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Chaldea on Fire (Fate/Grand Order SI)

Edit: Also thanks Mizu for all the corrections.

shouldn't the mana difference between 14th century France and the 21st century be pretty similar?

*About to come up with a reason about Singularities and Dragons being around breath mana into the air*

Huh, it's only Septem and Babylon which're below 1000 AD, with Orleans being the next youngest after them. Guess your logic's fine after all.
Yeah, pretty much.


Totally my reasoning here.

As an aside, would you like my aid as a beta for writing this story Silver? I've noticed a number of spelling error while reading it thus far, and a second pair of eyes tends to be able to catch things the author skims over automatically because they expect X when it's actually spelt Y.
Wow, please. That would be great. :)


. . . anyway, you should update the story in parts. Which would help you maintain the interest of the readers, and not make them think the story is dead when is on progress
Short chapters will be better, I think. Easier to edit, better to maintain pace, etc.

Faster updates don't hurt either.
Hmm, well I am a lazy couch potato...

Personally I'd like 10k every three weeks or so, over brief 1k chapters. While chapter size shouldn't be what you're focusing on while writing, as it's more important to get to a good stopping point, I'd recommend at least 5k if you wanted to post weekly. 1k is just too small, and more like bite-sized chapters than something which can provide meaningful story progression from the prior one; also inflates the threadmarks like crazy.
Hmm, good points. I mean, I have a good sense of cliffhangers (although I think all writers seem to know how to blueball their readers, so that's nothing special), but at the same time I don't want to spend too many chapters on the same Singularity especially given how long things will go when America Arc comes in, even with 10K chapters.
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*About to come up with a reason about Singularities and Dragons being around breath mana into the air*

Yeah, pretty much.


Totally my reasoning here.

Wow, please. That would be great. :)

Hmm, well I am a lazy couch potato...

Hmm, good points. I mean, I have a good sense of cliffhangers (although I think all writers seem to know how to blueball their readers, so that's nothing special), but at the same time I don't want to spend too many chapters on the same Singularity especially given how long things will go when America Arc comes in, even with 10K chapters.
You really got my hopes up here Silver...
Servants Informational
Michael Chaser Servants:

True Name: Mysterious Heroine X (Secretly *Gasp* Artoria Pendragon!)
Alias: Space Heroine from Another Dimension


Class: Assassin No really, it's Saber. Totally not Assassin.
Alternate Classes: Rider, Saber She's already Seiba!


Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A+
Mana: B
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A++

Class Skills

Cosmo Reactor: A
A cosmic reactor allowed only to the multiplying Sabers. It is reacting to various things. Settings, for example.

Riding: EX
Riding ability. She can't ride every possible rideable object, but when it comes to managing ordinary spaceships, this skill displays a terrific effect. To the point where she can warp even using a ship with no warp function.

Presence Concealment: N/A (In truth EX)
"Why the hell do you think a Saber would have that!?" It's actually EX, but it is sealed due the user herself completely denying it.

Personal Skills

Back-up Fire: EX
Due to a mysterious communication device, the Du Stallion II can automatically provide back-up fire. In a one-on-one fight between fellow swordsmen, there are no unexplored territories nor soulful tactics.

Instinct: C+
Her instincts are considerably lower than the normal Artoria's, but only when facing a Saber, her instincts rank-up to A.

Galactic Meteor Sword: C
A power given to Saber that can destroy even stars. Also known as the sword that absolutely kills Sabers. Its attack is super effective against Sabers, so would it be an exaggeration to say that she is the greatest Saber of all?

Noble Phantasm

Secret-Calibur: Sword of Unsigned Victory
Type: Anti-Unit | Rank: A+

The holy swords that boast tremendous power against Sabers. They don't shoot beams, but they are clad on beams. After activating it, every time she swings them, they make a neat low-register 'woooom woooom' noise. … "Hey, I feel like I've already heard this before somewhere." Normally, dual-wielding swords of opposing attributes would cause a tremendous power suppression in both of them, so certainly this could be proof of how the Heroine X is out of the ordinary. She even looks like she is the strongest when mixing light and darkness.

Normally wielding just Excalibur in her right hand, X summons Excalibur Morgan into her left hand and causes both to surge with power. She utilizes them as a rocket boost that blasts her towards the opponent. She slashes them repeatedly with both swords and then jumps into the air. As she descends, she shouts X-Calibur, slashes with both swords in an overhead swing, and creates an X-shaped beam as she hits the opponent. Upon Ascension, both Excaliburs take on a new, glowing, futuristic look.

