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Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

Regarding 'Corona-chan' & Black Humour
Here's what I consider to be the final word on this matter:

Yes, black humour is a valid coping mechanism. You're welcome to indulge in it privately, or amongst groups of like-minded friends. However, sharing it publicly is inadvisable because not everyone will be able to appreciate any humour that is to be found in the situation. This is an ongoing issue that is affecting people. While you might be able to find entertainment in it there are likely those browsing this thread who have lost or are currently losing loved ones.

I won't speak for elsewhere on the site, but do not post Corona-chan in this thread. Likewise, seriously reconsider any black jokes you may be thinking of posting here.
I doubt anyone posting 'cute genderbent Osama-chan' right after 9/11 wouldn't have been drummed out from all angles even here
No, I think sane, rational human beings would have about the same reaction, either way. But sane, rational human beings aren't the ones you'd have to worry about. The people who strap bombs to their chests, on the other hand...
On the plus side, things are starting to plateau out in most areas, which means that it won't get any worse than this and should start getting better soon (re: in a couple of weeks when the current asymptomatic carriers run their course). Of course, 'better' does not mean 'over', chances are pretty good it'll be months before this is over- and some places that refuse to practice proper quarantine might remain restricted for years.

As doomsday scenarios go, this one's proven rather less disastrous than it could have been.

Now let's just hope they don't do what they did with the first SARS outbreak and stop funding vaccine research the second it goes dormant. I was amongst those quite vocal about needing to complete a SARS vaccine back then, everyone just said we were being reactionary.
On the plus side, things are starting to plateau out in most areas, which means that it won't get any worse than this and should start getting better soon (re: in a couple of weeks when the current asymptomatic carriers run their course). Of course, 'better' does not mean 'over', chances are pretty good it'll be months before this is over- and some places that refuse to practice proper quarantine might remain restricted for years.

As doomsday scenarios go, this one's proven rather less disastrous than it could have been.
That's basically what I've been saying since the start. This was never going to be the end of the world, not when our great grandparents survived Spanish Flu despite it being ten times worse than COVID and not even being able to make proper vaccines for it since microscopes powerful enough to see viruses and DNA strands didn't exist yet back then.

If you guys have some time to spare I recommend Extra History's video series on the subject.

Not too worried about the end of the world here, just looking to make sure my father gets through this alright. He's in his 70s with lung issues and I'm not wanting to bury him just yet. I've managed thus far to keep the two of us pretty well isolated and it seems to be working.
Governor: we extended the lock down, blah blah blah, you can still go out to the public park with your families and go on the lake! Btw, you can't buy paint or non essential items to work on things around your house. Stay home, stay safe.

...I think she got her priorities a little shifted there.
On the plus side, things are starting to plateau out in most areas, which means that it won't get any worse than this and should start getting better soon (re: in a couple of weeks when the current asymptomatic carriers run their course).
Umm... no.

That's basically what I've been saying since the start. This was never going to be the end of the world, not when our great grandparents survived Spanish Flu despite it being ten times worse than COVID and not even being able to make proper vaccines for it since microscopes powerful enough to see viruses and DNA strands didn't exist yet back then.
The Spanish Flu was not ten times worse than COVID, and the lack of microscopes able to see viruses had little to do with why we didn't have a vaccine for it. We also still don't have microscopes powerful enough to see DNA -- not that either COVID or influenza have any -- in any meaningful sense. Very specialized techniques are needed to get the images you have likely seen; that requires specialized techniques like electron cryotomography. The original work on its structure was done using X-ray crystallography, which really, really can't be described in the terms you used.

Meanwhile, the flu vaccine vastly predates that work, with the first flu vaccinations dating to the early 1930s, and the widespread use of the flu vaccine to the 1940s. The formulation we still use today was developed in the 1950s.

The discovery of the structure of DNA is usually dated to February 1953.

In other words, ah, no.

Meanwhile, we still don't have a COVID vaccine, and won't for at least a year or two, so that side of things is utterly irrelevant.
An estimated twenty million people dead in India alone says otherwise.
It's India. A country where some religions still practice cannibalism. Their hygiene practices are... well, they regularly get Typhoid outbreaks. Typhoid. It's just salmonella, it's not hard to prevent the spread of salmonella. Cook your food, wash your hands, don't stick your tongue in an infected person's butthole. That's about all you have to do to prevent typhoid.
It's India. A country where some religions still practice cannibalism. Their hygiene practices are... well, they regularly get Typhoid outbreaks. Typhoid. It's just salmonella, it's not hard to prevent the spread of salmonella. Cook your food, wash your hands, don't stick your tongue in an infected person's butthole. That's about all you have to do to prevent typhoid.
And if I see similar numbers for this outbreak then I'll start to be concerned. What I'm not going to do is panic and start ranting on forums or social media about how terrible everything is, especially because so far everything has been going pretty great for me. I'll probably never get to just sit around and play video games for days at a time again before retirement, so I'm enjoying the heck out of this shutdown. You guys keep wringing your hands over it if you want but I'm not going to join in.
Yeah I'll believe it when I see it. From a medical professional, not from some guy on the internet.
You don't have to take my word for it. You just have to look at the infection graphs. Bing has a tracker that makes it easy. Here is Johns Hopkins's version, although I can't link directly to the page for India; just click on India in the country list and click "logarithmic"; you'll see the pattern soon enough.

Of course, those numbers are probably underestimates, given the fact that they only count confirmed cases and India has even more testing issues/gaps than we do here in the US.
That's basically what I've been saying since the start. This was never going to be the end of the world, not when our great grandparents survived Spanish Flu despite it being ten times worse than COVID and not even being able to make proper vaccines for it since microscopes powerful enough to see viruses and DNA strands didn't exist yet back then.

An estimated twenty million people dead in India alone says otherwise.

Please don't be one of those who looks at the absolute numbers to make comparisons. That won't tell you anything. Look at the mortality rates instead. The numbers typically thrown around for Spanish flu are somewhere in the range of 4-10% dead. I've seen official estimates for COVID-19 at around 3.5% and 6%, which are probably underestimates if we judge by how SARS estimates went. So really, Spanish flu and COVID-19 are in the same ballpark. Although what age groups are most affected is definitely a significant difference.
Rule 1. You should jsut not have said that kind of shit to start with, because that's frankly disgusting. No matter what, stop that shit of celebrating the misery of those you hate.
I actually like the death and violence and religous madness so nakedly gripping everyone in my shithole of a country called India. Looking at the heartbroken faces of families who've lost such bright children, babies, parents and friends is quite heartwarming for me.

Did you also know that the city of Indore here tried to stone and mob some doctors coming there to inspect soem supected carrier cases to death and the doctors only barely got out alive after running for their lives while heavily injured? It's on video.

I have much to say about the religious fanatics the country is plagued and I don't even know where to start about those trash bags. So i will keep my mouth shut about it.
Here is what I found in pics.


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