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Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

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It's been a long hard road. For years you've been working on this your little pet project...
A Beginning


No one remembers who I am anymore.
Mar 10, 2013
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It's been a long hard road. For years you've been working on this your little pet project. Cracking open the barriers between the dimensions and ripping open a stable rift in the space time continuum. It's the ultimate culmination of all of your hard work. Thousands of man hours of research, millions of dollars spent, and an unknown amount of marriages ruined, but at long last you've done it. You have finally cracked the last barrier between you and your dream. An elegant combination of your technological prowess and theories of several lesser minds that you've cribbed over the years. You've couldn't have done it without Dr. Selknov's theories about dimensional strings or Professor Vimes personal notes on quantum teleportation you managed to procure after their sad accidents. However it's done, a stable portal is currently open in your company's main laboratory waiting for the first person to traverse it. Not you of course, it's not been tested quite just yet with humans. You know a few men down on their luck that would be perfect for this little "expedition". Of course they aren't the type that you'd want to be known as the first to cross over to another dimension. There will be a sad little accident, permanently stranding those poor cosmonauts, no dimensionauts, no no you need a good word for this. Dimensional travelers will work for the moment, but you want your own pithy word for it. Something that will capture the minds of others, oh wait you were never planning on actually making this knowledge public, ever.

The scientists you've had working on it will have to have an accident soon, maybe strand them all in another dimension somewhere, with many things that have very sharp teeth. They've been talking about this and that on how they'll be opening up cross dimensional trade routes or diplomatic talks between universes. But, really? Those aren't what you have planned at all. You want to make money, lots of money and never have to come up with your own work ever again. You've been planning to use this to steal from other places since you first came up with the idea years ago. Plagiarism from different continuities of time, who needs to ever invest in work that won't work out? Stealing from the best and greatest in the multiverse, it's almost enough to make a tear come to your eye. Alas, you have better things to do then cry, like planning on how to remove those pesky little annoyances and destroy all of their data. None of this can ever get out.

Of course you've been thinking of what to actually start with, what new technology you could steal that would make you the most profits. What does the world need now? Lately you've been noticing a trend about autonomous workers and how convenient they are in dangerous industrial settings. It wouldn't hurt to take a gander at what the universe has to offer with robotics technology would it?


It's missing. No it can't be missing. Those plans, surely you've just misplaced them right? Certainly no one could have known about them, only you and your children should have any idea they even existed. No ONE should have known they existed. Zero's blueprints, not a single person could have known about them. Okay, but at least Zero is still in his stasis tube, if he was gone you don't know how much destruction that would have been caused.

"Dr Wily, all of your work on the new set of robot masters is stolen and the parts warehouse is ransacked. It's all gone."

You didn't misplace Zero's blueprints. They've been stolen. Zero's blueprints have been stolen. Those are the original blueprints. They don't take into account the fact that Zero is insane without the virus. No one knows that he's insane without the virus.


You don't know how long it would take someone besides you to make a copy of Zero. You only hope that it's long enough for you to find them before they do. You hope that a god somewhere has mercy. Because Zero will have none.


You've reviewed the data from your lab's surveillance system. The thief used some kind of portal technology you're uncertain about. Not that it would take you too long to analyze the trace contaminants and radiation to figure out how it worked. But it's still time, that you could be using to save the poor fool's life. Not that you consider it worth much, but it would hurt your pride that someone was murdered because of an error you made in design. You'll need to create a device that allows you to track the source location of the gate, but first you should do that analysis.

A few hours later.

Oh, oh, this isn't good, it wasn't a such a simple teleport gate device. Of course not, that would be easy, It's a Dimensional Portal Device. While having someone come to another dimension just to steal your work makes you feel just a bit more smarmy then normal, there is the simple little factor that Zero will kill everyone there.

Even with all the designs in your head it will take six months at least to build at way to track the thief down and pinpoint his location. Someone capable of building a way of traveling dimensions should be able to recreate Zero in six months. your only hope is that Zero doesn't kill too many before you get there.

Damn it, what do you even have that can even take down Zero? None of your current Robot Masters could hold a candle to him. If they had taken anything but him, it wouldn't even be that hard, you'd just build a set of Robot Masters to take down their siblings and bring them home. But Zero? You don't even know where to begin to build a counter....

Maybe you don't have too. They'll be building Zero, but it would still have the flaws from when you first came up with him. You already have your own Zero, sure your time would be divided in half trying to upgrade Zero and create your own way of traveling through the Dimensions. But hopefully, you should be able to upgrade him enough where he'll win against the older model of himself. But he's your masterpiece, what more could you really give him?

And then what will Megaman be doing? You being quiet for any amount of time will have way too many people alarmed. So you need to build a new dimensional gate, upgrade Zero, and find something for Megaman to do so he isn't bothering you for stealing everything you need. Even for you this is going to be a pain. Maybe design a buddy robot for Megaman to occupy his time while you are busy? Or maybe just cause a robot uprising somewhere to keep him busy for like a week. Or maybe you should just do both. That might just be enough to make them think this was what you were planning all along. Maybe leave a few hints about going on vacation for a month or two after that.

Then you might have Proto or Bass or even Shadowman being a pain. If you didn't feel guilty for all the destruction that the Zero Copy would cause you would just give up and do whatever. So plans. You definitely need plans for this. At the best conditions possible, it will take you six months to make the Dimensional Gate Device. But what else should you do?

You need to keep certain annoying robots busy.
Pick one
[] Go out and cause a Robot Uprising. Hopefully should keep Megaman busy for a while. You give it a week tops.
[] Make a friend for Megaman. Could keep Megaman busy for a while.
[] Tell Bass that Megaman got a new upgrade and is stronger then him. Should keep Bass and Megaman busy for a day.
[] Straight up hijack the internet and tell everyone you're going on vacation for a few months. Might convince Megaman?
[] Force Cossack to "Help" you again.

Resource Gathering
You need more parts. That idiot thief ransacked it for everything you got. If you plan on doing anything you'll need more parts.

Pick one
[] Steal from Junkyards. Smaller resource gains but almost no chance of getting any unwanted attention. Roll a 1d3+1 for resources
[] Steal from Mechanic shops. Medium resource gain but you'll have some attention from the authorities. Roll a 2d6+2 for resources
[] Steal from Top Secret Labs that people think you don't know about. Large resource gain but you might get Megaman knocking on your door. AGAIN. Roll 3d12+3 for resources

Upgrading Zero
What you need to prioritize first with upgrading Zero. The edges you need for the Zero Vs Zero fight to come. Besides, making him sane. These upgrades cost resources and time. You currently have no resources besides your brain and any of your minion robots you feel like taking apart.

Resource points 2

[] Super Adapter.
Costs 4 resource points
[] Software
Costs 1 resource point
[] Weaponry
Costs 2 resource point
[] Ride Armor
Costs 3 resource points
Megaman doesn't attacK? What Sorcery is this?
[X] Force Cossack to "Help" you again.
[X] Steal from Top Secret Labs that people think you don't know about. Large resource gain but you might get Megaman knocking on your door. AGAIN. Roll 3d12+3 for resources
[X] Super Adapter.
[X] Weaponry
[X] Software

It if worked once, why shouldn't it work again? Dr. Cossack was such a help back then, what's stopping him from being useful now? Sure, sure you don't have Breakman to kidnap his daughter or whatever. But you have a much bigger sword hanging above his head. You don't want to do this, but you're going have to explain what Zero is, and just to ruin Light's fun X as well. If you have to go down, so does he. And hey, this might actually motivate him to stop resting on his laurels and make his own Super Robot. Of course he thinks his daughter will be his legacy and sure that's good enough for some people. But really? Why not have a Super Fighting Robot?

Sighing you interrupt his call with someone, no one as important as yourself. Actually checking your logs it seems to be his publisher. Well oops, he can talk again later. You've got much more pressing news.

"Why hello there, Cossack, how are you today?"

"Wily. What do you want."

"Ah, don't be that way. I'm not here to black mail you or anything. No, no, I'm actually here to ask for a tiny bit of help. You see someone stole something of mine. Well several somethings of mine. One of which is very important to get back..."

"So what are you trying to steal and say is yours."

"These are actually mine. Someone came to my home, ransacked my warehouse, stealing parts and designs from ME. Don't they know that's my stic? Normally, I'd pop in with a couple of my own Robot Masters and that would be it. However the issue is, they didn't steal just my latest robot master designs. They stole something I've been holding closer to my chest. My masterpiece, the best robot I ever designed. They stole his blueprints. But, there is an issue there, normally I wouldn't say this but, I made a mistake drawing up the plans. A teeny tiny mistake, everyone makes mistakes right? I mean really, who doesn't make mistakes?"

"So what is this, tiny mistake of yours?"

"Zero, is mildly violently insane. Murderously so. I've had him in stasis for a while trying to bug fix him. It's taken a long while and I am still not quite finished."

"... Murderously insane. And someone has a copy and has no clue about this do they?"

"Not in the least."

"Have you asked Light for help? Surely Megaman."

"Actually? Comparing Megaman to Zero is like comparing myself to any athlete you could name. It's no where near a fair fight. If Light was willing to lend X out then maybe? But I designed Zero to be better then X."

"X? So Light has his own as well."

"Why, yes, X is Light's masterpiece, he's like Zero, but no where near as awe inspiring or strong. Anyways, Zero has a flaw, and is quite capable of wrecking cities. Now, personally I don't want that sort of thing hanging over my head like a Sword of Damocles so can I get your help? I'd feel somewhat responsible if that copy of Zero got out and started destroying things. I mean if someone were to have his own Super Robot Prototype, I wouldn't even have to worry about him or worry him with the information like this. So, will you help or not?"

"So what's stopping you from just teleporting to him? Surely you don't need me for something that simple."

"It's more about how he managed to get in. Are you familiar with the concept of parallel dimensions? My little annoyance came from one of those. It's why I actually need help. I can't just walk over and ask someone for a way to travel to a different dimension now can I? They would think I'm more insane then I actually am. The issue with that is it will take me about six months to build one myself. With the time frame I've given the thief he'll have his own copy of Zero up and running and destroying the nearest city with no one to stop him. I know that it's a hard story to choke down. But here look at this, I'll get back to you in an hour and then you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

"I'll take this under consideration."


You ring up Cossack again. The look on his face tells you everything you need to know.

"Oh so now you believe me do you. Had to do the math with X and Zero's specs right? Or did the samples of the traces tip you over the edge? No one takes me at my word. I can be completely honest when I feel like it. How dare people think that I couldn't be serious in such a situation. Bah, fools. But I guess even I would disbelief it without seeing it with my own eyes. I'll forgive your cheek for now."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but what do you need me to do? How can I help?"

"Mostly? I just need Megaman keep occupied for a few months. People get suspicious when I'm being quiet and to be honest most of the time it is the correct response. However I'm trying to save a world here. So do whatever, build Megaman a new friend or challenge him to a game or something. Just keep him entertained."


Dr. Cossack hangs up on you. You thought he had better manners then that.


Now then, you need parts. Lots of parts, and the best tech you can manage to scrabble up. Now for most people this would involve buying stuff from a factory or making it yourself. However on the time frame you're on? You don't have time for that and you know several perfectly good top secret bases that you could ransack for all they are worth.

Normally you'd ignore them for a while longer. Make them think they are getting away with it. Maybe one of them might come up with something interesting. But alas, poor second rate scientists, you don't have the time to be cultivating new sources of tech. It's time to break a few government think tanks over your knee and watch the brains go flying. You divide your Met Army into three sections to raid labs in the US, Russia, and China.

It's not the first time you've pissed off a few superpowers and certainly won't be the last. However you do want to tweak their noses at the fact that they thought they could hide from you. Silly government agencies, do they really think any code they could come up with is a challenge for one of your robot masters?

You set up a few Wily bots to go with the army. It's enough of a calling card for you. And you get to watch some soldier or scientist scream when the head pops off. That's always fun to watch. BOING Mhahahahahahahaha.

Now that you think of it, you should probably send some of data from the place to Light. But that's for after you steal everything not nailed down and nailed down, you know what? You'll just steal everything. You watch feeds of Mets breaking down doors, knocking over trained soldiers and generally being a massive pest while other Mets are unscrewing machines and run off with the parts. It's a symphony of chaos that only you could conduct.

Result Gain 21 Resource points.
Total Points 23


Later in the week.

Nothing, you've seen no reports that any of the three superpowers reported anything. You've got eyes on Light, he hasn't been told that you've stolen from top secret bases. It feels weird, you actually got away with it. It feels unnatural. Were they working on something they shouldn't have been? Unnatural feelings aside you did get away cleanly it seems.


It's been a while since you last opened Zero's pod to do modifications. As always when dealing with Zero it's hard to think of honest improvements. Sure you can do minor things like speed up his processing times or a little bit of recoding his movements. But it's nothing all that big. On the other hand, before you never needed to install something like the Super Adapter, you were always sure that he'd not need something like this. Of course the big issue right now is the slight problem with his personality coding. You're not exactly sure where you even began to make that mistake and you certainly aren't sure where to start.

