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Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

[x] Shut down the Rampaging Robots.
[x] Send someone to cheer up Megaman
[x] Hide and Hijack Info
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
[X] Shut down the Rampaging Robots.
[X] Wonder where Protoman got to
[X] Hide and Hijack info

If the choices on this generation's animal partners haven't been finalized yet, may I suggest Axis the Wolverine for Zero, Range the Coypu for Median, and Fractal the Ferret for X?
Well Sort of sorry for how long this has taken.

[X] Go after Valkyrie
[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass
[X] Hide and Hijack Info

Dodging the parts from the exploding drones, Zero makes a snap decision and speeds towards Valkyrie's skyscraper.

Any robot that falls into his path is quickly decapitated with no mercy. The Doctor would make sarcastic quips about putting a robots brain in his head if he was watching, but Zero remains quiet. He rolls out of an alley as several cars smash into the walls.

"Really? Robotic cars now? That's just peachy. Ugh."

Zero slices the next car in half as it drives into him.

"I don't have time to deal with you, you shoddily made knockoffs. Get the hell out of my way."

He grabs the nearest robot and uses it to broadcast a shutdown code to all the robots nearby, and with a half considered mental tug, he overloads the robot's core before tossing it at the rest of the shutdown boats.

"I've already smashed my way through easily four times more robots than Valentine had. Why do you have this many?"

As he finally gets the skyscraper in view his rhetorical question is answered.

"Cain Industries. Ah. That explains this mess."

A Dump Truck sized robot and a whole mess of smaller humanoid robots block his way towards the entrance.


He closes his eyes and looks up at the sky.

"None of you are worth my time. Why are you here? Don't you have something you should be doing?"

Red eyes glare fiercely at the gathered robots. Red eyes gleam back at him as they shuffle awkwardly.


The Robots part like the sea.

"Careful, Careful."

Dr. Wily is hunched over a desk, with a tiny paintbrush and a small model of a Met. He carefully paints the model purple and black as he designs how he wants the ninja met to look. A row of completed Mets in various shades of purple and black line the desk.

"Careful, Careful.. just a little bit more and then I just need to let it dry."


Bass kicks the door open. Dr. Wily jumps and flings the paint brush and model into the air as he crashes into the desk, causing them all to go flying. As each met hits the ground and breaks a small part of Wily's heart cracks, over and over again. The Doctor just stares at all the broken model Mets on the floor in front of him as Bass stands in the Doorway. He takes a deep breath as he turns to look at Bass. He hisses out just one word.


Bass just tilts his head confused as he walks in and a female robot walks in behind him. The Doctor recognizes her immediately as Dr. Cossack's new girl. She wasn't expected for another few hours. Why is she so here so quickly?

"Doctor, I have to introduce you, this is Median. She only put me through seven walls. Blah blah bla"

Wily begins to lose focus as Bass blathers on about his fights with Median as he comes to a realization why Median is here so quickly. 'She only put me through seven walls.' Cossack is making you deal with Bass's tendencies and damage... But really? Only seven? Zero put Bass through ten or so walls before getting bored.

"blah blah blah, She kept hitting me through the holes I already made. Blah blah blah."

Ah, that makes sense, she has better aim than Zero does. Should you speak up and attempt to end Bass's monologue about the various times Median has kicked his ass. You watch Median's face instead, watching the various emotions that flitter on her face. She's much more willing to put up with/play with Bass. Hmm, Zero did compare him to a puppy, wonder if Median thinks the same?

"Blah blah blah, and then I was covered in feathers, blah blah blah.."

Bass isn't going to stop anytime soon is he? How to make this end... Wait, wasn't Bass one of the volunteers for the upgrade, time to put the brakes on Bass and maybe actually have a talk with Median? That's the dream, now put the spikes to Bass's tires.

"Bass, weren't you supposed to be gathering parts for your upgrade? Shadow Man has already got around to it. I already upgraded him and made him a nice new set of weapons."

Mentally counting down to when Bass's blasts out the door to either go get parts or to go challenge Shadow Man for being the first to get upgrades. The Doctor watches as he nearly flies out the door.

"Well, while have been introduced, Bass spent the entire time talking about your fights. Hello Median, I'm Doctor Albert Wily."

He smiles widely and puts his hand out to shake. Median shakes his hand.

"Hello Doctor."

[X] Go after Valkyrie
[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass
[X] Hide and Hijack Info

Dodging the parts from the exploding drones, Zero makes a snap decision and speeds towards Valkyrie's skyscraper.

