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Battletech: The Ghost Who Walks (Battletech Isekai)

Are those special AP gauss shells or just different naming conventions?
They're normal, its just a fluff description of how gauss rifles are supposed to work I think its from one of the rule books to explain

Might just be how tired I am currently, but I can't recall or find any poetic quips Gene Shepard might have made in the Dieron chapters.
Part of it is that its a hold over from the earlier version where each segment opened with small poems, or lyrical verse, here Gene does occasionally make quips that sound poetic on screen but I figured I would cut some of the poetry out just to focus on things elsewhere.

Also to avoid trying to write myself into a hole where some combine mechwarrior is trying to compose his death poem, some rassalhague tries to take up flynting and Gene's quoting Tolkien to describe Dieron's hills (which is currently sitting in a scrap folder.)
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Yvonne's musing on why Gene is so single mindedly annihilating the Combine are on point. WE know why he's out for blood, some of the Azami know why he is, but no one has told the Davions. I imagine that, when they get around to it, the screaming will be... something.

The terrifying part about the ongoing combat: it makes sense in uni. People like to talk shit about the SLDF, but many seem to forget that the Hegemony was, by size, the smallest of the 'great houses'. They won their battles because they had better, bigger, nastier toys and they made great use of them. As pointed out in the story, Gauss weapons are actually terrifying: sure, you have all your lasers and your big stompy robot. It won't do you any damn good against something that will punch a hole through you longwise and then go on to do the same to all your buddies.
Hold up… did Gene just pull that SoL battalion into their own personal Canae? Or did he just(lol, JUST) pull them into the mother of all 'L'/bracket ambushes?
It seems like they got suckered into a close fight to their front while the 'green' pilots in Highlanders and Thugs got onto a ridge to their flank and are currently laying into them. On top of that I think both of those elements under Gene's command are at battalion strength?
Hold up… did Gene just pull that SoL battalion into their own personal Canae? Or did he just(lol, JUST) pull them into the mother of all 'L'/bracket ambushes?
It seems like they got suckered into a close fight to their front while the 'green' pilots in Highlanders and Thugs got onto a ridge to their flank and are currently laying into them. On top of that I think both of those elements under Gene's command are at battalion strength?
Its bracketing fire, it doesn't help that at this time Combine BattleMech 'unit' doctrine is centered at independent company level rather than manuevering the whole battalion And this is especially true for elites like the SoL so they're getting hit by people who are familiar with their doctrine (the Azami/ Rasalhague up front with Gene, but also being hit by a mounting larger force opening at their lengthwise axis as the DMM passes through the Davion line and towards the eridani to the east
Okay, thank you for clarifying. That is a big OOF for the Dracs there. Is it just that first Highland company on the flank in assault mechs? I can't remember that battalions make up
Okay, thank you for clarifying. That is a big OOF for the Dracs there. Is it just that first Highland company on the flank in assault mechs? I can't remember that battalions make up
That is the whole of the Highland Mech formation, their armor and infantry is still moving up.

At present the Cadet formations two companies strong each of a lance of Highlanders, Thugs, and Archers with the Teachers (ancient company) running personal mechs and they're broken down into lances as following:

  1. Highlander [Has an AC 20 instead of a Gauss Rifle]
  2. Grasshopper
  3. Warhammer
  4. Victor

  1. Highlander
  2. Archer
  3. Crusader
  4. Thunderbolt

  1. Highlander [PPC variant]
  2. Awesome
  3. Griffin
  4. Catapult
The kids who went on to other units more prestigious units with their own mechs are probably not happy about that allotment.
Nice, imagining that lineup cresting a ridge on the flank definitely sets the scene. Especially after we see Gene actually charge into the melee to fix the SoL in place.
Part of it is that its a hold over from the earlier version where each segment opened with small poems, or lyrical verse, here Gene does occasionally make quips that sound poetic on screen but I figured I would cut some of the poetry out just to focus on things elsewhere.
Ahh. I assumed he was quoting or composing Buddhist Koans or Haiku as a psychological tactic against the Combine. Showing the world just how ignorant and degenerate the society of the Combine is compared to the cultures they are aping badly. Every now and again lecturing them of the history Kurita has perverted and how horrifying of an abomination the Nipponai, much less the Chrysanthemum Throne would see the Combine to be.
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Dieron Part 10
Dieron Part 10
He felt the restraints of the cockpit do their job pressing into his chest, arresting his forward momentum, but the gravity was already reasserting itself anyway, and he leaned back into the couch right hand adjusting the stick. The mech's limb moved, and his reticle tracked looking for his next target.

