Gozran 4713
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Gozran 4713
The magical lights provided far better illumination than fluorescent style bulbs for his table. They didn't put off heat either, but magic could provide heat as well, though there was a fireplace. Eire had some idea how his contemporaries lived. He'd seen a few Brevic barons, and he'd seen Jamandi Aldori's home, and he had seen how Maegar lived... and thus his inner sanctum was at least by the standards of North eastern avistani nobility strange... probably. It was nice to have an abundance of paper though.
Gunpowder worked. Eire knew that because after arriving in Golarion he'd been put in the situation where he'd used precious ammunition that he couldn't readily replace to put down bandits... before he'd realized the exact extent of his magical abilities. That was ammo he wasn't going to get back, but it did tell him that science largely worked as it was supposed... except in areas where it didn't.
Gunpowder though worked.
Black powder worked like it was supposed to and indeed was manufacturable. That was less useful than it actually sounded on paper. Alkenstar had yet to develop corning... it had taken him a minute to recognize that was the chemical reason for how unreliable their guns were... but it made sense corned powder had taken centuries to supersede early blackpowder in Europe where it had been developed and even into the 19th century had still been used on other continents until industrial mass production.
Pouring over, the previous night the books that occupied one waterproof rucksack from Earth, he had again recognized the difficulty of practically introducing scientific concepts even without Plato looming over everything as a giant inertial boulder... or Galen for that matter. No the major problem was that magic made medical treatments, typically in the application of positive energy directly or through more complex spells the explicit domain of divine spell casters...
Bards could heal, and were arcanists, but that exception didn't change the fact that institutionally the ability of healing magic tended to make healing in general a domain of the church... even if churches didn't legally monopolize it. Then there were healing potions and other alchemy. That made... well a book on the development of science over the course of the 18 and 19th centuries on earth... pretty useless... which admittedly in retrospection it probably wouldn't have done him much good on Earth either... excepting perhaps jogging his memory on topics he might have forgotten... but on a world of magic it didn't do him much good at all.
The sort of things 'discovered' and codified by early 19th century French, and Englishmen just weren't actually all that useful in his situation. Or the development of two and four stroke diesel engines in England and German. Nor were the arguments they had with one another particularly the theology given he was on another world. The history book, which was what it was rather than a purposeful engineering treatise, wasn't that useful. Science, and specifically pure history wasn't that useful, geology, since golarion seemed to largely follow normal rules in geologic formations, would have been more useful, engineering processes, physics, and mechanical movements were useful... pure science less so.
It wasn't the first time he had recognized that he had made the journey into another world with presumably at best incomplete information. In much the same way the books themselves were not perfect. Golarion already had new world crops. Potatoes, and Corn... what it hadn't had, and made sense was the lack of uniform agricultural standards... standardization which frankly didn't exist even on the earth he had left behind.
It made sense. He'd asked Nilak about how the Kellids of the Realms of the Mammoth Lords.... which itself was a Taldan appellation .... handled agriculture... and the simple way was that while largely nomadic full followings... the dozen or so great confederations of nomads were large enough that at any one time some limited cultivation could be undertaken in the large valleys of that region while others pursued the great prehistoric game or drove aurochs or other pastoral animals.
Cheliax and Taldor had never moved beyond Manorial... not really There were some planation farming, which was more an intensive cultivation of planation crops, and even that on earth had been a Mediterranean or Levantine development on earth... though Cheliax did seem to have started colonization efforts... which well beyond his concern. Success was more determined by the monopoly on political power, sufficient monopoly to bypass institutional conservatism, while still having a fall back in the event he had fucked up and his agrarian reforms were too fast or made a mistake somewhere.
But he hadn't... agrarian reforms, and successful implementation of multi field farming, and crop rotation along with horse collars and steel plows were so much easier than attempting to endow universities and conduct pure scientific research. He still wasn't in a position where that was practical.
