25 Gozran 4713AR
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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25 Gozran 4713AR
Tristian did not wish to be involved in, and was not interested in the national politics of the Padishah Empire. That was in spite of its state sanction and clear preference of the Dawnflower's church. He did not wish to be drawn into factional strife within the church over political schisms... and yet it was within expected orthodoxy that he lobby for Royal Patronage of the church, and the establishment of new churches to the Healing Flame.
A key part of that lobbying was that while it seemed unlikely that migration would eclipse Chelish migration with migrants from Osirion, and Kelesh as well as further there would need to be other churches... in other settlements.
There was another compounding factor this this. Shelyn's response to the golden grove had entailed direct divine intercession when gods intervened the churches paid attention even when it wasn't their deity. Perhaps even doubly so, when it was a third party. Further it was compounded with the church's interest in demonstrate that the Sarenite faithful were prominent among the crusaders of Mendev, and support for the holy mission against the world wound.
With a pause to no doubt compose his thoughts, Eire gestured to the map of his original chartered domain. He began indicating New Colton on the western shore of the Tuskwater, before gesturing to the island they were on further south. Candlemere island and the lake that it shared its name with, "While with urban planning Candlemere can support more people." Indeed many more people potentially, I do not want migration to strain resources that are available. A settlement in the eastern Kamelands," What would become the city of Memphis, "Will be erected there," He indicated the eastern shore of the lake, "Or I suppose more correctly will be established as independent of the island city. If what you are telling me proves accurate regarding the immigration that will need to be but as you have just highlighted," He remarked to the heavily set cleric occupying the bench opposite him, there is the crusade as well." The pen went over the map, and wrote out the name Memphis and on the western shore, New Colton , the lizard folk village to the west of Candlemere... though obviously they wouldn't settle humans with the lizard folk, but it served as a way station up the river to Hereford. "There is another settlement up the Shrike where it meets the Thorn," Where there was an existing way station, Tristian knew.
With no time to advise his co religionists Tristian waited for the priest to contemplate which of the two future townships that they would prefer to have support for a church to the dawnflower. Eire himself had matters to deal with to the east ... a rogue giant or something ...
Rather than Memphis, which was already in proximity to the church here, he graciously accepted the offer of Royal sanction and support for one at the town that would build in between the capital and the Old Scyamore.
Her desk was filled with documents that demanded her attention. Things she should have been focused on, to the exclusion of distractions... which was what she called Kalikke's pet projects.
Kanerah on the one hand was happy to be spared questing adventures. It simply wasn't her cup of tea... a drink which was still in unfortunately short supply... she was so much better suited, and Kalikke as well whether or silly goat of a sister wished to admit it, to remaining here. Shrikewall was not Qadira regardless of other otherworldly beings, and trade passing through. It was not Taldor either. The promise of prestige and wealth would draw many immigrants to the realm even if not as many journeyed to the city at the center of the world.
The two divided their responsibilities on the council relative to their own talents. Kanerah was more comfortable focusing on the cold impersonal systems of hierachy and law that the legal code called for. The implementation of the realms coinage and the tax systems. Their division of labor didn't always work out, especially since the kingdom, now that it was a kingdom had to refer leadership matters to other members of the council.
If she had know that the bellflower network had planned to ambush her today she'd have of course switched places with Kalikke, but she have to settle for detailing her meeting with them and insuring that her nicer sister contended with it.
Which was what she was doing now.
A few moments later they changed positions and Kalikke's blue eyes were focused on reading her sister's handwriting and the details there in. Cheliax was a cruel place in a difference to Qadira, though her homeland could also be cruel. Her sister's office was filled with tall stacks of bound paper each page awash with draconic script. They were no longer handwritten but printed by the complex, and rapid movable type of a machine. From the figures marked out some of the papers detailed the cost of goods, fixed, in realm managed 'general stores', outlets that provided standardized goods of many varieties to people... even now there were further plans to expand cermaic production under 'Wedgewood', and plans for greater production of metal for durable iron goods through them.
Her sister's looping handwriting detailed the latest news from cheliax through messenger from the abolitionist bellfower network that helped slaves escape servitude to the north. The Bellflower network's primary mission was the liberation of halfling slaves, but their good work included freeing others from bondage including not just humans but also tieflings... it wasn't just humans and tieflings.
