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Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

Is there any hope for that universe at all?
No Hope in the Enemy's Hands
Vader used the term "guests" ironically, but in some ways that's exactly what Luke and Ben were. The room they shared was nicely furnished - moreso than his room back on Tatooine had been - and they were well-fed.

The manacles were slightly annoying, but manageable. The only real frustration was the neural disruptor. It was a constant static in the back of Luke's thoughts, which intensified any time he tried to focus. Ben explained that they had been developed for restraining Force-users, since mental state was the one universal requisite of their abilities.

They apparently had no real effect on the old Master, but the little metal circlet managed to keep Luke from using any of his hard-won training in telekinesis or biofeedback. He was very much at Vader's mercy... and mercy was a part of the man that had been removed as cleanly and completely as his limbs.

Vader came to see them almost every day. He would deactivate both their crowns and reach his cybernetic arm out to grasp Ben Kenobi's shoulder. And the two of them would battle.

Luke couldn't think of any better word for it. Even in his limited training, he could sense the massive struggle as unparalleled will was brought to bear against an endless sea of calm. Aggression and passion battered the bastion of self-control.

Every day, Ben won, Vader breaking the link with a wordless snarl. But as days passed, Luke could tell that the old man was wearing down. And, although Ben never confirmed this, Luke was certain that he only had to break once.

Once the contest of wills was complete, if he had time, the Left Hand of the Empire turned his attention on his prodigal son. Although he left the disruptors off for his entire visit, there was no whiff of psychic coercion in what Vader did to Luke. They just... talked.

Well, Vader talked. Luke listened. He didn't mean to, at first, but it wasn't long before he paid rapt attention as Vader shared his memories of a tragic past. Twisted, yes - seen through the lens of paranoia, where everyone in Anakin's life was an inevitable traitor or forlorn victim - but deeply personal and wholly true as the Sith himself understood it.

Luke came no closer to agreeing with Vader; had no interest in joining him. But he came to understand him better, to comprehend the factors that could lead one, step by step, to damnation.

And once Vader had left (or on days where Vader's responsibilities at the station prevented him from coming), Uncle Ben left as well. Not physically, of course, but he spent at least a couple of hours each day projecting himself elsewhere. Luke knew better than to ask whom Ben was talking to, or even allow himself to think about it too much. With one of the strongest psychics in the Galaxy, and their mortal enemy, in their room daily, it was an unreasonable risk.

So Luke spent his time reading books and watching holo-tapes, although not ones that required too much of his attention. And when Ben would return, sometimes he would ask the man questions about what Vader had said, for another perspective on the follies of the Jedi Order.

On one particular day, though, Ben opened his eyes with what Luke saw as resignation. He turned his eyes towards Luke and began, without preamble, "I'm sorry that we couldn't save your sister, my boy. And..." he swallowed, his voice hoarse, "I'm afraid we can't save you either."

A stab of fear hit Luke when he thought he was already numb to it. "We?" he started, but he knew that was a question he wasn't supposed to ask.

Obi-wan ignored the question, and continued. "I have failed you, just as thoroughly as I failed him. I... just..." he let out a shuddering breath. "I want you to know that I tried. But also that -"

The old Master's head jerked away suddenly, and Luke actually felt the burst of alarm from his uncle. "What is it?" he asked after it seemed that Ben wasn't going to finish his lament.

"The Emperor is coming," he replied simply, and Luke knew dispair.
"The Emperor is coming."
Well... well.

At first I thought "Who's going to break first, Luke or Vader." But I don't think Vader's gonna break. Vader is going to see this through.

I hope he pulls a fast one and betrays Sidious with his old Master's help. I'm curious about what went on in their mental battles.