PPC fire rained from Hegemony era Thugs kept cool by their DHS standing on the heights to their west. Gene took a breath as Chang finished polishing off another Combine Dragon. He wasn't going to argue about who got kill tallies or anything like this. If anything his priority right now was coordinating his light mech assets and getting them moving. The Combine companies were acting like they were independent units rather than a whole battalion moving in concert. That made them harder to predict but if his feeds were right then they could be enveloped and overwhelmed.

... and not getting sucked into an engagement where their units with ammunition loads would be reduced. The entire point of shock mechs like the AC 20 armed Marauder II were to provide enough close range firepower that they could effectively delete charging light mechs and that would allow more mixed armament units built off the same frame to focus on more distant threats. Chang and her wingmen though had to be running low on Ammo by this point in the exchange which would put a greater emphasis on more energy weapon equipped frames.

Case and point a Marauder II 'Stormhammer' sallied forward to bring its eight medium lasers into yet another K2. Both mechs being too close to use their PPCs. The resulting burst from the multitude of Magna mark 2s illuminating his thermals. Once this was over he expected that there would be a requested and lengthy debrief with Blackwell over the performance of the stock II, and the alternate armament configurations... but they had to win first.

He punched up a command line into the management software as battlefield air directors prepared for their attack run. MacIntyre was to the bring the weight of the Highlander formation into a combined arms attack after the CAS broke up the Combine units. Even now Hegemony communication protocols aboard Fury and Highlander talking systems were pushing to coordinate firing solutions across air and ground units.

A fury coming online over the hill about eight hundred meters behind him painted a mech to his left. The data fed to his Marauder's Dalban which he promptly serviced with his own medium lasers. An attack that severed the already exposed myomer bundle of the right left sending it crashing to the ground. On the one hand it spared the mech from absolutely being slathered as Highland Curssaisers with inferno SRMs opened up on its lance mates.

"In bound fires. 60 seconds commander."

He nodded at the notification.

Normally his prophetic talents were unclear, symbolic animal images that alluded to fighting but it wasn't as if he was seeing card hands, or lotto numbers. So it wasn't like he was in any position to predict that things were about to go crazy. Septim had been mostly focused navigating his unit portion of units through the nav points.

The boss had said start pulling back rather than go chasing after small ephemeral contacts. Not that he didn't get where Bard was coming from but even with a VLAR 300 pushing his Merlin Cavalry model to a faster speed that didn't mean everyone else could... and of course there was also the fact that outside of his first shots he rarely got the chance to carefully line up his reticles.

People tended to shoot back at his Merlin... like the bastards were doing now.

A couple warning lights illuminated in his cockpit showing armor bleed throughs into an arm actuator that while not going to break the bank would mean repair time. It wasn't as serious as the damage Beau's Dervish had taken on Luxen... never mind Schiffer buying the farm, but he was wary of the damage after the beating his machine had taken on Ander's Moon. "Dumb pig head," He snarled to himself, "you should have fucking taken the option for a Highlander. Its an Assault Mech," he cursed, before lining up the large laser on the closing Dragon, "Hey asshole, here's something for." His muttering in German was cut off as he jerked the trigger when the the alarms in his cockpit started signaling in bound air warnings. Then the Merlin's TTS system whited out, which wasn't good, and was worse was it was hitting across the others.

"Inbound artillery coming in." Someone in his radio announced.

He didn't recognize the call but that wasn't really a surprise... so many new people in the company, so many Davion allies to keep track of. He had no idea who made the announcement, "Artillery?" He questioned. He hadn't heard any calls going out. Admittedly the boss had been liberally calling for fire missions on large combine troop formations as they stuck their heads up, and there was supposed to be air to ground fire coming... and then he saw a missile streaking down into a cluster of Combine ground vehicles and infantry. There was an explosion of dust, and hit the frequency to squelch onto the DropShips , "Who cleared the Chapparals to fire?" He had been told that the Azami had a handful of TAG equipped units that were being kept behind clusters of frontline mech and actual fighting vehicles.

