Pirate Wars II Part 8
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Pirate Wars II
Part 8
Fjaldr was an unpleasant, cold world. It was geologically active, and the hot gasses kept the ice at bay in places since the planet was on the edge of the goldilocks zone, but at the same time those volcanoes also pumped more than your average amount of ash in the air a year. As far as habitability, you could live out here in the wilds. The lichen and what not were supposedly edible enough to sustain reindeer herds according to the data packet he'd read... but cold weather gear was recommended for everything but tropical latitudes this time of year. He didn't plan to be out there if he could help it. The truth was he going to be running command and control... and he needed answers.Part 8
Gene eased back on the sticks bringing the machine down to the surface with his jump jets. The air space was crowded. Azami DroST weren't in the direct attack run, but their small craft and asf were busy overhead even as their motherships descended occasionally firing LRM bursts at targets in the distance painted electronically by seeker aircraft. The 'Mechs had been dropped from orbit so the lances were already on the ground but the DroSTs needed to touch down so they could roll off their hover craft and then their tanks.
That would give them a foothold on the planet to expand from.
There was a trade off there, when it came to what they could do. The Azami made great raiders, scouts, or cavalry to secure a position until reinforcements could be brought in but the DroST simply could not carry the supplies necessary for sustaining its forces in a prolonged conflict. They would need larger dropships like Triumphs to land with additional supplies to keep weapons like auto cannons fed. They, the DropShips, weren't designed to sustain months of fighting, it was the trade off one got with the ability to do what the DroST did.
On the other hand the DroST was retrotech. The opposite of LosTech, so old and based on principles that even the technological decline of the Succession Wars caused by the devastation in the 28th century couldn't even erase...
The ground puffed as he took a step forward as the seventy five ton heavy battlemech swept side to side. Magi had already slated for a drop that would place them in direct confrontation with the enemy units. Their Phoenix Hawks were screaming down from the sky six mikes west of him. They'd land in striking distance of the far edge of the bandits who had been identified wearing Amaris colors.
He hoped that the Charger could be taken intact enough to confirm or deny if it came from Pioche... and if it didn't maybe they could get more information besides... but he also wasn't holding his breath. It wasn't mission critical but it would have been nice to have more information... more information about what the fuck they had waded into.
... but to have as much information as possible once they moved back over the Magistracy's border. Leaving for the Fed Suns a few years ago had gotten them away from the whole... question Pioche... of the underground industrial city that the Rim World had built using machinery they had been able to buy off of the Hegemony in order to use against the Hegemony.
They would need basing options. They would need local support in material, and manpower. They needed to reaffirm ties inside the Magistracy, and have as much information coming in. Black Jack had been moving around back and forth, and he expected that they could move the Azami fleet off into the Rimward periphery ... but that had to be their first priority before they could turn to face the pirates ...
There was a crackle of static over his speakers...
"Command – Actual."
The voice over the radio called choppy as the Aurigan Coalition DropShip , a Union, began its descent. The Aurigans had brought was ASF they could spare. Not a lot but enough to outfit the front line Unions with some air cover. The BattleMech Carrier was painted Green and Black, a rampant Ibex declaring to belong to House Espinosa's Battalion of troops. There had been a lot of chatter from the Ibex about 'true defenders of the reach' as espousing more military funding, but not in the usual 'our national guard is better funding spent than on foreign mercenaries spiel'. Santiago Espinosa supported mercenary hiring programs, he seemed to get along alright with Markham at least, but it was a cudgel for Lord Espinosa to whack the other house lords on the founder's council who he deemed insufficiently patriotic with.
The Fjaldr campaign was an excellent option for this kind of political grandstanding, because in typical neo feudal tradition Espinosa had legal rights to salvage in supporting his brother in law's campaign against the pirates. That was just a fact of life. It was how things worked. What was unusual about their situation was the potential salvage included SLDF hardware.
He clicked through the channels adjusting the Marauder's command software to navigate to his own troops. It took another several minutes to ascertain that the troops in the first wave were either on their correct drop zones or were not too far off course that it was going to be a problem. The Unions would be clear to off load machines that didn't have jumpships, or didn't have pilots qualified for Orbital Insertions... even with pristine SLDF machines of their own they didn't have the qualifications training wise where he wanted to run too aggressively into Fjaldr's defenders.
Some of the pirate JumpShips had made the decision to try and Jump Out, the ones who had been too slow making the decision of what to do had been hit by the shut down command or had their airlocks forced by boarding parties. Turnabout was fair play after all... but still it only answered part of the problem, and Fjaldr was an aurigan world even if a minor one, with a small population, and negligible industry compare to its Star League era prime.
From the intelligence they had from the Aurigans, Black Jack seemed to have sent Kelly here to demonstrate his bonafides to the locals and attempt to rally the clans to fight for him. Fjaldrs clans... even though the Aurigans probably didn't want to admit it were largely Aurigans and natives of the planet who came from the same social and material culture as the reach's broader society. They had divided into clans since the fall of the league and had developed their own local neo feudal traditions.
Fjaldr's lack of outside investment, harsh conditions.... whatever else meant that the clans with available military hardware had at some point in the 29th century turned to raiding their neighbors when they had thought they could get away with it. That had just... it seemed just gotten worse as time went on with more clans turning to piracy for an easy buck... and the Aurigans wouldn't weren't going to be able to put up with it especially given the jump to Ward even if that had been Kelly's band showing they had the chutzpah to run a Capellan planet.
He spared another look at the descending, decelerating Union on his scopes. He was relying on the computers to watch it, as it was in the process of braking with its fusion drives. They'd need time to unhook mechs from safety harnesses and offload but the Union was a favorite of the Succession Wars for a reason. He swapped back around towards his ground targeting algorithms waiting for returns... this was probably going to be messy since the clans had built their halls in defensible positions pretty much like every other neo feudal potentate with a recognition that geography could make it harder to kill you.
The Regimental Management software shifted to apprise me of the Triumphs preparing for descent... the artillery vehicles from the Brian Cache on Robinson were going to be something of an ace in the hole. He was banking that if they deploy and set up the artillery park they might be enough of a surprise to bust any pirate concentration that would have otherwise been costly to attack with a frontal attack... but of course that assumed Hammer could hold that position to set up the park without being attacked by fast movers.
Magi flashed an update from one of their own command mechs. The Azami were not actually in combat yet, but they had positive returns on enemy fusion signatures. Gene acknowledged receipt of the message, and eased his mech forward. Markham had said that Tamati had been afraid it would take months to fully suppress the clans and restore Aurigan supremacy over the planet, enough to hire him and his battalion on for a well paying contract, and cover support for the company during the down time. They couldn't stay here for months, that would be time for the pirates to dig in and redouble their own fortifications. The advantage here was going to be able to hit fast, and maximize the numbers advantage, and the tech advantage that they had.
Notes: We don't get a whole lot about Fjaldr and while the Reach has been canonized it is still not a lot of information, so Fjaldr has ended up this past year in my table top RPG (we play ATOW) as a semi important focal point so exposition dump on its socio political conditions.
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