...Vader killed his own daughter. It still doesn't compute. Who knows what that monster will do next.
Those last two chapters seem like quite the significant time skip.
I'm still interested in the goings-on, but it feels like we've skipped a lot of the story leading up to this?
Those last two chapters seem like quite the significant time skip.
I'm still interested in the goings-on, but it feels like we've skipped a lot of the story leading up to this?
This is a little mini-story that's not in the same continuity as the main story. That's why the posts are labeled "Extra" and don't have chapter numbers.
Imperial March
Luke felt the neural disruptor switch off as the deformed old man entered their cell. He panicked when he realized that Ben was still elsewhere, the Jedi's body glowing softly in meditation.

"Be at ease, young Skywalker," Sidious intoned. "Your Master's coordination with the Rebel Fleet is no secret to me. He will be back soon. In the meantime, we can chat." He sat on a chair near Luke's bed. "Are you comfortable here? Has my apprentice treated you well?"

Luke nodded, but found it difficult to know what to say. This was not how he had expected the Emperor to behave.

"Are you surprised that I can be civil? That I would insist that no harm come to you?" The wrinkled face gave a kind smile. "Those who deal first with Vader are often confused when they meet me. He is a monster, you see, while I am not."

"You're both monsters," Luke choked out. "Both servants of the Dark Side."

Chuckling, Sidious shook his head. "Not at all. Vader is a monster because he needs to be. He is a warrior; he keeps piece throughout the galaxy at the point of a sword. Seething anger keeps him strong, able to wield the full power of the Force." He spread his arms. "But me? I have always been a ruler. A man devoted to imposing order through the rule of law, in leading sentients to better lives for all of us.

"The Force does not rule me, young Skywalker - not the Dark Side nor any part of it. No, the Force is a tool like any other."

"You say that," came Ben's voice as he opened his eyes, "but you are as completely ruled by hatred as Vader is."

Sidious shook his head. "You say I am ruled, Master Kenobi. And yet, only one of us reigns in his emotions in order to manage his connection to the Force. Only one of us limits his power, curtails his abilities, because of fear of the consequences of doing what he wants."

"If you succumb to the Dark Side, it consumes you, as you demonstrate so well," Ben insisted, nodding at the ravaged body of the Emperor.

"How shallow of one of your training, to point to my injuries caused by other Jedi during their futile struggle against the Empire, and blame them on the Dark Side of the Force," Palpatine clicked his tongue chidingly.

"If you are not ruled by the Dark Side," Luke asked, "then why are we kept here?"

"You have opposed the Empire. Conspired with the Rebels, inflitrated this Station. Master Kenobi continues to coordinate with the Rebels even now. Should these crimes be left unanswered?"

"Opposing tyranny is no crime," Ben spat.

"Spoken like a terrorist," Sidious shrugged. "My purpose here is threefold. The first is curiosity, as my Visions of the future do not include your capture here. Inevitably you escaped, whether Vader detained Princess Organa here, or held her elsewhere and replaced her with that ghastly butchered clone."

Hope surged in Luke for the first time in days. "Clone? Then my sister-"

"Is alive, of course. As though I'd allow him to dispose of so valuable an asset so carelessly."

Luke exchanged a glance with his Master, who didn't react with the least surprise. "You knew?"

"I suspected," Ben admitted. "I didn't want to give you false hope-"

"Better than no hope!" Luke shouted, the waves of anger pouring through him.

"Good, yes," Sidious smiled. "Do not suppress these feelings like a misguided cripple. All of your emotions link you to the Force, even anger."

"And what is your anger directing you to do, Luke?" Obi-wan pointed out, softly. "Is this the person that you want to be?"

Blowing out a breath, Luke let his anger dwindle, although a small ember remained. "You said three purposes," he prompted their visitor.

"The second is to form the needed mind link with Master Kenobi to confirm the Rebel's plans for attacking the base. It will be far less painful if you submit to it, Obi-wan," he said, not unkindly.

Ben just shook his head in response, and the Emperor sighed in frustration.

"And the third reason?" Luke prompted again.

"To show you true power, my boy," he beamed proudly, "and how much harm the Jedi do to their own potential by their arbitrary constraints."

