?

Too Much Of A Gin Thing
I love me some Gintama. This bar might be too high for anyone who hasn't seen the show to properly get a hold of, but to me it feels like a highlight reel of a lot of the stupidest, zaniest, funniest bits of throughout Gintama's long run time. If nothing else, the music is catchy, even if the lyrics are pretty dumb.
Oh, and it appears I also have leftovers from my AMV playlist. Have some.

Dazzling Inferno
Harry Potter: the Anime is a beautiful ride, even if I'm still not sure if it's going anywhere. Love the art style, the animation, usually love the color palette. The AMV seems like it's trying to tell the story of Ako growing into her power and taking up the mantle of Shiny Chariot or whatever, which is basically the only enduring plotline of Little Witch Academia that I'm aware of.

Black Water
An AMV about a 2002 Gamecube game. Weird, right? I was never really one of those guys who hold up Wind Waker as the best Zelda game, though I liked it well enough I guess? But the editing and the storytelling of this AMV is really good. It tells a simple adventure story, but it tells it well. It makes you want to experience it yourself.

Sky Journey
Sky Journey appears to be a love song to the sky. Night to day, sun, rain, clouds. I honestly don't recognize more than 1 in 10 of the anime used, which makes it feel kind of out of my wheelhouse. But it's very pretty, and serene, and sometimes that can be nice. That's a good word for this AMV: nice.

Singular Strike Gentleman
This won an award for 'best fun anime', and that feels really appropriate. One Punch Man AMVs are 99% about the sakuga action, because why would they be? This AMV manages to show a lot of the same gorgeous action, but in a way that evokes a sense of playfulness and fun instead of pulse-pounding action, and I think I like it more for it. It doesn't hurt that the music is Queen, the beats fo the AMV and the music are synced up really tightly, and well. It's a song called 'Don't Stop Me Now', for One Punch Man; the lyrics themselves work on a lot of levels that get to the heart of how One Punch Man manages to focus on the ennui of Saitama's existence but in a way that seems like it would be - should be - super fun and cool. But instead it's just Saitama.
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New batch for y'all. I always feel like it's weird when I check my list of AMVs and find a bunch I haven't bothered to upload over here. I always think, 'well it's familiar because I watched it, surely... no?' And then here I am.

Here In Spirit
RWBY AMV. Luke K has a talent for these slower emotive songs. It works a lot of angles with the 'here in spirit' motif; Pyrrha of course, but also getting a little Ozpin, Ren's dad, and even Weiss's ghost knight in there. I'm not into RWBY the way I used to be (still haven't watch season 4) but this will get me to if anything will.

Yin Yang Destiny
Katanagatari AMV. This song will get inside your head, and sharp editing ensures this AMV never slows down to catch its breath for more than a second before its zooming off again to show off all of Katanagatari's sweeping vistas. Watch it in 720p.

Now over here in 'goofy ecchi nonsense', there's Fun Fun Yum Yum (Shokugeki no Soma AMV) and My Type (Konosuba AMV). Some clean editing both of them, and the songs are catchy even if they're nothing to write home about.

Cold and Bloody
When I think 'Lupin III', I think of something with jazz or lounge music. This isn't in that wheelhouse, but I still think it fits that world a lot better than some poppy anime song would, so I'm down.
There's also a spiritual sequel to this one focusing on Goemon (Blood Oath) that has what I think is a catchier song but maybe not as good of a story arc? Some great fight scenes with a cool villain, at least.
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My Type (Konosuba AMV). Some clean editing both of them, and the songs are catchy even if they're nothing to write home about.

I really like this song, but the official music video is good enough that AMV would have to be really good to compete. If that makes sense.

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I really like this song, but the official music video is good enough that AMV would have to be really good to compete. If that makes sense.
Sure. I'll have to check out the music video if it's that good, I'm not even familiar with the group.
Well I like it, no guarantees about anyone else likening it.
A Kobayashi's Maid Dragon AMV

Silly Railgun AMV

These two combine a good deal of scenes from different series into a unexpectedly nice whole. The first is very upbeat while the latter is more melancholy.

Got sum'more.

Haikyuu AMV. Just a fun, pumped-up sports AMV. Love that chorus.

Artichoke Hearts
Never watched Tamako Market myself, and I probably never will, but I love that beat. A slice of life anime about a shopping arcade set to something snappy and jazzy.

Bill Cipher: Immortals
Gravity Falls AMV. Have I really not linked this one yet? Weird feeling of deja vu.
Bill really is a uniquely weird, wonderful, terrifying villain. Perfect for Gravity Falls, really. This song's another one where I love the refrain. "We could be immortals," it sings, as Bill towers over the town, as Stanford wears the Milky Way like a pair of comfortable pants...

One of those story AMV where cuts of different anime are layered over one another to produce vieos of characters that never shared screentime together interacting. Mahou shounen battle mahout shoujo for... some reason. Control of the coveted timeslot, probably.
One of those story AMV where cuts of different anime are layered over one another to produce vieos of characters that never shared screentime together interacting. Mahou shounen battle mahout shoujo for... some reason. Control of the coveted timeslot, probably.

I think it is something like "Evil Empire of Magical Girls" or something like that? Personally I would have preferred some Sentai Heroes, I haven't seen any of the shows with male characters aside from Kore Wa Zombie Desuka!?
How did we cover four pages over four years without mentioning AMV Hell 3, 4, 5, or 6.66?

I mean, yeah, they're long, but there are parts that are just brilliant, funny, quirky, and moving, often within seconds of each other.

And for the daring, there's always AMV Hell 0 or Divide by 0, which are incredibly NSFW.


Links to watch or download all of them are on the website.
It's time for some JoJo—although not the anime, but the mangoa. Particularly, the climatic end of it. More accurately, the end of its original universe.

This one is worth the embed. It's a manga music video starring Elizabeth from Black Butler, and I can't even begin to imagine how much editing must have been necessary to make it work.

I have no idea what Black Butler is about but this video makes me want to know more.

And links to a few more from my list:

Unsheathed - The Boy and the Beast, action/drama. Convinced me to give the movie a look, it's just as good as the AMV makes it look. Took home Best Drama at AX and Best in Show at Animecon and a few others in 2016.

Fiat Lux - Tokyo Godfathers, drama, won the Director's Choice award at Momocon 2017. Is really hearty and soulful and the music choice is perfect.

Mr. Suave - Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto, and it's comedy of course. Took home Best Comedy at Sakuracon.

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