You do make some progress, as you identify a few points that may be reading wrong while upgrading his software. But, as much as you don't want to you might actually have to ask. No, you can't doubt your own genius right now. It's just taking you a little longer then expected to figure out the bug. You'll find it before you complete the Dimensional Gate.

The Super Adapter has been making you think the most of all of the stuff you've been tinkering with it's given you some ideas to work with. Some interesting little things Dr. Light hasn't seemed to notice. Of course something like the Super Adapter was always your field more then his anyways.


Upgrading Zero
- Upgrade Movement Software Cost 2
Increases the Agility with which Zero Moves by removing inefficient movements
- Install Prediction Software Cost 2
Allows better prediction of shots and enemy movement
- Install Weapon Mastery Software Cost 2
Using your knowledge and the knowledge gained from having watched many hours of bad kung fu flicks and playing street fighter. Teach a melee weapon to Zero
- Bugfix Cost 142
Using your knowledge of software and robotics. Fix Zero's faults and his murderous rampages. It's totally possible for you to fix this yourself. You aren't totally blind to your own mistakes.

- Build a Light Saber? Cost 5
You've been watching Star Wars lately. It totally seems like a good idea to you.
- Build a Macross Missile spam launcher Cost 10
You feel like taking a page out of Cossack's book here.
- Upgrade Zero's Armor Cost 5
You might be able to get a bit more armor here and there

Super Adapter
- STRONG Adapter Cost 6
Increases Strength
- FAST Adapter Cost 6
Increases Movement Speed
- FLIGHT Adapter Cost 6
- AQUATIC Adapter Cost 6


While you do have Cossack keeping Megaman's attention for the time being it wouldn't hurt to be extra careful now would it? There are also other annoyances. Bass is getting a bit nosy lately as well.
[] Go out and cause a Robot Uprising. Hopefully should keep Megaman busy for a while. You give it a week tops.
[] Make a friend for Megaman. Could keep Megaman busy for a while.
[] Tell Bass that Megaman got a new upgrade and is stronger then him. Should keep Bass and Megaman busy for a day.
[] Straight up hijack the internet and tell everyone you're going on vacation for a few months. Might convince Megaman?
[] Upgrade Bass and aim him at Megaman. When he gets his head kicked in hard enough he'll totally hide out of shame for a month.
[] Cossack set up a Robot Football League somehow. It's keeping Megaman busy and entertained, so why not suggest Bass that he should join. ... Now you've got an idea. Have Bass lead a team of your sons, then tell Dr. Light that you plan on using the winnings from the League to take over the world if Megaman doesn't win.

You got away with a lot of resources from before. No one said a thing? All that means is that you should go bigger, steal even more things. ALL OF IT SHALL BE YOURS WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
[] Ransack a few military bases Roll 3d12+3
You've already pissed off the government. Might as well piss them off a bit more.
[] Go and break in to the Robotics Museum Roll 4d15+4
It's full of your old work anyways.
[] Go drudge up some old ruins. Sure you might accidentally find something like the stardroids again. But you need all the resources you can get. roll 5d18+5
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In Which Protoman says hello
[X] Install Weapon Mastery Software Cost 2
[X] Build a Light Saber? Cost 5
[X] - FLIGHT Adapter Cost 6
[X] Cossack set up a Robot Football League somehow. It's keeping Megaman busy and entertained, so why not suggest Bass that he should join. ... Now you've got an idea. Have Bass lead a team of your sons, then tell Dr. Light that you plan on using the winnings from the League to take over the world if Megaman doesn't win.
[X] Ransack a few military bases Roll 3d12+3

Cossack has been doing a great job at distracting Megaman, he's been so busy playing football that he's not bothered with checking out what you could be doing. Of course he may just think you are behaving at the moment. Which is true but not the point. Someone is bound to suspect you of doing something. You don't go quiet without reason after all. Sadly with Megaman not around to bother you, Bass has gotten bored, and a bored Bass is one that's bothering you, about when you are picking the next fight and stuff. So rather then letting him get bored you'll put his unrelenting desire to beat his older sibling to good use. Or rather use that isn't causing you to be distracted. So you plan on getting him involved with Cossack's football league. It will feed into his desire to best Megaman however he can and keep him busy. Who knows, maybe even Bass can win? Well, Let's not get our hopes up.

You decide to phone Dr. Light. You need to make it look credible as an attempt to take over the world/beat Megaman. Plan number nine would be the best. You clear your throat and call Dr. Light on the Video Screen.

"Hello Dr. Light, it is I, DR WILY. I've just letting you know, in the interests of sportsmanship that I've come to compete in the Football League to win funds for my quest of world domination. If Megaman doesn't win I'll Conquer the EARTH. WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA."

Clear announcement of intention, announcement of who should interfere, mad laugh at the end. Should be perfect to get Light's attention. Now it's time to break the news to Bass. You call him.

"Hello, Bass, I have a task for you. One that requires talent that only you possess. I need you to beat Megaman. Ah I can see by the way that your eyes light up that you already agree to whatever I'm planning. I need you to find eleven robots and go win the football tournament that Cossack is running."

"What? That's"

"Are you trying to say that you're going to let Megaman win? I thought that you were my best creation? Maybe I should ask one of the others. If you don't think you can."

"None of them are good as me. Even for something as silly as Football. I'll show you that I'm the best."

"I'll leave you too it. You can borrow anyone you want for the matches. Just make sure you win. Got it?"

"Fine, Fine, I'll start looking for some guys. I'll show you."

"Sure you will."

And with that Bass cuts the call off. You should have gotten him riled up enough. Should keep him busy for a long enough time.

Now It's time to start work on Zero again. It's mostly on integrating his new Z-Saber into his skills, you'd have called it a lightsaber but that apparently is trademarked. Oh well. But while most of the work goes into his new weaponry you do manage to configure the super adapter to what you tentatively call the flight adapter. You haven't built his partner as you want to ask him what he would like. But at the moment he's still insane and you wouldn't want that to influence the choice. He might hate what he chooses now when he's sane. You do have a base robot model ready to go for the design and such. Just ready for the customization.

Now your work into the insanity problem is progressing. Yes... Progressing. For every problem you fix twenty more seem to pop up. Some days you wish you didn't hate Light so much. However as much as you complain the progress is still being made.

Bugfix price has dropped.

You wonder if you'll make it in time. No, you are Dr. Albert Wily, and you have no time to be doubting your own work. Setting aside Zero for a second, work on the Dimensional Gate is progressing smoothly. Extremely so, only such a genius such as your self could have done as quick work.

None the less you still have four months to go. Certainly you can fix up Zero before then.

You don't believe it. You refuse to believe it. No one is calling for your head. No one is reporting on the ransack of government bases. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. You aren't sure what is going on, but someone has to have noticed. Putting aside the slightly paranoid thoughts, you have managed a windfall of supplies in the latest rads. It's nothing to really write home about in the terms of specialty parts but it did have a ton of basic supplies you were getting short on.

Resource gain +21
Total Resource 31

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Oh the video screen. You quickly switch it on, it's Bass. And he has a trophy... What. That. But. Megaman. He was supposed to lose. Why didn't he lose? This completely mucks up your plans. This was supposed to keep him busy.

"Hey, Doc. I won the tournament. Bass's Best Team Ever, is now the world champions of robot football. Just calling to let you know. Oh and to show the trophy. The money will be sent to you eventually, well Cossack says that it will anyways."

You don't know what to say.

"And yeah, there is another tournament coming up again. Gotta keep playing. Can't let Megaman show me up. So I'll be busy for a while Doc. You don't mind do you?"

"No, no, you did your part. Now go have some fun for me will you?"

That, was unexpected. You'll soon have a surprising windfall of cash. Things seem to be going your way. Things never go your way.

A cold metal hand is on your shoulder.

"Hello, Doctor. What have you been up to?"

Protoman, how nice. You were wondering when the other shoe was going to drop. Nothing goes your way for too long.

"Nothing much."

"You've been stealing from top secret military bases. That's not nothing. Now Doctor, does this have something to do with the fact that Zero's blueprints have been stolen?"

You pale rapidly. Of course he knows. When Protoman asks a question, it's not like any of the other robot masters can say no. And now is not a good time to be lying.

"Yes. It is. I need the resources. You know exactly how bad it would be if a copy of Zero got out into the world. He's quite capable of destroying anything I can think of. You know exactly how a match with him will go for anyone. So I decided to do my best to make sure it didn't happen. I may not be the best person in the world, but I don't want to have the destruction that Zero will do on my head."

You can feel Protoman judging you. His hand lets off on your shoulder and you turn around to see him in your chair.

"So, Doctor, what's the plan?"

Upgrading Zero

[]Upgrade Movement Software Cost 2
Increases the Agility with which Zero Moves by removing inefficient movements
[] Install Prediction Software Cost 2
Allows better prediction of shots and enemy movement
[] Install Weapon Mastery Software Cost 3
Using your knowledge and the knowledge gained from having watched many hours of bad kung fu flicks and playing street fighter. Teach a melee weapon to Zero
[] Bugfix Cost 112
Using your knowledge of software and robotics. Fix Zero's faults and his murderous rampages. It's totally possible for you to fix this yourself. You aren't totally blind to your own mistakes.

[] Build more laser weaponry. Maybe a tonfa or something? Cost 4
[] Build a Macross Missile spam launcher Cost 10
You feel like taking a page out of Cossack's book here.
[] Upgrade Zero's Armor Cost 5
You might be able to get a bit more armor here and there

Super Adapter
[]STRONG Adapter Cost 6
Increases Strength
[] FAST Adapter Cost 6
Increases Movement Speed
[] AQUATIC Adapter Cost 6
[] SUPER GATTAI Cost ???

Both Megaman and Bass are busy with Robot Football League. You have no idea how long this will last.

[] Go out and cause a Robot Uprising. Hopefully should keep Megaman busy for a while. You give it a week tops.
[] Make a friend for Megaman. Could keep Megaman busy for a while.
[] Straight up hijack the internet and tell everyone you're going on vacation for a few months. Might convince Megaman?
[] Let Protoman deal with them? At this point you are running out of ideas.

You've had plenty of successes lately. You feel like this is setting up for a big fall but hey are far as you know it's all going well.

[] Ransack a few military bases Roll 3d12+3
You've really pissed them off. You wonder if your luck will hold.
[] Go and break in to the Robotics Museum Roll 4d15+4
It's full of your old work anyways.
[] Go drudge up some old ruins. Sure you might accidentally find something like the stardroids again. But you need all the resources you can get. roll 5d18+5
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The Long One
[X]Upgrade Movement Software Cost 2
[X] Install Prediction Software Cost 2
[X] Upgrade Zero's Armor Cost 5
[X] Straight up hijack the internet and tell everyone you're going on vacation for a few months. Might convince Megaman?
[X] Ransack a few military bases Roll 3d12+3

You honestly can't believe your luck today. Things have been going smoothly, too smoothly. That is both surprising and alarming, as nothing ever goes smoothly for you. Someone, always comes and ruins your fun. Be it Megaman, Bass, Protoman, or some random robot from space. So far nothing seems to be going wrong for you. Wonder, if Fate's trying to set you up for a bigger fall than normal. And if someone else is having a fight with your usual luck you do bid them the best. After all you've got a world to save.

On that note you had sent out a several dozen Met squads and Sniper Joe's to raid a few more military bases, both to test your new found luck and to gain a lot more resources. It went absurdly well. Well enough that it made you double check ever single part and parcel you gained, but none of it was a Trojan horse or anything. Your windfall of parts and information you gathered managed to double the resources you had stocked up before. And as strange as it sounds no one seemed to have noticed a thing. Its as if they don't care anymore. The bases were empty of life, both robotic and organic, and as far as you could tell the forces seem to have been pulled out to fight someone. But you haven't noticed any strange build up of enemies at your gates. As it stands either they are ignoring you or someone else has managed to get the world's attention. Either option is strange and you really don't like it.

Resource gain +33
Total Resources 55

Your progress on Zero has accelerated with Protoman's help, however this is both a curse and a blessing. On one hand, Protoman's help in the debugging process has massively improved your time frame for getting Zero up and running. Unless something massively goes wrong for you, you fully expect to wake Zero up from his pod with no issues next month. The curse is that you don't know why Protoman is here. Oh he says that he's just suspicious of you being quiet, but you've been quiet for longer and he's not come and bothered you. At this point, you believe that he may be collaborating with Cossack to make sure you aren't actually trying to cause trouble. Even with Protoman driving you insane with paranoia you managed to improve on Zero. The major improvement you made was with the new suite of calculation and data processing software. It's a massive improvement on the previous suite and with your own personal calculations you expect Zero to pull off amazing ricochets and trick shots with his buster. On a lesser note you removed some of the more nagging glitches on Zero's movement software. It wasn't all that much, a glitch here and there but his movement should be smoother and more refined. Not that anyone besides another robot master or maybe Light or Cossack would even notice.