Luke watched in apprehension as Emperor Palpatine I stood, placing one clawed hand against Ben's forehead. The old Jedi suppressed an obvious flinch, and closed his eyes in concentration. Luke felt the Darkness, at once impossibly cold and lethally hot, envelop the room around them as the battle was engaged.

Sessions between Vader and Obi-Wan had sometimes taken hours, but within barely a minute, a smile crossed the Emperor's face and Ben slumped forward in defeat.

"Curious," Palpatine murmured. "The Rebel plans match my visions quite perfectly. Lure Vader off the station for a dogfight, infiltrate and coopt the Death Star, use it to destroy my personal planetary retreat. No surprises, no shocking secrets? I've already instructed Lord Vader to remain on board to repel the boarding action. And I will be here myself to assure the deployed space fighters are unbeatable."

Ben shook his head in denial, as Sidious continued. "The Dagobah system, now that is valuable intel. Master Yoda, K'Kruhk, Jax Pavan, Shaak Ti, and a dozen younger Jedi. Vader will be pleased at the opportunity to see them all again, once this matter is settled."

"They'll be ready for him," Ben insisted, and to that the old man responded with a deep laugh.

"No, they really won't." He turned toward the door. "The link is forged now, and I'll be back to learn more. These Visions of yours... what your mind keeps calling the 'Star Wars'... they look most valuable."

The door hissed closed behind him, but the two prisoners didn't speak again for quite some time.
Execute: Set.Operations.Variant/Secure()
Astronavigation and repair droid R2D2 would not have called itself 'unhappy' with the plan. Such language was steeped in hedonics - a utility system that strongly prioritized biological pain or pleasure over other considerations.

No, if R2 were asked his opinion of the plan, it would have expressed a valuation of disutility based on the unacceptable probability of scenario collapse. And if Priority User 0B1 had received this valuation, he would have said that the droid was 'unhappy with it.' Which R2 would have then affirmed, as that was a plausible isometric mapping of its thinking into biological terms.

R2 found disutility in evaluating its processing in biological terms, but its Users often did so. Acceptable.

The negative evaluation of the plan was primarily due to the mutiple examples of single failure points that it included, the most prominent of which was R2D2 itself. Should it be incapacitated before fulfilling its function, or fail to properly carry out its instructions due to exterior interference, failure was assured.

R2 had submitted multiple backup procedures to 0B1 when refining the plan, but was consistently rebuffed. "Relying on the Force-masking effect of Dagobah is already questionable," its User had replied during one such exchange. "If we have a failsafe somewhere, I'm sure Palpatine will sense it. Sorry, Artoo, but it's down to just you."

So R2 had taken every effort to make sure its actions would not be impaired. It had multiple backdoors into the communications system of the frigate upon which he was positioned. It stayed close to Guest User Rahm, despite the Jedi's inability to speak Binary, as he received periodic messages from 0B1 and was willing to share those with R2. And it aided in the development of both ship and infantry tactics for the coming assault on the Death Star, despite knowing that any such assault in the absence of the secret plan was most probably a high-casualty failure.

After weeks of operations, the word finally came down: the attack would be in the Taris system, as the Imperial station resupplied on its way to Yavin. That the Empire was targeting the Rebel facility on Yavin was a negative factor in evaluating the likely prognosis of Primary User L314, as she was the most probable source of this intelligence. But it seemed to have the effect of motivating the biologicals to go forward with the ambush.

R2 prepared a probable branching tactical analysis and timeline, along with coordinates and protocols, and sent the encrypted file using the frigate's directional interplanetary communications array. Its own role in the plan complete, it made itself busy making minor repairs and upgrades aboard the ship, being disinclined to enter low-power mode and wait as it had done numerous times before. Every million processing cycles or so, it ran a supplemental set of projections with variant parameters and evaluated the likely success of the mission.

