Highland Faire 2
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Highland Faire
He looked at the circle again, wondering if the reader worked, but really as soon as Campbell had finished his question things started to happen. There was a change in the air, a kind of draft. The N001 complex was old. In a way that Tristian's outpost castle wasn't. There were differences also in scale. Castle Northwind was a castle Brian that at least its original foundations predated the Star League. It was original a 23rd century Hegemony facility built... the fact didn't escape him... from the strategic concerns of the Hegemony, and Brian Cameron of Kuritan ambition, and aggression.Gene exhaled the breath and watched the ceiling move.
A speaker crackled to life, and synthetic voice initiated. He was cognizant that the others had started to follow, no one had apparently in the access office, side room, lobby whatever it had been, had stopped Kerston from decided he was curious to. "Authorized user detected." The voice declared. Unlike with Tristan, the turrets had activated dropping down, or raising from their floor housings to cover the hallway's approach.
"Tell them to stay back." He grunted as the guns oriented, ignoring Campbell, and himself and pointing down the hall towards the others. Gene stepped up into the blue ring on the floor and placed his chit on the reader and hand on the scanner and felt the prick of the machine taking a blood sample.
The speakers shifted again, possibly signifying that the initial synthetic voice has simply been an automated smart system. "Standby." The new artificial voice ordered in a brogue tone, similar but distinct enough from the locals... say two hundred years out of date. "Authenticated. Welcome lieutenant colonel Shepherd, I am Dante." The Hegemony AI stated introducing himself, "It has been 177 years since an officer of the Central Intelligence Directorate has accessed this facility."
He blanched as the massive doors opened. Gene was stepping out of the circle snagging his keys as he went from where they sat on the green illuminated reader and marking a hard line for the inside and the myriad of consoles, and projectors that he could see within, "I understand, can you prepare a briefing of this facility, its actions and evaluations."
"Wait, Colonel Shepherd." Another brogue voice, Campbell had been staring around at the ceiling looking for the speakers, or maybe looking at the Laser Cannons as the AI had introduced himself. The Black Watch descendant stumbled a bit and followed him as he cleared the threshold of the doorway.
He threw a look back over his shoulder, The turrets didn't move to track him.. but he was also unsure how they would respond if the others saw the doorway and decided to try and come down the hall to follow... he'd need to see to that... but, there was the math to consider. "A hundred and seventy seven years ago would have been fifty five years after Kerensky's Operation Exodus." He snapped striding through the inner armored bulkhead... a further redundancy against biological or chemical weapons being used against this part of the Castle.
"Yeah I can do math." Campbell was following slower looking. "And yeah, so you know that was also the year the Davion's took the planet."
"Colonel." The AI inquired. He wasn't sure if Dante was asking about his and Campbell's exchange, but...
"I want a catalog report of any CID data transmissions, and accesses to any facilities in system, and any confirmed communiques coming in after the Liberation of Terra, most recent first." holograms snapped up in the air. He looked at them, and specifically highlighted as priority.
Shortly before the AFFS had launched their attack a Rear Admiral of the Hegemony, apparently promoted twice since the fall of the Star League by time in grade, had arrived with a retinue of picked men and accessed the castle.
Northwind was two jumps from Sol, they had been put here because Hanse Davion wanted to hit Dieron and make the Combine bleed, but... one of the files added in 2841 was...
Campbell came to a stop by the command terminal, and rested a hand on the railing, "Colonel, you look white as a ghost-,"
"According to Admiral Clancy's log, the one he left here, Fortress Dieron is intact." He'd read about it in Tristan's files on SLDF facilities operated by the Hegemony that were now inside the combine, but he'd assumed it had either been destroyed by Amaris or looted. That expectation had been supported by Pasha's report that Dieron had been brutally savaged by 'the Satan Amaris'.
That raised questions. Dieron was a castle. The Fortress was equipped equipped with a massive suite of orbital to surface capital weapons... it was possible that the SDS override had disabled those but he couldn't be sure.
"That is correct colonel. The facility should be securely locked down, with access to sensitive sections prohibited to unauthorized personnel." That was to say that the automated turrets would shoot first, assuming they got past the drone combat vehicles, or anti infantry drones...
Shepherd pulled a data chit from his jacket pocket and placed it into a holographic projector. "Verify, authenticate data and credentials." He ordered.
"Authenticated." Dante replied as a hologram appeared showing the contents of the data storage device.
"Play HPG recording."
Minoru Kurita, and Stefan Amaris appeared to give Dante, and Campbell the shock of their respective lives. While he stared at the specifications of Fortress Dieron as of its last reported status the world he and the Eridani Light Horse, along with some Davion regulars had been planning to invade with the intended goal of proving the combine to not be invincible... per the briefing from Hanse Davion's number two man... err woman... Prince's champion
Dante's sudden string of invectives startled him out of staring at the topographic display and the holographic onion map of Fortress Dieron's layers as it spread out in front of him. Dante no longer had an HPG uplink it had been destroyed in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Republic forces, but not before it had received and transferred other updates and a backlog of movements and orders.
Dante had probably been curating them, splitting his attention as he processed the HPG recording, because a series of orders signed by Kerensky appeared ... and being countermanded by local Terran militia forces, and CID personnel. Not just here, but on other worlds, including New Dallas.