Getting off your work with Zero's software, you've made decent inroads in armoring up required secondary systems and granting more redundancy to his primary systems. With the new armor Zero should be able to tank quite a few more shots than before and still be able to send it back at them as well.

Bugfix price dropped massively

What is this plan? Plan C or was it D? Bah, whatever the letter declaring to the world you were taking a vacation is one of desperation as you try to keep people from bothering you. Of course you'll need to be seen some where else but, you have replicas for that.

You step up the machines to hijack the internet up. You don't normally have them configured mostly because you keep them in storage most of the time. It reminds you too much of Light's plan for the Internet and how they almost gave it to you. However now is not the time for reminiscing on could have beens. You signal to one of the mets to push the button to start the show.

"Why, hello, there world. It is I, the Great DR WILY. I'm here to tell you that I'm taking a vacation from causing havoc where ever I go. I'm planning on seeing the world, and will be too busy for your daily scheduled Robot Revolution. Now I could cause one before I go but, I'm in too much of a good mood from my upcoming vacation to cause trouble. I'll only be taking a month off, so don't worry too much. I'll be back around to cause trouble after that."

The met shuts down the transmitter and you sigh.

"I wouldn't mind an actual vacation right now. Sadly I have too much to actually do. I'll configure the replicas to pretend to eat and I'll have them go visit some fancy restaurants in couple big cities."

Plan in mind you start reconfiguring several of your replicas to more fully appear human.


"I know people didn't like me but this is absurd. Poison, dead rats, hair, flies, snot, I could go on but it's starting to disgust me. I mean really, don't they know how to cook properly? This could have killed me if I didn't send my duplicates out. Seriously what was the big idea? It's not like I mess with chefs at all. It's mostly industrial sites. I could have gotten sick from this trash they tried to serve me."

Ideas begin to bubble in your head.

"They think they are some bigshot chefs with their fancy five stars and those stupid hats. Think they know better then me because I have multiple engineering degrees and they graduated from some culinary school. I'll show them, I'll show them HOW I COOK."

Wily starts laughing manically while Protoman sighs in the background.

"Someone had to start him off."

You make the finishing touches on CurryMan when you realize you haven't been paying attention to the outside world for nearly two weeks. Absently you activate CurryMan and you have him start learning recipes from the machine you set up for the Cooking Masters. Your Eight new.. wait what about Zero. You should be working on Zero what have you been doing. Stuff like this is why bad things like people stealing Zero's blueprints happen. Desperately you turn on your news aggregator as a massive army appears on the screen. You knew it. They were after you, you should have expected this, wait that's not your castle.

Is that Dr. Cossack?

Oh, this could be interesting. You set out a general message on the Wilynet to all of your Robot Masters just in case that you need to send them to Dr. Cossack's aid. Dr. Cossack and his daughter are both at the wall. Wait that's not Kalinka.

Is, that what you think it is? Oh, it is. This is going to be fun. You cancel the general alert and you have PastaMan bring you some popcorn and BeerMan a glass. You focus on what can only be Cossack's Masterpiece. He obviously patterned her on Roll, most likely based on the vague resemblance of Zero to Protoman and X to Megaman.

She drops down from the Wall with a visible shock wave as she craters the ground. Some kind of accelerator, could be interesting. It sends the closest tanks flying away and she's in the midst of the army. She grabs the nearest tank by the gun and slams it another one. Some kind of strength enhancement and tactile force field generator. Hmm, is Cossack going for a more hand to hand variation to X's buster or Zero's sword? It doesn't feel right to you.

And then a beam of light comes down onto Cossack's bot and you get it as she starts blasting away with anti aircraft weaponry. She's got a teleporting Variable Weapons system. You understand Cossack's thought process now. It gets around the number weapon energy limit by not having a normal source. Having it go and recharge back at base is much more efficient. She more then likely has several sets of each. You may need to steal that idea for some improvements to Zero. Another beam of light, and she's in a completely new set of armor. It deploys several sets of what looks to be smaller Beats. More then likely point defense droids. This must be the precision set, she's been using smaller lasers to take out the weaponry that the human soldiers have had. You begin to wonder exactly how many weaponry sets she has yet. She likely has a few based on her siblings, but how many are unique to her. Hmm, you might need to start poking at your children.

A positively massive drop pod crashes down from the heavens. A gigantic hand rips through the sides and barrels towards the female robot. So what did Cossack make for this eventuality. Either some kind of mass missile attack or a single giant laser. You want to say laser this time but, your gut deep down says missiles. You'll go with your gut for now.

The light, teleporter, you absently correct, beams down behind the absurdly sized robot and reveals a missile battery. She can call down artillery sets, Cossack you have outdone yourself this time. The battery opens and reveals more missiles then even you expect and they fire off and careen into the robots back ripping through the weaker backside to reveal that it wasn't even built up to your standards by a long shot. Pity you were hoping that someone would have made something interesting for this besides Cossack. Shame.

At this point it looks like the army should just start retreating. You know they should, because you have a good idea of just how strong she is. You wonder if the Army has caught on just how much damage she could do yet. For once you'll be nice. Absently you start hacking into communications and order a full retreat. You'll save a few lives, because from what you can tell, she's still playing around. Wouldn't want to see her serious yet. You'll have to go send Zero to go play with her when he is up. It's good to meet his peers after all.

Idly, you wonder if you should call up Light or Cossack to gloat about being right. But considering Cossack just fended off an army, you'll let this one slide. You will however send a gloating message to Light. Which file was it again? iwasrightsuxitlight.mp3 or was it iwasrightandyouwerewrongagainlight.mp3 whatever, you'll figure it out later.

You were proven right in one of the worst ways but, you were right. Normally this would be the point were you send out a bunch of robot masters, cause a bunch of havoc, make sure that they can't do this shit again. However, your uh, Cooking Masters aren't really built for full scale combat. Oh, sure they have combat uses, psychological attacks with food, and well to be honest they have some attacks. Mostly because none of your robots can ever be called defenseless. It's just they aren't really built to what you'd call army fighting status.

You'll still send them out, but it's for the original reason of teaching those failures instead of trying to make them into freedom fighters. At this point you feel like your going to have to activate Zero and have him break something or someone important first before you have him go out into the other dimension. Not that you don't have another two months before you can do that. You add that to your list of important things to do.

  1. Prove to Light that you are the best.
  2. Save the other dimension from up to Eight Altered Zero clones.
  3. Prevent war on robot masters.
  4. Teach those stupid chefs how to really cook.
  5. Have Zero break something important.
  6. Make a better toaster.


You have a total of 55 resources to spend

Upgrade Weapon Mastery Cost 6
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master enhance Zero's skill with the Z saber
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master enhance Zero's skill with the Z buster

Skill Creation Cost 12
[] Using data from a previous Robot Master create a new skill that Zero can use with all his weapons.

Bugfix Cost 62
[] With help from Protoman, You've managed to make this possible in your predicted time frame. It's time to kick off the dust from your programming skills and remove that tiny mistake you made oh so long ago.

Weapon Enhancement Cost 12
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master to enhance Zero's Z Weaponry.
Pick the Robot Master to be used and Weapon to be enhanced.

New Weapons
[] The Z Tonfa Cost 4
For when Zero needs to beat face without slicing it apart.
[] The Z Warhammer Cost 8
For when you really need to drop the hammer
[] The Cossack Launcher Cost 10
For when you need to make things explode

Armor Enhancements
[] Personal Shielding Cost 12
Utilizes what you saw from Cossack's War Machine's Tactile force field to enhance Zero's armor.

Super Adapter
Cossack has given you ideas on how to improve the Super Adapter System with his newfangled ideas. Using his shiny new ways of doing things you now have a good idea on how to make the adapter system break the world over it's knee.

[] WAR Adapter Cost 16
The War Adapter is the previous Strong Adapter Mixed in with Various Tank and Anti Tank Weaponry. It would decrease Zero's base speed but increase Zero's Anti Armor Warfare abilities.

[] ZOOM Adapter Cost 16
The Zoom Adapter is the Previous Fast Adapter mixed with anti personnel equipment such as mines and utilizes a rapid fire version of the buster. It would increase Zero's base speed, but decrease Zero's ability to fight more heavily armored foes.

[] DIVE Adapter Cost 16
The Dive Adapter is an enhanced version of the Swim Adapter. It's enhanced with several suites of Anti Aquatic Warfare weapons and software. It's increased abilities in the water are obvious and so are the decreased abilities out of water.

[] JET Adapter Cost 10
The Jet adapter is an enhanced version of the previous Fly Adapter. It's enhanced with several suites of Dogfighting and Anti Air Warfare weaponry and software. It's increased aerial abilities are at the cost of Armor.

[] SUPER GATTAI Cost ???

[] Cossack Adapter Cost 20
The Cossack Adapter allows one to deploy the Adapters as separate units apart from the main one.

With the attack on Cossack, Megaman is more then likely running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. He's more then likely too busy to think about what you are doing. Of course you could just get unlucky. Bass on the other hand is more likely to be bothering Cossack's new girl. So those two annoyances are pretty occupied at the moment. You also have a premade distraction with your Cooking Masters. Megaman won't be expecting them at all.

Cooking Masters give a bonus to not having Megaman drop on your head unexpectedly.

[] Go out and cause a Robot Uprising. Hopefully should keep Megaman busy for a while. You give it a week tops.
[] Make a friend for Megaman. Could keep Megaman busy for a while.
[] Let Protoman deal with them? At this point you are running out of ideas.
[] Surely you can come up with something?

You've been absurdly successful with this.

[] Go and break in to the Robotics Museum Roll 4d15+4
It's full of your old work anyways.

[] Go drudge up some old ruins. Sure you might accidentally find something like the stardroids again. But you need all the resources you can get. roll 5d18+5

Sorry for taking so long. Have nearly three thousand words in exchange. :p
Axl Attacks, and oh yeah Zero wakes ups but mostly Axl Attacks.
It's been strange on how all of your plans have been going off without a hitch. Something isn't on the up and up now. It would be one thing entirely if you were being sneaky, then you might have gotten away with your plans for a month or so. But, no one has been interfering for half a year. Someone has done something sneaky and you don't like it. You've upped your patrols and had Shademan out and about looking for something, anything out of ordinary. You can feel that someone has pulled something and you don't know what. It's bothering you.

On the other hand the Robot Museum went well, besides a few snags here and there. Sure you didn't get as much as you could have possibly get. A few over eager security robots saw to that, but you did manage to round up a few of your old toys from the previous Wily Wars. Such as an nearly intact core from one of your Devils. It also had your Wily Machine from the 3rd war. Some enterprising curator went out of his way to fix it up. You'll have to thank the man eventually. You also grabbed another copy of Gutsman, because who wouldn't want another copy of Gutsman, he's one of your favorites after all.

Afterwards, Shademan had found out one of your Sniper Joe's never came back from a base raid a month or so ago. Which, is concerning because as far as you know, the same amount of Sniper Joe's came back as went out.
You went into some what of a panic trying to figure out how exactly this came about. It could be some sort of camouflage bot. Who managed to spoof a signal perfectly, even to the point where none of your Robot Masters noticed. So, you might have some sort of assassination robot sneaking around. IN YOUR BASE.

Okay, you can deal with that. You know it can spoof Robot Master signals. That means it's got to be smarter then any generic robot. Thus, it's got to be Robot Master level at least. From there you know that it can't mass much more then a Sniper Joe. Since it could fake being one. You know how much you could fit in a Sniper Joe frame, so it can't have that much fire power in comparison. Unless it's got something like Protoman's core and at that point what can you really do?

Ignoring the screaming paranoid voice saying that it could totally have a core like that, you have Shademan signal to all of the Joe's and humanoid robots of that size to go to storage and shut down. It'll put back in production for a few hours but that keeps the infiltrator from being able to blend in as easy. Okay, what would be the objectives if you were programming it?

1. Kill or capture, Dr. Wily if possible.
2. Damage means of Robot Master production
3. Damage as many Robot Masters as possible.
4. Blow up the base
5. Steal whatever information it can.

Okay, using that mental guideline of what it might be doing you've figure out how to deal with this. Robot Masters will be set out in groups of two, have several of them protect the power core and anything that could get the base blown up. You don't have to worry about the information because nothing you've got is new besides Zero and that isn't accessible anywhere besides where Zero actually is.

So your job is to go finish Zero now. His lab is both the most heavily guarded and secret place you've got.

You keep forgetting how much of a mess Zero's coding is. Part of it is your choice of hiding exactly how you programmed him from other people, and the other is that you aren't the best at programming either. Not that you'll admit it to Light.

It could be worse. Okay, sure, it took Protoman pointing out exactly where you fucked up. But it's not like he's programmed to help debug robot master code. Oh wait he is. So you've finally isolated and fixed that little snippet that drives Zero nuts. All you need is to finally turn Zero on. Of course you are going to be standing on the other side of this nice blast window. Just in case you managed to fuck something else up this time. But it should be totally fine. Sure Protoman is calling you a coward but it's not like he's in the testing room either.

