Pirate Wars Travel Interlude
Imperator Pax
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Pirate Wars Travel Interlude
His feed was full of high definition three dimensional projections of the built up 'urban' area around the star port, The Fortress Gothic aesthetic wasn't horrible, and on the less obnoxious it wasn't well that much worse than the redecorating that the natives of Elidere had done to their Star League era civic center... he still could have done without looking at all the images of golden gilded Cameron starbursts but Kimi didn't seem hostile. They weren't planning to be here all that long... but they might need to come back.
To that end, "You believe landing the Presidio would be a mistake."
"At this stage, yes." Dante replied. "Or at least its provenance might create unwanted attention at this juncture." The AI continued. THS Presidio remained painted Hegemony colors, tartan badging of the Royal Scotts Dragoon... blood of martyrs.
That was indeed the phrase the locals swore by... like most of those who looked fondly on the notion of the Star League and that one day the SLDF might return, blood of martyrs. It didn't matter it was a dropship, a functioning implement of military operations it was a relic. Even the Highlanders, the 'Mech Battalion stationed aboard the Overlord viewed it as a sacred remnant of a long past era of distant ancestors and of a better time brought low by devilry and treachery and that it was a miracle.
Bexar had similar markings of course, but the field support ship well that was less of a problem... and even if it wasn't as visually distinct as the Presidio's profile they had already landed it as part of an initial humanitarian deployment. Outreach to the planet had been the first step, and since the planet hadn't been under attack putting the Triumph-class down first with its supplies had made more sense. If anything went wrong they could offload quickly establish an expanded defensive perimeter while a heavier mech force prepared to drop against any pirates that showed up.
... but thankfully Black Jack's pirates had made no such appearances.
Bexar's marking though had been part of what had tipped them off to how the Natives would respond. There was no indication that the Theocracy that governed the system had access to a Hegemony AI. It wasn't impossible it was just that given their behavior it didn't seem likely that there was a machine spirit involved in planetary governance, and there were not attempts electronically to respond to their presence that they could detect.
They couldn't spend the time trying to search out for any SLDF ruins on Fjaldr, never mind here, they were going to need to move on. Kimi's government was just further reason to move on. Star League installations were sacred here, which made the controversy or potential pressure from the government of the system ... gave it a different tone than it might have otherwise had with more secular governments. Given the situation they didn't need the headache, whatever was here was unlikely to be worth it, and not worth the risk of bringing in the Capellans or risking an unnecessary conflict with Black Jack if he wasn't going to already try for the world.
The issue over the history of the ships' was something they'd deal with in the least obtrusive manner possible while they waited for the drives to charge. "Our objective remains establishing a working position on Detroit, and securing ammunition to operate in response to nearby pirate incursions." He stated outlining again the basing plan that had been the working outline since they had entered the Aurigan Reach.
Get to Detroit, get the latest news from the industrial hub, and they would make adjustments on what to do from there. The Azami did still hope to split off merchant caravans to trade goods they had loaded up on from the Inner Sphere in order to prepare for the final trek out to Alamut, but also to start long term trading exchanges of goods with the worlds of the rimward periphery.
Trading that would be in danger from pirates, which meant they would need to talk to the Magistracy soon. At least in the Magistracy they were less likely to run into this particular problem... but the Hegemony's foreign office and the Star League civil affairs had never been in a position of dealing with this kind of religious fervor. Moderating historical sectarian grievances or bouts of evangelical fluctuations or other things, but this wasn't something the Star League had planned for.
Venerating the Star League was a post Star League problem, a post Hegemony problem. Gene wasn't any more sure how to respond to Kimi's specifics than Dante was other than to skirt the problem as much as possible. How exactly would these people react to Presidio? Well that could be managed... but Dante, was a living machine, a thinking centuries old machine that could remember watching the strikes comein against Hegemony defenders on Northwind.
... and of course, there was always the looming specter of the HPG recording... never mind how secular politicians would use it as a rallying cry, the Combine's leadership knew what they had don and had concealed it for those reasons never mind how religiously motivated institutions would react to collaborating in the downfall of the StarLeague during the crisis with Amaris.
They were going to have to walk a tight line around Kimi's political scene for the duration that they were here. "You will also need to begin briefing the White Shields from the 331st."
He wasn't going to be personally needed for operations on Detroit,not really. Septim could handle that, and strictly speaking there was enough Azami leadership that Bahar could handle staff duties with the company. Beau, and Bubbles could both be tasked to running independent companies to protect Rock City and the northern continent while things were hammered out... but Dante was right moving on Alloway was the next major combat deployment.
The sleepers from Lockdale anchorage were a big factor in that, just as they were a potential concern for how the Kimi natives might react. They were flesh, and blood, just like Gene was.
Dante continued, "Their base five system is interesting, it represents in theory a unit better suited to suffering attrition if only they employed themselves in such a fashion." A lance losing one mech last 25 percent of its nominal unit strength, nominal since in the SLDF lances were typical homogenous formations outside of specialist units, or units brought in from House units. A ... one of these 'stars' with their five points could be down a mech and still be a lance; twenty percent.
That was even more so when one expanded to the 331stVehicle equivalents where a star was ten combat vehicles which a nice good decimal base unit. The cult of mech warrior was strong with the Kerensky exodus, maybe even stronger than it was in the Inner Sphere because from the sound of it they'd never had the technological backslide, they could still make manufacture terran technologies that had been starting to proliferate to the other member states. If Kerensky's people did come back they were going to have better technology... and probably still have warships even if obviously their population base would be smaller, but that would only matter in a war of attrition.
"I don't like how the Dragoons showed up with the equipment they did," It didn't make sense. The Imp thing seemed to have been something Kerensky's surviving son Nicholas had come up with...at least according to the 331st so why had Wolf's people brought them thinking they were Star League era machines. That was the appearance in that the Dragoons appeared to have expected a very different, but uniform complement of SLDF era machines but ones largely lacking 'Royal' Tech.
Yet, the machines brought by the 331st counter exodus, coming back into the Inner Sphere, had brought with them machines further developed from their Terran Hegemony lineage. The 'Clans' should have continued, probably continued that trend, yet Wolf and co had arrived in the inner sphere more than a decade earlier without any of the technologies that had been making their way out to the elite units of the great houses despite the Mother Doctrine.
Thankfully with an abundance of SLDF machines, and no major deployment after the return from Lockdale there had been little concern about the Federated Suns taking note of the popsicles... with any luck there would be no recordings of actions against Sybil to get out that would entail anyone noticing that the 331st Mechs were technologically more sophisticated than the handful of Royal machines in company inventory.
He needed a further report on those machines... and also to ascertain whether or not the pilots were accurate in their guess that the 331st leadership would have been trying to make for this side of the periphery... if they had actually been heading further rimward or if they had found somewhere nearer on the Canopian frontier to settle. Whatever the case the believed the McEvedy, and the Bismark had managed to get free, whether that was true or not at the very least the exodus back into the Inner Sphere had linked up and picked up artificial wombs, and stasis tubes , which suggested that whatever group had survived to the present day would have those.