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Regarding the timeskip, there will be a few flashbacks, but the prologue arc was mostly to set the tone, this is the real start so to speak. I will cover some important past plot points later however as they become relevant.
Good job with that, makes it so you don't get bogged down trying to do too much before canon.
Wow there's a lot to unpack here! Okay, so immediate jump start to cannon is something I honestly didn't expect but don't mind. So five years have passed and it's safe to say that Itachi has gotten quite popular and will grow by a factor of 10 once he releases Tyrian's death. Also, Tyrian's dead! Nice one from Itachi there to take out a threat before he could continue to be one. Next, his spars with Pyrrha and a possible romantic partner to Itachi. I personally wouldn't mind that to be the case. Early seasons Jaune just don't deserve someone as sweet as Pyrrha but I just know our boy Itachi will treat her right.

Next, his tango with the silent, deadly and attractive Neo. Seeing as we've jumped a lot during the 5 years we'll get flashbacks but I honestly don't mind. Hell, with how this story goes I'll probably look forward to those flashbacks. Then, there's his infamy amongst the underworld. It was going to happen whether Itachi liked to or not. I wonder if he also went by Crow or maybe another Corvid. Like Magpie. Whatever, anyways 5 years is a lot of time to build infamy and I just realized something.

I really want an interlude for Roman/Cinder when they realize they just attempted to kill Itachi's sister. It'll be like that John Wick scene all over again. "I once saw him kill 10 people in Junior's bar, with a pencil. A fuckin pencil." Like I'm already getting chills and you haven't even begun to start writing.

There are so many more things I want to talk about but these are the highlights. Keep up the amazing and consistent work!
Now, how much thirst for Itachi can we expect from the female cast?
Willow and Qrow are together together or together?

Him... Together together if the guy with the lucky semblance strolls in.

I'm just quietly celebrating Willow killing her stupid husband, and polite society can't do shit about that. She's the rightful head of the SDC. That's kind of a first for me in RWBY fanfiction.

This was another good chapter. Thank you. I loved the interactions between Itachi and the headmaster (edited: not pyrrha we didn't even see that).... But there's absolutely no way Pyrrha could even come close to beating Itachi unless he holds back a lot. She just doesn't have the experience with actual lethal fighting compared to tournaments. I doubt she went and did some mercenary work for a different perspective.

I hope future chapters won't get bogged down in people fan-girling and fan-boying over Itachi, or upstarts trying to beat him. I'd much rather see him interact with the people he truly cares about or others with depth, and progress the plot. Or unpack the past.
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This was another good chapter. Thank you. I loved the interactions between Itachi and the headmaster (edited: not pyrrha we didn't even see that).... But there's absolutely no way Pyrrha could even come close to beating Itachi unless he holds back a lot

Just to point out, She didn't beat Itachi. She lost, handily, likely got really competitive and then forced a tie.

And she's nothing to scoff at either. She's arguably the strongest non-maiden, non-magic using, human on human combatant on Remnant, barring maybe one or two edge cases that hard counter her.

The thing about her powerset, is that the only thing that beats her is wide scale damage and overwhelming force, something that obviously wouldn't be used during a spar and she comes with a pretty potent counter to some of Itachi's kit. Itachi likely can't manipulate the senses her semblance gives her, which means she can feel the metal around her even under illusion, which means even if Itachi puts her under she'll likely feel a vaguely human shaped object(Metal eyelets in shoes, metal buckles, metal rings/jewelry, metal weapons, etc.) moving in her direction which doesn't match up to what she's seeing. And with illusion semblances around, she'd quickly learn to trust her semblance over her eyes. There's also the possibility (Read probability) that after losing to Itachi, she's stopped holding back her semblance in a fight, she stops hiding it, stops using it for covert manipulation and goes directly into overt, wide scale and wide range manipulation of metal. So now everything metal on Itachi is a liability, both weapons and clothing/accessories. So unless he went into that fight explicitly with no metal on him I can see him having a difficult time at first, which is probably why it ended up a tie.

Metal manipulators are kind of a big deal in a world where a lot of important shit is made of metal, Just look at Magneto and how he can make Wolverine his bitch, I can see a similar problem with anyone even remotely focused on weaponry.

A good chapter, bit surprised by the timeskip but getting into canon after 25K words was probably prudent, don't want to have an entire novel before the events of the canon storyline even begin, unless you were trying to tell such a story at least.
Just to point out, She didn't beat Itachi. She lost, handily, likely got really competitive and then forced a tie.

And she's nothing to scoff at either. She's arguably the strongest non-maiden, non-magic using, human on human combatant on Remnant, barring maybe one or two edge cases that hard counter her.

The thing about her powerset, is that the only thing that beats her is wide scale damage and overwhelming force, something that obviously wouldn't be used during a spar and she comes with a pretty potent counter to some of Itachi's kit. Itachi likely can't manipulate the senses her semblance gives her, which means she can feel the metal around her even under illusion, which means even if Itachi puts her under she'll likely feel a vaguely human shaped object(Metal eyelets in shoes, metal buckles, metal rings/jewelry, metal weapons, etc.) moving in her direction which doesn't match up to what she's seeing. And with illusion semblances around, she'd quickly learn to trust her semblance over her eyes. There's also the possibility (Read probability) that after losing to Itachi, she's stopped holding back her semblance in a fight, she stops hiding it, stops using it for covert manipulation and goes directly into overt, wide scale and wide range manipulation of metal. So now everything metal on Itachi is a liability, both weapons and clothing/accessories. So unless he went into that fight explicitly with no metal on him I can see him having a difficult time at first, which is probably why it ended up a tie.

Metal manipulators are kind of a big deal in a world where a lot of important shit is made of metal, Just look at Magneto and how he can make Wolverine his bitch, I can see a similar problem with anyone even remotely focused on weaponry.

A good chapter, bit surprised by the timeskip but getting into canon after 25K words was probably prudent, don't want to have an entire novel before the events of the canon storyline even begin, unless you were trying to tell such a story at least.

Those are good points, but I think it's more accurate to say that she has around the highest potential to be a world class fighter when her opponents are people . She hasn't even gone to beacon yet -- she not going to defeat the average hunter right now.
Those are good points, but I think it's more accurate to say that she has around the highest potential to be a world class fighter when her opponents are people . She hasn't even gone to beacon yet -- she not going to defeat the average hunter right now.

So if you are interested in the context of the fight (I will probably get to a flashback of it in the second Arc) it happened when Pyrrha was 15 and Itachi was 18, when she was between tournament wins. Her father is a long term contact of Qrows and they get a little competititve with each other about their apprentices. Qrow obviously thinks a fight is a great way to make new friends and he wants Itachi to make some new friends around his own age.

Power level wise, Itachi is still fighting the way itachi does, minimum force bought to bear and is still searching for the answer to his aura control issues and the effect they have on his chakra stamina (Even now during canon). Pyrrha is still the once in a lifetime duelling genius but with a lot less emotional control due to her age.

First fight - Itachi does itachi things, a little disrespectful, leads her round by the nose with illusions. They clash physically a few times and are roughly evenly matched with her having the physicality and stamina advantage and him having the overwhelming skill advantage. He does the usual and uses illusions to let her beat herself. (Normal itachi would be more than a match physically, but this itachi has physical issues due to the dual energies. It's something we will explore during the first few arcs.)

Then Itachi makes big huge mistake. Through a breathtakingly dumb engagement with the old Uchiha arrogance, he disrespectfully lets Pyrrha know that he beat her with illusions. Up to that point she's fell for the illusion and thought she's lost to a simply superior opponent. Obviously girls a fighting genius and asks for a rematch.

Now armed with the knowledge that Itachi fights with illusion, she shuts off relying on her regular senses and follows the one sense she's sure he can't corrupt. The sense of metal granted by her semblance. She counter traps him using his own illusions as bait, and when he gets fully taken in she stabs him in the thigh with Milo in spear form, it bounces off his Aura and skims the family jewels with a critical effect on his aura level. Itachi gets a little spooked by it and she grabs him by his collar and headbutts him. If she had stabbed she would have won but the headbutt knocks both of their aura below 50 and it gets called as a draw.

She swears to beat him next time and Qrow removes Itachi before they can get involved in another fight.

To this day Itachi has no clue how a 15 year old physically bitchslapped him through multiple layers of illusion.
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So if you are interested in the context of the fight (I will probably get to a flashback of it in the second Arc) it happened when Pyrrha was 15 and Itachi was 18, when she was between tournament wins. Her father is a long term contact of Qrows and they get a little competititve with each other about their apprentices. Qrow obviously thinks a fight is a great way to make new friends and he wants Itachi to make some new friends around his own age.