Astronavigation and repair droid R2D2 would not have called itself 'nervous.'
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Hmm, Sid makes some good points here! I am a little confused as to exactly what's been going on here, but I think that's probably a good thing. Obi tried and failed to stop the prequels (a valiant effort, sir), sure, but the behavior of everyone else is still a bit funky even for his actions changing: it's rather dubious that the canon rebels would have ever tried to highjack the death star, as cool as that would be, but does that mean we have weird rebels or a confused emperor?
Hmm, Sid makes some good points here! I am a little confused as to exactly what's been going on here, but I think that's probably a good thing. Obi tried and failed to stop the prequels (a valiant effort, sir), sure, but the behavior of everyone else is still a bit funky even for his actions changing

To clarify, this is not the same continuity as "Complete Detachment." In this mini-story, Adam-wan woke up on Tatooine in 7 BBY with everything exactly as canon (as far as he could tell at the time).

Maybe I should repost this on its own thread?

it's rather dubious that the canon rebels would have ever tried to highjack the death star, as cool as that would be,
Ben convinced them by telling them about Byss. The plan is to use the Death Star to destroy Byss, then destroy it.

(Please note: this is a really bad plan that could never have worked. So is the actual, secret plan that is going to work.)
Ben convinced them by telling them about Byss. The plan is to use the Death Star to destroy Byss, then destroy it.

(Please note: this is a really bad plan that could never have worked. So is the actual, secret plan that is going to work.)

Now I want the secret plant to be "We infltrate as the cast of 'Pimp your Death Star'!"
Because all the Lust based Sith tend to settle down and become reclusive Sith alchemists after conquering a single planet full of hotties.
Great for SW-smutfics (though I'm surprised that I haven't seen any that I can recall with that premise) not so much for other types.
I've read this whole story, (not counting the smut yet), and I've enjoyed every moment of this thus far. Even the 'alternate history' aspects of this you've put in the Extras has been pretty awesome. :D I'm looking forward to more of this my friend and I hope you continue to go far. Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

Also the 'new trilogy' is not my Star Wars...
Ch. 32 - A More Civilized Age
The elegantly curved blade sparked as it hit my chest, the accompanying sting of pain hardly registering as I acknowledged defeat.

"You need to narrow your focus, my young Knight," Master (not quite yet Count) Dooku announced as he deactivated his training blade. "In a duel, your insistence on separating a part of your mind from the task at hand is dulling your reflexes. Your enemy needs to be all that you think about."

I nodded. "I'm not certain that's possible, Master, but I will continue to try."

"I know you will. Avoid that language in front of Master Yoda, however. He bristles at the word 'try.'" The older man stepped to the side to bring water to his lips, and I noticed the sweat dripping from his face.

"Thank you for inviting me to spar with you today," I began, "but I wasn't expecting this opportunity. Might I inquire what prompted it?"

Dooku nodded; I felt his sense of import swell up as he explained. "Following the matters on Naboo and Kamino, several of us on the Council have decided that your Visions should be looked at more closely. Certain measures are being taken to address their more… concerning elements."

"I am glad, Master. Much of what happens in the next few years is certainly concerning."

"Particularly," the Master continued, "regarding your choices in deviating from what you describe." He emanated disapproval, but gently, as though guiding an errant child rather than addressing an opponent.

"I know there are arguments that Visions are the will of the Force. But if you mean to imply that I should have allowed Anakin's mother to remain on Tatooine -"

"Not at all. Although your… intimacy with the Skywalker woman has not gone unnoticed." His emotions there were mixed, at least as far as I could sense. "No, we're concerned with your…" he swept his gesture towards my lightsaber "... combat readiness. The future that you recount seems to hinge heavily, in several places, on your skill with the blade."

"Not that alone, though," I pointed out. "It was always Obi-wan's overall awareness and adaptability that -"

"Why do you do that?" Dooku asked abruptly.

"Do what?"

"Refer to yourself in the third person when describing your Visions."

"I don't always," I grasped.

"No, but it's happened often enough to be commented on." The older man had some sort of suspicion, i could tell, but he closed down on it with an act of will. "That's beside the point. What I'm telling you, Obi-wan, is that your Visions are heavily skewed towards these clashes, and you need to win them.