People who when freed from bondage, and safely in a new land would need homes, and work. Something detailed in what probably were imperfect translations from draconic concepts of hospitality as contributions, in the form of taxes, to welfare funds and payment into to create houses, but also entailed a bureaucratic policy of assessment and resettlement. Wherever such ideas had come from it created a framework for her to work with, and meant she could help people without Jubilost or her sister needing to become involved, and thus they could focus on their parts of exchequer.
Kalikke supported the abolition of slavery. There were thousands of tieflings living in Cheliax as a mistreated under class, as slaves, and tens of thousands of halflings. While the Bellflower network tilled the soil to see them free in distant lands... it was not her only responsibility. Tieflings were not the only mixed bloods coming to Narland... and from her sister's handwriting there were plenty of unfortunate half elves, noble bastards are otherwise, from Cheliax or elsewhere in the Inner sea ... it wasn't quite the same thing but it was still a good thing.
Notes: This is an addendum to the previous section that was taken off, because while it comments on certain things, I pulled it because I was going to expand it. So it goes up as a Friday update.
And I'm going to side bar here to discert on certain factors, in my personal model of modern economic development and Industrialization firstly I do not think it was a sure thing. I think it was a combination of factors, and I actually think that it was actually delayed from onset by the protestant reformation occurring in England. [That is a specific reading of factors of capital disruption particularly in metallurgy in England, and I'll leave that there.] However I view pre and proto industrialization as well underway in England and in parts of northern Europe by 17th century and in specifically the banking reforms, the maritime carrying trade networks, and the development of manufacturing among other factors. I consider England to have become 'Industrialized' by the 18th century, which uses a broad definition of industrialization but certainly the arrival and survival of the bank of england is a major factor.
So here, and it should be 'Wedgwood' we're referring to pottery and ceramics is a part of the industrial process of improving the standards of living of the common working man. The same with durable iron (later steel) goods and tools.
Anyway, Wedgwood pottery, in the semi long term, expect abolitionist pottery to make an appearance, but more to the point, coupled with textiles, with metal tools, this is not just about export, but thats important to its also about standard of living. Thats going to be a noticeable thing two or three years towards the latter half of the decade.
Tristian did not wish to be involved in, and was not interested in the national politics of the Padishah Empire. That was in spite of its state sanction and clear preference of the Dawnflower's church. He did not wish to be drawn into factional strife within the church over political schisms... and yet it was within expected orthodoxy that he lobby for Royal Patronage of the church, and the establishment of new churches to the Healing Flame.
A key part of that lobbying was that while it seemed unlikely that migration would eclipse Chelish migration with migrants from Osirion, and Kelesh as well as further there would need to be other churches... in other settlements.
There was another compounding factor this this. Shelyn's response to the golden grove had entailed direct divine intercession when gods intervened the churches paid attention even when it wasn't their deity. Perhaps even doubly so, when it was a third party. Further it was compounded with the church's interest in demonstrate that the Sarenite faithful were prominent among the crusaders of Mendev, and support for the holy mission against the world wound.
With a pause to no doubt compose his thoughts, Eire gestured to the map of his original chartered domain. He began indicating New Colton on the western shore of the Tuskwater, before gesturing to the island they were on further south. Candlemere island and the lake that it shared its name with, "While with urban planning Candlemere can support more people." Indeed many more people potentially, I do not want migration to strain resources that are available. A settlement in the eastern Kamelands," What would become the city of Memphis, "Will be erected there," He indicated the eastern shore of the lake, "Or I suppose more correctly will be established as independent of the island city. If what you are telling me proves accurate regarding the immigration that will need to be but as you have just highlighted," He remarked to the heavily set cleric occupying the bench opposite him, there is the crusade as well." The pen went over the map, and wrote out the name Memphis and on the western shore, New Colton , the lizard folk village to the west of Candlemere... though obviously they wouldn't settle humans with the lizard folk, but it served as a way station up the river to Hereford. "There is another settlement up the Shrike where it meets the Thorn," Where there was an existing way station, Tristian knew.
With no time to advise his co religionists Tristian waited for the priest to contemplate which of the two future townships that they would prefer to have support for a church to the dawnflower. Eire himself had matters to deal with to the east ... a rogue giant or something ...