Any robot that falls into his path is quickly decapitated with no mercy. The Doctor would make sarcastic quips about putting a robots brain in his head if he was watching, but Zero remains quiet. He rolls out of an alley as several cars smash into the walls.

"Really? Robotic cars now? That's just peachy. Ugh."

Zero slices the next car in half as it drives into him.

"I don't have time to deal with you, you shoddily made knockoffs. Get the hell out of my way."

He grabs the nearest robot and uses it to broadcast a shutdown code to all the robots nearby, and with a half considered mental tug, he overloads the robot's core before tossing it at the rest of the shutdown boats.

"I've already smashed my way through easily four times more robots than Valentine had. Why do you have this many?"

As he finally gets the skyscraper in view his rhetorical question is answered.

"Cain Industries. Ah. That explains this mess."

A Dump Truck sized robot and a whole mess of smaller humanoid robots block his way towards the entrance.


He closes his eyes and looks up at the sky.

"None of you are worth my time. Why are you here? Don't you have something you should be doing?"

Red eyes glare fiercely at the gathered robots. Red eyes gleam back at him as they shuffle awkwardly.


The Robots part like the sea.

"Careful, Careful."

Dr. Wily is hunched over a desk, with a tiny paintbrush and a small model of a Met. He carefully paints the model purple and black as he designs how he wants the ninja met to look. A row of completed Mets in various shades of purple and black line the desk.

"Careful, Careful.. just a little bit more and then I just need to let it dry."


Bass kicks the door open. Dr. Wily jumps and flings the paint brush and model into the air as he crashes into the desk, causing them all to go flying. As each met hits the ground and breaks a small part of Wily's heart cracks, over and over again. The Doctor just stares at all the broken model Mets on the floor in front of him as Bass stands in the Doorway. He takes a deep breath as he turns to look at Bass. He hisses out just one word.


Bass just tilts his head confused as he walks in and a female robot walks in behind him. The Doctor recognizes her immediately as Dr. Cossack's new girl. She wasn't expected for another few hours. Why is she so here so quickly?

"Doctor, I have to introduce you, this is Median. She only put me through seven walls. Blah blah bla"

Wily begins to lose focus as Bass blathers on about his fights with Median as he comes to a realization why Median is here so quickly. 'She only put me through seven walls.' Cossack is making you deal with Bass's tendencies and damage... But really? Only seven? Zero put Bass through ten or so walls before getting bored.

"blah blah blah, She kept hitting me through the holes I already made. Blah blah blah."

Ah, that makes sense, she has better aim than Zero does. Should you speak up and attempt to end Bass's monologue about the various times Median has kicked his ass. You watch Median's face instead, watching the various emotions that flitter on her face. She's much more willing to put up with/play with Bass. Hmm, Zero did compare him to a puppy, wonder if Median thinks the same?

"Blah blah blah, and then I was covered in feathers, blah blah blah.."

Bass isn't going to stop anytime soon is he? How to make this end... Wait, wasn't Bass one of the volunteers for the upgrade, time to put the brakes on Bass and maybe actually have a talk with Median? That's the dream, now put the spikes to Bass's tires.

"Bass, weren't you supposed to be gathering parts for your upgrade? Shadow Man has already got around to it. I already upgraded him and made him a nice new set of weapons."

Mentally counting down to when Bass's blasts out the door to either go get parts or to go challenge Shadow Man for being the first to get upgrades. The Doctor watches as he nearly flies out the door.

"Well, while have been introduced, Bass spent the entire time talking about your fights. Hello Median, I'm Doctor Albert Wily."

He smiles widely and puts his hand out to shake. Median shakes his hand.

"Hello Doctor."

She indeed see him as a puppy, also how Willy reacted to the destruction of the models hilarious, i thought this quest being dead you proved me wrong.
Valkyrie... Fight?
"It's quite beautiful isn't it? The destruction, the fighting, all of it is just so beautiful. The barbarity they project in the midst of a disaster. They show their true colors when the chips are down. Humans are nothing more than beasts. They go around and use this as an opportunity to indulge their darkest desires."

Her cold blue eyes judge the fiery city below her. Her white armor painted orange by the flames illuminating the city.

Valkyrie smiles as she faces the roof access door.

"I know that you can hear me brother, you might as well open it. I'd rather talk to you face to face."

She rolls out of the way as the door comes flying off it's hinges. Her wings forming a shield as she faces her brother.

"It was unlocked."

Zero points to his face.

"Is this the face of someone that gives a damn?"



"Nonetheless, I'd like to continue my speech."

Zero gestures at her in a get on with it gesture.