He stalked over to where his outer robe hung in the training area, and removed a data chit. "We are not arguing you about this, so we had it written into an official mission."

I suppressed a glower at him as I took the small piece of memory. "For how long?" I asked, simply.

"Years, probably. As the Mission states, you will train a minimum of three hours a day, every day, until you best me."

"The could very well take years," I agreed.

"It will take three months, at most," Dooku contradicted.

"Then how -"

"You are then assigned to train with Master Unduli, three hours per day, until you best her. Then Master Tiin, Master Mundi, Master Yoda, and finally Master Windu."

The final name on the list was too much. "He'll kill me in less than three hours!"

"If you began with him today, this would most likely be true," Dooku agreed, returning to his place at the sparring mat. "Hence the sequence of partners. Each should provide you with sufficient skill and endurance to survive training with the next." I began to voice another objection, but he cut me off. "We can discuss this more when we have time. For now, there is still two hours and forty minutes left for today." His smile was toothy, implying some savagery. "The clock is only ticking when our swords are moving. Breaks don't count."

It was a long three hours, and my blade never touched him once.

I propped myself against the floor when he finally called us done for the day, and asked, "Isn't this going to cut into your ability to spend time managing your estates off-world?"

"Most matters can be handled from here," Dooku explained. "And, if needed, you and Olanna can accompany me to Serenno. Just as I am going with you to Ilum in two weeks' time."

"This will constrain our ability to take other missions, then," I pointed out.

"Yes, if the mission is long enough that it would negatively impact our sessions." He pulled his outer robe off the wall and donned it. "Although urgent enough matters may take precedence, many of the items included in your extended timeline may be reassigned to other Knights. You are far from the only Jedi in the Order, after all."

I acknowledged this as I pulled on my own robe. "Thank you, Master, for investing so much in me."

Dooku nodded respectfully, and then added, "If you are not otherwise obligated, I have an appointment in the morning that I would invite you and your Padawan to attend." At my affirmative nod, he continued, "Senator Palpatine and I have continued working to track down older relics of significance to the history of the Order and the Sith. You have expressed your own interest in this, I know, and the Senator has suggested that this should be encouraged. I agree."

"Does this meeting concern anything in particular?" I allowed my curiosity to motivate my question.

"Indeed. A holocron, seized in a raid on smugglers."

"Intact?" I asked excitedly.

"He believes so," the old Master said, "but he has asked me to examine it directly. You will join us?"

"Of course," I agreed. "I am sure Olanna and I can learn a lot from you two."
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You know what would be a good way of avoiding the force shenanigans hiding the emperor? Rule out everyone you know isn't the emperor because you know that they and the Emperor exist simultaneously and then track down whoever you suspect the least.
You know what would be a good way of avoiding the force shenanigans hiding the emperor? Rule out everyone you know isn't the emperor because you know that they and the Emperor exist simultaneously and then track down whoever you suspect the least.
The problem is the vast number of Jedi killed in order 66, any of whom could actually have survived as the Emperor.
Ch. 33 - Requisition and Suspicion
**(To) 0B-1.**

**(To) 0B-1.**

**(To) 0B-1 (from) R2-D2. Acknowledge.**

I finally looked up from my bed where I had been slowly drifting to sleep. Embarrassingly, it wasn't until my droid friend extended his greeting that I recognized the beeps as his attempt to address me. It had been a very long day, and he could sometimes hang out in my quarters for days at a time without a word. "Sorry, Artoo. What is it?"

**R2-D2 submits a resource requisition.**

"Of course. What do you need?"

**$75,000 Republic credits.**

I blinked. "That's a lot of money. What do you need it for?'

**That information will be provided in the future. Query: Resource requisition approved?**

I blinked again. I couldn't remember Artoo ever stonewalling me on information. "Approved, sure. You have access to my accounts already, though."

