Vernal Equinox 4715
Imperator Pax
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Vernal Equinox 4715
There was soft rustling of golden wings as hopped around to the king's other shoulder. Jaethal regard the canary with appropriate caution. It had not been something that had been discussed with the council... though she had via circumspect inquiry did recognize that Iomedae had had a gold dragon companion, and though less common than silvers there were gold dragons who considered themselves a part of the faith to which Eire himself counted himself apart. It had not been readily discussed with the council the circumstances of Ilthuliak's demise... no one had questioned the severed head of the black wyrm.
The severed head which Amvarean had presented to be seen by all visiting eastern chief tans. The Iobarians of Casmarron were long separated from their living cousins in the lands of the linnorm kings... but Casmarron was home to many dragons Metallic and Chromatic alike, and thus the tribes and clans were quick to pay heed to the death of the Witch.
Given that the Tiger Lords had already been fighting for Pitax, and also Drelev that had been the correct decision. Armag was a capable fighter, Jaethal wasn't so arrogant to ignore that detail, but when given the option the defeat of a black wyrm had decisively lead to favoring the kingdom. Ilthuliak's demise stabilized the southern marshes as well. There had been a slew of after effects to contend with... much work for her and her bureau .Just as she was sure that it had created work for Valerie as Chancellor of the realm.
"We will have to speak with Kanerah shortly." Eire remarked
His tone though suggested what he was actually saying was to tell him now what she had forewarned Valerie about. The truth was Lamashtu was not an uncommon cult in Brevoy, she was one of the more... 'popular' she supposed was the word .... and Lamashtu was a goddess not a demon lord and thus not quite the same issue as worshipping or offering sacrifices to certain other powers, which Eire acknowledged. "The Church of Sheyln has vouched for a cult of Nocticula, the cult of the redeemer queen."
Eire blew out a breath of hot air, so warm it came as a cloud of steam. For a moment Jaethal considered what she might do in Eire's position... but she'd never been put in this position she imagined. "And why?" The red headed man asked, "Would Sheyln want that?" She almost considered telling him he should ask Sheyln herself... the gods listened when Eire spoke... which was vexing at times. That was nothing new, and perhaps asking the Azlanti goddess might well provide them an explanation.... or saddle them with some expanded chore. Jaethal though had no explanation as to why the Azlanti goddess might want that. When it was clear she had no answer Eire shook his head, "We will deal with this later, you were right telling Valerie, I don't know what to make of this," He replied, "And for the moment we have more immediate issues. "
Eire surveyed the expanse, throngs of men. His objective was not changed by this news, or by forefather's arrival and visit. The Church of Sheyln and of Nocticula that was more problematic... the lady in shadow was a demon lord and though Eire would not profess to be an expert on the politics of the Abyss it created an issue given that cosmological divide.
The Tigers confederation of tribes would divide. That was a given. He had expected that in the wake of Armag's defeat in single combat... where some following tribes would slough off in expectation of better prospects. The more important divide, at least for now, was not those tribes who would pursue employment abroad. It was about the ones remaining in the northern river kingdoms and adjacent or within his own de jure borders. There was a division there to consider as well, the split between Armag's coalition aimed at sedentary reform, tribal chieftains and clerical conservatives and the mercenary confederation.
The last of which was the easiest to address though for Eire. He would need them to secure his western border, and possibly depending on other conditions his eastern one in order to secure the caravan routes that crossed the great steppe to the Padishah Empire. Securing that would mean another revenue stream for his realm to action, and he needed the caravans because he lacked the resources to support expanding construction of airships.
He didn't have the manpower to crew ships, or the volume of spell casters to support a professional navy as he envisioned it... and truth was from what understood of the geography, of the geology of Numeria his western border the Branthelds in particular might provide him the reserves of coal and iron he needed for still other projects. So his western border need to be secured... which also meant he needed to stabilize the internal divisions.
Eire moved with purpose to address the assembled, for he and Armag he met in a duel even if if it had not started under the open sky, had concluded there. And that Eire held Gorum's largest and most important Holy Site arguably in all of Avistan, word would spread of that, would reach the Gorumite clergy in Belkezen amongst the Orcs. Something to prepare for. The gathered were unlikely to care much for his discourses on economics, of how he would regulate how cities and settlements could charge taxes... there was no point in discussing such things.
What mattered to the warrior chiefs, and lesser petty kings Eire knew to be the prowess. That was the point of this feast to outline that he had commitments. "There is one other thing," Jaethal remarked keeping in lockstep as the approached the central hearth.
He turned, "Yes?"
"There is an option I believe for a western strongpoint," What she actually meant was a religious site to anchor the kingdom's forces... a church or temple. "It belonged to Cayden Cailean, but was abandoned probably for the same reasons as the Temple of the Rose nearer still to us." Cayden Cailen was hardly an unknown deity but certainly not one that the royal institutions actively supported the church of.
"Thank you," He replied. A temple, or in this case an abbey though was something, "I will consider it before I speak with Armag." Or for that matter Dugath, or Gwart or the other clerics of Gorum Kellid or not. A giant blew a great horn as he signaled to the stone giant druid he was prepared to address those assembled. After the blast a gathering of warriors voiced their support for his abilities, by listing accomplishments of arms... including killing the wyrm ilthuliak. Jaethal did not join him remaining in the throng of supporters, overshadowed by giants. Vordakai remained aloof from such barbarians proceedings, an aloofness that some paladins emulated, while others cheered the king as defender of the faith... even the ones who belonged to other churches, like those knights of Ragathiel, or those armingers of the Godclaw. The cheers were all but deafening as it built to its crescendo.