Dun Stallion II: The Unrecognized Heroine's Companion Across the Stars
Type: Anti-Army | Rank: B- (EX)


Heroine X's favorite ship and partner that she uses to travel through space. It has FTL travel, warp capabilities, variable adaptive system, an AI that can play the triangle, make your coffee, fix your receding hairline and save your marriage.

Truly is the ship of the future.

While it has an AI that is sentient, it doesn't like to communicate with "meatbags" or anyone else for that matter. It's extremely anti-social. It only likes Heroine X but even then would rather communicate with her through psychic emoting waves, causing Heroine X to get a "feel" of what her ship is saying.

True Name: Mash Kyrielight
Installed Servant: Galahad
Alias: Best Kouhai


Same as canon. (You want me to copy paste the sheet from the wiki?)


Olga Marie Servants:

True Name: Olga Marie Animusphere
Installed Servant: Cu Chulainn
Alias: The Panicking Druid Tsundere

Class: Caster
Alternate Classes: Lancer, Rider, Berserker


Strength: E
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: B
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Territory Creation: B
Creation of a 'Workshop' becomes possible. Cu Chulainn could create a territory that simulates Scáthach's gate Noble Phantasm, although that is a secret, even to Scáthach. That is because if his childish mentor ever found out, she would have assaulted him while shouting "You copier—!" Therefore, he refrains from using it.

For Olga, she seem this skill as the pride of a magus.

Divinity: B
Cú Chulainn is a demigod whose father was an almighty god who possessed every skill: Lugh, the god who governed over the sun and a member of the Danann divine family, and his mother was Deichtine, younger sister of King Conchobar.

Olga has not made the mental connection, that she now has divine blood.

Possession Inheritance: ?
A unique Skill that Demi-Servants possess. A Succeed Phantasm. One of the Skills that the possessing Heroic Spirit owns is inherited and sublimated in a self-taught manner.

In Olga's case it is Rune Magic. She a much greater and deeper understanding of Runecraft as it was used in the past, yet feels there is much more hidden underneath the surface of her new Skill. (Hint: Primordial Runes)

Personal Skills

Rune Magic: A (Reminder Interlude can Upgrade Skill to Primordial Rune)
Cú Chulainn had the capacity to use the 18 original Runes (Norse Runes), granted by his mentor Scáthach from his studies with her. Because he has manifested as a Caster, it has a higher rank than when summoned as a Lancer. Other than attacks, this is mainly employed for effects corresponding to the Skills Magic Resistance, Clairvoyance, for raising parameters to Rank A, etc. All of these applications are merely temporary and he cannot employ multiples of those simultaneously.

Olga says this is very favorite skill, and it probably is out of combat. In combat, she tends to overthink which combination of Runes to use and get stumped. Although she does utilize this skill to it's potential when panicking.

Protection from Arrows: A
This is a power Cú Chulainn was born with. It's said that it's possible for him to avoid any long range attack if he has made visual confirmation of his opponent, tracking down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. He can deal with most projectiles even in conditions where the opponent cannot be visually seen. As long as the attack is a thrown type, he can avoid even Noble Phantasms, but he can't gain the effects of this protection with respect to wide range attack types where the attack range of the weapon explodes on impact, or a direct attack by a weapon that has simply long reach.

At Rank A, even when ranged attacks are made with extreme speed from super long range, with surprise at extreme close range, or with great area of effect, it is possible to defend against or dodge the projectiles.

Olga's favorite skill. Yes, with this she never has to worry about being sniped, now if only archer-type enemies would stop targeting her.

Disengage: C
At this rank, one can reliably break off from heated combat. Also has the ability to return an unfavourable battle to the first turn and return technique stats to their defaults.

Olga's second favorite skill, she's extremely glad she has it to fall back on, but sadly due to a certain grinning Master, she nearly never gets to use it.