Periodically, you've stopped work to check to make sure your Robot Masters aren't smashed to bits while you've been busy. So far everything is going fine. Protoman just says that you're procrastinating on activating Zero. That isn't true at all, You're trying to be through and making sure nothing is going wrong while you finish Zero. Protoman on the other hand just sighs and tells you to get on with it. And mumbers something you didn't quite hear. It probably was something about cowardice but, you'll ignore that for now.

You look at the button and with hesitance born from knowing exactly what you are unleashing onto the world press. Hundreds of various feeds pop up on the monitors behind you as Zero boots up. Zero rises up out of his pod and you can hear the whirs of motors being initialized as his body goes through start up checks. It's now to late to run. You calmly walk into Zero's room.

"Good morning Zero. How are you feeling."

Zero is clenching and unclenching his fists as his eyes are cycling through various colors.

"Good morning, Doctor. Diagnosis checks are coming in satisfactory. I feel good."

Zero starts to stretch out. Warming up various parts you imagine. Already this is much better then the last time you activated Zero. You'll have Zero do a few tests then you'll activate his built in weaponry. You may be mad but you aren't stupid.

"I know you might find this boring but I need to run some tests. Zero, could you please walk over to that table pick up that egg, and then put it into the egg holder on the table on the other side?"

"Sure thing, Doctor."

His movements are very fluid, lifelike. If you didn't build him yourself you'd think he was a human. Of course someone with good enough ears might hear the subtle whirl of machinery. Of course, Dr. Light and Cossack could more then likely tell on sight from their own work.

He manages to move the egg first try. Which is spectacular. Especially considering the last time you did these tests he ended up splattering all of the eggs you had and then smashing the table into a million tiny bits while laughing insanely. It has to be at least a thousand times more successful this time.

Protoman is silently preening. He thinks it's entirely his own work here. Bah,You'd have eventually figured it out without his help.

The comms system comes on.

"Doctor, I believe I have found the subject. It's still in the form of a Sniper Joe. I'm preparing to take him down now."

"Yeah about that, I can't let you do that Shademan."

In a flash the Sniper Joe has fired directly into the motors controlling Shademan's wings. A flash of light covers the change from Sniper Joe to a teenage looking robot. Shademan crashes down into the floor.

"Shademan, Dr. Wily's head of security. Taking you down would remove a important piece from the board. So even if it's not in my directives for this mission you're going down. RAD-01 Axl is here to take you in."

Axl spins a pair of pistols around on his fingers before smiling.

"Try to keep up."

The teen robot back dashes away from the vampire stylized robot as various robots start piling in from all corners.

"All this for me? You shouldn't have."

A targeting module pops up over one eye and then, before Shademan can even react fires off several shots bouncing them off the helmets of mets around him into vital weak points of the other more important robots around him. Some even slam into Shademan's back.

Wily and Protoman are watching the Monitors.

"Protoman, does that design remind you of someone? Because to me, that looks remarkably similar to the designs for Zero's generation. X, Median, and Zero all have similar body designs and proportions to this Axl."

"Which is interesting considering that all of them are a massive secret to everyone. Do you mind if I take over the comms system for a bit. I have some questions for Axl."

Protoman reaches over and sits at one of the chairs. You know he can just project over the loud speakers but, you figure he's letting you hear what he's asking as well.

"Hey, RAD 01 right? So what does that stand for? "

Axl stops blasting at Shademan and his robots for a few seconds to reply.

"It stands for Red Alert Detective. I'm supposed to be designed for police work. Not police action like this. This would be my brothers specialty. I get what they want me to do. But it doesn't make sense. I'm supposed to be part of a squad. Where are my brothers? I should have a bunch of stupid younger brothers. But I've not heard of them or about them. I know they should exist. I've got all these protocols. I haven't even seen the.."

The teen robot is wracked with spasms as a device on his helmet emits some kind of energy and knocks him onto the floor.

"Hey that was a cheap shot Shademan. I was talking to Protoman. But fine I'll finish with you before I finish my chat with Protoman."

Axl's eyes are glowing an eerie red color.

"Your dossier included the fact that you were weak to Springman's weapon? I'm not sure how I'd duplicate that effect, So I'm just going to blow everything to bits. I think that should cover it right?"

Axl's dual handguns begin shifting into dual handheld grenade launchers.

The explosions that you hear over the comms are quite concerning, considering the rapid fire pace and the lack of reloading that's going on. Okay, your prior analysis is faulty. Somehow they managed to get a model that's more like Zero or X, than any of your Robot Masters. This is a bad thing, well it would be if you didn't have Zero awake and listening to you. And from what you can tell as well, this Axl isn't quite as under control as the military wants. You can work with this.

You'll need Zero armed and ready to fight.

"Well, I was hoping for a longer training time before sending you into battle Zero, but at the moment we really don't have much of a choice. I'm going to unlock your weapons systems. Protoman call everyone and tell them to pull out. Continue to monitor Axl's position but don't engage at all. He's stronger then any of them."

"Bass isn't going to like that at all."

"At this point, that doesn't matter at all. I'd rather hurt his feelings instead of have to rebuild him again."

"Okay, Shademan, I know you can't keep this up for much longer. … OH yeah I remember now. I know exactly how to deal with you. I hope my brother won't mind me stealing his special weapon too much."

The twin grenade launchers change once more into a pair of revolvers and his color shifts to a more gun metal shade.
Dr. Wily blanches. He's got a copy of Megaman's Variable System. Okay sure, Zero, Median, X, Bass, and Roll have a copy of it but.. okay it'd be pretty easy to find a copy of it some how.

"How did he say that again? Twelve bullets, enough to stop any robot that moves? Eh, I'll ask him later."

"Okay, Shademan, just to be nice I'm going to call my shots. Try to block, okay?"

He raises his revolvers up.

"Right arm second joint. Left arm first joint. Right leg ankle. Left shoulder joint."

Axl is just picking apart Shademan at this point. You don't have any clue what to do except hope Zero makes it there quickly.

"You're a massive fucking dick, did you know that you cocksucker. Stop attacking my fucking sibling."

Bass kicks Axl in the back of the head as hard as he can. And rapid fires into the back of the now prone robot.

"Hey, idiot, call a few of your robots to pull you out of here. I'm going to show this fuckface why I'm the strongest Robot Master there is."

"You should have kept attacking. Or checked if I was actually down."

Axl flips over Bass and touches Shademan, proceeds to round house kick Bass in the face as hard as he can.
"Bass, one of Wily's special projects." Axl's voice oozes with sarcasm. "I remember my exact orders for you. It was something like, ignore worthless robot that always loses to Megaman. I wasn't even ordered to try to take you in. They figured you'd end up destroying yourself if they let you. You're more hassle then you're worth. I mean I should just disengage rather then waste my time with you."


Axl combat rolls out of the way.

"Of course, now that I've engaged you, I might as well take you out. Now, what was your weakness? It was one of the Seventh Numbers right? Who was it again? Oh wait, it's Shademan, how about that and he's right here and I've already got his weapon. I'll offer you one chance to back down Fishman."

Bass dashes forward and blasts Axl before he can change weapons.

"Oh, no, you have my weakness, whatever shall I do? I can't remotely fight back. Just shut the fuck up, you second rate Zero copy. I'm going to beat this into your head. I'm Dr. Wily's finest creation. His masterpiece. So bow your head and beg for forgiveness, because maybe in the next life, you won't be a gigantic tool."

Bass fires a charge shot directly into Axl's chest armor and activates the booster in his right leg as he slams his knee into Axl's face.

"What was the first thing you shot out on Shade? His Right Arm right? Let's just find out just how well made your frame is now.' Bass smiles as he grabs hold of Axl's arm and attempts to shatter the joint.

"Where's the big talk, I thought that you were supposed to be some kind of.."

Axl flips Bass onto the ground as his eyes glow purple and his guns shift to a weird raygun shape.

"Sonic blaster is now integrated, thank you for your patience, and yea I am some kind of. Now, I'll offer you another chance to come quietly. I've been told getting hit with your weakness hurts a lot."

"You know, you aren't even remotely intimidating. Maybe it's the fact you look like a girl. Also, you forgot to account for two very important things."

"Really? From what I can tell, you don't have anything left."

"One, I'm a robot master, and two, TREBLE FETCH."

The Wolf shaped robot comes out nowhere and slams into Axl hard. All while attempting to rip off one of Axl's arms with his powerful jaws.


Various types of hydraulic fluids spurt out of his arm.

"Is that the sound of your arm servos being crushed? Because it certainly sounds like it to me. I've been told that hurts a lot."

"It does actually."

Treble gets sent flying towards Bass slamming both of them into the hallway's wall. Cradling his right arm as it visibly starts fixing itself.

"You know, I was being nice, sure I was being a jerk but I gave you multiple chances to give up. Now I'm going to have to start breaking things."

Axl kicks Treble off Bass and starts firing at the downed robot. His eyes glowing red.

"Bass, the strongest of Wily's robots and you're still a weakling."

A flash and Bass is no longer there.

"Wait wha"

And then Zero kicks Axl in the face hard enough to shatter, and knock out his teeth.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Zero deigns not to answer, well answer with words. He picks up Axl by his leg and slams him through a reinforced concrete wall. Pulling out one of the pipes from the wall he drags it on the floor and grins maniacally at Axl.

"You were not in the files, Seriously who the fuck are you?"

Zero impales Axl to the ground with the pipe and shatters one of his legs with a stomp.

"Doctor, how intact did you want this robot?"

"You can break another limb or two if you want. I want him offline for now."

"Will do."

The last thing Axl see's is Zero's grinning face.

Okay that's over. That was a terrifying hour, but now this Axl is being brought to your lab for you to work on. He's interesting. You can already tell that he's not from this time period. No one could hide him from you. So the military has been playing with the time skimmer again. Well, you'll just have to go break that into a few million tiny bits and destroy any blue prints they have on it.

In all that mess you've forgotten that you set your cooking masters out. You have to wonder how that's going on.
You open up the feeds. Oh, that's interesting. They challenged Megaman to a cook off and he lost. Well he never was meant to cook. He was an laboratory assistant after all. So Roll is going around trying to defeat your cooking masters. Well, apparently Megaman is sulking right now but, it's a good distraction you guess.

One more month until you finish the dimensional cracker and hopefully save the world from an idiot's madness. You have so many ideas and things you need to do.

Total Resources 10
+40 Due to Bass Winning that Tournament. You guys thought I forgot didn't you?

Upgrade Weapon Mastery Cost 6
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master enhance Zero's skill with the Z saber
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master enhance Zero's skill with the Z buster

Skill Creation Cost 12
[] Using data from a previous Robot Master create a new skill that Zero can use with all his weapons.

Weapon Enhancement Cost 12
[] Use data from a prior Robot Master to enhance Zero's Z Weaponry.
Pick the Robot Master to be used and Weapon to be enhanced.

New Weapons
[] The Z Tonfa Cost 4
For when Zero needs to beat face without slicing it apart.
[] The Z Warhammer Cost 8
For when you really need to drop the hammer
[] The Cossack Launcher Cost 10
For when you need to make things explode

Armor Enhancements
[] Personal Shielding Cost 12
Utilizes what you saw from Cossack's War Machine's Tactile force field to enhance Zero's armor.

Super Adapter
Cossack has given you ideas on how to improve the Super Adapter System with his newfangled ideas. Using his shiny new ways of doing things you now have a good idea on how to make the adapter system break the world over it's knee.

[] ZOOM Adapter Cost 16
The Zoom Adapter is the Previous Fast Adapter mixed with anti personnel equipment such as mines and utilizes a rapid fire version of the buster. It would increase Zero's base speed, but decrease Zero's ability to fight more heavily armored foes.

[] DIVE Adapter Cost 16
The Dive Adapter is an enhanced version of the Swim Adapter. It's enhanced with several suites of Anti Aquatic Warfare weapons and software. It's increased abilities in the water are obvious and so are the decreased abilities out of water.

[] JET Adapter Cost 10
The Jet adapter is an enhanced version of the previous Fly Adapter. It's enhanced with several suites of Dogfighting and Anti Air Warfare weaponry and software. It's increased aerial abilities are at the cost of Armor.

[] SUPER GATTAI Cost ???

[] Cossack Adapter Cost 20
The Cossack Adapter allows one to deploy the Adapters as separate units apart from the main one.

[] Dig up some old ruins. 4d20+5
[] Ransack the Time Skimmer Base. 5d25+9
[] Relieve the Company of some valuable assets.6d30+6

[] Write In?
In Which We Find Out that Dr. Cain is an idiot.
It's been awhile hasn't it? But you've done it. Your Dimensional Skimmer is online. You can finally start fixing what went wrong six months ago. When that pathetic weasel of a man stole FROM YOU. This entire time you've been lying to yourself about how this is to save that pathetic wretch's world. But you know better, it's because he wounded your pride, he stole from YOU Dr. Albert Wily. The absolute disrespect to steal from you, and you won't let this slide. There will be no mercy for that pathetic waste of flesh.