Somebody was going to be in serious trouble if those LosTech artillery units had fired without authorization the boss had been really clear about how they only had so many of those missiles for each launcher. He pushed the machine forward all the same already scanning for enemies while he waited for an answer...

There didn't look like Combine had much left though, he was panning for any active returns but so far the whole neighboring hill, where he'd been taking pot shots at, was a smoking ruin.

She felt rather than really heard the explosions. Alexandria Cunningham watched the displays as they reloaded. The surveillance aircraft had cleared wide of the attack run as it moved but she hadn't expected cruise missiles strikes to follow. It wasn't unheard of for there to be lapses in communication in high intensity fights like this. It was actually in the text books at Sakhara that some times calls for fire failed to be passed along in the heat of the moment, but also that technical problems meant in bound calls sometimes failed to reach higher echelon control.

"Lady Alexandria we are reading resolved telemetry. BDA pending," The officer paused, and really more to himself than to anyone, "but that looks positive."

Gray white Rapiers their star burst roundels visible as they banked hard to circle the area they had just come over with their PPCs. In a minute the pair of ASF dove their AC 20s churning into the side of a combine CP that had been moved forward as the attack had progressed. The daimyo not dissimilar to the one that serviced Shepherd's Company exploded.

Gray White marks on the holographic display glittered into a right angle, an L with other units massing to launch into the angry disorganized red icons. The DMM troops were in Davion Gold and heading east, having been ordered to join the Eridani.

"Can they sustain this?"

"We're in close quarters now ma'am I don't expect this will last another thirty minutes." If that, the Guards officer that was her liaison and advisor of sorts, to the Prince's Champion's own separate command post. "With the Snakes fixed in place this is a battle of annihilation."

It wasn't a battle anymore it was a slaughter. Sakhara had been established by SLDF officers, and approved to train SLDF officers. It trained cadets for all combat arms, and while there was a combined arms component no one had ever tried to have them direct or even participate in using what was for all intents and purposes a light regimental combat team in this manner.

The Prince's Champion's image appeared. She remained in civilian attire than the uniform of the Davion Guards that her mother the previous Duchess of Victoria had been laid to rest in, but it didn't matter. She didn't need to be in the uniform of the AFFS to radiate composure and command. "Its such a pity we don't get to watch all of this regiment be destroyed."

"Yes ma'am." She agreed.

A small smile tugged at her lady's face. "Wrap this up quickly Alexandria we need to press on San Martin we're getting communication intercepts the Combine seems to be about to try something stupid, and desperate. The guards are going to need the manpower to prevent them from burning the town, or the like."

She nodded sharply, not quite a curtsey but the function of a noble retainer.

She turned to the mech display as other machines opened fire. Masses of LRMs were raining into pinned down Combine mechs. Lord Aaron hadn't been permitted to participate in the attack here... it would have been unacceptable, and risky at the best of times, but the DMM were acquitting themselves well, even though they were being moved to other tasks. It was the highlander cadets though she was paying attention to.

All of them remained in the colors of Northwind's Terran Hegemony era Militia. They were Gray White machines with tartan badging. That had actually been an argument in itself as the original plan had been to repaint the battalion in arid mountainous SLDF camo, apparently, akin to what most of the force had been given. Even now she was watching a lance of Star League era Thugs open up with their SRMs which was proving another unpleasant surprise.

The noose was closed.

The demonstration of the Hegemony built mechs did have one downside. The Duke of Errai had been pushy in his demands... which was no real surprise given his planet's reputation, with additional Thugs recovered she really expected a repeat once the battle was won here... especially given their involvement on the ridgeline.
Thugs really are such a nice mech design. They feel like a Warhammer done right. It's also nice seeing decent designs with zero medium lasers.
Thugs really are such a nice mech design. They feel like a Warhammer done right.
That's exactly what the Thug was intended to do. Of course, the Maltex decided not to invest in multiple factories, so the production was stopped after their factory was destroyed (save for limited production by Earthwerks), whereas StarCorps was churning out Warhammers from at least six factories, some of which survived the Succession Wars.