Noble Phantasm

Wicker Man: Cage of Scorching, Consuming Flames
Type: Anti-Army | Rank: B

Tthe Noble Phantasm of Cú Chulainn in his Caster form. When used, Caster summons a sacrifice-seeking flame giant. A giant composed by countless tree branches makes his appearance. Said giant wears flames on his body and applies intense heat and flame damage by rushing in on the target. This giant's torso is a cage, and it is primarily there to imprison a sacrifice. However, the storage of the cage on the giant's torso that appeared as a Noble Phantasm is empty, hence the giant rages while primarily seeking a sacrifice to make an offering to the gods. This is not a secret art of the Runes, but a Noble Phantasm of the Celtic druids, given to the Child of Light who manifested as a "Celt magus" that manipulates sweltering heat.

Olga is hesitant to use it's sacrifice cage for some reason, so she just has the giant pummel people with giant flaming fists.

Ochd Deug Odin: Great God Carved Seal
Type: Anti-Fortress | Rank: A
(Sealed for now)

At the moment, this Noble Phantasm is beyond Olga's ability to process and use.


Gudako Fujimaru Servants:

Coming Soon.


Hakuno Kishinami Servants:

Coming Soon.


Enemy Servants:


True Name: Kiyohime (Alter)
Alias: The Forever Grieving Dragon Maiden


Servant Class: Caster
Alternate Classes: Berserker, Assassin


Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: A++
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills

Territory Creation: C
Her Noble Phantasm act as a "territory" for her. She can recreate the Dōjō-ji Monastery that she burned down with Anchin. Should she do that the self-damaging part of her Noble Phantasm would be removed, but she doesn't as she wants to be punished for killing the one she loved.

Item Construction: C
Can create items to slow down and hold back her dragon transformation. These items would need to be remade after a set of time however. Although at the end, it is a temporarily measure.

Personal Skills

Dragonic Transfiguration: B--
Kiyohime Alter is already half-way to becoming a dragon. The iron stakes, chains, ofudas and other miscellaneous items were made to restrain this Skill, and need to be constantly remade and reapplied to hold this Skill back. Under normal circumstances this Skill would be Rank EX where Kiyohime would be transformed into a dragon within a few minutes, to a few hours at most, of her summoning.

Breath of the Dragon: C
This skill was suppose to be Rank A. Kiyohime Alter can release a torrent of blue flames that can destroy buildings and cause burns even through magical defenses. However Kiyohime uses this skill sparingly as the more she uses it, the more her Rank in Dragonic Transfiguration rises.

Agony of the Heart: A+++
Pain of the body and torment of the heart. Kiyohime Alter is in constant pain from trying to hold back her dragon transformation, and from the methods used to hold back said transformation. But even beyond her physical pain, her heart is in constant ache as a reminder of her crime. She never listened, she never tried to understand, and in nothing but a haze of rage, she burned the one she loved. In the end, she was left with nothing but grief that stabs down to her very soul.

"I killed Anchin-sama. That can never be forgiven. I deserve this."

Blazing Embrace: A
The silent wish within Kiyohime Alter's heart. Be it for her Anchin to come back and forgive her, or for someone to make her pain end, she isn't sure. It would have been more merciful for her to die together with her Anchin, but she survived. Yet despite pain being with her in every moment in every way, she can do nothing but hope. Hope for…

"Please Anchin-sama, stop me. Please someone, anyone…#̸̕͠҉%#̶҉ me..."

Noble Phantasm

Penance Immolation to Achieve Yamas
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) | Rank: EX

The act of Kiyohime Alter changing into a dragon like in her legend. However this is different than her normal self, as her transformation causes her flames to go out of control causing a wave and aura of heat and fire that burns not just her but her surroundings. Her flames would burn her enemies but also harm her as her desire to be punished for killing Anchin causes her flames to be self-damaging as well. Rebuilding the Dōjō-ji Monastery with her Territory Creation would, yet it would take a Command Seal to force her to do that. Yet for as long as the sorrow in her heart continues, her dragonic regeneration will persist to keep her alive, as the pain is her penance. She wants for love to be extinguish so the pain she feels would end, thus for as long as she has prana, her aura of fire-tainted mana would continue to expand in range.

As the saying goes misery loves company. Kiyohime Alter in her dragon form sees other dragons or being of reptilian nature as "companions who suffer the same aches of love as me" thus her flames would empower them, giving them stronger constitutions and an aura of flames to help "end the sufferings of love faster", till they can no longer hold that power and burn up from within "gaining peace from the heart's agony".

In the end, it is her grief that keeps her alive in a perpetual state of suffering, so if she felt peace her flames would finally consume her, bringing her story to the fateful end it's been delayed from.
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We looked up and saw where that music was coming from.