Power level wise, Itachi is still fighting the way itachi does, minimum force bought to bear and is still searching for the answer to his aura control issues and the effect they have on his chakra stamina (Even now during canon). Pyrrha is still the once in a lifetime duelling genius but with a lot less emotional control due to her age.

First fight - Itachi does itachi things, a little disrespectful, leads her round by the nose with illusions. They clash physically a few times and are roughly evenly matched with her having the physicality and stamina advantage and him having the overwhelming skill advantage. He does the usual and uses illusions to let her beat herself. (Normal itachi would be more than a match physically, but this itachi has physical issues due to the dual energies. It's something we will explore during the first few arcs.)

Then Itachi makes big huge mistake. Through a breathtakingly dumb engagement with the old Uchiha arrogance, he disrespectfully lets Pyrrha know that he beat her with illusions. Up to that point she's fell for the illusion and thought she's lost to a simply superior opponent. Obviously girls a fighting genius and asks for a rematch.

Now armed with the knowledge that Itachi fights with illusion, she shuts off relying on her regular senses and follows the one sense she's sure he can't corrupt. The sense of metal granted by her semblance. She counter traps him using his own illusions as bait, and when he gets fully taken in she stabs him in the thigh with Milo in spear form, it bounces off his Aura and skims the family jewels with a critical effect on his aura level. Itachi gets a little spooked by it and she grabs him by his collar and headbutts him. If she had stabbed she would have won but the headbutt knocks both of their aura below 50 and it gets called as a draw.

She swears to beat him next time and Qrow removes Itachi before they can get involved in another fight.

To this day Itachi has no clue how a 15 year old physically bitchslapped him through multiple layers of illusion.
Does Itachi even have the sharingan does he use it in the fight against Pyrrha or is his control messing that up too
Does Itachi even have the sharingan does he use it in the fight against Pyrrha or is his control messing that up too

He has it, he used it against Oz, but its heinously expensive to use for him at the minute. He's not wasting trump cards on a friendly spar and a big part of his perssonality is that he always goes for minimum strength. If they were to spar a third time he would definitely use it if only to attempt to see how the hell she is selectively ignoring illusions without dispelling them.

Surprise kills, and he got hella surprised by her. It's left him with no small amount of respect for her abilities.

Now if it were a *fight* and not just a spar he would have absolutely rolled her at that time. Magnet manipulation doesnt do much when your opponent can selectively manipulate the landscape and throw fire dragons the size of your house at you. He underestimated her and overestimated the effect of his illusions.
I wonder if he also went by Crow or maybe another Corvid. Like Magpie.

His codename as Ozpins apprentice is 'Rook', for the dual meaning, both a Corvid and a chess piece.

Popularity wise at the moment, he's not super well known to the public, in the hunting records he is a reliable but evasive hunter rarely seen out and about. Obviously that is about to change, by design Oz wanted him out of Salems line of sight until he had regained a portion of his previous power. He's still not quite where Oz wants him power wise but he's willing to take the gamble at the moment.

Thanks for the review, I'm glad you are enjoying the story :) I may write that Roman scene you mentioned as an Omake later, you gave me a good chuckle with that, or if you want to give it a shot feel free!

Willow and Qrow are together together or together?

Together together at the moment. Theres a lot of backstory there to go through later.

Him... Together together if the guy with the lucky semblance strolls in.

I'm just quietly celebrating Willow killing her stupid husband, and polite society can't do shit about that. She's the rightful head of the SDC. That's kind of a first for me in RWBY fanfiction.

This was another good chapter. Thank you. I loved the interactions between Itachi and the headmaster (edited: not pyrrha we didn't even see that).... But there's absolutely no way Pyrrha could even come close to beating Itachi unless he holds back a lot. She just doesn't have the experience with actual lethal fighting compared to tournaments. I doubt she went and did some mercenary work for a different perspective.

I hope future chapters won't get bogged down in people fan-girling and fan-boying over Itachi, or upstarts trying to beat him. I'd much rather see him interact with the people he truly cares about or others with depth, and progress the plot. Or unpack the past.

Theres a lot to unpack with the Willow stuff, but the situation is essentially Itachi's fault though not intentionally. Just some butterflies that got accidentally pruned and lead to A. Weiss injury against the armour being significantly worse and B. Willow absolutely losing her shit. I'll cover it in the coming arcs.

Not much fanboying or girling don't worry. Might come up in some interactions and ill have to cover the initial reaction to the callows news, but otherwise it will be something in the background.

Now, how much thirst for Itachi can we expect from the female cast?

Not much as i prefer to write the women in my stories as people rather than anime gender stereotypes, they'll find him attractive for sure, he's a good looking guy, but it won't be the focus of interaction as most of the women he interacts with will be warriors first anyway.
what's the update schedule like?
It very much depends on work as i work in supply chain and have a kid so theres a significant level of disruption that can occur which removes my writing time. During good times i try to update all my fics at least once a week, and in really good times i can crack out a chapter a day, but if work gets busy it can drop to as low as once in two months. Its basically at the whim of work.
Guest Omake - John Rook
Omake: This will be my first write in on this platform EVER so, be nice. Not my first story but I'm a very new writer. This was based off of a bit I made in a comment on this very thread between Roman and Cinder and after reading what Salius wrote I thought, "Yeah, why wait?" So I made into reality. Again, I'm still a very nooby writer any and all critisism is welcome.

The Rook:

"It's not what you did Cinder that pisses me off. It's who you did it to." Roman said quite out of the blue.

They had gotten back from raiding a dust shop when a girl with a scythe came in and nearly captured Roman had it not been for me. When they returned to base, Roman started to be annoying, well more than usual, and started ignoring everything she ordered him to do. She demanded what got him in such a pissy mood and tried to narrow it down. Finally he talks and all I do is scoff. So she said back, "Who? That fucking girl?" Was she infamous or something?

They were currently in Torchwick's office with him sitting in his chair. He stood up from said chair and moved around his desk to face me standing up. Once we were face to face, Neo appeared to his side and offered him a glass. Whiskey from the smell and color. Taking the glass and sipping at the liquid, she roll my eyes at his dramatics. Finally he looks at me again and says, "That fucking girl, is the sister of Itachi Uchiha."

At the name drop, Neo visibly shudders making Cinder raise a brow. Neo wasn't the most powerful, that belonged to Cinder, but her skills and semblance are nothing to scoff at. Looking back at Torchwick, she see that he had taken another sip and had closed his visible eye.

Roman opens his eye to look at mine and explained, "He's a ghost, the supposed partner of Qrow Branwen. He's called The Rook."

Making her scoff, "Like the bird? What's that three now? Qrow, Raven and now 'The Rook'." She say mockingly even putting sarcastic emphasis on a 'feared' name. "So what is he? The bogeyman?" As she says with a faux fearful expression with false trembling hands.

Surprisingly neither one reacted. Then Roman smirked, "Not exactly." He takes the full shot this time and places it on his desk. "He's the one who kills the fucking bogeyman."

Though she'd never admit this, not even to herself, she got a bit scared. But, it had to be just words right? Nothing else.


"One time, I was in Junior's Bar for a drink. These guys were getting rowdy when Itachi tried to get them to leave peacefully. They denied him and told him to piss off. I then saw him incapacitate all 10 guys. With a pencil." He then got very close into her personal space. "A fucking pencil." He then went back to his previous spot. "He did all this in barely the blink of an eye."

If the last statement made her scared, this one made her terrified. Seeing her expression, he nodded to himself. "One day Neo and I were robbing a bank, as you do." He then takes off his hat and checks it over, "Itachi came in, trying to play hero. So, I underestimated him." Neo suddenly gave Torchwick another shot of whiskey which he downs immediately. "The damage he'd done that day lay foundation of most of my scars. Hell, it's why my hat has some of it's brim missing." He chuckled completely devoid of humor.

He shakes his head, puts his hat back on and turns to leave for his door before pausing at the doorway and tilts his head to look back at Cinder. "If he decided to go after you, I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do. Save for the Brother Gods themselves. So you better start praying Cindy." With that he left her with only her thoughts.

A/N: First ever Omake. Hope it's somewhat okay. Like I said, any and all critisism is welcomed.
Omake: This will be my first write in on this platform EVER so, be nice. Not my first story but I'm a very new writer. This was based off of a bit I made in a comment on this very thread between Roman and Cinder and after reading what Salius wrote I thought, "Yeah, why wait?" So I made into reality. Again, I'm still a very nooby writer any and all critisism is welcome.