"This is the proof that they worthless. Can't you see this brother? How they act in this crisis. They should be fighting back and prove that they are worth our time. It's amazing how selfish they are."

Her blond hair frames her face angelically as she smiles.

"But, look at it, what they created has turned into this. It's beautiful. Just beautiful."

She turns to face the city again, enraptured by the flames and destruction. Zero is flabbergasted as Valkyrie actually stops paying attention to him. Slowly, a manically grin steals it's way over Zero's face as his eyes gleam with murder.

"I'm WZN. 2, Valkyrie and welcome to.."


Zero sheathes his saber as he watches Valkyrie fall back and look up at him.

"Why? But, you let Valentine.."

"It could be that you are more of a psycho then Valentine,or it could be that you pissed me off. So just go to sleep little sister, hopefully the next time we wake you up you'll be less insane."

Zero takes Valkyrie over his shoulder and eyes the drop below him.

"If I was more of a dick I could just toss you down. But since even with your weight I should be able to just slide down the wall."

Zero taps the side of his head to call Dr. Wily.

"So, father I'm gonna need a teleport out in about five, ten minutes tops while I go break something. If you want you can beam out Valkyrie. But on the other hand I could always use the handicap if you don't care about beaming her back."

Taking a moment to yourself for personal business, You quickly head towards your personal bathroom. As you open the door you blink. And then you close the door and open it again. It's still there. You take a deep breath before you push a button on the wall, knowing exactly who is at fault here.

"Protoman, why is there a man covered with duct tape and cucumbers in my bath?"

His voice rings out of the speaker calmly.

"I'm saving him thousands of dollars worth of therapists visits and conducting my own exposure therapy. But, really now, do you honestly want to know why he's in there, or do you just want me to get him out of your sight for now? Just know that he honestly deserves everything I'm doing to him."

You sigh.

"Just get him out of there, I would like to take a bath. I'm tired, and cranky and would like to relax for an hour and then take a long nap."

The man begins frantically moving, trying to get your attention. You calmly walk over and pull off the duct tape from his mouth.

"You have to help me, he's a maniac. Pleas…"

You quickly reapply the tape to the man's mouth, and a few moments later a couple of Sniper Joes pick him up, as he frantically tries to escape their steely grips. You ignore him as you turn on the faucets and let the water run. All you need now is some time to relax.

Now, who was it again that Median decided to face? Ah, yes it was

[] Insert Zero Master

The Met sits unmoving in a small drawer. The Met listens. The Met waits.

The Met listens as a large thing clatters around the room.

"He's not supposed to be this strong. He's stronger then when I fought him. And worse yet, I haven't gotten any good footage of how he fights. None of Valentine's robots were calibrated for that speed of combat and Valkyrie was taken out with one shot. How am I supposed to fight him? Maybe… I still have the blueprints for the others. Maybe I should do a bit of upgrading myself. Or maybe I should get some outside help. What was his name again.. Sigma."

The Met sits. The Met broadcasts. The Met is.
The Met sits unmoving in a small drawer. The Met listens. The Met waits.

The Met listens as a large thing clatters around the room.

"He's not supposed to be this strong. He's stronger then when I fought him. And worse yet, I haven't gotten any good footage of how he fights. None of Valentine's robots were calibrated for that speed of combat and Valkyrie was taken out with one shot. How am I supposed to fight him? Maybe… I still have the blueprints for the others. Maybe I should do a bit of upgrading myself. Or maybe I should get some outside help. What was his name again.. Sigma."

The Met sits. The Met broadcasts. The Met is.
Ninja Met! Who's a good met ? You are. Yes you are!

[X] Jaeger, Jet Man

Little Miss All The Guns vs Humanoid Jet Fighter. Let's see how good her AA batteries are.
You know I just thought of something.

Median teleports guns to her right? How will that work out when she's in a different dimension?
You know I just thought of something.

Median teleports guns to her right? How will that work out when she's in a different dimension?
The same way it works with Zero teleporting around like he owns the place... IE it just works.

My choice is

[X] Tetsuo

When facing someone with thick armor, you'll want to break out the big guns. Which Zero does not have.

(FYI, saving Shinano for X when he gets around to waking up... Going to need some adaptability for the water fight that sounds like it will be, which is X's specialty.)
[X] Tetsuo

The big gun logic makes sense to me.
Median is useing her womanly wiles huh?

Willy will be very happy if he could do some examination on Omega's bot.