It really wants ER PPCs. It's so over sinked though that you can load inferno SRMs and just fight in the fire you inevitably start.
THG-11Eb upgrades to ER PPCs.
So, is there a check list for 'How to F**k Up An Advance' in modern warfare(or at least the BTech equivalent)?
I feel like this Drac commander is going down and ticking them all off. In his defense that kind of aggressive advance has turned flanks for centuries in setting but good lord.

-Used their own green troops as a distraction/human wave.
-Advanced without support beyond the Sun Zhang Cadets they just sent into the grinder.
-Advanced as independent companies, not a cohesive battalion.
-Commander got too close and got capped by enemy air support.
-Seemingly no anti air or artillery on hand.
- And lastly, no recon beyond those same Sun Zhang Cadets who got chewed up.
So, is there a check list for 'How to F**k Up An Advance' in modern warfare(or at least the BTech equivalent)?
I feel like this Drac commander is going down and ticking them all off. In his defense that kind of aggressive advance has turned flanks for centuries in setting but good lord.

-Used their own green troops as a distraction/human wave.
-Advanced without support beyond the Sun Zhang Cadets they just sent into the grinder.
-Advanced as independent companies, not a cohesive battalion.
-Commander got too close and got capped by enemy air support.
-Seemingly no anti air or artillery on hand.
- And lastly, no recon beyond those same Sun Zhang Cadets who got chewed up.
All of this is canonical to how the combine fights, everything goes into the offensive with the intent of having your samurai carry the day by making the enemy flee for their worthless lives.

Like the Combine in the succession wars knew when to cut their losses usually, like their attack on Errai earlier in the century (EDIT Misremembered 30th century so a century earlier) the combine is like nope we're leaving, here they don't really have that option because they're on the defending side. Commanders being too close to the front is a staple of MechWarrior combat, but Ian at least was in the rear of the formation its not his fault Yorinaga decided to take a whole battalion and hay off for a wild maneuver so the Combine has an expectation of take the fight to the enemy anyone who survives to victory is 'true samurai'
on another note speaking of production facilities in the suns that could be repaired/salvaged that got wrecked by the SWs someone should look into the plants on Ozawa since there might be some salvageable stuff related to making mongooses and jenners under the rubble of the Diplan Mechworks plant there or hopefully at least some stuff that could be used to bolster General Dynamics Kintaro production at their plant on said world
Dieron Part 11
Battle of Dieron Part 11
(Spring 3018)
He watched the first machine slam into another bug mech. Hanzo heard Chang as she whooped wholeheartedly again temporarily deafening him over the radio.

"Ha." Her Atlas was out of AC 20 ammo, which as she had opined 'sucked', and had forced her to watch her distance but well, as she commented over the radio, locust pilots were a special kind of mechwarrior. She might have felt bad about throwing the Combine Cadet if the little bastard hadn't floored it and ran up and kicked her mech, but no he had so she'd picked his little bug mech and thrown him one of his friends.

He turned his machine and opened fire spraying inferno munitions at the disoriented mechs. They were long past the possibility of reciprocal dueling as had largely determined Ander's Moon so he felt no issue attacking the Sun Zhang Cadre trying to reinforce the Combine forces. He keyed the Assault mech via las comm, "Bubbles, we're preparing to separate."

"yeah yeah Hanzo I have this."

He nodded silently facing the camera.

He didn't question that. There was a dragoon mech lance under her command but he and Bahar were supposed to facilitate the pass through of the DMM troops through the line and that he meant he needed to retire from the engagement.

The general idea was fairly simple, but it was complex in execution. Their coordinating role would be to route troops from the March Militia through the nav points to insure they didn't bunch up. That way the combine couldn't hit them with artillery, or less likely air strikes. It was also to insure they didn't block other advancing units from the rear, which would include medical personnel as well as resupply.

What the Combine Commander was doing was not honorable, but brazen foolhardiness. Hanzo recognized that it was obviously more appealing to fight beyond the boundaries of a city... indeed the Ares conventions called for avoiding fighting in built up urban areas where possible, but the Combine Commander leading the force opposing them had spread his forces too far out and wasted the lives of the men underneath throwing them away.
Gene felt the tug on his mental connection to the machine even as he posted updated orders and data requests. The truth was a more pressing concern in terms of time table... and he wasn't going to be able to ignore.