... he thought about the data slate in the lockbox that had gotten them this far... the las pistol was functionally identical to the one he was wearing... the device that Campbell had carried. "Dante if you would inform the of personnel in the access pathway to remain there, and standby." He waited for acknowledgement, as the AI's voice echoed faintly from the hallway to the others. Then as an additional precaution, and hoping that AI wouldn't override the order directed that Dante shouldn't fire on them without being fired upon. He received no protest, with that out of the way, "Captain Campbell I need the data slate, I want to access it." It was probably encrypted, but presumably either his credentials or Dante's would be able to open it.
... and he wasn't quite sure what he was going to find.
Campbell handed him the slate, which he placed on the console interface, but it seemed it was going to take a minute. "Dante can you confirm Taurian ASF footage is the SLS Triptiz?" He questioned referring to another saved file on the data chit bearing the damning footage of Kurita and Amaris.
The footage played showing the hulk as it floundered pulled into the gravity well of a gas giant somewhere in the periphery near or in Taurian space.
Data markers appeared on the hologram as the AI cross referenced details. "This footage is valid, Colonel." The date of 2979 held on the projection, "I can confirm further that the SLDF fighters in use are not broadcasting properly configured SLDF IFF, they are neither regular army, nor Hegemony forces. "
He hadn't had the resources to process those signatures from the recording, but the latter also strongly implied that the strike mission wasn't being carried out by Hegemony in Exile forces.... so who then?
Dante resumed speaking, "Colonel, as ranking Terran officer present I am required to inform you this material is sensitive to the Hegemony." He acknowledged the statement, and the recognition that Dante was going to seal the bulkheads, when he did so, "Additionally, the package from Colonel Schmitt contradicts my orders from General Marlborough."
... that was a problem. He glanced at the report... tapped the stainless steel console's backlit keyboard in acknowledgement. "There is a secure file on the data chit, please review it. I'm authorizing its release."
... and so another recording played... he should have ordered Dante to review it without playing it. Tristian's outpost's wildfire protocol... and the AI's attendant report. "This data would validate General Marlborough's orders."
That was all well and good for the long dead Duke of the defunct Hegemony, but that wasn't the point. "What portion of Schmitt's data contradicts the General's orders?"
"SLS Tripitz successfully ran the republican blockade of terra. The encrypted material was to be delivered to then Commanding General Kerensky ordering him to commence an immediate counter attack."
"The SDS would have cut him to pieces." Gene felt the need to point out.
"That had been taken to account. Schmitt's data package includes the command override code to release all M Series drones to autonomous. Any Caspar series or other drone starfleet unit would have begun direct attacks against rim world forces and all ground based control systems would be rendered useless by the signal."
Caspars didn't really have the same scope of sentience, sapience, which ever it really as ... since AI weren't his specialty and he wasn't sure just how much thinking a drone dropship or lola did... and well the space stations had as much thinking power as Dante or Tristan and the personality quirks. They'd be left with the primary directive of defending the hegemony... against an enemy had been committing atrocities left right and center since Christmas.
He could guess even without the projective modelling of the battle. Caspars in autonomous would likely prove completely willing to mount what crewed ships would have considered suicidal death rides... and yet manage to have the fine motor control to outshoot entire flotillas of Rim world ships.
"And Tripitz?"
and that was the delivery.. the shock... that Kerensky was supposed to kill Amaris and then report that success to the heirs of the Star League. The Tripitz had run the blockade carrying the last remnants of the Terran branch of House Cameron under the watch of another splinter of the Black Watch that had made it off Terra.
... the problem was those orders had never been delivered. Kerensky hadn't received it either 2767 or after the liberation of Terra in the following decade... and it had been two hundred years... and Dante's previous command officer of the facility, who had held it as the Republicans had been besieging Northwind had indicted Kersenky as derelict in his duties, and potentially even a traitor for ordering Hegemony forces to permit garrisoning of Rim World forces in sensitive hegemony positions... and the subsequent coup.
... "Do we have coordinates for Tripitz's final destination in the deep periphery?"
"We do not. They are not included." The black lion was supposed to rendezvous with a portion of the 'secret fleet' the hegemony maintained, and an anchorage with a connection to the SLCOMNET but one that was otherwise a second shadow network separate from the Ministry of Communication that chained out into deep space that supposedly Kerensky would be able to signal when Amaris had been defeated.
... which at least suggested to Gene that House Cameron hadn't seeded an entire empire in the black of space rimward. Not one big enough that she planned had been to deploy some fleet sufficent to throw Amaris out on their own... but then that made sense... AI needed to be asleep... basically disconnected or offline in order to make Jump Travel for whatever reason... there was something out there... but the question was who, what, how big many?
"Could they be alive?" Came the croaking question.
"They'd probably be dead of old age by this point. Even if they were children, the projected lifespan for a Terran citizen with the best medical care was estimated to be a lucky two centuries," Outliers not withstanding, and he wasn't aware of any records from the league era of Hegemony citizens living to 250... but, "Could House Cameron's Terran branch potentially survived, yes. It is possible that they could have made it to a bolt hold, and there is a remnant... but if the plan was for Kerensky to reestablish contact, and without the Tripitz's logs... thats a slim chance based on what we know right now."
Notes: Kerston gets told in most likely the tail end of the next segment when he gets brought down into the complex.
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