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Not being able to hide the tattoos is no reason to show our face to an Empire cape of all people. Also, Lee's advice is pretty much irrelevant. We either kill her, let her go, or try to turn her.
Not being able to hide the tattoos is no reason to show our face to an Empire cape of all people.
Let's count how compromised we are shall we?
  1. We had a massive and very public trigger event. See Colin's interlude, "...by the time [the PRT] got there it was all over the school that Hebert had triggered in the locker..."
  2. We walked throughout ABB territory unmasked and then got Lung to place a kill order on us.
  3. Our powerset managed to stall Lung for several minutes.
  4. We're so popular with the villains that someone has already kidnapped our father as leverage. See Colin's interlude, "...some group had kidnapped Daniel Hebert, when they were busy with Lung."
Do you really think we have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping our identity secret after all that? The time spent worrying about futily keeping a secret identity would be far better spent on just about anything else. That said, I'm not above leveraging our lack of mask wherever it might, as in this case, give us some small advantage.
Also, Lee's advice is pretty much irrelevant. We either kill her, let her go, or try to turn her.
Or we find a third option during our deliberations. We don't actually know anything about the Boon Giver IC, but Oni Lee doubtlessly does. Heck Boon Giver herself might come up with an idea if she doesn't like the way our conversation is going!
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[X] Put the mask back on
[X] Decide Boon Givers fate.
-[X] Convince her to repent
--[X] If that fails kill her
--[X] If that fail let her go

Evil elvish supermacist swine gotta die. You've dealt with their kind before, y'know? Can't let these douchebags run around.
AN: I am pretty new to questing so I felt like I should ask, if it is kosher to go back and add content to older chapters?
Missed this on my first time reading. The answer is 'it depends'. If the new content changes things in any appreciable manner its usually frowned upon. It gives the impression that you are gaming the players. That said, if you feel that it would add to the story without really affecting the choices of the players its acceptable, so long as notice is given to players so they can reread the relevant section.

Still, I'd recommend seeing if you couldn't fit the new content into an interlude first. That would handily avoid most of the pitfalls of retconing a quest.
[X] Put the mask back on

[X] Decide Boon Givers fate.
-[X] Convince her to repent
--[X] If that fail let her go
---[X] Apologize for the Hollow Man kidnapping her, he was just worried about you.
Why do people want us to be naked? How will being naked do anything but convince Boon Giver (and possibly One Lee too) that we're not right in the head and are someone to pity at a distance?
[X] Remember to get dressed before going back out
[X] Ask the Hollow Man his opinion on what to do with Boon Giver
[X] Put the mask back on
[X] Remember to get dressed before going back out
[X] Ask the Hollow Man his opinion on what to do with Boon Giver
-[X] show Boone Giver the patterns on your body and ask her if she has seen anything or anyone like it before.
[X] Convince her to repent.
-[X] If that fail let her go.
--[X] but,with a promise of no retaliation from her or her people,if they break it everyone they love dies...slowly.
---[X] Apologize for the Hollow Man kidnapping her, he was just worried about you.
[X] Redeem her
-[X] If that fails call the PRT
--[X] Leave afterwards
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[X] Redeem her
-[X] If that fails call the PRT
--[X] Wait for them
[X] Redeem her--[X] If that fails call the PRT--[X] Leave afterwards
[X] Redeem her
-[X] If that fails call the PRT
--[X] Wait for them

Stupid alert system not picking this up for several updates.
[X] No, but I can answer them here.
"Oh" you respond, you lose control of your emotions and disgust enters your voice "So when you peddle your drugs, steal from the hard working people for their 'protection', and killing those that oppose you, how is it different?"

'Where did that come from? How did you know that?'
Is that a Thinker power I see? Or does Taylor actually know about that at this point in the timeline?

[X] No, but I can answer them here.
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It is actual Taylor's memories of the E88 leaking through. If she really focus and wants those memories she did them up. But pre-locker memories are not happy times so she has zero motivation to do so.
Hmm... I like it. Nice bit of depth you added to the character there. I look forward to seeing what comes of it.
[X] No, but I can answer them here.
[] Sure

Vote changed, needed more booze.
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you could try and bargain for cake.....i have start playing portal recently and i have noticed there is a lot of cake memes but i have ignored it because i want to finish the game first.
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