Jaeger just enter rebellious phase...
WZN 06 Tetsuo
A young man calmly reclines in the shade of a tree while he watches the clouds go by. He mutters softly to himself. "Tetsuo, little brother, what are you doing. You know that snake won't let you do that. He won't just let you just shield them from danger. He wants blood, he wants to watch you lose. But, I refuse to let you get harmed so that sick smug bastard can see how Zero fights."

He sighs heavily as he leaves his resting place.

"Zero was right. The time for games is over. Omega, you said that father's favorite plan was robot revolution. Well, you finally have a chance to see it from the other side."

A small jet flies towards him and forms his armor.

"So Omega, I quit."

Jaeger blasts off into the sky.


A beam of light tears clouds asunder as Median is teleported outside of the steel factory that Tetsuo runs. She looks around warily for any ambushes or traps that he may have set up but doesn't see anything. She takes a closer look at the factory, when she sees it. Thousands of robots are working on the factory itself. Building up new walls, armoring the old walls, building towers and turrets, just turning the factory complex into a fortress of shining steel.

"Hey Doc? You seeing this?"

A light snore is the only reply Median receives, the old man had finally became too worn out to stay awake any longer.

A new comm line opens with a quiet beep, as Protoman takes over.

"So, since Dr. Wily has finally fell asleep, my younger siblings are taking him back to his bed. I'll be taking over for the next few hours. Hey, wait, could you look back over near the parking lot for a second?"

Median takes a closer look at the parking lot. A horde of Mets are herding humans towards their cars.

"They seem to be forcing the humans to leave?"

"Yes, that's what I'm seeing too. Why? While it's not out of the question due to how Valentine acted it's also odd. Could you attempt to get closer?"

"Yeah, easily."

"Then follow this path, it should be the quickest way in."

A line pops into Median's vision showing her the quick path, a path that is quickly disturbed by a single Met blocking the way. It tilts it's head questioningly at Median. She gives a quick smile and wave at the small met. It waits a second before nodding approvingly at Median. Then it starts to drag a metal plate towards a group of mets in the distance.


"It's not like they expecting you. Zero's the one they are looking for. Maybe you could take advantage of the situation by avoiding any hostile actions for now"

"Got it."

As Median reaches a half built wall she spots another Met.

"I wonder."

She kneels down to be eye level with the Met.

"Hello, my name is Median. Could you please take me to your Master, Tetsuo?"

The Met looks at her quizzically before giving a quick nod of affirmation.

Median pets it on the head.

"Thank you."

It hops off the wall and trundles onward towards the factory. The sheer number of the cute little robots is amazing. Median waves and smiles at any of the robots that look towards her. Before long Median is taken towards a large man with a massive bundle of steel plates over his shoulder.

He puts down the plates on a forklift that a met is driving. It zooms off as he turns and looks at Median. His bright green eyes cheer up as he spots her and waves.

"Hello there, how are you?"

"I'm good, and yourself?"

He runs a hand through his short brown hair before replying back.

"Not the best, my older brother is going to be coming here wanting a fight. I don't look forward to it. All my little buddies would get hurt. I don't want them ever getting hurt again. Not like before."

"Oh, I'm sorry for you. Do you need any help?"

"Ah, thank you, but I have to do this myself. I have to listen to Omega's stupid rules."

He slowly blinks his eyes and tilts his head slightly.

"Wait, I thought I had my little buddies evacuate all the humans."

One of the Mets chirps and beeps at him. He turns towards it and acknowledges it.

"Ah, so she's a robot. You brought her to see me. I get it."

He turns back to Median with a smile.

"So since you aren't human, I guess you are still allowed to be around."

Tetsuo nods enthusiastically.


"Can I ask you to move for a bit? I need to move those beams over there."

He points to behind Median.

"Ah, I can get those for you."

"Thank you, they need to go over there on the pallets."
Jaeger V. Omega FIGHT!
Omega overlooks the city on the Cain Industries Tower roof. The moonlit city has yet to be touched by the fallout of the battles between Zero and his underlings. The unexpecting population could be wiped out within hours if he so deems it. His only reason for holding back is the chance to gain whatever information he can before he fights Zero. Any small smidgen of information could be what he finally needs to fulfill his revenge. A whine of thrusters catches his ear, and he looks back to watch Jaeger land on the roof with a large thud. His engines still whirring as he looks towards Omega.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Omega sharply snapped "You need to be preparing for Zero to get to you. You're ruining my plan. If you're bored go play with the flyboys or whatever. JUST be there."

Jaeger smiles calmly, almost friendly towards Omega. "Omega, Omega, why can't we be friends? Can't I just want a friendly talk between brothers?"

