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[X] No

Now's really not the time. We can always do it tomorrow night.

Edit: Guys, may I strongly suggest we vote 'no'. Being unconcious in the ABB's place for 24+hours is probably a bad idea (not for us, but for those looking for us).
[X] Yes

Restraint? What's this restraint you speak of?

On a different note the whole magical butcher thing is kinda weird, should be interesting though.
[X] Thank him for taking care of you
[X] Check out patterns on your body

Rather thank him than scold him, and we should really check out these patterns.
[X] Scold him for kidnapping people
-[X] But thank him for taking care of you
[X] Scold him for kidnapping people
-[X] But thank him for taking care of you
[X] Scold him for kidnapping people
-[X] But thank him for taking care of you
[X] Thank him for taking care of you
[X] Check out patterns on your body
[X] Other thank him for taking care of you apologize to boon giver in a way that counts as scolding him then proceeded to examine patterns while ignoring everyone else trusting the situation to resolve itself while you are busy
[X] Thank him for taking care of you
[X] Check out patterns on your body
[X] Scold him for kidnapping people
-[X] But thank him for taking care of you
[X] Go to the bathroom
-[X] Check out the changes to your body.

We can decide what to do with her afterwards. let's find out what changed before we move on though.

Afterwards, I'm thinking Converince her to repent, If that fails let her go. Killing her is stupid.
[X] Other
-[X] show Boone Giver the patterns on your body and ask her if she has seen anything or anyone like it before.
[X] Convince her to repent.
-[X] If that fail let her go.
--[X] but,with a promise of no retaliation from her or her people,if they break it everyone they love dies...slowly.
[X] Go to the bathroom
-[X] Check out the changes to your body.
Why would Othala know anything about the patterns on our body?
Why would Othala know anything about the patterns on our body?
she's a Nazi zealot,they tend to have a almost deep religious understanding of Norse mythology.it could be possible she's seen something similar from a old text book or knows someone who does.
she's a Nazi zealot,they tend to have a almost deep religious understanding of Norse mythology.it could be possible she's seen something similar from a old text book or knows someone who does.
I highly doubt she's going to recognize whatever patterns are on our body, and I wouldn't trust her even if she said she did. And I'm definitely not trusting anyone she recommends seeing. Fuck that.
I highly doubt she's going to recognize whatever patterns are on our body, and I wouldn't trust her even if she said she did. And I'm definitely not trusting anyone she recommends seeing. Fuck that.
plus,i want to see her reaction to Taylor flashing her...:D
[X] Go to the bathroom

Unless we secretly defecate rainbows or something I don't see how this would be very meaningful, so do it to see what happens and all that.
[X] Go to the bathroom
--[X] Check out the patterns on our body after we go.
[X] Convince her to repent
-[X] Maybe she has a Baku like our friend does that's making her crazy stupid racist. Let's deal with it and see if it helps her be less racist?
--[X] If it doesn't work, brainstorm with Oni Lee to decide what to do with her.
[X] Remember to get dressed before going back out
-[X] Put the mask back on as well

[X] Decide Boon Givers fate.
-[X] Convince her to repent
--[X] If that fail let her go
---[X] Apologize for the Hollow Man kidnapping her, he was just worried about you.

Getting her to repent would be nice. Killing her is A Bad Idea.
I think it'd be better (more funny) to out naked... but a mask is important...
[X] Put the mask back on

[X] Decide Boon Givers fate.
-[X] Convince her to repent
--[X] If that fail let her go
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[X] Remember to get dressed before going back out
[X] Ask the Hollow Man his opinion on what to do with Boon Giver

Asking for advice costs us nothing and may gain us much. As for the mask...really, how useful do you think it will be for someone so...completely compromised? I mean just look at our tattoos! How the hell are we going to hide that? Also, it will be a useful (if unintentional) show of trust to the Boon Giver. ...Or it will put the fear of God into her that we aren't concerned about revealing our cape identity to her.

Either way we win!
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[X] Remember to get dressed before going back out
[X] Ask the Hollow Man his opinion on what to do with Boon Giver

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