He looked at the mechanical clock, and back to his papers and to all of the instruments that were a part of his kingdom or would be. Agrarian reforms were the basis of the realm's prosperity, but they could purchase cotton from Osirion, were purchasing cotton from osirion and use it to produce jeans... and that had significant functionality... spinning jennies could be run by water power, they didn't need coal for that.
After a moment he grabbed a sheet of paper... gelatinous monsters for cleaning... oozes were slimes... maybe they could be used to clean up coal mining... something to write down for later.
Eire watched the heat begin to recede. These bellows were not driven by coal. They were magic, and that made them impractical for the industrial process because it was difficult to scale them up. He had the iron and material to in small batches make crucible steel, but he did not have the furnace fuel and resources to fuel it by coal.
Amvarean waited for him beyond the entry way. "It is insufficient?"
"Regretably. I will make do with a water mill, but," What he really needed was a source of coal, and it was looking like his best option would be up the murque river on the border with the slough, that was weighed out by calculated the regional characteristics of sedimentary rock formations and other conditions. He suspected that even before the ice age engendered by the Earthfall cataclysm the previous ice age, which there idence of had created the conditions for coal deposits... but unfortunately while he suspected the road of shields probably sat astride such coal deposits or in proximity no dwarven records of such reserves survived. They would have to search. "We will need to re garrison and rebuild the entire road of shields." He informed the silver dragon.
Amvarean nodded as if this was the most natural thing in the world.
As for the mill... they could rely on the Shrike's flow to turn and power the mill... that was doable but it would require more work compared to the energy density provided by hard coal. He didn't regret settling Amvarean on Lake Silverstep... in fact that was probably the safest enfeefment possible... but the road of shields was a string of dwarven fortifications and was almost purpose built to serve as his marcher lands with Drelev... if only he had people to settle there and bring them into service... but that would ideally be labor and manpower who could be full time craftsmen and wage workers rather than subsistence farmers.
... and given everything they might be dwarves... probably wouldn't given how little in terms of dwarven immigration the realm had attracted thus far but they would be other races.
He paused, and regarded the lakeshore, "In the mean time..." well he had another project, and one more in line with arcane magic practices. One he suspected would only be potentially viable due to the mana plants that he had been cultivating... but he needed a second opinion before he brought it to the castle at large... he probably needed to discuss it with Jaethal as well.
The dragon in the guise of a half elf tilted her head head, "a metal flying machine?"
Regongar was happy to leave the sweet teeth to... whatever it was they were going to go do, instead he was going to prod Garess again. It was a brisk walk, that took him into the upper city, or town as it was coming to be known had changed a lot.
The sagging, patchy palisade wall that had ringed the stag lord's fort was gone. Vordakai had begun the process of restoring the old dilapidated tower that looked out over the lake... there was talks about putting an observatory adjacent to it... or probably restoring the ancient cyclopean structure there. It wasn't going to be quite the same Kaessi, the tiefling trio's patron,... or elder whatever... had built her villa there, and there was already a strong Qadiran feel to that entire wing...
... or maybe Qadiran was wrong, the Cathedral shared that domed architecture ... something that blended Azlanti architecture of the Arodenite church but more than that more than the stone architecture it was the emanating magical nature that contrasted with most of the other buildings... and the handful of houses built on the plateau around the capital inn were the only brevic style architecture besides the hall.
... buildings that looked more out of place as granite sets were put down and something akin to how things had looked under wizard rule pre earth fall ...
Regongar didn't have any strong opinions on that one way or another. Even as an arcantist... well the book stuff was really Octavia's thing what he saw was the power that went into the statement. He didn't care about the brevic architecture , only that it was overshadowed.
That was the crux of the point Kaessi was making, as he walked right into the conversation upon entry to the new keep's hall. Regongar wasn't as dismissive as city people, as Amiri was... but the Kellid barbarian wasn't necessarily wrong... people in city's tended to look down their noses at people like him...