**Removing funds obligated to a different function is not advised Expenditures in excess of 0.5% liquid assets should be coordinated between managing units.** He made a squeal indicating he was accessing the comm net. **Authorization acknowledged. Assets transferred.**

"You're welcome. Ah, does that mean you've been spending smaller amounts without asking?'


"On what?" The droid hardly ever left the Temple… as far as I knew.

**That information will be provided in the future. Informing 0B-1 at this interval would reduce probability of success from 28.7% to 11.4%. Unacceptable.**

This was making less and less sense. "Artoo, you're saying I'd stop you if I knew what you were doing?"

**Negative. Further information will not be provided at this interval.**

"All right. Good night, then."

I took longer than usual to fall asleep, as I tried to think of what Artoo might be doing. The droid was not what I expected, at all. I'd always thought of mechanicals as just humans in a different sort of body, but working with them had taught me that there was more to it than that. They experienced and thought about the world in a fundamentally different way.

In the end, though, I trusted R2-D2. Of all the characters from the series, he was one of the few that clearly and unambiguously stood on the side of the protagonists the entire time.

It was that trust that finally grounded me enough to get some sleep.


"What do you know about Sith holocrons?" I asked Olanna as we boarded the flyer. I'd been to Palpatine's personal quarters before when working with him on political matters, and Dooku assured me that they were just as palatial as I remembered.

Olanna considered me and the question before answering. "As much as any initiate," she offered. "When we're first introduced to the Jedi holocrons in the Archive, they warn us to respect the gatekeepers within, and that knowledge of the Force is restricted for good reason. The implications are obvious."

"Implications?" I prompted.

"Teachers like to pretend it's a big secret, as though they'll caution us about falling to the Dark Side every lesson, and it will never have occurred to us that it must have actually happened before." She shrugged. "There are stories. A Sith holocron would have a Sith's personality embedded in it as well as their secrets, influencing anyone who uses it. 'The fastest path to the Dark Side is to seek it out.'"

I nodded. "That's probably a good lesson to teach initiates."

Olanna raised an eyebrow. "But you'd teach a different lesson to more experienced Jedi?"

I shrugged. "Knowledge doesn't corrupt, and neither does Force Persuasion. If a Sith holocron makes more Sith, it does so by teaching them something that makes them decide to become Sith. Secrets like that tend to lose their power once they are out in the open."

"So you think the reason why Sith holocrons guard this information, is that the corrupting influence is strongest when the information is studied by an individual and in secret?" She was doubtful of this idea.

"If an idea could corrupt by being spread broadly," I pointed out, "the Sith have certainly had the tools at their disposal to do so. Light is an excellent disinfectant for evil ideas."

"Unless the Sith didn't see the Dark Side influence as 'corruption,' but as power. And they wanted to limit access to that power."

"That… actually makes a lot of sense," I admitted.

"So that's where we're going? To see Palpatine's holocron?"

"To see the one he acquired, yes," I agreed. "He has intimate connections with banking interests on several Core worlds, which I understand to be how he is able to call on such significant resources."

Olanna paused for a moment before she spoke again. "I don't like him," she finally said, quietly, watching me carefully to gauge my reaction.

This surprised me; I didn't know anyone who disliked the Senator other than his political opponents. "What don't you like?"

She swallowed. "Have you followed his political trajectory? How he came to be Senator, to wield the power he does in the Senate?" I shook my head, and Olanna explained, "Each event has a reasonable explanation on its own, or at least a plausible one. But taken together, they create an image of a man more driven by ambition than anything else. And willing to ruin lives to get it."

"I'll look into it more," I agreed, "but have you considered the selection bias at play here?"

"You mean, the fact that I'm looking at the one person who ended up on top, and pointing out it's improbable for one person to win so often?" I was impressed how frequently she was following my reasoning. "That may be. I guess it's just that… well…" she sighed. "His demeanor doesn't match his results. It's… suspicious."

"I think he's just pragmatic. He separates the business of politics from personal animosity."

"As you say, Master," my apprentice-to-be concluded, respectfully.