The Rook:

"It's not what you did Cinder that pisses me off. It's who you did it to." Roman said quite out of the blue.

They had gotten back from raiding a dust shop when a girl with a scythe came in and nearly captured Roman had it not been for me. When they returned to base, Roman started to be annoying, well more than usual, and started ignoring everything she ordered him to do. She demanded what got him in such a pissy mood and tried to narrow it down. Finally he talks and all I do is scoff. So she said back, "Who? That fucking girl?" Was she infamous or something?

They were currently in Torchwick's office with him sitting in his chair. He stood up from said chair and moved around his desk to face me standing up. Once we were face to face, Neo appeared to his side and offered him a glass. Whiskey from the smell and color. Taking the glass and sipping at the liquid, she roll my eyes at his dramatics. Finally he looks at me again and says, "That fucking girl, is the sister of Itachi Uchiha."

At the name drop, Neo visibly shudders making Cinder raise a brow. Neo wasn't the most powerful, that belonged to Cinder, but her skills and semblance are nothing to scoff at. Looking back at Torchwick, she see that he had taken another sip and had closed his visible eye.

Roman opens his eye to look at mine and explained, "He's a ghost, the supposed partner of Qrow Branwen. He's called The Rook."

Making her scoff, "Like the bird? What's that three now? Qrow, Raven and now 'The Rook'." She say mockingly even putting sarcastic emphasis on a 'feared' name. "So what is he? The bogeyman?" As she says with a faux fearful expression with false trembling hands.

Surprisingly neither one reacted. Then Roman smirked, "Not exactly." He takes the full shot this time and places it on his desk. "He's the one who kills the fucking bogeyman."

Though she'd never admit this, not even to herself, she got a bit scared. But, it had to be just words right? Nothing else.


"One time, I was in Junior's Bar for a drink. These guys were getting rowdy when Itachi tried to get them to leave peacefully. They denied him and told him to piss off. I then saw him incapacitate all 10 guys. With a pencil." He then got very close into her personal space. "A fucking pencil." He then went back to his previous spot. "He did all this in barely the blink of an eye."

If the last statement made her scared, this one made her terrified. Seeing her expression, he nodded to himself. "One day Neo and I were robbing a bank, as you do." He then takes off his hat and checks it over, "Itachi came in, trying to play hero. So, I underestimated him." Neo suddenly gave Torchwick another shot of whiskey which he downs immediately. "The damage he'd done that day lay foundation of most of my scars. Hell, it's why my hat has some of it's brim missing." He chuckled completely devoid of humor.

He shakes his head, puts his hat back on and turns to leave for his door before pausing at the doorway and tilts his head to look back at Cinder. "If he decided to go after you, I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do. Save for the Brother Gods themselves. So you better start praying Cindy." With that he left her with only her thoughts.

A/N: First ever Omake. Hope it's somewhat okay. Like I said, any and all critisism is welcomed.
Love it! A few perspective/tense issues and missing commas but overall for a first try really enjoyable! I've given you a spot in the extras tab!

Thank you for posting!
Omake: This will be my first write in on this platform EVER so, be nice. Not my first story but I'm a very new writer. This was based off of a bit I made in a comment on this very thread between Roman and Cinder and after reading what Salius wrote I thought, "Yeah, why wait?" So I made into reality. Again, I'm still a very nooby writer any and all critisism is welcome.

The Rook:

"It's not what you did Cinder that pisses me off. It's who you did it to." Roman said quite out of the blue.

They had gotten back from raiding a dust shop when a girl with a scythe came in and nearly captured Roman had it not been for me. When they returned to base, Roman started to be annoying, well more than usual, and started ignoring everything she ordered him to do. She demanded what got him in such a pissy mood and tried to narrow it down. Finally he talks and all I do is scoff. So she said back, "Who? That fucking girl?" Was she infamous or something?

They were currently in Torchwick's office with him sitting in his chair. He stood up from said chair and moved around his desk to face me standing up. Once we were face to face, Neo appeared to his side and offered him a glass. Whiskey from the smell and color. Taking the glass and sipping at the liquid, she roll my eyes at his dramatics. Finally he looks at me again and says, "That fucking girl, is the sister of Itachi Uchiha."

At the name drop, Neo visibly shudders making Cinder raise a brow. Neo wasn't the most powerful, that belonged to Cinder, but her skills and semblance are nothing to scoff at. Looking back at Torchwick, she see that he had taken another sip and had closed his visible eye.

Roman opens his eye to look at mine and explained, "He's a ghost, the supposed partner of Qrow Branwen. He's called The Rook."

Making her scoff, "Like the bird? What's that three now? Qrow, Raven and now 'The Rook'." She say mockingly even putting sarcastic emphasis on a 'feared' name. "So what is he? The bogeyman?" As she says with a faux fearful expression with false trembling hands.

Surprisingly neither one reacted. Then Roman smirked, "Not exactly." He takes the full shot this time and places it on his desk. "He's the one who kills the fucking bogeyman."

Though she'd never admit this, not even to herself, she got a bit scared. But, it had to be just words right? Nothing else.


"One time, I was in Junior's Bar for a drink. These guys were getting rowdy when Itachi tried to get them to leave peacefully. They denied him and told him to piss off. I then saw him incapacitate all 10 guys. With a pencil." He then got very close into her personal space. "A fucking pencil." He then went back to his previous spot. "He did all this in barely the blink of an eye."

If the last statement made her scared, this one made her terrified. Seeing her expression, he nodded to himself. "One day Neo and I were robbing a bank, as you do." He then takes off his hat and checks it over, "Itachi came in, trying to play hero. So, I underestimated him." Neo suddenly gave Torchwick another shot of whiskey which he downs immediately. "The damage he'd done that day lay foundation of most of my scars. Hell, it's why my hat has some of it's brim missing." He chuckled completely devoid of humor.

He shakes his head, puts his hat back on and turns to leave for his door before pausing at the doorway and tilts his head to look back at Cinder. "If he decided to go after you, I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do. Save for the Brother Gods themselves. So you better start praying Cindy." With that he left her with only her thoughts.

A/N: First ever Omake. Hope it's somewhat okay. Like I said, any and all critisism is welcomed.
Really hope this is canon.
Arc 1 - Sensei : Chapter 2 - Duty
Chapter 2 – Duty

"Councilman Argilla. The answer is still 'No'. I will not pull my apprentice from his duties so he can come and act as your bodyguard for your trip to Shade. He has duties to attend to at Beacon for the foreseeable future and I am not restaffing my school when the new term starts in mere days."

I can hear a diatribe on the other end of the call but the Headmaster chooses to leave the scroll off speaker mode.

"Regardless my answer is still no. Whether you think the PR will be good for your image to have the killer of the 'Hunterbane' on your right hand for six months. The PR gain will still be much greater having Itachi at home in Vale, teaching the children of some of our most influential citizens. Regardless of that, he is a free man, not a servant that I can barter around like some form of chattel."

The diatribe gets louder and Ozpins expression darkens. The walls start to churn as the atmosphere turns dangerous.

"Are you threatening me councilman?"

The line goes silent as whoever is on the other end of the call seems to realise their mistake.

"Don't call my line again unless you have something reasonable to say. If you want my apprentice to work for you, wait for him to finish his assigned duty and then approach him with a reasonable monetary offer. Unless you would like me to speak with the full council on the dire circumstances that require my student to be illegally forced to be your performing monkey, taking him away from teaching and hunting."

He hangs up the scroll with a forceful push.

"That sounded fun." I interject.

He turns a glare to me, he's actually steaming mad which is not usual for the headmaster. He's always been a paragon of emotional control.

"Three approaches I've had to bat away this past week for your services. The councillors seem to be living in the days of the old kingdom where an apprentice was basically a personal attendant and servant."

I chuckle in response to which he turns a betrayed expression to me.

"Don't give me that look." I shake my head, pouring him a cup of his favourite tea. "You warned me what would happen with me, you didn't bother to think about what the consequences on yourself would be?"

He takes the cup and sips, eyes closing in relief.

"I may have slightly underestimated the effect of Callows being put down. Do you know Grimm attacks in the frontier towns are down 20% in the week since the news released?."

It makes sense, negative emotion attracts them and with everyone being ludicrously happy negativity is at an all-time low.

"Callows must have been a real monster, I knew of him obviously from training with yourself and Qrow, but it was always in the abstract. 'Stay away from this guy he's dangerous' but I mostly sunk myself into training or general history."

He nods.

"As you should, at your level of training Tyrian was well beyond you. You are lucky beyond all else that Tyrians semblance had no effect on your Chakra."