So Regongar always enjoyed it when bigger city people looked down at those sorts of people... it was funny how the city people had this pecking order of bigger cities, 'more civilized' stuff. Vordakai snorted drawing Kaessi and Kessil Aldori away from their discussion.
He wasn't stooping. That was the really impressive thing about the last year. The giants who had come down from the mountains had built everything to giant scale... they did a lot of talking about tradition this and tradition that... but Regongar couldn't fault their work. It was big... and it made a statement. The old wooden hall was comfortable, and nice to spend the winter in and be jovial in but it didn't make the same statement. That was what impressed him.
The Cyclops waved his hand, "The city will continue to grow, administration must develop. It is only the natural order that it will require the education of wizards," The ancient cyclopean word actually more generally meant any arcane spellcaster... "and while Brevoy was founded by dragons I suspect they had less interest in correct ways and means. Rather than to claim kingship for kingships sake."
That was the sort of comment that Shaoyu would have been insufferable about... but he didn't see the Red Dragon ... Regongar supposed she probably had lessons. He stopped at the table all the same and prepared to ask after the captain of the guard.
"With our lovely chancellor," The tiefling replied, "If you're searching after leads on the Technic league I doubt anything has changed." Regongar grimaced. "I can say with certainty that there hasn't been any word about them from Varnhold."
He growled and set his face in a teeth bearing face, "I'm telling you we're going to have to fight those bastards." Regongar didn't really care about religion, or technology. Gorrum didn't really ask a lot of questions or deep navel gazing and that suited him fine, he didn't have the tongue for lengthy prayer.
Vordakai's singular eye fixed him, which was always creepy, "It is possible given their alleged mandate to attempt to control the flow of technology that they may attempt to act, but thus far nothing... and they are in opposition to Brigh's church as well."
That was true. Brigh's clergy really didn't like the technic league... for all of the technic leagues tenants seemed to fly in the face of the clockwork goddess's beliefs.
He regretted that turn in the conversation though, because well.. they were a church, and churches wanted to build churches... well it was a little more complicated than that when it came to a comparatively odd faith like Brigh's.
The magical lights provided far better illumination than fluorescent style bulbs for his table. They didn't put off heat either, but magic could provide heat as well, though there was a fireplace. Eire had some idea how his contemporaries lived. He'd seen a few Brevic barons, and he'd seen Jamandi Aldori's home, and he had seen how Maegar lived... and thus his inner sanctum was at least by the standards of North eastern avistani nobility strange... probably. It was nice to have an abundance of paper though.
Gunpowder worked. Eire knew that because after arriving in Golarion he'd been put in the situation where he'd used precious ammunition that he couldn't readily replace to put down bandits... before he'd realized the exact extent of his magical abilities. That was ammo he wasn't going to get back, but it did tell him that science largely worked as it was supposed... except in areas where it didn't.
Gunpowder though worked.
Black powder worked like it was supposed to and indeed was manufacturable. That was less useful than it actually sounded on paper. Alkenstar had yet to develop corning... it had taken him a minute to recognize that was the chemical reason for how unreliable their guns were... but it made sense corned powder had taken centuries to supersede early blackpowder in Europe where it had been developed and even into the 19th century had still been used on other continents until industrial mass production.
Pouring over, the previous night the books that occupied one waterproof rucksack from Earth, he had again recognized the difficulty of practically introducing scientific concepts even without Plato looming over everything as a giant inertial boulder... or Galen for that matter. No the major problem was that magic made medical treatments, typically in the application of positive energy directly or through more complex spells the explicit domain of divine spell casters...
Bards could heal, and were arcanists, but that exception didn't change the fact that institutionally the ability of healing magic tended to make healing in general a domain of the church... even if churches didn't legally monopolize it. Then there were healing potions and other alchemy. That made... well a book on the development of science over the course of the 18 and 19th centuries on earth... pretty useless... which admittedly in retrospection it probably wouldn't have done him much good on Earth either... excepting perhaps jogging his memory on topics he might have forgotten... but on a world of magic it didn't do him much good at all.
