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I try as much as possible to avoid authors notes so just advanced warning. This is an insert fic...
Semblance Possiblities.
So i'll rarely do this. And i already have a few potential ideas but i thought i would open it up see what everyone else can come up with.

What do you think a good Semblance for Itachi would be?

The rules?

It cannot be something usable in combat. A. Itachi already has more than enough combat effectiveness as it is but also B., mans a pacifist and semblances are a reflection of the soul. So if you want to suggest one then the rules are simple, it cannot in any way have any effect in combat. At all. That means if its a healing semblance, it can only be used in a hospital scenario, not as a combat medic, maaybe some sort of long setup as an example. Think Lie Ren as an example of the type of semblance Itachi would have, and if you can link it back to something canon to Naruto then all the better!
Guest Omake - John Rook
Omake: This will be my first write in on this platform EVER so, be nice. Not my first story but I'm a very new writer. This was based off of a bit I made in a comment on this very thread between Roman and Cinder and after reading what Salius wrote I thought, "Yeah, why wait?" So I made into reality. Again, I'm still a very nooby writer any and all critisism is welcome.

The Rook:

"It's not what you did Cinder that pisses me off. It's who you did it to." Roman said quite out of the blue.

They had gotten back from raiding a dust shop when a girl with a scythe came in and nearly captured Roman had it not been for me. When they returned to base, Roman started to be annoying, well more than usual, and started ignoring everything she ordered him to do. She demanded what got him in such a pissy mood and tried to narrow it down. Finally he talks and all I do is scoff. So she said back, "Who? That fucking girl?" Was she infamous or something?

They were currently in Torchwick's office with him sitting in his chair. He stood up from said chair and moved around his desk to face me standing up. Once we were face to face, Neo appeared to his side and offered him a glass. Whiskey from the smell and color. Taking the glass and sipping at the liquid, she roll my eyes at his dramatics. Finally he looks at me again and says, "That fucking girl, is the sister of Itachi Uchiha."

At the name drop, Neo visibly shudders making Cinder raise a brow. Neo wasn't the most powerful, that belonged to Cinder, but her skills and semblance are nothing to scoff at. Looking back at Torchwick, she see that he had taken another sip and had closed his visible eye.

Roman opens his eye to look at mine and explained, "He's a ghost, the supposed partner of Qrow Branwen. He's called The Rook."

Making her scoff, "Like the bird? What's that three now? Qrow, Raven and now 'The Rook'." She say mockingly even putting sarcastic emphasis on a 'feared' name. "So what is he? The bogeyman?" As she says with a faux fearful expression with false trembling hands.

Surprisingly neither one reacted. Then Roman smirked, "Not exactly." He takes the full shot this time and places it on his desk. "He's the one who kills the fucking bogeyman."

Though she'd never admit this, not even to herself, she got a bit scared. But, it had to be just words right? Nothing else.


"One time, I was in Junior's Bar for a drink. These guys were getting rowdy when Itachi tried to get them to leave peacefully. They denied him and told him to piss off. I then saw him incapacitate all 10 guys. With a pencil." He then got very close into her personal space. "A fucking pencil." He then went back to his previous spot. "He did all this in barely the blink of an eye."

If the last statement made her scared, this one made her terrified. Seeing her expression, he nodded to himself. "One day Neo and I were robbing a bank, as you do." He then takes off his hat and checks it over, "Itachi came in, trying to play hero. So, I underestimated him." Neo suddenly gave Torchwick another shot of whiskey which he downs immediately. "The damage he'd done that day lay foundation of most of my scars. Hell, it's why my hat has some of it's brim missing." He chuckled completely devoid of humor.

He shakes his head, puts his hat back on and turns to leave for his door before pausing at the doorway and tilts his head to look back at Cinder. "If he decided to go after you, I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do. Save for the Brother Gods themselves. So you better start praying Cindy." With that he left her with only her thoughts.

A/N: First ever Omake. Hope it's somewhat okay. Like I said, any and all critisism is welcomed.
Power Scaling Info - As of Arc 1 - Chapter 6
A few people have asked about power scaling, both here and elsewhere so i thought i'd just summarise where we are at Chapter 7.

Regarding Itachi - I think anyone who knows the slightest bit about Naruto knows how powerful mr author insert Itachi himself really is. Dropping him in to remnant as is, is basically a recipe for a three chapter story. So my initial story plan was always to start him at the bottom and work his way up. A large part of his story on Remnant is one of growth and change.

Currently, his aura and chakra do not work how he expects them to. As a reminder, this isnt the Itachi who died at 21 in a fight that he had to produce, direct and play the main character in in order to feasibly lose without making it obvious he threw, and allow Sasuke to unlock the mangekyo. This Itachi started off in the body of the fourteen year old ANBU. His body was not hardened by Akatsuki life, he didnt have to make compromises to remain viable through his lung disease and blindness. He's a little soft due to the lack of real challenges on remnant the grow the way he did previously. The knowledge is there, but the body is not. And a large portion of his change inpower development is down to Aura. He's been forced to trade control for raw power, which doesnt vibe at all with his way of fighting. He's physically weaker, and lacking the ability to use his prodigious sensory skills and his body control without his immense Chakra control.

Conversely, his reserves are massive and unwieldy. It allows him to express power a lot wider, but a lot less surgically.

Story willing however, he will work his way back toward and beyond where he was previously.

Regarding the rest of Remnant.

I love RWBY (Caveat: Mostly seasons 1 through 3 but there are a few standout parts in the later seasons too), i wouldnt write fanfic about it if i didnt. But anyone who watches it know it's powerscaling is somewhat... eclectic. And more than a little bit all over the place. It isnt quite as bad as Worm, the other fandom i write in, but it's close.

In baseline RWBY, there are legitimate genin in part 1 Naruto who could probably sleepwalk through 75% of the RWBY cast, disregarding Jinchuuriki, Neji in particular but Lee, Sasuke, TenTen, Temari. A few others. My Remnant powerscaling moves academy students at Beacon level to be roughly on or even somewhat beyond depending on year the level of the rookie nine at the Chuunin exam, and then everyone scales from there. The tools to be powerful are there in RWBY canon, i'm just applying and amplifying them a bit. Teams like CVFY would be on par with team Gai for instance.

Finally, after taking this in to account, there is a large element of butterfly effect due to Qrow and Itachi's bodacious journey, and Summer living. Pyrrha, Winter, Glynda, Ozpin, Qrow, Taiyang, Vernal, Adam Taurus, Cinder, Hazel, Raven are probably the biggest beneficiaries of this. Ironwood is also hugely more powerful than he was in canon RWBY as fitting with his station. Lionheart is also quite powerful for the same reason. Im probably missing characters but i will explain those in story.

If Itachi's Chakra and Aura were fixed, right now, changing nothing else and allowing him to start training his original skillset back up, he would currently sit between Ironwood and Ozpin in power. That would put him over 90% of the fics cast. The explanation on *some* of his isssues will arrive in the next chapter, i've got third round edits to do on it yet but hopefully should be out on the 26th/27th. My current plan is to iron out the first half of the story by arc 6, and the true explanation will probably arrive around then muse dependent.

Hopefully this answers any questions about powerscaling differences, but if you have any questions at all then please, drop them in the thread and i will answer. Please do not be afraid to criticise, dislike, or give a negative review. I *thrive* off those. One of the hardest things to receive in fanfic is legitimate well meaning criticism. If you think something doesn't work, doesn't flow right or could be done better if handled differently, then drop it in the thread! I dont ever take umbrage with people taking a negative slant, i need that to improve!