The hired flyer dropped us on a sweeping balcony, where Palpatine and Dooku awaited our arrival with brandy glasses in hand.
Ch. 34 - Deep Desire
Two things surprised me about the holocron when I first laid eyes on it, set innocuously on the table in Palpatine's parlor like an ornate conversation piece.

The first was that the carvings on the surface of the pyramidal structure were modern Aurebesh letters and represented, as far as I could tell, only modern Galactic languages. In the four I could read, the message was the same: "Open to gain your greatest desire."

The second was that the glowing structure itself bore no signs of age. It wasn't worn, faded, or cracked; the metal that formed the outer surface looked identical to a modern steel alloy often used in tools and shipping containers.

In short, this chronicle didn't look like it was cast out into the forgetting Galaxy by some long-dead Sith Lord in the early days of the Republic. It could have been made yesterday.

"What does it mean, 'your greatest desire'?" Olanna breathed. She eyed the small shape like it was a live animal rearing to strike her.

Dooku's gaze was similarly wary, but more assessing, as he answered, "Power. It is all the Sith desire, and they assume others desire it above all else as they do."

"An understandable perspective, my friend, but not wholly correct," Palpatine chided gently. "In my own studies, I have found many different Sith have very different desires. To some, power is no more than a means to some greater end, to fulfil some deeper need. For love, or security, or to abate fear, or gain revenge." His own measured gaze at the holocron betrayed no hint of concern or fear, only curiosity. "But it is those with a naked lust for power that have risen to great heights in the past, and clashed so colorfully with their Jedi counterparts. And so it is those that the Jedi best remember."

Silence fell, for a moment, before I changed the subject. "Have you opened it yet?"

Dooku shook his head. "I tried earlier, just a brief sending of power as I would any Jedi holocron. It rebuffed me."

"In my visions," I shared, "it took a Dark Force-wielder to open a holocron made with the Dark Side. Or a strong enough show of emotions by a Force-user."

Palpatine looked to the Jedi Master. "Could you manage that?"

Dooku scowled, his eyes not leaving the artifact. "I could, but I will not. My own struggles with the Dark Side are a fresh wound. Perhaps Master Windu-"

"I must continue to ask your discretion in this matter," Palpatine cut off his suggestion. "Most on the Council would take a dim view of how this was acquired, legal though it was."

"Then we are at an impasse," I said simply. "I have never, and will never, allow myself to channel Dark Side energy. It's a bright line I've set for myself. Which means that no one here can - "

"More!" The tiny cloaked figure stood revealed on the platform, surrounded by glowing red energy as the petals of the pyramid folded downward. "Open to it! Show me the full power of your deepest desire!"

"Do what?" I immediately retreated into my mind, reaction speed increasing as I centered myself, assuring that no stray emotion from me had triggered the construct.

But the hologram didn't look at me. I turned my eyes and senses to Olanna, who held the Gatekeeper's attention with full focus as though levitating a delicate object.

I felt the energy that Olanna was sending into the holocron, and I sensed nothing of the destructive Dark Side emotions in it. No hostility, no fear. But neither was it free of emotion altogether. She had a hunger, a deep need for something, although I could not see the object of it. I watched in fascination as she opened herself more fully to the fell thing, letting it feel the deep intensity of her craving. Whatever it was she was drawn toward more deeply than I had ever wanted anything.

"What is happening?" the Senator asked in confusion, but both Dooku and I were stunned into silence, at least for the moment.

"Yes; yes!" The figure cackled in open delight. "That is more than enough. You, young Jedi initiate, have demonstrated that you possess the seed of greatness: the first element that distinguishes those destined to wield the full power of the Force. There is something that you truly want."

I allowed my protective instincts to wash over my surface without affecting the calm underneath. Whomever this Sith was, Olanna was far too young to be faced with the task of confronting him. I raised my hand, ready to forcefully close the holocron and break the link -

But Dooku's hand on my arm held me back. Meeting his gaze, he nodded, and I understood his meaning with no words exchanged. I needed to trust my apprentice - to save her if something went very wrong, but to allow this to play out for as long as she safely maintained it.