And he is right. The fight against Tyrian was like fighting Hidan if Hidan had guns attached to his wrists and more than a single digit brain cell count. I survived by the skin of my teeth and only his hesitation at not expecting my sheer strength via chakra reinforcement allowed me to decapitate him in a flurry of surprise attacks. He arrogantly stood to absorb my attack expecting that my lack of Aura would cause me to bounce off his.

I rapidly disabused him of that notion.

Which left me in my current predicament. The headmaster interrupts my musing by continuing with what he was saying.

"Tyrian was a monster among monsters. A large portion of the fear of Faunus in Atlas and western Mistral can be laid at his feet. At my estimate over a hundred hunters have lost their lives to that man over the years. Nearly three times that in civilian casualties. Two now abandoned frontier towns, solely his responsibility. He would allow himself to be seen approaching an area to increase negativity and would slip in while active Grimm attacks were ongoing to hamstring the guardsmen so the townspeople could see their fathers and sons devoured in front of them. I expected that you would gain no small amount of fame for ending him. I should have expected that fame to spill over to myself."

Which is why I am currently camped out in the headmasters office double checking his onboarding paperwork for the incoming students.

Looking over the set of papers I am working on I spy something rather interesting.

"Headmaster, this student apparently attended lessons at Oscuro and Higanbana at the same time."

"The Arc boy?"

I check the name. 'Jaune Arc'.

Nodding at the headmaster I make to pull the transcripts for deeper inspection.

"Don't bother Itachi. They're fake."

I recoil.

"They're in the 'Approved' pile. You've already sent invitations to attend!"

He simply smiles and indicates for me to return the transcripts to the pile.

"I owe his grandfather a debt, just paying it forward. I have a good feeling about this one."

Holding myself back from rolling my eyes I double stamp the paperwork and move on. Let him play his games.

"Itachi. I appreciate your assistance with preparing for the new term, but I am an old hand at this. Enrolment is tomorrow, then the Emerald Trial the day after. Go outside and have some fun. And no training!"

I rub the back of my head with a perplexed expression on my face.

"What do people do for fun that isn't training?"

He turns a deadpan expression on to me.

"Of course you would ask that. Why would I expect different? Pick up an instrument, paint, find some sort of hobby that doesn't relate to throwing garden trowels at oblique angles. Take one of your admirers out on a date. Go and dance in Juniors club and get into trouble with his bouncers. I don't care as long as it doesn't relate to fighting or getting me in trouble with Glynda."

At that he gathers up his paperwork from my desk and drops it on his.


I flicker out.

Now what the hell can I do that doesn't involve fighting or training…


"He said what?"

"Yeah you know that red midget with a reaper fetish that you attacked. That's Rook's little sister. You know the guy that crucified Cheshire in his own gangs heartland. The guy that just got announced as the ender of Tyrian fucking Callows?"

I nod, and swallow deeply. Cinder is not going to like this. Not for the first time I consider getting my perfectly formed ass out of Vale.

"What's he offered?"

"Let's put it this way Roman. I could buy the building next to me and make a copy of my club in there."

My head drops, this is not good news.

"For the name and location of my 'friend?'"

"Yes. I highly recommend you take your hat in hand and get your ass up to Beacon while he is likely to be in a charitable mood with his sisters entering the school. If the Rook has to come and find you, you know how that worked out for the last guy to breathe funny in his families direction."

The story of Cheshire is an abject warning to the gangs of Vale. Rook wants nothing to do with us. But if you look at his sisters or family in a vaguely threatening manner. Well.

Cheshire was an idiot. A reviled gang leader even among gang leaders, a killer of no small reputation amongst other things, he made the small mistake of watching the Rose family a little too carefully on one of the families trips to Vale. Rumour was he was going to attempt a hostage job on one of the more well know hunter families.

He was found contorted into a modern art sculpture nailed to his own bedroom door with kunai in the courtyard of his gangs main base of operations.

There was never any confirmation of who did the deed of course. But only one person uses kunai in this area of the world and the warning was easily read.

'Do not fuck with my family.'

To be fair to me, I didn't even recognise the girl decked out in huntress gear and carrying a six-foot scythe! Seriously who uses a weapon bigger than them?

"Thanks for the heads-up Junior. I need to go and find a vault to hide in. See you later."

I better call her and then try to speak to him before I wake up with a new set of piercings.

The scroll rings once before she picks up.

"Roman. How nice to hear from you. I'm currently busy whipping some amateur terrorists into shape so make it very quick. No problems I hope."

"Uh yeah about that Cinder, we have a pretty big problem actually."

She turns her face to the screen.


"You ever hear of Rook? Or as he's now publicly known, Itachi Uchiha?"

"No, but given your tone I'm sure you are about to disappoint me."

"Well I live to disappoint women you know that. You might want to get out of town."

Her voice turns, if possible even more dangerous.

"Oh?" she purrs.

"You watch the news recently?" I ask.

"No?" She seems confused.

"Go check the scrollnet. World news. Then check your mail."

"This had best not be a practical joke Torchwick."

I hear movement and rustling in the background.

A few minutes later she picks the scroll back up.

"So let me get this straight. I have to bail you out of a failed robbery at a backstreet dust store, after you somehow lose a fight with a fifteen-year-old girl, only for you to then tell me she is the sister of Ozpin's apprentice? Someone strong enough to kill the Hunter's Bane?"

She does not sound happy.

"Well it gets a little worse than that boss." I tell her nervously.

Her eyes start to do the creepy glowing thing they do.

"Worse?" she hisses.

"He's put a bounty out on your name and location. Seems he's pretty angry about you attempting to tenderise his little sister and well. Look up the name 'Cheshire' in your spare time. Safe to say I'd recommend you get out of the country while I try to smooth things over." I attempt a soothing voice but it's not really in my wheelhouse.

"I don't run." She snarls.

"Neither do corpses and we bury them all the same. Call it a tactical retreat, take a few weeks out of town for his temper to blow over. You might be able to beat him in a fight with your power. Ya took down me and Neo easily enough. But so did he. You wanna risk an angry brother strong enough to kill Callows hunting you down? Methinks not."

She literally growls.


Like an angry dog.

"I'm stuck out in the woods with this little cabal of animals at the moment until Taurus returns. I'm sending Emerald and Mercury early to keep things moving with the White Fang and to investigate this apprentice. Keep things moving your side, get me the damn dust. Once I am finished here I will head out to Mistral and work on the rest of the plan there. If you let me down Roman, It won't be one of Ozpins pawns you are afraid of."

"Rooks actually. Seems like the headmaster is deploying some of the more powerful pieces. Junior says he's teaching at the school this year."

She looks thoughtful at that.

"Maybe a little seduction is in order?"

I snort at that.

"He's never so much as sniffed in the direction of a woman for as long as Junior has known him, and that's not for lack of trying on the twins part. Junior would swear he plays for the same team except he's never had any interest in men either. So good luck finding the key to that padlock. Maybe we could make it a competition?"

She scowls at the camera.

"We shall see."

The line goes dead.

Well how's that for appreciation? Save a girl's life and she just hangs up on you. And I was just about to tell her about the green haired witch not being the best trump card to deploy against Rook after what he did to Neo.

Shame that.

Well, time to get incognito and head up to Beacon. Need to head this off before the chopping block grows legs and heads in my direction.

It's exhausting keeping all the players happy at once.

Heading into the streets of Vale without a plan in mind seems like a poor idea. Given that the furor about my actions in Mantle is still at its highest I feel like it's probably a recipe for annoyance.

I could transform, but non-elemental chakra usage is still the most overly expensive usage of chakra at the moment. Not as much as when I arrived here and it gets better as my Aura control gets better but still.

An expense I would prefer not to pay for such banal purposes.

I would prefer to just go and train, I still need to get proper control over my overactive dual energy sources, but the headmaster is right. I do need something to do that isn't combat.

Were my clan around I would be encouraged to play my Shamisen, or Kagurabue. The Uchiha have a long and tempestuous history with music. Our eyes, sense of rhythm and near photographic memories making us quintessential players of instruments of all kind.

But it's been literally years since I picked up an instrument, and I don't need another burden on my time. If I learn something, I intend to master it completely.

If Summer and Taiyang weren't away I would go and catch up but there's no-one but the house sitter back in Patch so no point in heading out that way.

Am I really so sad that my only real friend in Vale is the headmaster?

Damn. I've become a recluse. At twenty. You were right after all Shisui. I did need you to talk to people for me first.