"Is that a freaking spaceship? In medieval France!?" I shouted in incredulity, then I noticed something. "Wait, is that someone standing on top of the spaceship?"

"Falling from the~"

"....bbbbbiiiiggggg sssssiiiiIIIIISSSSS!!!" A turnip haired girl with a shield shouted.

My eye widened like saucers as I recognized the sound and then the person.


So Mash is also clinically insane.

This is gonna be fun.

Also, regarding updates, if you want to do them quick 1k is too small like someone said and will just make things fragmented in the story and cluttered in the threadmarks so if you want to do them quicker I'd recommend shooting for at least 3k-5k.

Also, you can find a picture of MHX's actual spaceship if you wanted. If literally anyone managed to take a screenshot of the Saber Wars background when it first crash landed (if someone has played the Event they can just rewatch the first scenes and take the screenshot) they should be able to send it to you. The only thing that would be annoying would be seeing the "skip" button in the upper corner.

But I don't mind the spaceship design here, it's badass. And fits her color scheme. :p
So Gudako already lost three servants. Including our main story ally and the one that follows us to Chaldea. I was not expecting her to do worse than canon.
Admittedly she did have a disadvantage of no Mash, no communication with Chaldea and Lev made changes to account for the Servants summoned by the Counter Force to fix the Singularity. Also this is her first Singularity.
Admittedly she did have a disadvantage of no Mash, no communication with Chaldea and Lev made changes to account for the Servants summoned by the Counter Force to fix the Singularity. Also this is her first Singularity.
But Lev never looked further than the Fuyuki singularity, so he shouldn't know about other servants being summoned since the Fuyuki singularity had no additional servants summoned. Also, he wasn't the one who created the France singularity, Goetia was.

Also, Medea should be capable of replacing Mash here. More so if the flying fortress is any indication.
But Lev never looked further than the Fuyuki singularity, so he shouldn't know about other servants being summoned since the Fuyuki singularity had no additional servants summoned. Also, he wasn't the one who created the France singularity, Goetia was.
Well, I'd assume he at least sent back the info on the France Singularity, or at least on Michael knowing future events so Goetia would add one or two mini-changes to his Singularities as a just-in-case thing.

Also, Medea should be capable of replacing Mash here. More so if the flying fortress is any indication.

Well, if you think about it, Gudako was starting to fight back by the time Michael and co. appeared, so I'd say eventually she might have been able to fix the Singularity herself.
Wait, we were actually supposed to believe he was dead?
:D No, just...Originally yes, since I would have had Michael and Co. rewrite events following guidance from a last message left by Da Vinci, on how and what point in time they would arrive at Chaldea to save everyone before they died.

People's comments and research made me see why this set up can't be used, and so I'm just going with Romani is alive but in hiding.

It just hahaha, doesn't stop people from constantly mentioning that Romani is alive and spoiler the reason. :D Hahahahahaha!
Wow, please. That would be great. :)
Glad to hear it. We can bounce story ideas in a PM, and presuming you write in a Google Doc I can just look it over and suggest fixes or point out things which seem odd to me.
Also, you can find a picture of MHX's actual spaceship if you wanted. If literally anyone managed to take a screenshot of the Saber Wars background when it first crash landed (if someone has played the Event they can just rewatch the first scenes and take the screenshot) they should be able to send it to you. The only thing that would be annoying would be seeing the "skip" button in the upper corner.
Someone asked, and I delivered:
Glad to hear it. We can bounce story ideas in a PM, and presuming you write in a Google Doc I can just look it over and suggest fixes or point out things which seem odd to me.
I do write the chapters in a google doc before I post them, so yeah. I also have my notes in another google doc, but eeeh, it's messy to put it mildly.

Someone asked, and I delivered:
Hahaha :D

Yeah, I'm not using that.

So lame. :p We're trying to look badass here. :D
I do write the chapters in a google doc before I post them, so yeah. I also have my notes in another google doc, but eeeh, it's messy to put it mildly.

Hahaha :D

Yeah, I'm not using that.

So lame. :p We're trying to look badass here. :D

You can use it as a version of MHX's ship. I mean, it's a spaceship. With the Best Saber on board. Of course it'll transform as the need requires. :p
Do not necro. This is against Rule 7.
This was really fun!

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