The sort of things 'discovered' and codified by early 19th century French, and Englishmen just weren't actually all that useful in his situation. Or the development of two and four stroke diesel engines in England and German. Nor were the arguments they had with one another particularly the theology given he was on another world. The history book, which was what it was rather than a purposeful engineering treatise, wasn't that useful. Science, and specifically pure history wasn't that useful, geology, since golarion seemed to largely follow normal rules in geologic formations, would have been more useful, engineering processes, physics, and mechanical movements were useful... pure science less so.
It wasn't the first time he had recognized that he had made the journey into another world with presumably at best incomplete information. In much the same way the books themselves were not perfect. Golarion already had new world crops. Potatoes, and Corn... what it hadn't had, and made sense was the lack of uniform agricultural standards... standardization which frankly didn't exist even on the earth he had left behind.
It made sense. He'd asked Nilak about how the Kellids of the Realms of the Mammoth Lords.... which itself was a Taldan appellation .... handled agriculture... and the simple way was that while largely nomadic full followings... the dozen or so great confederations of nomads were large enough that at any one time some limited cultivation could be undertaken in the large valleys of that region while others pursued the great prehistoric game or drove aurochs or other pastoral animals.
Cheliax and Taldor had never moved beyond Manorial... not really There were some planation farming, which was more an intensive cultivation of planation crops, and even that on earth had been a Mediterranean or Levantine development on earth... though Cheliax did seem to have started colonization efforts... which well beyond his concern. Success was more determined by the monopoly on political power, sufficient monopoly to bypass institutional conservatism, while still having a fall back in the event he had fucked up and his agrarian reforms were too fast or made a mistake somewhere.
But he hadn't... agrarian reforms, and successful implementation of multi field farming, and crop rotation along with horse collars and steel plows were so much easier than attempting to endow universities and conduct pure scientific research. He still wasn't in a position where that was practical.
He looked at the mechanical clock, and back to his papers and to all of the instruments that were a part of his kingdom or would be. Agrarian reforms were the basis of the realm's prosperity, but they could purchase cotton from Osirion, were purchasing cotton from osirion and use it to produce jeans... and that had significant functionality... spinning jennies could be run by water power, they didn't need coal for that.
After a moment he grabbed a sheet of paper... gelatinous monsters for cleaning... oozes were slimes... maybe they could be used to clean up coal mining... something to write down for later.
Eire watched the heat begin to recede. These bellows were not driven by coal. They were magic, and that made them impractical for the industrial process because it was difficult to scale them up. He had the iron and material to in small batches make crucible steel, but he did not have the furnace fuel and resources to fuel it by coal.
Amvarean waited for him beyond the entry way. "It is insufficient?"
"Regretably. I will make do with a water mill, but," What he really needed was a source of coal, and it was looking like his best option would be up the murque river on the border with the slough, that was weighed out by calculated the regional characteristics of sedimentary rock formations and other conditions. He suspected that even before the ice age engendered by the Earthfall cataclysm the previous ice age, which there idence of had created the conditions for coal deposits... but unfortunately while he suspected the road of shields probably sat astride such coal deposits or in proximity no dwarven records of such reserves survived. They would have to search. "We will need to re garrison and rebuild the entire road of shields." He informed the silver dragon.
Amvarean nodded as if this was the most natural thing in the world.
As for the mill... they could rely on the Shrike's flow to turn and power the mill... that was doable but it would require more work compared to the energy density provided by hard coal. He didn't regret settling Amvarean on Lake Silverstep... in fact that was probably the safest enfeefment possible... but the road of shields was a string of dwarven fortifications and was almost purpose built to serve as his marcher lands with Drelev... if only he had people to settle there and bring them into service... but that would ideally be labor and manpower who could be full time craftsmen and wage workers rather than subsistence farmers.
... and given everything they might be dwarves... probably wouldn't given how little in terms of dwarven immigration the realm had attracted thus far but they would be other races.