He pressed a key to swap channels. "Bahar I need a second opinion, the way we have two options, mount a conventional Air Assault, or turn use Elidere's advance to target strategy." he wasn't sure who all was listening but her Mongoose was unpacking the subteranean rail network map pack.

Either way they were going to be forced into an Urban knife fight from the way things were looking... they would need time to load and off load... and of course there was the potential of any remaining combine reserves in the west. Davion thinking was the Combine leadership was spread out, that most likely the Dieron Military District Leadership were probably in Tatsuyama in the north west but that they could be isolated and dug out later. San Martin was the real prize anyway... a prize that the Combine might well be attempting to Nero rather than allow it to fall into Davion hands, and they needed to put a stop to that ASAP.

He wasn't' expect a hasty liaison with one of the pilots the Azami had vouched for. The Griffin Pilot was out of breath and unhappy, but he was fully prepared to take her at her word that the ISF was going to try and burn the city down because that was the general consensus of other sources. The question was still how to get to San Martin as quickly and with as coherent a force as possible. On the other hand the next words out of his mouth weren't exactly the best, "We won't let them torch the city," He assure the Griffin pilot, even though he had no way to be sure that they could actually stop the Kuritans from massacring the populace... but they would damned sure try.

He wasn't surprised when Kiyone volunteered or really... to be more accurate demanded to go along. Fine, that was fine. He qued up a mental command dialogue through the machine... and watched as the data unfurled into a holographic display.
They had planned for a quick campaign, and for the potential necessity of needing to withdraw. They had not planned for this kind of speed. They had expected thirty forty days potentially of conflict against the Combine. Engaging and potentially having to rebel combine forces from either the north west or from further east across the desert. They also had not planned for the tempo of operations thus far to consume the volume of shells.

The footage of combat was starting to falter. There were estimated to likely be tiny pockets of battlemechs scattered across the planet... but nothing that couldn't be mopped up. It was no longer the primary concern. The planets defenders were shattered... and without meaningful losses to the Guards, or really for that matter their forces as a whole.

In no small part because once the final forces had met there had been the strike ahead of the aircraft coming. She had an incomplete picture of how that had unfolded. She had attempted to parse through the data traffic... but Yvonne wasn't sure it was all there. There were no gaps in transmissions in the time frame, which of course was an anomalous, but perhaps, just perhaps there had been the plan to mass the strike going out with the combine close air support... but if that had been the plan it hadn't been included into the briefings.

The other detail was the steady disappearance of units from the tactical traffic. There were advantages to allowing Mercenary, or even regional commands tactical flexibility in operations. Yvonne knew that organic response times were often the key to defeating Capellan forces in the field. Capellan commanders rarely had the authority or inclination to initiate tactical maneuvers or show initiative without orders due to the Capellan political structure. They rarely could coordinate between service arms not because they were incompetent but because it required running requests up the chain of command in ways that took time.

"Mister Alexander." She greeted the Lyran Heavy Mech pilot as his image solidified. The man's dirty blonde hair was caked with sweat, all the more noticeable for his lost tech neurohelmet. In the background his Merlin was deployed near several alacorn tripple barreled tanks. Further beyond were the lighter single barreled gauss rifle tanks from beneath Bristol.

"The boss, said something about the snakes trying to pull a Nero... I think that means they plan to try burn the city."

She nodded. That wasn't honestly surprising. There were already tentative reports from the forward most Guards Scouts suggesting that ISF personnel were trying to rally citizens into last ditch fight attempts. Dieron had been chosen for a variety of reasons including that such tactics were less likely to succeed. Dieron had been a Hegemony World, and perhaps memories of that had inculcated a different set of ideals that protected the population from the Combine's usual body politic. Attempting to convince untrained citizens to potentially charge infantry with human wave tactics and improvised weapons was unlikely to be successful here.

Unsuccessful in the sense that the population was unlikely to even countenance such an attempt at resistance regardless of the exhortations of the ISF. Not that such attempts were usually all that successful against professional troops anyway.