Omega begins to open his mouth to speak, but almost like flipping a switch, Jaeger's friendly demeanor disappears as his eyes gleam darkly. Omega almost realizes what Jaeger's planning but is unable to react before Jaeger bursts forwards in a blast of speed sending Omega flying off the side of the skyscraper

"Oh yeah, that's fucking right. You're not my brother now are you? You're a just a fucking monster." With his tone full of venom, Jaeger erupts towards Omega thrusters full throttle before quickly overtaking him. Waiting for the falling Omega, Jaeger aims towards the side of the Cain Tower and begins slamming him through the walls. Jaeger lets go of Omega and snaps back a few feet.

"Zero was right, we should just have told you to take your plan and shove it where the sun don't shine." Jaeger shoots off sharply, as several slots on his armor open up to reveal missiles everywhere. One by one they fire off towards Omega's form slumped in the wall. A wall of smoke and debris clogs the air as Jaeger watches for any movement from Omega.


The smoke slowly clears as two glowing red eyes appear right next to Jaeger. "Was that all you got?" Omega asks mockingly. Jaeger attempts to zoom backwards away from Omega, but he reaches out and grabs Jaegers shoulder before he can react. He grasps harder and harder and before long the metal gives way with a shriek. Jaeger's left arm is rendered completely useless.

"How did the humans say it? Ah, it's time for round two." Omega rips Jaeger's arm off from his frame. "Ding, ding." Jaeger's arm is swung towards his face sending him prone on the ground. "I'm glad one of you finally got the balls to try something. Now I have an example to point out when they start questioning me." Omega stomps down on one of Jaeger's wings as the engines protest wildly at the force being applied. A small crack begins to form on the armor. A desperate gleam appears in Jaegers eye. The engines begin to audibly spin up even more. They shriek as Jaeger and Omega are sent flying upwards into the roof. As they begin to fall back down Jaeger uses the time to put some distance between Omega and himself. He floats mere inches off the ground as he holds his shoulder while Omega looks nearly perfectly fine. The only visible damage is a crack in Omega's left eye and a few places where the false skin is torn.

"Seems you're a bit worse for the wear Jaeger," he gestures to Jaegers arm in his hand "I'm pretty sure that this is supposed to be attached to you." Omega looks despondently at Jaeger. "Where is all that piss and vinegar? I thought you were going to win? You're just as disappointing as Tetsuo."

Jaeger smiles darkly as he holds out a hand. "You want me to stop?" One finger goes slowly down. "Four?" Jaeger closes his hand suddenly as a jet streaks past the windows. A missile slams into the side of the building, the floors crumpling beneath them as the skyscraper begins to fall down around them. A pillar of dust and burning debris erupts into the sky. Painting the stars and moon with a macabre shade of red. Sirens and alarms blare across the city as people scream and record.


Protoman stiffens suddenly as if alarms and sirens are going off in his head. The Met his father has in the other dimension is sending off a data feed with a huge glaring READ NOW pops into existence in his head. He quickly skims through and gives the Met the okay to conduct the operation. He only hopes that it goes well for the Met.

The Met sits unwaveringly in a small drawer. The Met listens carefully. The Met waits patiently. The Met sits calmly as the roof above it collapses in. The Met is unharmed. The Met sits quizzingly as a feed of data pops into it's head. The Met broadcasts the data packet Jaeger sent.

"You, you absolute fucker, you just, you just. I'm going to fucking ruin you. Tear you into thousands of pieces and sent them off to Tetsuo. I'm going to have to find a new fucking base. I'm going to have to move all of Cain's shit. Do you know how much of a fucking pain that's going to be? Say something you little shit."

The Met sits nervously as Jaeger screams in pain. The Met shakes as it comes to a decision. The Met begins to move as Protoman gives the okay. The Met pops out of it's drawer and lands on top of Jaeger. The Met glares at the shocked Omega with all of the hate it's little Met heart can handle. The Met hits Omega with a ball of plasma before The Met and Jaeger are beamed out of the underground lab.

"What the absolute fuck just happened?"
Commando Met!? :eek: Did Wily play Metal Gear too much when he built him? :D
Well, it achieved all objectives and escaped intact. Which is definitely close enough.
You forgot the part were it spit in his face (metaphorically) (and maybe literally. Where do they shoot from?).

If it had been anything else, I would have called bullshit. But Mets are really hard to put down if you don't have restraint.
Sidenote, this is the first attempt to actually fix an issue with my writing, any comments?
As someone else noted, my updates are rife with lack of detail and paragraph length.

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