You begin the long process of booting up the Dimensional Skimmer. As the device builds up a charge, your mind begins to fill with thousands of ideas for revenge. You'll start light... or you would if someone hadn't already had their fun.

The lab on the other side has been demolished, the machinery is destroyed, completed and utterly wrecked. And the blood, everything is smeared in covered with blood and bits of gore. The scientists that worked here have been slaughtered, disemboweled and worse.

And seated in the center lounging like a reigning king is Zero. A copy of him anyways. Smiling directly at YOU, as he lightly tosses a head to the side as the begins to speak to you.

"Good Morning, Father. Right on time, I've been expecting you. It's been hard pretending that I didn't want to slaughter these worthless wastes of… But you are here now. So I can finally end our little charade and let my younger siblings have their fun now. Let them get all of that rage out of their systems from being abused by our so-called Masters"

He gestures grandly at the surrounding gore.

"I'm quite sorry that I didn't have the time to decorate more for you, I couldn't find That Man before your arrival. Also the shops around here don't carry a Welcome to this Dimension Banner sadly. But I do guess that this isn't quite the most common little engagement now is it, Father?"

His eyes flash as a video screen comes alive behind him, showing a map of the world with Eight glowing dots. The Zero copy smiles graciously as he gestures at the map.

"However since I don't have that man's head, how about I show you where each of my cute adorable little siblings are."

He points to each dot in sequence and rattles off a name.

"Raiden, Valkyrie, Lung, Jaeger, Valentine, Tetsuo, West, Shinano."

And then with a smile showing all of this teeth points to himself.


The newly named Omega gestures wildly.

"So father, do you want to play a game with us? I know how much you love your little wars, Eight of your Children to go out and cause a bit of havoc right? So I decided to set one up for you, this time you get to be the hero out to save the world. I convinced that idiot that he should send them out to eight different portions of the world. And now as soon as I give the word my cute siblings will start to go wild. And well I know what I can do with some free time."

The gore around him speaks plenty.

"However if you were willing to play my little game? I'd be able to limit the destruction they would do. After all they get to meet their eldest brother and play with him right? I'd think they'd be willing to wait a bit for a chance at a playmate."


Is, Is this what Zero would have been like if you didn't fix him? You thank the heavens that you've fixed the original, but what did that man do. This isn't the rage that you accidently created in Zero. This is some entirely new brand of disastrous insanity. But you aren't the kind of man to be quelled by fear. This just proves you right.

You push a button to broadcast your voice across the infinite void. With a heavy sigh you announce.
"Very well, I'll play your games. Do remember though. I win."


The viewing portal shuts off as you begin to plan. You'll take what you know from the names and from what you planned for the robot masters into consideration.

Okay, cross referencing the names versus popular media and your own knowledge you've come up with a list of who could be what.

Raiden is likely ThunderboltMan, whose specialty should be obvious from the name. He's your most powerful electric type master yet. You'll need to harden Zero's frame against shocks if you want to deal with him more effectively.

Valkyrie is possibly ShieldMan, which is one of the ones you are pulling hard as a guess. You are more than likely right about it. Going from popular culture, they possibly gave her a spear and flight of some sort.

Lung is DragonMan, blatantly obvious chinese name for dragon aside he's one of the stronger ones in this set from your plans. He's got flight, fire abilities, his armor can become a dragon and attack on it's own. That doesn't even get into what they've added to him.

Jaeger is Jetman, named after the pilot if you were right, well it's close enough okay? Missiles, Missiles and more missiles, oh and chain guns.

Valentine is Tankman, named after a type of tank. Heavy Armor, Bombardments, His Cannon is nothing to laugh at.

Tetsuo is Steelman, another simple one. Steelman is in the same lineage as Gutsman, He's a strong construction style robot, If any of Gutsman/Steelman's programming managed to stay in he should be… But you are dealing with Zero's aren't you.

West is SonicMan, who was in the style of Quickman, but for some reason everytime you think of his name you get a headache and start to hate eggs. You don't really know why either.

Shinano is CarrierMan, but the name is female so you are guessing they used a feminine body for her. Based off an Aircraft Carrier.

The question here is who do you send Zero after first? Who does Zero have the best chance of beating without gaining a weapon in that chain of weaknesses?

Choose a Zero Copy[?]
WZN #5 Valentine

Your first choice, the first of the copies you are sending Zero to go fight is Valentine, the Tankman Zero. His current upgrade spread should be a good match up against the heavily armored tank of a robot. Valentine is located at a training base in Germany. You'll have Zero beam in a bit away from the base to have an attempt at the element of surprise, not that it will last long against a prepared Robot Master but every bit helps.

Zero beams down into a heavily wooded area and scans around to see if anything is amiss. He quickly notices that there are Mets hidden around in various nooks and crannies in the trees to form a makeshift surveillance system. Valentine must have prepared for him.

"Zero, you've been made. Beeline straight for the Training Base, If you hurry you'll make it there before Valentine goes ahead and slaughters them."

Zero begins dashing and bounding his way towards the base when he's intercepted by a large humvee. Zero quickly rolls out of the way of the driverless vehicle. A figure slams out of the air from where he jumped.

"Huh, You don't look exactly like him."

A giant man wearing camouflage looks down at the crouched Zero. He runs his hand through his short spiky black hair.

"But then I don't look exactly like you do I? Hello, Zero."

Valentine smiles and gestures around.

"What? Were you expecting a pile of bodies? Do I look like that fool Omega? Because I'm not him. I'm not some craven snake with a murder fetish. I don't like him. He thinks that we are like him. That'd we play his little psychotic game of murder."

Valentine slams his hands against his chest.

"I'm WZN. 5, Valentine. I've got nothing against my soldiers. I enjoy their company. They are Mine. They laugh with me, they cry with me, they take good care of my equipment. Why would I want to or even need to tear them apart? But, I know where my siblings are coming from. That voice screaming in their head, the voice that's screaming in my head. That voice screaming at me to hurt what's mine. But I don't have to listen to it. Oh, It might be fun for a second, but it's not worth it to me. Hurting random people won't give me the fight I want. It can't give me the fight that voice is craving. They can't give me WAR. But you? You are the only reason I'm going along with Omega's sick little plan. Our elder brother, the brother that Omega can't speak of without looking behind him. The brother that makes Omega check every shadow he passes. YOU, the brother that terrifies that coward. You can give me that War I need. So ZERO. LET US HAVE A WAR."

Valentine's eyes flash as the area around him and Zero is bombarded with missiles and rockets. Zero weaves his way between the explosions as he gets nearly face to face with his massive younger sibling. But Valentine reacts quickly and summons his armor. It's thick tan plates deflecting the hit as the light machine guns on his shoulders fire. Peppering Zero with annoying but low damaging stings.

"Tougher then you look."

Valentine swings his cannon of an arm forward and takes aim directly at the center of Zero's chest. Zero falls backwards to dodge as the blast singes his hair. He sweeps his foot upwards into Valentine's jaw with awful metallic crunch.

"That hurt."

"Oh really? You've not seen anything yet."

A blast from behind Valentine skims by his armor and nails Zero dead center and sends him flying backwards.

"Yes, I've seen nothing yet."

Valentine launches mines from his left arm while Zero slashes through several flying mets. Valentine then rushes forward with terrifying speed and swings a massive hammer into Zero.

Valentine stops for a moment.

"You've been playing with me."

Blood Red Eyes shine back at Valentine.

In which the dice hate Valentine a lot
Zero laughs as he stops Valentine's war hammer with a single hand. His red eyes gleam maliciously as he teases his brother. "Well, you are strong, but not strong enough, little brother." Zero slams his tonfa's short end into his brother's face sending him flying backwards.

Zero flips the war hammer around before slinging it over his shoulder. "I like this, It's a good weapon. I'll have to ask the Doctor to make me my own later." Zero smirks as he notices a lurking Met nearby. "FORE." And with a swift swing he sends the Met flying at Valentine's face. In the moment he raises his arm to cover his face, Zero flashes for a second and reappears in front of Valentine. With a fanged grin he headbutts his brother hard enough to crack his helmet.

"You want a War? Why? It's pointless, you can't call this a war. This is a Policing Action, and wouldn't you know it? I'm the Police." Zero grabs the larger robot by his armor and slams him through the nearest tree. "It's not because you're weak. It's because in the end you are still listening to a weakling. You mock Omega, but you refuse to fight him. Does that make you weaker then him? Considering he is terrified of me?"

Zero lets the younger robot go and smiles. "Now then, second chance little brother. Let's see what you can really do. Don't worry about me or Omega being stronger. Show me the power of Valentine. The Fifth of his line, the Tank. Show me that you are worth a fight with me. Show me the strength that you show for your comrades sake."

Valentine eyes Zero cautiously before answering, "So how do you figure I'm holding back?"

Zero rolls his eyes at him. "For starters your armor isn't finished, nowhere thick enough for your ratings. Besides that you aren't using your main weapons, that big fuck off main cannon or your twin gatling guns. I have read your original specs after all. However the mine launcher and the war hammer are a nice addition."

Valentine smiles back at Zero as a small tank drive up behind him and unfolds. He takes a step back into it as it configures around his body into his missing armor and weaponry. When in finishes Valentine stands nearly ten feet tall. His armor is a dappled green and tan. A twin Gatling gun is mounted on one of his shoulders and the main cannon is mounted to his arm.

"Now this is more what I'm talking about. Now, I won't feel bad for picking on you. So get ready Valentine, no more holding back."

Valentine answers back with a blast of his cannon that Zero narrowly dodges as it levels a portion of the surrounding forest and craters the ground. He launches several mines into the air as he blasts forward, the tank treads on his feet ripping through the undergrowth as he takes aim at Zero once again.

A delicate dance begins to form as Valentine begins to blast out mines and use his gatling gun to halt Zero's superior speed. He aims for the mines as they near the ground to start to force Zero into a line he can predict and blast away with his cannon. But Zero seems to always be one step away from … He hacked the Mets. Damnit. Valentine disregards the targeting data the Mets have been sending him.

"Cheap trick brother."

"You caught on sooner then I thought."

Zero vanishes from sight for a moment before appearing in the air right above Valentine's head. And he drops the hammer on the tank like robot. A crack appears in Valentine's helmet as Zero flashes back away from Valentine as several shots from nowhere converge on where he was.

"You fight like a Robot Master. I'm actually pretty proud."

Zero throws the hammer at a camouflaged robot before zooming away and up one of the many trees before bouncing off towards another robot. Valentine takes aim and fires but only hits his own robots as Zero continues his mad bouncing through the forest.

"You doing this on purpose, did you not like those robots? Or is your aim really that bad." Zero gleefully taunts as he dashes in a damn near straight line. Almost taunting Valentine to take a shot with his cannon. Right before Zero steps on a hidden mine he flashes and sends it flying straight at Valentine's body. The giant reacts quickly and grabs it in his hand preventing a more damaging outcome but nearly wrecking his right hand. But the Tank smiles as he looks at the damage.

"I'm not fast enough, I'm not strong enough, But I won't let that stop me. I'll fight you until the end. My pride demands it."

Valentine takes aim with all of his weapons sending a near constant blast of bullets, cannon shots and mines, but Zero skillfully weaves in between it all with a smile. Mets begin popping out of where they were buried to explode and damage Zero, but he sends them flying with a swift kick or dodges fast enough they can't do anything.

"War at any cost huh?"

Zero pops in front of Valentine with his Z-Saber blazing aiming to finish this fight before anything else starts exploding at him. The slash connects with Valentine's chest but it doesn't quite penetrate far enough to stop him. He swats Zero away with his damaged hand and starts firing but Zero merely flips and dashes out of the rain of bullets.

"Well I think it's time to finish this, wouldn't you say little brother?"

Zero flashes as he kicks his Saber at Valentine. And then flashes again as he pulls the sword out of Valentine's chest. Valentine grins as he falls to his knees as oil gushes out of the wound.

"You really are Father's masterpiece. I wonder how I would have been if I was born from his hands instead of that man. I'm glad that I got to fight you. I just wanted to fight all out without having to worry about my comrades. Thank you, Zero."

Valentine collapses as his system shuts him down to enact repairs.

Zero looks down at Valentine before slinging him over his shoulder and grabbing his hammer.

"I'm just glad that worked. That last move used up the last of my Flash Energy. It was a good fight little brother. Two to beam away, Father."

And with that, Zero and Valentine are teleported away from the destroyed forest around them.

Dr. Wily looks at Zero and Valentine. "Get him into a stasis pod, I'll start working on him as soon as I have some free time. Anything out of the ordinary with you? Any problems with the Flash Weaponry?" Wily listens for a second before noticing a small disturbance coming from Zero. "It seems he managed to do a little damage. I'll fix that up in a minute. So what do you think about him?"