Looking down from the rooftops I can only sigh at the crowds below. Everyone is getting their shopping finished before the new school year starts. The smiling happy crowds are a contrast to when I was in Mantle. Everything seems so peaceful here.

I think I will head over to the book store, and see if there are any interesting fiction books to catch my eye.

With a few quick flickers, I am above one of the local book traders. I've been here before years ago but at the time for reference guides and non-fiction learning material.

Pulling up my hood to try and avoid being recognised, I make my way inside to see a room literally filled to the brim with books and bookshelves. Behind the counter a dark haired man with a mutton chop beard tends to the counter.

"Hello, welcome to Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun." He turns to me with a warm smile before taking a step back at seeing my shrouded face.

"Hi, I'm not sure what I'm looking for but could you recommend any particular fiction books?" I attempt a disarming smile but if anything he seems even more nervous.

I pull my hood back slightly to show my full face.

"I'm trying to not be recognised outside, if you could keep my presence secret it would be appreciate it.

He's taken aback when he recognises me, but then with a firm nod of his head he agrees.

"Sorry about that, get a lot of dodgy types around here, always wary if I can't see a face but I understand. Your that 'Itachi' guy. Good job on Callows, guy gave us all a bad name."

I nod. He doesn't look like a faunus but his feature could be hidden and it wouldn't be polite to ask.

"Well I've got all the usuals. Top tier fiction is on the shelves to the left, bestsellers and such like The Boy who fell from the Sky. Separated by region. I've got some of the more popular young adult series like Violet's Garden over on the wall by the door."

He looks me up and down.

"You are 20 yea?"

I nod.

"21 soon."

He chuckles.

"I also have some of the popular mature fiction like 'Ninjas of Love', 'Cold Heart/Hot Love' and 'My Sweet Samurai' if that's your jam."

What's 'mature' fiction I wonder? Like blood and heavy action type books or closer to what Master Jiraiya would write?

Well in for a lien I suppose.

"I'll take the top ten from each section please, Young Adult, Bestsellers and Mature."

He goggles a little.

"That's a lot of books, do you have the money?" He rattles off a total.

I nod, pulling out my cards and sliding them over the counter.

Thirty books bagged up, I thank Tukson, and make my way back toward the bullhead station, stopping on the rooftops to seal my new acquisitions.

As I flicker across Vale, sun setting in the sky, my scroll vibrates with a message.

"I'm at the Bullhead station in Vale. Heard you were in town. Meet? R."

Interesting, now how did he know I was here?

"On my way." I send off my reply and head for the station.

Arriving at the station, I notice he's wearing a jogging outfit and a beanie that covers his hair entirely.

Roman Torchwick, athlete?

But I'm not here to joke. Taking a seat next to him, he takes a drag of one of his horrible cigars. It doesn't quite fit the image.

"She's left town."

I raise an eyebrow but don't say anything more.

"Just to get it out of the way, I had no clue she was your sister, you know I want absolutely no part of that and I wasn't going lethal anyway. So if you need to break something go ahead but preferably not me."

"Who was your 'friend'" I ask calmly.

"I can't tell you Rook. I really can't. You might kill me, true. But she definitely will kill me. She's got two minions heading in to take control of her operations and she's retreating to either Mistral or Atlas, not sure yet but you've got her wary. She won't be attempting to kill any more teenagers put it that way."

Hmm. He's telling the truth mostly. Or at least he believes he is.

"Is she a threat?" I ask.

"To you? Possibly she's an AOE fighter if you get her pissed off and she's got more Aura than anyone I've ever met and yes that includes you. Enough control of it to casually take me and Neo down at the same time. Martial artist, weapon master. You name it. I get the feeling she isn't quite used to fighting people on her wavelength though and she's both wary and intrigued."


"Enough to consider seduction." He grimaces.

No-ones tried that on me since. Hmm. The Cloud kunoichi waitress in Tanzaku Gai back in the Akatsuki days maybe. The one who wanted me to get her pregnant and to take my eyes, and not necessarily in that order.

"I'm not worried about seduction. If she's out of town then she's out of my range for a few months. I'll have some associates look into her. I've got friends in Atlas and Mistral."

He nods at me and his hands stop shaking.

"Roman, I'm not going to kill you because my sister beat you up. I'm only interested in your friend. I wasn't lying when I said I hate killing. I have a few people I'll scour the world to protect and anyone else will get the soft touch."

I tap him with a lightning chakra enhanced finger and he goes slack as the accompanying illusion takes, and his body is tricked into believing the nerves in his extremities lost the ability to carry signals.

As he slumps over toward me I head the shattering of glass behind me and I hold my hand out in warning.

"Stay out of it Neopolitan. I'm simply giving a warning."

She materialises behind us with her umbrella pointing at me but she doesn't make a move.

I lean down to Torchwick's ear and whisper my warning.

"Next time you see one of my sisters, retreat. I don't care about the circumstances. Are we clear?"

His eyes twitch and I take it as a surrender.

"If your friend shows back up in town, call me. Immediately."

Neo nods and grabs her partner, disappearing in a shattering of glass. Like I don't see her shadow sneaking away.

Even on my day off drama seems to find me. I wonder what Summer and Taiyang are up to on their vacation. I should probably call them soon and let them know that the girls got in trouble but I just want to let them have a bit of peace. I'll give them a week and then let them know.

I'm interrupted from my bored, waiting for the bullhead thoughts by a brown-haired missile stopping in front of me.

"Like, omigod you're that Itachi guy aren't you!"

I forgot to put my hood back up. Well I did this to myself. Plastering on my best fake smile, I nod. No point in being rude and damaging the headmasters reputation.

The girl puts her arm over my shoulder and puts her scroll right in our faces. Just before she takes the photo she turns and kisses my cheek as her scroll flashes.

I turn a flat look to her as she rubs the back of her neck.

"Better to ask forgiveness than permission right?" she says, giggling as she runs off into town.

Next time someone asks me for a selfie they're getting the 'hell viewing technique' used on them.


Little more slice of life than i was expecting to write but should get to school life after the next chapter and then we get start pushing some of the plot points up. Most of you can probably see the open plot threads and such comign together, and some of the butterflies that are starting to form.
Arc 1 - Sensei : Chapter 3 - Watcher
Yep, Double Chapter. Read the previous one first ;)

Chapter 3 – Watcher

Observing the enrolment ceremony from next to Ozpin and Glynda is an experience to remember. The sheer scale of the halls and building here still fills me with awe even these many years later.

The auditorium from which Ozpin makes his preterm speech is a truly cavernous room made from beautiful marble and granite panels with interspersed brickwork. High set seating above interspersed arches surround the upper tiers. Blue panels and strip lighting dot the room giving a vague 'technological' vibe to the otherwise quite old-fashioned space.

Architecture is… eclectic here. But it seems to work for the school.

As a crowd of prospective students starts to arrange into ranks arrayed around the stage, I see my sisters having a verbal slapping match with what looks like Weiss Schnee.

Oh do I have some ammunition to use on Qrow later.

I'd rather not be here on a stage in front of a bunch of strangers, but apparently as the now publicly acknowledged apprentice of the headmaster, this is one of my duties as long as I am at the school.

I catch Glynda's eye and she rolls her eyes indicating at Oz. Seems like she doesn't want to be stood up here either.

Looking over the crowd I receive more than a fair share of speculative looks and murmurs.

"Killed Tyrian Callows…" "Headmasters first apprentice in a decade…" "Youngest professional hunter in history…"

It seems like history does indeed repeat itself.

Unfortunately fame travels fast in this world. The invention of global real-time communication for the masses means that news travels faster than a shinobi.

Junior was, if anything, understating the public reaction to my ending of the Callows psychopath.

Vale Herald

Tyrian Callows reign of terror ended by Beacon headmaster Apprentice!

In a stunning development out of Mantle, Vale's own Itachi Uchiha has put an end to the seemingly impossible to end killing spree of notorious serial killer and mass murderer, Tyrian Callows. The twenty-year-old Itachi, who has been recognized as the youngest ever huntsman to receive a professional hunters license, has become the talk of the city states.

Further to this sensational news! Beacon headmaster, Ozpin, has publicly acknowledged Itachi as his own apprentice. The first such apprentice in a decade!

The young huntsman carries a spotless record, earning his hunting license at the age of sixteen after single-handedly taking down a hive of Geist, saving the Arblight estate, part of the city of Kuchinashi from certain destruction. With a 100% success rate across numerous small to moderate hunts, Itachi has proven himself to be a hunter who cares about getting the job done, and not about the reputation he seems to scorn.