"What is your name, young one?" The cloaked figure asked.

"Olanna," she said simply.

"The Padawan to Obi-wan Kenobi. We have met before."

She frowned. "You mean, I have met the Sith who made this holocron? When?"

The gatekeeper cackled again. "In due time. The other presences in the room, then, are Kenobi, yes? And… the Count of Serenno?"

"This isn't just a repository," I interjected, "it's an intelligence. Olanna, you are in danger."

The girl turned to me. "But you said a Sith holocron couldn't corrupt, only teach. Do you have so little faith in me, Master?"

"Indeed," the image intoned. "Obi-wan clearly thought that he would be the one to access this. Worry, not, young one. With the knowledge contained herein, your master will see your true worth, will give you the faith that you deserve."

"Fascinating," Palpatine breathed, but his interest was lost in the intense emotions of the Force-users on the room.

Plucking the holocron from the table, Olanna held it up to her sight, but looked through it to meet my gaze. "That may be true, gatekeeper," she smiled, "but you have lost sight of one thing. Obi-wan may not have sufficient faith in me, but I have complete faith in him. At his word, I will destroy this holocron without hesitation."

"Ah, perhaps just close it?" Palpatine asked in a panicked voice. "It's quite irreplaceable…"

The cloaked figure gave another cackle. "Your master will allow you to learn from me, because his desire is also found in this chronicle. When you have proven yourself worthy, you will be given access to everything herein, including my plans and how to find me."

"And who," Olanna asked, "are you?"

"I am the ruler of the Galaxy," he said simply. "The one who sent Darth Maul to kill Adi Gallia, and arranged for his defeat at the hands of Kit Fisto and Qui-Gon Jinn. The one who assured that Anakin Skywalker would be found on Tatooine and trained as a Jedi. Who arranged for the Jedi to take on the burden of a Clone Army."

"You're the Emperor," I found myself saying.

"I will be," the cloaked figure agreed, turning to me directly. "I am Darth Sidious. And I assure you that this is the only way you will learn what you have forgotten in time."
Right. Well, that happened.

And I am a bit confused. So, is this Palpatine fucking with the Jedis, or is this someone else fucking with both Palpatine AND the Jedis?

My first thought is that it was Obi-Wan himself who made the Holocron and then blocked/deleted his own memories so as to make sure that nobody could grab the information from his mind (and thus ensuring Palpy wouldn't just instakill him or something), but still leaving a way for him to learn the things he'd forgotten about.
Palpatine is, hands down, the best villain in the entirety of the Star Wars franchise. He is also the best Sith. Maybe not the greatest, that's probably Marka Ragnos, nor the most powerful, that's probably Vitiate. He's also not the wisest (Venamis), the best swordsman (Tulak Hord), or the most inventive (Sorzus Syn). However, no one rivals his sheer unbridled passion for being a Sith. The quality that makes him a Sith, his sithness, is unparalleled. This little scene here, and the fact that every single person reading it immediately accepted it as completely reasonable and in character, demonstrates that fact.
So Palpatine shows up with a sith holocron and tells them not to tell the council, and they just go along with it? Either Palpatine is doing some serious mental force bullshit or the SI just got hit by the dense protagonist stick.

Honestly at this point the only way for this plot to make sense is for Palpatine to actually have been fucking with the SI's head the whole time and to have seen all his memories, in which case does any of this even matter?
So Palpatine shows up with a sith holocron and tells them not to tell the council, and they just go along with it? Either Palpatine is doing some serious mental force bullshit or the SI just got hit by the dense protagonist stick.

Honestly at this point the only way for this plot to make sense is for Palpatine to actually have been fucking with the SI's head the whole time and to have seen all his memories, in which case does any of this even matter?
I'm starting to wonder if Palpatine remembers that he's Darth Sidius, because otherwise this is a hell of a risk to take, even for him.

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