Zero lightly smiles at Wily, "One day, I'd like a rematch with him, once you get him up and running again. It was fun." Zero takes a more serious tone before finishing, "I can only hope that the rest of them are more like him then Omega. More then anything I want to bash his fake face in."

Dr. Wily's eyes take a more curious glint as he asks, "So what did you get from him? My bet is the cannon."

"The mine launcher, it's a bit more useful in my own opinion. It's a good weapon. I'm surprised he didn't have that from your designs."

"I was still tweaking things with them. I probably would have came up with it eventually."

Zero walks away with Valentine as Wily starts taking note of what he should be doing now.

  1. Prove to Light that you are the best.
  2. Save the other dimension from up to Eight Seven Altered Zero clones.
  3. Prevent war on robot masters.
  4. Teach those stupid chefs how to really cook. Hah, Cooking Masters showed them.
  5. Have Zero break something important.
  6. Make a better toaster. Toasterbot is a go.
  7. Fix up Valentine
  8. Do something with that Axl bot.
A beeping catches his ear, someone is calling you? That's a surprise. Wily pulls up the video screen as Dr. Light appears. Now this is usual, Light never calls you first. Usually.

"Hello Light. Might I ask what you are calling me for? I've got a lot of working I should be doing right now."

"Hello, I can see that you are in a pleasant mood already. Cooking Masters? Really? Was this some way to bring Roll into the spotlight?"

Wily takes a second before beginning to speak but Light already starts to talk again.

"Now Albert, what's really going on here. I know you, Cooking Masters? A Vacation? Dr. Cossack's football tournament, You are stalling for time. You've hidden away. It's unlike you. Now what's going on to make you stall."

A second passes as Wily visibly resists the urge to say nothing. He takes a deep breath before sighing.

"You were always more perceptive than you looked. I was robbed, they took everything. Materials, Plans, several robot masters that I hadn't finished. But worse of all? They took a copy of Zero. He's like your X. Stronger really. What makes it worse is what I didn't have on those blueprints. Zero has, had a flaw. His personality was insane, violent, sadistic and murderous. So I put him in a stasis tube until I could fix him properly."

A flash of something passes over Light's face before you continue on.

"None of it would have mattered if it was a normal theft. No one can really hide from me for too long. Certainly not long enough to build a copy of Zero. But the issue was the thief wasn't from this world. Have you heard of parallel dimensions? He was from one of those. I had to do something, I couldn't just let someone unleash Zero on an undeserving world. I'm not a monster Light."
Albert takes a drink from a glass of water.

"It would take me six months to build a machine to let me do the same. I needed time without Megaman interfering. I needed time to fix Zero. I needed to do something, I called Cossack. He ran the Football tournament. He built an X Generation Robot, he calls her Median. I did other things, I needed parts, lots of them. So I stole from the government, and I kept stealing. Everything was going according to plan. I finally finished the machine not too long ago, and what I found was worse than I expected. Not One Zero. Nine of them, One seemly base model and eight based on the stolen robot masters. When I got my first look at Omega, that's his name, Don't look at me like that I didn't name him, he had slaughtered the scientists that made him. He made it a game. A Wily War on his own rules. If I tried to take him out, the other eight would start to massacre and destroy everything around them. Seriously don't look at me like that. I was attempting to debug Zero and had no plans on releasing him anytime soon. Well before this anyways. I managed to fix him. He's up and running. He's a bit of a fight junky but he's stable and he's capable of showing emotions other than hate or anger."

Light has his thinking face on.

"I'll help. Expect X soon. I have ideas and I need to talk to Cossack."

Light gives a soft smile, "You did the right thing." His picture blinks out and you are alone with your thoughts. What do you need to do?

A light blinks out on the map on the wall. Omega leans forward and smiles. "One down, Seven more to go. Valentine wasn't strong enough was he? Oh well." He walks out of the carnage of the room and into a warehouse and smiles at the shape being constructed. His new armor was coming along nicely. Even better than his old set. He'll finally get to set the scales straight. He will show them all who the real Zero was.

2 resources
Wily Options (Pick 3)
[] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.
[] Gather up the Data inside Axl's head. It could be useful.
[] Start gathering data on where that idiot is
[] Begin troubleshooting Valentine

Protoman Option? (Pick 1)
Protoman is currently very curious about what's going on with everyone.
[] Troubleshoot Valentine
[] Check on Dr. Light and Megaman
[] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median
[] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.

Robot Master Option (Pick 1)
[] High Risk
[] Medium Risk
[] Low Risk

Next WZN to go after
[] Tetsuo, Steel Man
[] West, Sonic Man
[] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[] Lung, Dragon Man
[] Raiden, Thunderbolt Man
[] Jaeger, Jet Man
[] Shinano, Carrier Man
Protoman begins a series of shenagians
So this is prolly unexpected, an update that isn't months apart from the last one.

You hate it. You hate that they refuse to see what's right in front of their eyes. That they refuse to believe that your creations could have a heart and soul. That they could have real emotions and feelings. That they were ALIVE. But, you have to keep marching forward on your path. Further and further into the spotlight as the villain. If that means keeping your children safe, so be it.

The alliance has five principal sites from which the army that opposed Cossack mobilized from, with myriad smaller satellite sites that hide research and development. Research funded to take you and yours out. But, don't they realize who you are?

You are Dr. Albert Wily. The master of mass production, the wizard of robotics and mostly the father to your sons.

There is no pity for them. None what so ever about the plot you've concocted. It's time to put on a show. Anyone can be a villain, but someone of your status? It's about style, style and presentation.

Once more into the fray. The button is pressed and now you are in control.

Thousand upon thousands of screens flash on in a screech of static as your voice hails over the airwaves.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Albert Wily, I'm sure you've heard of my exploits. I've recently taken the culinary world by storm. But wouldn't you know it? My vacation time is over and now normal programming is back in action. So get ready for everyone's favorite show. Robot Revolution. You may be wondering how I know this channel exists or how I hacked but, that's not important. What is important is the army knocking at your door this time. You made a grave error. You attacked the wrong doctor. Let me show you how much of a mistake you made."

A noise like a crashing train clammers through the base as thousands of tiny robots pop out of no where with drills and hammers and start demolishing the base. Cutting, breaking, and more as they start wrecking the base around the men. Last time you assaulted a military you had let them keep their buildings. This time? Not so lucky. They can keep the men and the clothing you don't really need the fabric... though an idea for a Thread man pops up for a second.

But onto more important details, it's time to check in on Zero. You wanted the men in charge. You want them to Know. Exactly how far they've dug themselves into a hole. Zero's task was simple. Single handily destroy the main base and take the ringleaders into custody. With a tell tale beeping you calmly swing around and face the men while petting Tango.

"We finally meet, it's been far too long. As you know I'm Dr. Albert Wily. And you are the pests that have been annoying me. The close minded clods that decided unilaterally the world doesn't need me or my works. You've been causing chaos and destruction because you don't like the fact that you're been left in the dust. Well, guess what, I'm finally here to fix that problem. I know some of you hate me, that's good, but I have to wonder. How many of you are afraid of me?"

Wily bares his teeth in a smug grin.

"You see I'm not like you. I understand how important information is. Oh what is that shiver passing through some of you? Feel like someone walking over your grave?"

Wily chuckles.

"Because I can destroy you. Topple the thin little pillars that hold you up in the eyes of the world. A few choice words and even you can't bury the results. I wonder how the world would react to your daughters little 'accident'? Or maybe that grandchild of yours, no not that one, the one that you keep in the basement. Or maybe I should let the world know how your second marriage ended. See death is easy, but suffering? Suffering is forever. Do you understand just how prevalent mine and Light's tech really is? It's in your smartphone, It's in your new computer, it's in anything smarter than a rock. I know everything they know. So tell me gentlemen, do you think you can hide from me?"

Wily gestures widely as he smiles menacingly.

"So gentlemen, let's make a deal."

[45 resources gained] + [Shutting up some idiots]+[Blackmail waiting to destroy them if they take one step out of line]

Well at least that's one headache over and done with, now you need to do something you hate. You need to ask Cossack for he.. hel... for a favor. Ask him if you can borrow Median for a while. Just long enough that you can focus and do repairs and maybe sleep for more then an hour. You say that but it's going to be spent planning again. Because something about Omega is niggling at you. His actions aren't what you expected from Zero. The murder you expected a little, something about him is wrong. And it's bugging you madly.

Zero didn't act like that when you activated him, so what is so different about it? You even wonder if something other then Zero's code is in that head. You shake yourself out of those thoughts and get on to calling Cossack.

"Hello, Cossack, I paid back the favor from before. Don't worry about that army anymore. It's disbanded. On other news, the plan was a success. We were a bit too late still. A Zero copy was still built."

Wily gestures calmly at Valentine on a table for future repairs.

"This is what became of Tankman. He was upgraded to a Zero level body. Now I could keep having Zero go out and fight, but I have this feeling that something is wrong about this. I want it over as fast as possible and I want Omega to have as few chances as possible to get a good look at what Zero is capable of now."

Wily rubs his hands down his face.

"I don't want to ask this, but I need another favor. Can you send over Median? Being able to take down two targets at once would speed this up. If not for me, for them."

Wily places a hand on Valentine.

"He managed to fight it. That desire to harm others. He managed to pull himself away from it. He focused all of it towards fighting Zero. He made a battlefield away from everyone else. I don't know how long they can keep themselves from hurting others. So please. Cossack help me."

"Well that confirms what Dr. Light told me. I'll get Median ready to be sent over shortly. Do you mind looking over her tactile force generator, I'm pretty sure I've got everything set up properly, but I wouldn't mind a second set of eyes on it."

Cossack looks like he's about to hang up before popping up with a question.

"Do you know what Dr. Light meant when he told me to let you know that 'I know how to cheat just as well as you Albert.'"

A quick flash of irritation appears on Wily's face before he quickly smothers it.

"Not in particular, but he's going to be a pain."

"Oh, oh well. Good bye Doctor. And thank you."

Cossack hangs up.

In a brightly lit lab, Protoman looks down at the young looking robot on the table in front of him cautiously as he begins to inspect the device attached to his helmet. Examining where and how it attached and the best way to remove it without frying his brain.

"So, where did you come from? I know all three of the Doctors that have the skill to create you. But, your particular design? It's not something they would have created. A shapeshifting dective? Dr. Wily is good at the particular brand of mechanics needed, Light is best at the AI, and Cossack is good with weaponry. Dr. Light provides for manufacturing and things like that, Cossack hasn't really made any since the war and Dr. Wily wouldn't provide the police a tool to catch him.

Protoman racks through the tools before finding the one he wants as he begins to calmly work at the device.
"I know that you aren't on Zero's level, but you are still miles and miles ahead of everyone else. So you have to be from somewhere else. Not here, but maybe some when else. I think someone has been messing with time again. So who did they steal you from and what did they do to them?"

Protoman gently begins to remove the wires attaching the device.

"I don't think I'm going to like what happened to you."

He glares at the device hanging onto Axl's head like a parasite.

"I know you aren't doing this willingly either, Detective. Stolen from your family so they could have a secret weapon against father. It's disgusting. But it's your lucky day, because I am going to fix it."

Protoman pulls the device off and crushes it in his hand.

"Because I'm the first. I am the one that watches out for them. All of my younger siblings, even if they aren't made by my fathers."

Protoman takes a wire and connects to Axl.

"Now lets see what happened to you."

[Protoman will be causing Shenanigans for the next two turns]

After some tune ups and quick fixes Zero is once again fully repaired, not that Valentine really did that much damage to him, but you still need to refill energy tanks. Zero gives you a thumbs up that he's ready to be beamed out, to once again fight one of his siblings... Is this how Light feels? But once again Zero teleports out into that other world. It's Valkyrie this time, she's based on Shield Man.

A figure sits on a skyscraper watching a beam of light touch down in her city. She gives a beautiful smile, and flicks her golden hair over her shoulder as she stands up and looks down. Her pure white wings flick out as her arms reach out lovingly towards the light.

"It's my turn then"

A voice as clear as a bell rings out as she begins to gesture like a conductor at the city below her. And an orchestra of screams and crashes begins. Lights shift suddenly, cars don't brake, planes drop out of the sky. Robots begin running amuck. Havoc has taken the city by storm. A beeping pops in her ear as Omega's children begin to ask for permission. A silent acknowledgement as to make them leave her alone to watch this most beautiful show.

Zero beams in to an unoccupied alleyway. A crash immediately catches his attention as it slams into one of the walls. Several robots in police colors run into the alley and as one turn to face Zero. A split second and then they start firing. Zero walks away from behind them as they slide into pieces and explode.

"Doctor, we can safely consider Valkyrie to be not like Valentine."

Zero looks around to see a city in flames, planes have crashed into building car wrecks everywhere people fighting each other. It's mayhem and chaos. Drones with glowing red eyes float around and little mechanical spiders walk around causing trouble as more police robots come running down the street. Their angry sirens letting Zero know exactly where to aim.