He paused, and regarded the lakeshore, "In the mean time..." well he had another project, and one more in line with arcane magic practices. One he suspected would only be potentially viable due to the mana plants that he had been cultivating... but he needed a second opinion before he brought it to the castle at large... he probably needed to discuss it with Jaethal as well.
The dragon in the guise of a half elf tilted her head head, "a metal flying machine?"
Regongar was happy to leave the sweet teeth to... whatever it was they were going to go do, instead he was going to prod Garess again. It was a brisk walk, that took him into the upper city, or town as it was coming to be known had changed a lot.
The sagging, patchy palisade wall that had ringed the stag lord's fort was gone. Vordakai had begun the process of restoring the old dilapidated tower that looked out over the lake... there was talks about putting an observatory adjacent to it... or probably restoring the ancient cyclopean structure there. It wasn't going to be quite the same Kaessi, the tiefling trio's patron,... or elder whatever... had built her villa there, and there was already a strong Qadiran feel to that entire wing...
... or maybe Qadiran was wrong, the Cathedral shared that domed architecture ... something that blended Azlanti architecture of the Arodenite church but more than that more than the stone architecture it was the emanating magical nature that contrasted with most of the other buildings... and the handful of houses built on the plateau around the capital inn were the only brevic style architecture besides the hall.
... buildings that looked more out of place as granite sets were put down and something akin to how things had looked under wizard rule pre earth fall ...
Regongar didn't have any strong opinions on that one way or another. Even as an arcantist... well the book stuff was really Octavia's thing what he saw was the power that went into the statement. He didn't care about the brevic architecture , only that it was overshadowed.
That was the crux of the point Kaessi was making, as he walked right into the conversation upon entry to the new keep's hall. Regongar wasn't as dismissive as city people, as Amiri was... but the Kellid barbarian wasn't necessarily wrong... people in city's tended to look down their noses at people like him...
So Regongar always enjoyed it when bigger city people looked down at those sorts of people... it was funny how the city people had this pecking order of bigger cities, 'more civilized' stuff. Vordakai snorted drawing Kaessi and Kessil Aldori away from their discussion.
He wasn't stooping. That was the really impressive thing about the last year. The giants who had come down from the mountains had built everything to giant scale... they did a lot of talking about tradition this and tradition that... but Regongar couldn't fault their work. It was big... and it made a statement. The old wooden hall was comfortable, and nice to spend the winter in and be jovial in but it didn't make the same statement. That was what impressed him.
The Cyclops waved his hand, "The city will continue to grow, administration must develop. It is only the natural order that it will require the education of wizards," The ancient cyclopean word actually more generally meant any arcane spellcaster... "and while Brevoy was founded by dragons I suspect they had less interest in correct ways and means. Rather than to claim kingship for kingships sake."
That was the sort of comment that Shaoyu would have been insufferable about... but he didn't see the Red Dragon ... Regongar supposed she probably had lessons. He stopped at the table all the same and prepared to ask after the captain of the guard.
"With our lovely chancellor," The tiefling replied, "If you're searching after leads on the Technic league I doubt anything has changed." Regongar grimaced. "I can say with certainty that there hasn't been any word about them from Varnhold."
He growled and set his face in a teeth bearing face, "I'm telling you we're going to have to fight those bastards." Regongar didn't really care about religion, or technology. Gorrum didn't really ask a lot of questions or deep navel gazing and that suited him fine, he didn't have the tongue for lengthy prayer.
Vordakai's singular eye fixed him, which was always creepy, "It is possible given their alleged mandate to attempt to control the flow of technology that they may attempt to act, but thus far nothing... and they are in opposition to Brigh's church as well."
That was true. Brigh's clergy really didn't like the technic league... for all of the technic leagues tenants seemed to fly in the face of the clockwork goddess's beliefs.
He regretted that turn in the conversation though, because well.. they were a church, and churches wanted to build churches... well it was a little more complicated than that when it came to a comparatively odd faith like Brigh's.
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