Itachi is believed to be taking up a position as an assistant professor this year at Beacon, following his heroic takedown of Callows. Callows, who was responsible for the confirmed deaths of over four hundred citizens across the city states, including seventy hunters and huntresses, will certainly not be mourned! An unnamed assistant to General Ironwood of Atlas has hailed Callows' death as "one of the most important events of our time," and the man himself has allegedly even offered Itachi a position in his personal group of Atlas specialists. However, Itachi has turned down the offer, choosing to rejoin his teacher at Beacon to continue his work, much to the relief of the people of Vale.

What's next for Vale's young hunter of killers? This reporter will be watching closely to see how his career develops. In the meantime, the people of Vale can rest easy knowing that their hometown hero is keeping them safe.

Since the news cycle picked up on my victory, the past week has been utter madness. Even if you discount the Vale Council suddenly deciding I would be the perfect gopher and having to help the headmaster with his work while he takes them to task. That wasn't the end of it.

My scroll is inundated with requests for interviews, thanks, and offers. Some of a dubious nature and some of a more… well, not so dubious as more… lascivious nature… I've no idea how most of these people got my scroll details but I suspect the Headmaster knows. Not that he would tell me.

In the elemental nations you never had to deal with this when dealing with a bounty, but then again killers with kill counts in the hundreds were commonplace. Callows was an outlier even in a world of outliers. The "Hunter's Bane" had a kill count theorised to be in the high hundreds.

You would think that would have been the hardest thing I had to do in my career here but standing under the eyes of all these prospective students, I think I'd rather go back and fight him again.

Ozpin clears his throat into the microphone. A little theatrical but it gets the point over and the hall quietens as me and Glynda take up position as his left and right hand.

"I'll, keep this brief."

Adjusting his ridiculously impractical glasses, he looks over the assembled ranks and continues.

"You have travelled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."

He makes a point to sweep his gaze across the entire rank of prospects as people start to whisper.

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose. Direction."

He straightens, and Glynda and I straighten to match.

"You assume knowledge will free you of this. But your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far."

Ruby is practically vibrating in excitement as Yang looks on in boredom.

"It is up to you to take the first step."

The headmaster walks off to the side of the stage as Glynda steps up to the mic.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She states sternly to the assembled crowd.

As Glynda walks off stage to follow the headmaster I look over the students.

Many of them do not look ready, I am thankful my sister isn't one of those.

The Arc boy doesn't even have an aura presence.



The blonde fraudster doesn't have any Aura.

I body flicker away to the gasps of the students.

"Hmph. He is still showing off at any chance I see." Weiss sneers with a disapproving tone.

I'm struggling with this girl. Really struggling. Mom says I should be "empathic" and "reasonable" but I'd rather just crack heads.

She's been a grade-a bitch since Ruby tripped her accidentally while she was carrying dust. Seriously who carries dust around in public? Especially at a busy school? But noooooo Ruby sneezing was totally my little sisters fault when there's fire dust in the air.
I wonder if I could get away with just outright telling her to get bent.

No, Itachi would probably somehow hear it with his stupid bat ears and then he'll do that disappointed face and poke me in the head and make me feel about a foot tall.

Older brothers are so frustrating man.

Oh no, Ruby is engaging with her again.

"Who do you mean Weiss?"

"Itachi Uchiha of course, teleporting away in front of everyone."

Oh boy. She just dissed big bro in front of Ruby. That's not a mistake you'll make twice.

I swear actual lightning bolts bounce between their eyes as Ruby rears up and glares at her.

An actual glare too, not one of those 'Ruby' glares that makes you think about puppies.

"Itachi is not showing off he's just super cool like that! And it's not teleporting he's just super-duper fast!"

Weiss scoffs.

"Hmph he's a brute and that uncle of his is even worse. Always clomping around like they own the place."


Damn, Ruby might actually get in her first cat fight here.

Do I stop it?

Or do I make a quick popcorn run?

Popcorn. Obviously.

"Uncle Qrow?" Weiss looks Ruby up and down. "You mean to tell me that Uchiha is your brother???" she actually looks a little green.

Ruby gives out a satisfied nod.

"He taught me half of what I know." Ruby says with a smug face.

Weiss turns her nose up.

"Well, he's still a brute!"

Before Ruby can work herself up to the point Schnee ends up with a scythe shaped implant, I have to interrupt.

"How do you know my brother?"

She looks me up and down, before looking at Ruby.

"You two are sisters? I can see the resemblance between Itachi and Ruby, but you look nothing alike." She looks between us with a squint.

"Different moms jackass. Mines not around anymore and Itachi is adopted."

She at least seems a little sorry at that. She turns to look at me fully and I notice she has a gnarly scar down her forehead and onto her lower left cheek, she must have only just avoided losing the eye but even with the scar she still looks more like a princess than anyone else here.

"Hmph, My apologies then. In answer to your question your uncle helped my mother out with something sensitive and your brother was there showing off. My father died and your brother was the one to take me to hospital. His –" She puts on a squeaky mocking voice. "super-duper speed" – "made me throw up."

"I'm sorry about your father."

She snarls.

"I'm not. Surely you saw the news about him? It's all over the Atlas newspapers like the rest of my families business."

"Uhh no sorry, doesn't ring a bell but I don't really read the news much ya know?" I say. Something rings a bell about Schnee but I'm just not that interested in international news.

She looks me in the eyes as if to check if I am mocking her, before nodding.

"Jacques Schnee. He did this to me." She points at her cheek.

I wince.

"I'm sorry for asking. But that doesn't explain why you hate my brother? If anything he helped you right?"

She sniffs.

"He made me throw up on myself when he moved me. It made me feel weak."

I don't think I was supposed to hear the last part, But I nod in condolence anyway.

"Join the club sister, he makes us feel weak every week but, he always makes you feel like you can catch up with him, ya know?"

She looks thoughtful at that.

"Still a show off."

I grab Ruby by the collar as she dives for Weiss.

This girl might not be so bad after all.

I do have to wonder why the girl I now recognise as the invincible Pyrrha Nikos is doing everything in her power to look like she isn't eavesdropping though.

"The Arc boy doesn't have his Aura unlocked." Is the first thing I say to the headmaster.

He nods. Of course he already knows.

"So when the boy hits the emerald forest at terminal velocity, do you have the condolence letter pre-written or were you planning on ad-libbing it?"

He looks at me with a dry expression.

"If none of the other students intervene I will make sure his landing is a safe if uncomfortable one. I have a good feeling about him."

I want to say 'Maybe you are just intrigued by mind shattering idiocy' but then he took me on as a student so that might be a little too on the nose.

"And when he ends up without Aura and semblance in the emerald forest, surrounded by whatever Grimm Port has managed to lure into the area?"

He steeples his fingers under his chin.

"I won't allow him to perish if that is what you are getting at. The boy chose to enter the trial without Aura. I want to see his resolve."

I sigh.

"Headmaster is this one of those games where one of us ends up having to sneak into the police station and doctor the reports again?"

He smirks.

"What do you mean 'one of us'? I have a minion to do that kind of busywork for me now, you may have met him."

I glower at him but the infuriating smirk does not dissipate in the least.

"Next time you prank Glynda, I'm going to record evidence that it's you. Then I will laugh when she makes you cry."

No. No effect. The smirk is still there.

I decide to change the subject, he isn't going to give me anything else on this one.

"I'm not a fan of the attention I'm getting Headmaster."

He nods.

"That's why I gave you a few years to prepare, but with Tyrians end we had to take advantage with both hands. Having a global reputation for competence will open a lot of doors. Not just for you but for me and the school as well."

He's right, but I don't have to like it.

"I'm not doing any press conferences."

He snorts.

"You'll choose to do one yourself before long. Trust me. You think it's bad now, you're just 'new and exciting' currently. Wait until you are the 'dark and mysterious stranger', you will not get a moments peace."

Damn him.

"If the Arc boy ends up on Ruby's team you know who I am going to blame right?"

He laughs.

"I'm planning on putting him with your 'mystery Mistralian'."

I glare at him in silence until he stops chuckling.

"Pyrrha has a kind heart and an immense sense of duty, and Mr Arc has a very large Aura potential and the backing of a powerful bloodline. It's a good match."

I have to agree, if you look at the students purely as chess pieces it is a good match. Looking over the teams he is planning to put together I have to disagree though.

"Maybe put Arc with Belladonna. Put Lie Ren and Valkyrie with them. You'll have a team of two potential heavy hitters and two infiltrators with each set paired off. The other three won't care about her past with the Fang and putting her with Weiss with her current outlook on faunus would be a minefield."

He hums, "And your sisters team? I though you wanted them away from Miss Nikos."