Two mine shots ring out and nail the robots in the faces while Zero takes care of the aerial drones. Zero glares at the remaining Police Robot and grabs it by the face. His eyes gleam red as he takes over. Before dropping it he takes the robot's buster pistol and smiles as his armor shades to gun metal gray.

"How did Axl say it? Twelve shots to kill any bot that moves?"

Zero smiles up at the growing swarm of drones as he takes aim. The ricocheting shots take down the swarm as he glances around the area. He considers what he learned from the police bot. The Robots are running rampant without Valkyrie's direction. He has two targets now. Does he go after the control switch or Valkyrie?

Finally, some free time. Even still you don't that much. Maybe enough for this plan. With Zero out in the field, Omega shouldn't be paying to much attention to you and your efforts. Whatever info you can steal from that lab will be worth it's weight in gold. What they did to the Copies, where they are, whatever you can get.
You take a quick peek at the lab with the viewer. Empty, good. You beam in a met and have it get to work for you. It shouldn't take it too long to download the labs files. And hopefully Omega will sit where he is and not mess everything up.

[Info Met is deployed. Information will be beamed back to you in two turns. Ish.] [Omega has another hiding spot besides the lab.]

Well you were expecting this. Shadow Man was the first back with the parts you needed for his conversion. Not that Shadow Man actually needs all that much work done. Considering his origin, it's more of a removal of some things and a spec upgrade then the radical upgrades some of the others might require. But he brought in some parts that would be a straight upgrade from what he has.

A new set of frame work for his skeleton that is more lightweight and stronger than his current one. It's from an experimental research lab in America if you remember right. You were going to steal some samples but you got busy with this mess.

Oh, and this is the finished hologram matrix from that lab in Denmark. You didn't even know they were close to finishing this. Shadow man must have been watching them closely. You almost feel outdone since you really only have a set of kunai and shurikans made the same way Zero's saber and tonfa are. But it's a upgrade... You feel a compulsion to make a set of ninja mets for some reason. Oh well.

Zero Fight Options
[] Go after Valkyrie
[] Shut down the Rampaging Robots.

Wily Free time

[] Make Ninja Mets
[] Get introduced to Median by Bass
[] Wonder where Protoman got to.
[] Send someone to cheer up Megaman

Met Options
[] Hide and Hijack Info
[] Explore a bit
Well Sort of sorry for how long this has taken.

[X] Go after Valkyrie
[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass
[X] Hide and Hijack Info

Dodging the parts from the exploding drones, Zero makes a snap decision and speeds towards Valkyrie's skyscraper.

Any robot that falls into his path is quickly decapitated with no mercy. The Doctor would make sarcastic quips about putting a robots brain in his head if he was watching, but Zero remains quiet. He rolls out of an alley as several cars smash into the walls.

"Really? Robotic cars now? That's just peachy. Ugh."

Zero slices the next car in half as it drives into him.

"I don't have time to deal with you, you shoddily made knockoffs. Get the hell out of my way."

He grabs the nearest robot and uses it to broadcast a shutdown code to all the robots nearby, and with a half considered mental tug, he overloads the robot's core before tossing it at the rest of the shutdown boats.

"I've already smashed my way through easily four times more robots than Valentine had. Why do you have this many?"

As he finally gets the skyscraper in view his rhetorical question is answered.

"Cain Industries. Ah. That explains this mess."

A Dump Truck sized robot and a whole mess of smaller humanoid robots block his way towards the entrance.


He closes his eyes and looks up at the sky.

"None of you are worth my time. Why are you here? Don't you have something you should be doing?"

Red eyes glare fiercely at the gathered robots. Red eyes gleam back at him as they shuffle awkwardly.


The Robots part like the sea.

"Careful, Careful."

Dr. Wily is hunched over a desk, with a tiny paintbrush and a small model of a Met. He carefully paints the model purple and black as he designs how he wants the ninja met to look. A row of completed Mets in various shades of purple and black line the desk.

"Careful, Careful.. just a little bit more and then I just need to let it dry."


Bass kicks the door open. Dr. Wily jumps and flings the paint brush and model into the air as he crashes into the desk, causing them all to go flying. As each met hits the ground and breaks a small part of Wily's heart cracks, over and over again. The Doctor just stares at all the broken model Mets on the floor in front of him as Bass stands in the Doorway. He takes a deep breath as he turns to look at Bass. He hisses out just one word.


Bass just tilts his head confused as he walks in and a female robot walks in behind him. The Doctor recognizes her immediately as Dr. Cossack's new girl. She wasn't expected for another few hours. Why is she so here so quickly?

"Doctor, I have to introduce you, this is Median. She only put me through seven walls. Blah blah bla"

Wily begins to lose focus as Bass blathers on about his fights with Median as he comes to a realization why Median is here so quickly. 'She only put me through seven walls.' Cossack is making you deal with Bass's tendencies and damage... But really? Only seven? Zero put Bass through ten or so walls before getting bored.

"blah blah blah, She kept hitting me through the holes I already made. Blah blah blah."

Ah, that makes sense, she has better aim than Zero does. Should you speak up and attempt to end Bass's monologue about the various times Median has kicked his ass. You watch Median's face instead, watching the various emotions that flitter on her face. She's much more willing to put up with/play with Bass. Hmm, Zero did compare him to a puppy, wonder if Median thinks the same?

"Blah blah blah, and then I was covered in feathers, blah blah blah.."

Bass isn't going to stop anytime soon is he? How to make this end... Wait, wasn't Bass one of the volunteers for the upgrade, time to put the brakes on Bass and maybe actually have a talk with Median? That's the dream, now put the spikes to Bass's tires.

"Bass, weren't you supposed to be gathering parts for your upgrade? Shadow Man has already got around to it. I already upgraded him and made him a nice new set of weapons."

Mentally counting down to when Bass's blasts out the door to either go get parts or to go challenge Shadow Man for being the first to get upgrades. The Doctor watches as he nearly flies out the door.

"Well, while have been introduced, Bass spent the entire time talking about your fights. Hello Median, I'm Doctor Albert Wily."

He smiles widely and puts his hand out to shake. Median shakes his hand.

"Hello Doctor."
Valkyrie... Fight?
"It's quite beautiful isn't it? The destruction, the fighting, all of it is just so beautiful. The barbarity they project in the midst of a disaster. They show their true colors when the chips are down. Humans are nothing more than beasts. They go around and use this as an opportunity to indulge their darkest desires."

Her cold blue eyes judge the fiery city below her. Her white armor painted orange by the flames illuminating the city.

Valkyrie smiles as she faces the roof access door.

"I know that you can hear me brother, you might as well open it. I'd rather talk to you face to face."

She rolls out of the way as the door comes flying off it's hinges. Her wings forming a shield as she faces her brother.

"It was unlocked."

Zero points to his face.

"Is this the face of someone that gives a damn?"



"Nonetheless, I'd like to continue my speech."

Zero gestures at her in a get on with it gesture.

"This is the proof that they worthless. Can't you see this brother? How they act in this crisis. They should be fighting back and prove that they are worth our time. It's amazing how selfish they are."

Her blond hair frames her face angelically as she smiles.

"But, look at it, what they created has turned into this. It's beautiful. Just beautiful."

She turns to face the city again, enraptured by the flames and destruction. Zero is flabbergasted as Valkyrie actually stops paying attention to him. Slowly, a manically grin steals it's way over Zero's face as his eyes gleam with murder.

"I'm WZN. 2, Valkyrie and welcome to.."


Zero sheathes his saber as he watches Valkyrie fall back and look up at him.

"Why? But, you let Valentine.."

"It could be that you are more of a psycho then Valentine,or it could be that you pissed me off. So just go to sleep little sister, hopefully the next time we wake you up you'll be less insane."

Zero takes Valkyrie over his shoulder and eyes the drop below him.

"If I was more of a dick I could just toss you down. But since even with your weight I should be able to just slide down the wall."

Zero taps the side of his head to call Dr. Wily.

"So, father I'm gonna need a teleport out in about five, ten minutes tops while I go break something. If you want you can beam out Valkyrie. But on the other hand I could always use the handicap if you don't care about beaming her back."

Taking a moment to yourself for personal business, You quickly head towards your personal bathroom. As you open the door you blink. And then you close the door and open it again. It's still there. You take a deep breath before you push a button on the wall, knowing exactly who is at fault here.

"Protoman, why is there a man covered with duct tape and cucumbers in my bath?"

His voice rings out of the speaker calmly.

"I'm saving him thousands of dollars worth of therapists visits and conducting my own exposure therapy. But, really now, do you honestly want to know why he's in there, or do you just want me to get him out of your sight for now? Just know that he honestly deserves everything I'm doing to him."

You sigh.

"Just get him out of there, I would like to take a bath. I'm tired, and cranky and would like to relax for an hour and then take a long nap."

The man begins frantically moving, trying to get your attention. You calmly walk over and pull off the duct tape from his mouth.

"You have to help me, he's a maniac. Pleas…"

You quickly reapply the tape to the man's mouth, and a few moments later a couple of Sniper Joes pick him up, as he frantically tries to escape their steely grips. You ignore him as you turn on the faucets and let the water run. All you need now is some time to relax.

Now, who was it again that Median decided to face? Ah, yes it was

[] Insert Zero Master

The Met sits unmoving in a small drawer. The Met listens. The Met waits.

The Met listens as a large thing clatters around the room.

"He's not supposed to be this strong. He's stronger then when I fought him. And worse yet, I haven't gotten any good footage of how he fights. None of Valentine's robots were calibrated for that speed of combat and Valkyrie was taken out with one shot. How am I supposed to fight him? Maybe… I still have the blueprints for the others. Maybe I should do a bit of upgrading myself. Or maybe I should get some outside help. What was his name again.. Sigma."

The Met sits. The Met broadcasts. The Met is.
WZN 06 Tetsuo
A young man calmly reclines in the shade of a tree while he watches the clouds go by. He mutters softly to himself. "Tetsuo, little brother, what are you doing. You know that snake won't let you do that. He won't just let you just shield them from danger. He wants blood, he wants to watch you lose. But, I refuse to let you get harmed so that sick smug bastard can see how Zero fights."

He sighs heavily as he leaves his resting place.

"Zero was right. The time for games is over. Omega, you said that father's favorite plan was robot revolution. Well, you finally have a chance to see it from the other side."

A small jet flies towards him and forms his armor.

"So Omega, I quit."

Jaeger blasts off into the sky.


A beam of light tears clouds asunder as Median is teleported outside of the steel factory that Tetsuo runs. She looks around warily for any ambushes or traps that he may have set up but doesn't see anything. She takes a closer look at the factory, when she sees it. Thousands of robots are working on the factory itself. Building up new walls, armoring the old walls, building towers and turrets, just turning the factory complex into a fortress of shining steel.

"Hey Doc? You seeing this?"

A light snore is the only reply Median receives, the old man had finally became too worn out to stay awake any longer.

A new comm line opens with a quiet beep, as Protoman takes over.

"So, since Dr. Wily has finally fell asleep, my younger siblings are taking him back to his bed. I'll be taking over for the next few hours. Hey, wait, could you look back over near the parking lot for a second?"

Median takes a closer look at the parking lot. A horde of Mets are herding humans towards their cars.

"They seem to be forcing the humans to leave?"

"Yes, that's what I'm seeing too. Why? While it's not out of the question due to how Valentine acted it's also odd. Could you attempt to get closer?"

"Yeah, easily."

"Then follow this path, it should be the quickest way in."

A line pops into Median's vision showing her the quick path, a path that is quickly disturbed by a single Met blocking the way. It tilts it's head questioningly at Median. She gives a quick smile and wave at the small met. It waits a second before nodding approvingly at Median. Then it starts to drag a metal plate towards a group of mets in the distance.


"It's not like they expecting you. Zero's the one they are looking for. Maybe you could take advantage of the situation by avoiding any hostile actions for now"

"Got it."

As Median reaches a half built wall she spots another Met.

"I wonder."

She kneels down to be eye level with the Met.

"Hello, my name is Median. Could you please take me to your Master, Tetsuo?"

The Met looks at her quizzically before giving a quick nod of affirmation.

Median pets it on the head.

"Thank you."

It hops off the wall and trundles onward towards the factory. The sheer number of the cute little robots is amazing. Median waves and smiles at any of the robots that look towards her. Before long Median is taken towards a large man with a massive bundle of steel plates over his shoulder.

He puts down the plates on a forklift that a met is driving. It zooms off as he turns and looks at Median. His bright green eyes cheer up as he spots her and waves.

"Hello there, how are you?"

"I'm good, and yourself?"

He runs a hand through his short brown hair before replying back.

"Not the best, my older brother is going to be coming here wanting a fight. I don't look forward to it. All my little buddies would get hurt. I don't want them ever getting hurt again. Not like before."

"Oh, I'm sorry for you. Do you need any help?"

"Ah, thank you, but I have to do this myself. I have to listen to Omega's stupid rules."

He slowly blinks his eyes and tilts his head slightly.

"Wait, I thought I had my little buddies evacuate all the humans."