Rather than Memphis, which was already in proximity to the church here, he graciously accepted the offer of Royal sanction and support for one at the town that would build in between the capital and the Old Scyamore.
Her desk was filled with documents that demanded her attention. Things she should have been focused on, to the exclusion of distractions... which was what she called Kalikke's pet projects.
Kanerah on the one hand was happy to be spared questing adventures. It simply wasn't her cup of tea... a drink which was still in unfortunately short supply... she was so much better suited, and Kalikke as well whether or silly goat of a sister wished to admit it, to remaining here. Shrikewall was not Qadira regardless of other otherworldly beings, and trade passing through. It was not Taldor either. The promise of prestige and wealth would draw many immigrants to the realm even if not as many journeyed to the city at the center of the world.
The two divided their responsibilities on the council relative to their own talents. Kanerah was more comfortable focusing on the cold impersonal systems of hierachy and law that the legal code called for. The implementation of the realms coinage and the tax systems. Their division of labor didn't always work out, especially since the kingdom, now that it was a kingdom had to refer leadership matters to other members of the council.
If she had know that the bellflower network had planned to ambush her today she'd have of course switched places with Kalikke, but she have to settle for detailing her meeting with them and insuring that her nicer sister contended with it.
Which was what she was doing now.
A few moments later they changed positions and Kalikke's blue eyes were focused on reading her sister's handwriting and the details there in. Cheliax was a cruel place in a difference to Qadira, though her homeland could also be cruel. Her sister's office was filled with tall stacks of bound paper each page awash with draconic script. They were no longer handwritten but printed by the complex, and rapid movable type of a machine. From the figures marked out some of the papers detailed the cost of goods, fixed, in realm managed 'general stores', outlets that provided standardized goods of many varieties to people... even now there were further plans to expand cermaic production under 'Wedgewood', and plans for greater production of metal for durable iron goods through them.
Her sister's looping handwriting detailed the latest news from cheliax through messenger from the abolitionist bellfower network that helped slaves escape servitude to the north. The Bellflower network's primary mission was the liberation of halfling slaves, but their good work included freeing others from bondage including not just humans but also tieflings... it wasn't just humans and tieflings.
People who when freed from bondage, and safely in a new land would need homes, and work. Something detailed in what probably were imperfect translations from draconic concepts of hospitality as contributions, in the form of taxes, to welfare funds and payment into to create houses, but also entailed a bureaucratic policy of assessment and resettlement. Wherever such ideas had come from it created a framework for her to work with, and meant she could help people without Jubilost or her sister needing to become involved, and thus they could focus on their parts of exchequer.
Kalikke supported the abolition of slavery. There were thousands of tieflings living in Cheliax as a mistreated under class, as slaves, and tens of thousands of halflings. While the Bellflower network tilled the soil to see them free in distant lands... it was not her only responsibility. Tieflings were not the only mixed bloods coming to Narland... and from her sister's handwriting there were plenty of unfortunate half elves, noble bastards are otherwise, from Cheliax or elsewhere in the Inner sea ... it wasn't quite the same thing but it was still a good thing.
Notes: This is an addendum to the previous section that was taken off, because while it comments on certain things, I pulled it because I was going to expand it. So it goes up as a Friday update.
And I'm going to side bar here to discert on certain factors, in my personal model of modern economic development and Industrialization firstly I do not think it was a sure thing. I think it was a combination of factors, and I actually think that it was actually delayed from onset by the protestant reformation occurring in England. [That is a specific reading of factors of capital disruption particularly in metallurgy in England, and I'll leave that there.] However I view pre and proto industrialization as well underway in England and in parts of northern Europe by 17th century and in specifically the banking reforms, the maritime carrying trade networks, and the development of manufacturing among other factors. I consider England to have become 'Industrialized' by the 18th century, which uses a broad definition of industrialization but certainly the arrival and survival of the bank of england is a major factor.
So here, and it should be 'Wedgwood' we're referring to pottery and ceramics is a part of the industrial process of improving the standards of living of the common working man. The same with durable iron (later steel) goods and tools.
Anyway, Wedgwood pottery, in the semi long term, expect abolitionist pottery to make an appearance, but more to the point, coupled with textiles, with metal tools, this is not just about export, but thats important to its also about standard of living. Thats going to be a noticeable thing two or three years towards the latter half of the decade.
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