I grit my teeth.

"It will be uncomfortable but it makes the most sense. Pair off Ruby and Weiss, they will act as a foil and a rival for each other pushing each other to new heights. Then pair Yang and Pyrrha. Yang's aggression and wilful 'live life to the fullest' attitude will temper and be tempered by Pyrrha's overly self-destructive sense of personal duty. They'll help each other be much more grounded and they will find common ground in their competitiveness."

He looks thoughtful.

"A little hypocritical for you to be criticizing someone for a 'self-destructive sense of personal duty' don't you think??"

I turn a flat expression to him.

"How do you think I recognise it so easily? She reminds me far too much of myself."

His expression turns thoughtful.

"It's less beneficial to the school, Ruby's team will be a little overloaded in talent with the other being a little underpowered, but I can see a certain attraction to the layout."

He starts muttering to himself.

"RSPY and ABRN, Raspberry and Auburn. Hmm it might work. Would need to come up with a different development schedule. And possibly a personal trainer for the boy. Hmm."

"Headmaster?" I interrupt him before he gets on a tangent.

"I'll take it into consideration Itachi."

I nod. I'll take what I can get when he is in one of these kinds of moods.

"So uh, how do we get down? There a lift somewhere?"

There are a few loud bangs behind me but I ignore them as I look to the headmaster for answers.

This is a very large cliff, and everyone is just stood looking over it like we aren't on the edge of one of the biggest drops I've ever seen.

I almost feel airsick all over again...

"No Mr Arc, you shall be falling."

More loud noises behind me as my vision kinda, tunnels at the headmaster.

Did he just?

"Did I miss the parachute handout?"

There's the barest hint of a smirk on the headmasters face.

"No Mr Arc, you shall be deploying your own landing strategy."


Is this counted a suicide or murder?

I feel the platform below my feet starts to vibrate.

More bangs sound out behind me.

"Uh, Ok Headmaster, than-"

The platform below my feet explodes.


Okokokokokokok Jaune you can do this. People have to get those crazy powers somewhere right? Maybe it's stress.

Reaching my hand out I make horns with my index and little fingers.

"Go web go!"


Damn okay.

The ground is coming awfully quickly.

"Magic! Shazam!"

Nothing again.

I grit my teeth.


White circles appear in the air around and in front of me as I start to slow down.

Wait WHAT!

My falling is slowing down! I'm saved!

The circles start to angle lower as my falling continues to slow.

Am I a wizard?

I hold my hands out and feel around for my great power to channel.

I feel my feet touch the ground as I acknowledge my own power as the worlds greatest falling wizard.

However when I open my eyes, I see ice princess glaring back at me. Vice I think her name was.

"Are you an idiot? What kind of pose is that? Why did you force me to slow you down wasting my own Aura? Why did you force me to become your partner?"

"Uh, I thought I slowed myself down…"

Her glare slips and she tries not to laugh.

"You thought you called the Schnee glyphs? You?"

She snorts again.

"Hey I don't know any of this Aura or Glyph voodoo all you crazy people use."

She stops laughing at least.

"You don't know what Aura is?!? How did you get into Beacon without Aura?" She shrieks loud enough to wake the dead.

"Raw animal magnetism?" I reply with my best hero pose.

The looks she gives me could freeze me dead.

"Great. I'm dead. I have a deadweight partner who for some reason I decided to save from his own idiocy. I'm stuck miles from where I need to be and I'll have to do all the work and stop this idiot from dying because I probably can't pass without him." She mutters.

"Hey I'm not that bad! I know how to swing my sword!" I yell at her.

"Great. So the Grimm get dinner AND a show. Fantastic."

She claps sarcastically.

"So uh that 'Aura' stuff. How do you use it? Maybe I could learn as we go so I'm not such 'dead weight'" I ask hopefully.

She cocks her head.

"I don't know how you don't know this, but you don't 'use' aura. Aura is your soul. Its in you. You unlock it. Before you come to school preferably."

She starts muttering again.

"It might be the only way. But I don't have any connection with this idiot and I don't want one. Well. Other than to pass initiation. It that enough of a connection? Mutualism maybe?"

She reaches her hand out.

"Stand still you idiot. I can't believe my first time will be you."

Does she mean, what I think she means?

My face must have given something away as she has turned neon red.

"Not like that you pervert."

She reaches out to touch my face, her hand glowing a light crystal blue.

And then I feel her touch me inside as her other hand touches my heart.

"For it is in solitude that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become an icon of self-reliance. Infinite in potential and unburdened by loss. I empower your soul and by my will, uplift thee."

She opens her eyes and looks straight into my heart.

Then her eyes roll back and she passes out.

Watching the Emerald Trial is nail biting to the extreme. Watching my sisters and the annoying little Schnee who kind of grew on me after torturing Qrow is not as easy as I assumed it would be.

Watching the Schnee girl unlock the Arc idiots aura was at least humorous. Watching him flail about and protect her accidentally from a Beowolf was even funnier.

Watching Ruby and Pyrrha become partners was less funny. The headmaster smirk was particularly pronounced.

Then Yang meets Blake Belladonna and I think I'm going to pop a vein. That cheating little…

Then Lie Ren, possibly the only shinobi worthy first year I can see meets up with Nora Valkyrie and in turn they meet up with Weiss and Arc and it all starts to come together.

It takes everything I have to not charge into the forest when the Nevermore shows up.

It takes everything the headmaster has to stop me charging in when the Deathstalker backs it up.

"Itachi you've trained those girls to within an inch of their lives. Taiyang has. Summer has. Qrow has. Now it's time to let them stand on their own two feet. Do you want to baby them forever, never allowing them to grow into their own power? How far do you think they will go when you are there to remove any form of consequence and therefore any form of lesson from them? Are you really so arrogant that you think you can be there to deflect any challenge for them. Would you not rather them learn to look after themselves. So you can fight at the side of them instead of constantly placing yourself ahead of them?"

He says this while pinning me to the ground with his cane. I think I've never wanted to attack him more.

But if I'm truly honest with myself.

I can't really say he is wrong can I? They're technically hunters now. Even if only in training.

But after Sasuke… how can I consider letting them face the world on their own. After what I did to him. Forcing him to bear the clans curse of hatred on his own.

But then they aren't Uchiha are they…

I need to speak with someone about this. I'm struggling to divorce myself from the protective brother role.

"And their skill wins out. Nora Valkyrie has killed the Deathstalker and Ruby Rose has killed the Nevermore."

Looking over the monitors, half with pride, half with fear.

I need to learn to let go.

"Itachi, Glynda, let's head out to receive our new students."

I put my hands on their shoulders and flicker us out.


Not completely happy with this one, it feels like its missing something but i was letting perfect be the enemy of good so i've decided to release it as is.
Great chapter and really shows the consequences and the hilarity of being popular. Ozpin really should've thought about them sooner but it's funnier to see his reaction. And yes Itachi you really need another Shisui to be able to just socialize. I also loke how you dealt with Roman and Cinder's interaction. She's strong and arrogant but not cocky enough to deal with someone who killed Tyrian. No matter how close the battle was, it doesn't change the fact he still died by Itachi's hand. If only by the sliver of his teeth. Also love how you put Itachi's 'Innocence' when it comes to literally anything that equates romance. Sure he had that crush on Izumi, but it never went to anything beyond that before Izumi's death. Btw, I said romance specifically, not lust. Like it's stated here, he's quite knowledgeable about lust. Anyway, great chapter. Continue the great work!
Okay, I posted my comment a little too early but great chapter. Nothing to really comment on in this chapter. I like that Itachi is still overprotective of his family as it should be for Uchiha. Weiss bringing up her past with Itachi and shining more light on the 5 year timeskip's nice. and the nice little change up for the teams. Can't wait to see the teams and interactions.
Weiss and Jaune? Jesus Christ that is a flaming dumpster fire. His ego will be cold and dead by the time he gets in any fighting shape. At least she's not on the same team as Blake. And Pyrrha did deserve better so I'm glad she got with Ruby. Itachi's arguments were quite convincing though.

Good chapters -- felt iffy about Weiss but I do think she's not the type to like, much less "fall for" people who save her. She has a lot of pride and doesn't really like that princess persona in the context of hunters.

I'll try reviewing grammar sometime this week.
Weiss and Jaune? Jesus Christ that is a flaming dumpster fire. His ego will be cold and dead by the time he gets in any fighting shape. At least she's not on the same team as Blake. And Pyrrha did deserve better so I'm glad she got with Ruby. Itachi's arguments were quite convincing though.