One of the Mets chirps and beeps at him. He turns towards it and acknowledges it.

"Ah, so she's a robot. You brought her to see me. I get it."

He turns back to Median with a smile.

"So since you aren't human, I guess you are still allowed to be around."

Tetsuo nods enthusiastically.


"Can I ask you to move for a bit? I need to move those beams over there."

He points to behind Median.

"Ah, I can get those for you."

"Thank you, they need to go over there on the pallets."
Jaeger V. Omega FIGHT!
Omega overlooks the city on the Cain Industries Tower roof. The moonlit city has yet to be touched by the fallout of the battles between Zero and his underlings. The unexpecting population could be wiped out within hours if he so deems it. His only reason for holding back is the chance to gain whatever information he can before he fights Zero. Any small smidgen of information could be what he finally needs to fulfill his revenge. A whine of thrusters catches his ear, and he looks back to watch Jaeger land on the roof with a large thud. His engines still whirring as he looks towards Omega.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Omega sharply snapped "You need to be preparing for Zero to get to you. You're ruining my plan. If you're bored go play with the flyboys or whatever. JUST be there."

Jaeger smiles calmly, almost friendly towards Omega. "Omega, Omega, why can't we be friends? Can't I just want a friendly talk between brothers?"

Omega begins to open his mouth to speak, but almost like flipping a switch, Jaeger's friendly demeanor disappears as his eyes gleam darkly. Omega almost realizes what Jaeger's planning but is unable to react before Jaeger bursts forwards in a blast of speed sending Omega flying off the side of the skyscraper

"Oh yeah, that's fucking right. You're not my brother now are you? You're a just a fucking monster." With his tone full of venom, Jaeger erupts towards Omega thrusters full throttle before quickly overtaking him. Waiting for the falling Omega, Jaeger aims towards the side of the Cain Tower and begins slamming him through the walls. Jaeger lets go of Omega and snaps back a few feet.

"Zero was right, we should just have told you to take your plan and shove it where the sun don't shine." Jaeger shoots off sharply, as several slots on his armor open up to reveal missiles everywhere. One by one they fire off towards Omega's form slumped in the wall. A wall of smoke and debris clogs the air as Jaeger watches for any movement from Omega.


The smoke slowly clears as two glowing red eyes appear right next to Jaeger. "Was that all you got?" Omega asks mockingly. Jaeger attempts to zoom backwards away from Omega, but he reaches out and grabs Jaegers shoulder before he can react. He grasps harder and harder and before long the metal gives way with a shriek. Jaeger's left arm is rendered completely useless.

"How did the humans say it? Ah, it's time for round two." Omega rips Jaeger's arm off from his frame. "Ding, ding." Jaeger's arm is swung towards his face sending him prone on the ground. "I'm glad one of you finally got the balls to try something. Now I have an example to point out when they start questioning me." Omega stomps down on one of Jaeger's wings as the engines protest wildly at the force being applied. A small crack begins to form on the armor. A desperate gleam appears in Jaegers eye. The engines begin to audibly spin up even more. They shriek as Jaeger and Omega are sent flying upwards into the roof. As they begin to fall back down Jaeger uses the time to put some distance between Omega and himself. He floats mere inches off the ground as he holds his shoulder while Omega looks nearly perfectly fine. The only visible damage is a crack in Omega's left eye and a few places where the false skin is torn.

"Seems you're a bit worse for the wear Jaeger," he gestures to Jaegers arm in his hand "I'm pretty sure that this is supposed to be attached to you." Omega looks despondently at Jaeger. "Where is all that piss and vinegar? I thought you were going to win? You're just as disappointing as Tetsuo."

Jaeger smiles darkly as he holds out a hand. "You want me to stop?" One finger goes slowly down. "Four?" Jaeger closes his hand suddenly as a jet streaks past the windows. A missile slams into the side of the building, the floors crumpling beneath them as the skyscraper begins to fall down around them. A pillar of dust and burning debris erupts into the sky. Painting the stars and moon with a macabre shade of red. Sirens and alarms blare across the city as people scream and record.


Protoman stiffens suddenly as if alarms and sirens are going off in his head. The Met his father has in the other dimension is sending off a data feed with a huge glaring READ NOW pops into existence in his head. He quickly skims through and gives the Met the okay to conduct the operation. He only hopes that it goes well for the Met.

The Met sits unwaveringly in a small drawer. The Met listens carefully. The Met waits patiently. The Met sits calmly as the roof above it collapses in. The Met is unharmed. The Met sits quizzingly as a feed of data pops into it's head. The Met broadcasts the data packet Jaeger sent.

"You, you absolute fucker, you just, you just. I'm going to fucking ruin you. Tear you into thousands of pieces and sent them off to Tetsuo. I'm going to have to find a new fucking base. I'm going to have to move all of Cain's shit. Do you know how much of a fucking pain that's going to be? Say something you little shit."

The Met sits nervously as Jaeger screams in pain. The Met shakes as it comes to a decision. The Met begins to move as Protoman gives the okay. The Met pops out of it's drawer and lands on top of Jaeger. The Met glares at the shocked Omega with all of the hate it's little Met heart can handle. The Met hits Omega with a ball of plasma before The Met and Jaeger are beamed out of the underground lab.

"What the absolute fuck just happened?"
J-pop Pirates. Motherfucker, J-pop Pirates. Why?
In the midst of his conversation with Median about his older brothers, Tetsuo and every other robot in his factory come to a sudden dead stop. A deafening silence devours the factory while Median stares wide eyed at the changes overcoming the cheerful robot. The sudden discord in Tetsuo's normally harmonic network as he's flooded with hate and anger.

His massive ham sized fists clench and unclench as he stares unwavering into the distance as his mets panic and run around widely in circles as they try to figure out some way to calm down their kind master. A pair of mets with red alarms on their helmet attempt to restore order to the rest of the mets.

"THAT, THAT, DIRTY BROTHER KILLER. I'LL, I'LL," Tetsuo roars into the sky. His mets begin to run towards him making comforting beeps and boops. He drops to his hands and knees. "I can't do anything, I'm not like Jaeger or Valentine. I don't like to fight, I don't have their special weapons or tactics. I'm just strong.. Not like my brothers. I just want to build things without people hurting my buddies. I can't fight Omega. He'd tear me apart, just like Jaeger."

Median walks over and puts her hand on his shoulder and kneels down. She smiles at him and pats his shoulder reassuringly. "You don't have to fight him if you don't want to. You don't even have to stay here." With a smile that lights up the entire room she makes her offer to Tetsuo. "Why don't you come back with me, we'll bring all your buddies with us and just leave Omega to get his face kicked in by Zero?"

Tetsuo looks up, "Where would we go? He'll find us."

"How would you like to meet the man who actually designed you? Dr. Wily would love to meet you. When he wakes up from his impromptu nap anyways. So what do you say.." An audible beep interrupts Median as a pair of Mets beam in. One of them chirps happily at Tetsuo while the other projects a hologram of Protoman.

"Hello, Median, Tetsuo."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Protoman, and do I have good news for you. We've got Jaeger." The hologram changes to the broken form of Jaeger on a table with several robotic arms doing smaller repairs. "We've this one to thank," The Met chirps again at Tetsuo. "Father, had set him to spy on what Omega was doing and he saved your brother before he was put into a truly irreparable state."

Tetsuo lightly pats the Met on the head in thanks before standing back up and smiling sheepishly. "So when can we get going? I've got a lot of little buddies you've need to transport back you know? Soo the sooner we get going the quicker we'll be done."

A dark figure stands motionless in pitch darkness, waiting ominously for… A flash of light and a roar of thousands. Her cute figure smiles and poses as the crowd goes wild. A rumble of music erupts from gigantic speakers on either side of her stage. A set of slightly more robotic looking band members flank her with a pair of guitars ready to rock.

"Hello, Kure, It's so nice to finally meet the city my namesake was from. How is everyone doing?" She thrusts out her microphone out towards the crowd as they roar back in response. She smiles widely before doing a cute spin and a pose.

"So let's get started then," she snaps her fingers as the titanic screen behind her comes alive capturing the streams from several floating pixie looking robots fluttering around the concert. A pair of giant teddy bear robots do the robot, while several cute back up dancer robots flutter around the stage as the music begins to flow.

A man is thrown into the waters surrounding the ship, another joining the mass of sentries left behind to guard the ships in the waters. A cute robot sneaks up behind another sailor and hugs it tight as it walks away from the ship to toss him into the waters. A pair of guards grumble about missing the concert while searchlights illuminate the sky. Totally distracted while a giant teddy bear picks them up.

The Idol dances her heart out as her bandmates begin blaring out dueling solos, the crowd roars and bounces around. The ships slowly begin to pull out of the harbor. The pair of giant Teddy robots begin to breakdance. The ships accelerate as warnings and alarms blare. The crowds scream as the music begins to wind down for the night.

The Idol struts to the end of the stage and takes a pose. "If you'd look over to the harbor, you'll see my final act of the night." Fireworks begin to shoot off from the middle of the harbor, illuminating the mass of ships that had been stolen in the world's greatest act of piracy. But none of the crowd realize the truth as they watch more and more fireworks go off in the night sky.

She takes another pose before smiling, "And that's it for tonight. I'm Shinano and thanks for coming." She bows as the stage breaks apart into sets of flying platforms that begin to zoom off towards the Harbor.
Say, hello to Shinano, Eighth in her line. J-pop idol, Zero Master, Pirate Queen, a weapon of fucking war you dipshits.

The Good Doctor wakes up from his sprawled place on his desk Shaking his head free of thoughts of J-pop pirate queen robot masters. His movements causing a cacophony of cracks and pops as he groans. Moments like this remind him of how old he's starting to get. He straightens up and realizes that he's not alone in his room.

Craning his neck up to look at the massive robot, he takes a second to wake up. "Well, considering the fact that there isn't an army of very angry robot masters at my door and all sorts of alarms going off I'm guessing that you must be Tetsuo."

"You can fix him right?"

A robot with his size should not be able to make that kind of pleading face. Or as be as quiet as he runs. With his size he really should have woke you up when he walked in.

[] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"
[] "Let's go, take me there, I wanna get a look at him."

The things you do for your children.

Half way done. Valentine, Valkyrie, Jaeger and Tetsuo are out of the fight.

The remaining four
[] Lung: The Dragon
[] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
[] Raiden: The Psycho
[] West: "Let's start a Riot" The Football Hooligan.

Well that was certainly longer than a few days. I had a massive change of ideas of what I wanted to do. Then J-pop happened.

Next sent out will be Zero or Maybe X. Doctor Light is muttering something about a project Archerfish.
Dr. Wily Master of Robotics
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"​

"Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics." Wily gives a wicked grin at the robot looming over him. "Now let's get going, I can't do a diagnosis from here can I? Well I could but that's not the point. Let's see, If I was Protoman, he'd be in Room 33 because it's right here." Wily smacks a button on the wall causing a door to open silently.

The door opens to Protoman overlooking a group of mets removing damaged armor. A set of tubes is draining various fluids out of Jaeger's body. Protoman is such a good boy, making sure Jaeger's all prepared for repair. Wily eyes the damage, before buttoning up his coat and putting on gloves.

"Well this is certainly repairable, some minor damage to the wing, amputated arm, and some structural damage due to what I'm guessing is having a skyscraper dropped on his head. Which I'm also guessing is self inflicted."

"How do you figure that?" Wily sighs, "I ask myself what is the most stupid thing one of my sons would do and go with that. It's usually right." Wily sticks his hand out to the right and a screw driver is placed into his hand. "I'm going to remove his brain. Now, yes Tetsuo, the damage isn't that bad, but I would rather not accidentally fry his brain if I missed something. Mostly because I don't have X-Ray eyes in my head yet."

Wily slowly removes the chip before placing it in a nearby container. "Tetsuo, how good are you at creating armor? Jaeger's set is currently a write off, it's only good for scrap at the moment. So we'll be needing to get him a set sooner or later." Wily winces as he gets a good look at Jaegers shoulder joint. "Of course he got his joint damaged, replacing it is always such a pain to do. You should ask Shademan about it Tetsuo, I had to repair quite a few of his recently. I'm going to have to take apart more of his more of his chest than I thought I was going to need to."

With the speed of a man a third of his age Wily begins to tear down Jaeger to bare frame work on his upper chest. "We'll be needing to replace that entirely." Wily sticks his right hand out and a cutting torch is placed in his hand. A met places a mask on his face. The remains of his arm finally removed from his skeleton, Wily takes a closer look at the rest of the skeleton, checking for any minute fractures or damage obvious to the naked eye. With a small wince he notices a small crack in Jaeger's spine.

"Che, looks like Jaeger might be taking a bit longer then I'd like. Protoman, start spinning up these parts with Jaeger's specs. I'll be needing an arm, new spine, and maybe I'd replace his core." Wily looks at Tetsuo's despairing face. "Other than that he seems fine. So don't worry. This is child's play to someone of my skills."