She had some idea what was going on, part of the units that were being pulled from the rotation were the so called 'omni vehicles' made by Blackwell Industries. The Bandits, hovercraft, were being refitted but that was only a partial explanation. "Yeah, the boss said something about urban assault." Was all the Lyran would... or could admit to. He had no explanation for how they would be launching an urban assault, and her staff's conventional wisdom suggested to cross the intervening distance this was simply a preparatory measure before the march.

Yvonne Davion wasn't sure that was the case at all. Her eyes swept the holographic globe dominated the overlord's command deck.

Gene looked at the thermal signatures as the mag tube slowed

These tubes had been intended for rapid redployment of materiel ... for defending troops... and a quick check of his clock told him that in about sixty second the Highland Curaisser infantry bailing out the hover craft were going to deploy from the entryways deep inside the planetary capital's urban administration and behind the ISF's principle innermost urban barricade. Not that that wasn't anything really more serious than lightly armored infantry behind sand bags and machine guns... most of the heavier equipment around their communications gear... which would be their first target.

Once they visually confirmed that there was enough room to start sending hovercraft through they'd send the Bandits into the combine rear echelon and then he and the 'mech company would follow suit.

"Whatever the combine does our priority is civilian safety, secure the urban chokepoints, anchor the MSR the sooner we can link with Davion Guards Infantry," From their RCT, "the sooner we can secure overwhelming material advantage."

His intention was to deploy the Curassier into the urban center take the city's administration hub, the news stations and the university preferably without the Combine getting a distress call out. Ideally be fully deployed before they realized they were here.

He had optical telemetry and sensor returns being piped in from the Terran era surveillance equipment but that was incomplete.


"GO GO GO." Shouted a platoon sergeant.

Daylight flooded the underground and acoustic signatures though not so much the actual sound followed as highlander infantry breached up and out of the subterranean. The space to clear a bandit to confirmed, and the first of the hovercraft accelerated up and out and then into the streets of San Martin. A second followed and within fifteen minutes Hanzo was pushing his bigger bug mech left while Bahar followed with her Mongoose.

One of the Pillager -D from the Reunification War would have been handy here in this kind of scenario, but they hadn't had time to pull one from the Company's reserves.
At this point a Pillager might be overkill, I'd probably settle for something mobile with plenty of MG's since flamers would be counter productive.
Is Gene's infantry using SLDF infantry kit?
Does Gene have any Small Pulse Laser platforms to do the city clearing job? MGs would be the second resort and Flamers never.
Isn't the SI using SLDF infantry kit and power armor?
I don't think Gene has, I can't remember Nighthawks being brought up in this fic outside of us readers speculating. I just couldn't for the life of me remember if Gene's ad-hoc…(RCT or brigade at this point?) unit had picked up infantry kit from those caches.
At this point a Pillager might be overkill, I'd probably settle for something mobile with plenty of MG's since flamers would be counter productive.
Is Gene's infantry using SLDF infantry kit?
In the sense that the Highlanders have Mauser Las Rifles
Does Gene have any Small Pulse Laser platforms to do the city clearing job? MGs would be the second resort and Flamers never.
Gene's 'Black Horse' Marauder has an SPL but for the most part thats why the Bandits refit to Machine guns
Isn't the SI using SLDF infantry kit and power armor?
No power armor at this time.
I don't think Gene has, I can't remember Nighthawks being brought up in this fic outside of us readers speculating. I just couldn't for the life of me remember if Gene's ad-hoc…(RCT or brigade at this point?) unit had picked up infantry kit from those caches.
Nighthawks have not shown up yet, there are Mauser Laser Rifles from Harlaw's cache, but the Davions as a whole aren't fielding SLDF gear out of the MID depot on Elidere. Nighthawks never mind full power armor have not made an appearance yet.
So just infantry gear? BT infantry gear makes no sense with how heavy and unergonomic it is.
In this case Curassiers are the infantry units who will fit in the Bandit and Badger vehicles and are deployed together , so outside of having lost tech pew pew rifles they're standard succession wars davion infantry kit

When power armor starts showing up it will be very clear in this story. In other stories power armor will show up sooner because well Essence is Cheating

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