Good chapters -- felt iffy about Weiss but I do think she's not the type to like, much less "fall for" people who save her. She has a lot of pride and doesn't really like that princess persona in the context of hunters.

I'll try reviewing grammar sometime this week.
So, each of the team changes is suppsoed to accomplish something, Oz kind of agreed with Itachi but didnt like leaving what was previously Juniper without a primary dust user given they would no longer have Pyrrha to pick up the slack so his mindset is kinda this.

Jaune/Weiss - Jaune has a lot of potential and talent but no drive to train properly due to how sheltered he was. Without Pyrrha to push him he needs a more balanced education so Itachi will get him up to speed physically with the new class but doesnt use dust at all so who better to teach him dust. Weiss is a lot more solitary by choice than in canon due to the amplified abuse by her father, and the two people likely to be able to bring her out of her shell are Ruby, or Jaune. Her and Jaune will find common ground in being sheltered by an overbearing family and being broken by the same.

Pyrrha/Ruby - This is Oz's attempt to grow Rubys independence from Itachi, due to Summer surviving and Itachi existing and being ultra protective in that Uchiha way, Ruby is a lot less 'hardened' and 'brittle' than her Canon counterpart, but she pays for this by being more naive and a little too cocooned. On the flip side, he hopes that Ruby will pass some of her own views on heroism to Pyrrha. Pyrrha believes being a hero is dying for your beliefs but Itachi has drilled into Ruby that being a hero is having the resiliance to live for your beliefs as he doesnt want his sisters falling down the same hole that he did. Two prodigies with opposing viewpoints on heroism partnered up to help balance each other.

And also he wants to troll Itachi of course, In both cases. But he definitely has justification for the two partnerships.

He didnt agree with putting Blake with Jaune, as he couldnt find a connection between them, he did however agree to keep Blake and Weiss separated and this was the best configuration to do so. Weiss hates faunus a lot more than canon at least early on here, and Blake's disdain of humans is similarly amplified (Funnily enough for the exact same reason as Weiss being worse, even if the opposite side of the situation.)
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So, each of the team changes is suppsoed to accomplish something, Oz kind of agreed with Itachi but didnt like leaving what was previously Juniper without a primary dust user given they would no longer have Pyrrha to pick up the slack so his mindset is kinda this.

Jaune/Weiss - Jaune has a lot of potential and talent but no drive to train properly due to how sheltered he was. Without Pyrrha to push him he needs a more balanced education so Itachi will get him up to speed physically with the new class but doesnt use dust at all so who better to teach him dust. Weiss is a lot more solitary by choice than in canon due to the amplified abuse by her father, and the two people likely to be able to bring her out of her shell are Ruby, or Jaune. Her and Jaune will find common ground in being sheltered by an overbearing family and being broken by the same.

Pyrrha/Ruby - This is Oz's attempt to grow Rubys independence from Itachi, due to Summer surviving and Itachi existing and being ultra protective in that Uchiha way, Ruby is a lot less 'hardened' and 'brittle' than her Canon counterpart, but she pays for this by being more naive and a little too cocooned. On the flip side, he hopes that Ruby will pass some of her own views on heroism to Pyrrha. Pyrrha believes being a hero is dying for your beliefs but Itachi has drilled into Ruby that being a hero is having the resiliance to live for your beliefs as he doesnt want his sisters falling down the same hole that he did. Two prodigies with opposing viewpoints on heroism partnered up to help balance each other.

And also he wants to troll Itachi of course, In both cases. But he definitely has justification for the two partnerships.

He didnt agree with putting Blake with Jaune, as he couldnt find a connection between them, he did however agree to keep Blake and Weiss separated and this was the best configuration to do so. Weiss hates faunus a lot more than canon at least early on here, and Blake's disdain of humans is similarly amplified (Funnily enough for the exact same reason as Weiss being worse, even if the opposite side of the situation.)

Great reasoning! And interesting changes. Did Qrow's .. romantic relations with Willow start way earlier and result in Jacques treating his daughters worse? And maybe Itachi went on some anti-white fang missions that made Blake's life harder?
Great reasoning! And interesting changes. Did Qrow's .. romantic relations with Willow start way earlier and result in Jacques treating his daughters worse? And maybe Itachi went on some anti-white fang missions that made Blake's life harder?

Little more widespread and i have it on my list to outline a flashback that includes the info later but essentially it's like that meme with the small domino that leads to a massive domino. Chain of events *roughly* goes like this.

Summer lives, so Qrow is not bound to Patch helping Taiyang deal with the kids. Qrow gets out around the world backed up by Itachi a lot of the time.

Qrow and Itachi deal with a lot of bandit problems across the city states while Qrow teaches Itachi. The city states don't have to deploy hunters on those jobs so there are more hunters at home.

Due to more hunters surviving/being uninjured or available, and Qrow actively hunting down problems, the White Fang is significantly less effective in Vale and Mistral particularly as these are the two places Qrow focuses on most of all.

This starts a snowball effect where failure in certain areas causes the white fang to focus on the areas they *can* be more succesful in. They don't really work in Vacuo as it's basically egalitarian anyway so that means Atlas and Mantle end up taking much more of the fangs focus, and especially the SDC.

Due to this, Jacques descends into hellish levels of near permanent rage, as he starts losing massive amounts of money from basically being the primary target of the white fang. He starts investing in anti menagerie efforts which causes the situation there to decline.

His behavour at home worsens, and he starts taking his mood out on Weiss and Whitley, Jacques massively ramps up the armor fight from the 'White Trailer' to a ludicrous level as he actively doesnt want Weiss going to Beacon and decides to use it less as a test and more as a punishment for attemptign to leave. He forces Willow to observe the test too.

Armor maims Weiss and Willow loses. her. shit. She demolishes the armour and disintegrates the gheist inside it then uses the shards of the armour to turn Jacques into a pincushion. Qrow and Itachi were already on site elsewhere as they were being hired by Jacques to run a bodyguard job on a massive dust shipment. Qrow talks down WIllow while Itachi rushes Weiss to hospital. (this bit is still in conception but this is the broad strokes of it)

On the flip side of this, due to Jacques rage causing him to aggressively hunt the white fang and go after the innocents in menagerie, Blakes outlook also ended up significantly worse than in Canon, though thats also a story for later. Long and short of it is that Ilia is dead, and Trifa joins Adam as her primary hatefear target.
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Little more widespread and i have it on my list to outline a flashback that includes the info later but essentially it's like that meme with the small domino that leads to a massive domino. Chain of events *roughly* goes like this.

Summer lives, so Qrow is not bound to Patch helping Taiyang deal with the kids. Qrow gets out around the world backed up by Itachi a lot of the time.

Qrow and Itachi deal with a lot of bandit problems across the city states while Qrow teaches Itachi. The city states don't have to deploy hunters on those jobs so there are more hunters at home.

Due to more hunters surviving/being uninjured or available, and Qrow actively hunting down problems, the White Fang is significantly less effective in Vale and Mistral particularly as these are the two places Qrow focuses on most of all.

This starts a snowball effect where failure in certain areas causes the white fang to focus on the areas they *can* be more succesful in. They don't really work in Vacuo as it's basically egalitarian anyway so that means Atlas and Mantle end up taking much more of the fangs focus, and especially the SDC.

Due to this, Jacques descends into hellish levels of near permanent rage, as he starts losing massive amounts of money from basically being the primary target of the white fang. He starts investing in anti menagerie efforts which causes the situation there to decline.

His behavour at home worsens, and he starts taking his mood out on Weiss and Whitley, Jacques massively ramps up the armor fight from the 'White Trailer' to a ludicrous level as he actively doesnt want Weiss going to Beacon and decides to use it less as a test and more as a punishment for attemptign to leave. He forces Willow to observe the test too.

Armor maims Weiss and Willow loses. her. shit. She demolishes the armour and disintegrates the gheist inside it then uses the shards of the armour to turn Jacques into a pincushion. Qrow and Itachi were already on site elsewhere as they were being hired by Jacques to run a bodyguard job on a massive dust shipment. Qrow talks down WIllow while Itachi rushes Weiss to hospital. (this bit is still in conception but this is the broad strokes of it)

On the flip side of this, due to Jacques rage causing him to aggressively hunt the white fang and go after the innocents in menagerie, Blakes outlook also ended up significantly worse than in Canon, though thats also a story for later. Long and short of it is that Ilia is dead, and Trifa joins Adam as her primary hatefear target.

Wow that's a reallllly wild ride, but it makes sense. You might want to put it in a spoiler for others though I'm perfectly fine with getting that knowledge early.

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