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Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

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This story is brought to you by a the boredom of a slow shift, my morning cup of coffee, and the...
No, Cakeman. No.

*Squints at username*
Oh… duh. Hiya, Cakeman! That makes way more sense.

Actually, in the course of digging up old story snippets I wrote over ages to put in my snippets thread I found something that suddenly feels topical:

—— New York City, New York - Somewhere in the Detective Comics Multiversal Supercluster : Local Time Unknown ——

Jack looks up at the sky and frowns in confusion for a moment before his eyes suddenly widen and he grabs Amy and Faith by the arms. "No! Nein! Nyet! NOPE! Everyone back through the portal! We don't want to be here right now."
"What? Why not?" Amy protests.
Faith doesn't protest, but still fails to move backwards. Instead she points upward. "Maybe 'cause there's a giant orange… uh… what is that?"
"...New York… New York!"
Jack sighs. "I think it's a giant Orange Lantern construct bowl."
"But… why?"
"As best I can tell?" Jack shrugs. "My theological counterpart in this universe is taking a short break from reality at the moment, in order to bake a giant cake for the city of New York. That or some other comic book fuckery is actively in progress. Either way," He begins forcibly corralling them all back through the portal. "I want to not have to deal with redoing the portal ritual way less than I want to not have to deal with…"
Jack trails off as a massive orange snake shimmers into being in front of the portal, squinting at them suspiciously in a very human but also very un-snakelike way.
"Right." Amy nods, snapping the portal shut. "I'll add those dimensional coordinates to The List."

Jackie boy is the most entertaining friend-shaped wrecking ball I've read in the Buffy verse, Fite me.

I think this is going on my "reviews/quotes that manage to encapsulate the gist of the story"

We are almost up to date!

Eh… more like at the halfway point by chapter count but only a third of the way by word count since the later chapters got meatier over time.
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