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Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

[X] Tetsuo

Wily likes Gutsman types, I bet we can work with that.
Sneak Preview since I haven't been updating like at all recently.

Valentine smiles and gestures around.

"What? Were you expecting a pile of bodies? Do I look like that fool Omega? Because I'm not him. I'm not some craven snake with a murder fetish. I don't like him. He thinks that we are like him. That'd we play his little psychotic game of murder."

Valentine slams his hands against his chest.

"I'm WZN. 5, Valentine. I've got nothing against my soldiers. I enjoy their company. They are Mine. They laugh with me, they cry with me, they take good care of my equipment. Why would I want to or even need to tear them apart? But, I know where my siblings are coming from. That voice screaming in their head, the voice that's screaming in my head. That voice screaming at me to hurt what's mine. But I don't have to listen to it. Oh, It might be fun for a second, but it's not worth it to me. Hurting random people won't give me the fight I want. It can't give me the fight that voice is craving. They can't give me WAR. But you? You are the only reason I'm going along with Omega's sick little plan. Our elder brother, the brother that Omega can't speak of without looking behind him. The brother that makes Omega check every shadow he passes. YOU, the brother that terrifies that coward. You can give me that War I need. So ZERO. LET US HAVE A WAR."
Did we make the animal companions retroactively, or are they a future vote/action?
"I'm WZN. 5, Valentine. I've got nothing against my soldiers. I enjoy their company. They are Mine. They laugh with me, they cry with me, they take good care of my equipment. Why would I want to or even need to tear them apart? But, I know where my siblings are coming from. That voice screaming in their head, the voice that's screaming in my head. That voice screaming at me to hurt what's mine. But I don't have to listen to it. Oh, It might be fun for a second, but it's not worth it to me. Hurting random people won't give me the fight I want. It can't give me the fight that voice is craving. They can't give me WAR. But you? You are the only reason I'm going along with Omega's sick little plan. Our elder brother, the brother that Omega can't speak of without looking behind him. The brother that makes Omega check every shadow he passes. YOU, the brother that terrifies that coward. You can give me that War I need. So ZERO. LET US HAVE A WAR."
Poor guy. Let's hope Zero leave enough of him intact that we can repair him and then purge the Zero Virus from his system.
WZN #5 Valentine

Your first choice, the first of the copies you are sending Zero to go fight is Valentine, the Tankman Zero. His current upgrade spread should be a good match up against the heavily armored tank of a robot. Valentine is located at a training base in Germany. You'll have Zero beam in a bit away from the base to have an attempt at the element of surprise, not that it will last long against a prepared Robot Master but every bit helps.

Zero beams down into a heavily wooded area and scans around to see if anything is amiss. He quickly notices that there are Mets hidden around in various nooks and crannies in the trees to form a makeshift surveillance system. Valentine must have prepared for him.

"Zero, you've been made. Beeline straight for the Training Base, If you hurry you'll make it there before Valentine goes ahead and slaughters them."

Zero begins dashing and bounding his way towards the base when he's intercepted by a large humvee. Zero quickly rolls out of the way of the driverless vehicle. A figure slams out of the air from where he jumped.

"Huh, You don't look exactly like him."

A giant man wearing camouflage looks down at the crouched Zero. He runs his hand through his short spiky black hair.

"But then I don't look exactly like you do I? Hello, Zero."

Valentine smiles and gestures around.

"What? Were you expecting a pile of bodies? Do I look like that fool Omega? Because I'm not him. I'm not some craven snake with a murder fetish. I don't like him. He thinks that we are like him. That'd we play his little psychotic game of murder."

Valentine slams his hands against his chest.

"I'm WZN. 5, Valentine. I've got nothing against my soldiers. I enjoy their company. They are Mine. They laugh with me, they cry with me, they take good care of my equipment. Why would I want to or even need to tear them apart? But, I know where my siblings are coming from. That voice screaming in their head, the voice that's screaming in my head. That voice screaming at me to hurt what's mine. But I don't have to listen to it. Oh, It might be fun for a second, but it's not worth it to me. Hurting random people won't give me the fight I want. It can't give me the fight that voice is craving. They can't give me WAR. But you? You are the only reason I'm going along with Omega's sick little plan. Our elder brother, the brother that Omega can't speak of without looking behind him. The brother that makes Omega check every shadow he passes. YOU, the brother that terrifies that coward. You can give me that War I need. So ZERO. LET US HAVE A WAR."

Valentine's eyes flash as the area around him and Zero is bombarded with missiles and rockets. Zero weaves his way between the explosions as he gets nearly face to face with his massive younger sibling. But Valentine reacts quickly and summons his armor. It's thick tan plates deflecting the hit as the light machine guns on his shoulders fire. Peppering Zero with annoying but low damaging stings.

"Tougher then you look."

Valentine swings his cannon of an arm forward and takes aim directly at the center of Zero's chest. Zero falls backwards to dodge as the blast singes his hair. He sweeps his foot upwards into Valentine's jaw with awful metallic crunch.

"That hurt."

"Oh really? You've not seen anything yet."

A blast from behind Valentine skims by his armor and nails Zero dead center and sends him flying backwards.

"Yes, I've seen nothing yet."

Valentine launches mines from his left arm while Zero slashes through several flying mets. Valentine then rushes forward with terrifying speed and swings a massive hammer into Zero.

Valentine stops for a moment.

"You've been playing with me."

Blood Red Eyes shine back at Valentine.

[X] You know what, fuck this bot and the met he rode in on. Use your timestop and hit him hard from random directions.
Last edited:
In which the dice hate Valentine a lot
Zero laughs as he stops Valentine's war hammer with a single hand. His red eyes gleam maliciously as he teases his brother. "Well, you are strong, but not strong enough, little brother." Zero slams his tonfa's short end into his brother's face sending him flying backwards.

Zero flips the war hammer around before slinging it over his shoulder. "I like this, It's a good weapon. I'll have to ask the Doctor to make me my own later." Zero smirks as he notices a lurking Met nearby. "FORE." And with a swift swing he sends the Met flying at Valentine's face. In the moment he raises his arm to cover his face, Zero flashes for a second and reappears in front of Valentine. With a fanged grin he headbutts his brother hard enough to crack his helmet.

"You want a War? Why? It's pointless, you can't call this a war. This is a Policing Action, and wouldn't you know it? I'm the Police." Zero grabs the larger robot by his armor and slams him through the nearest tree. "It's not because you're weak. It's because in the end you are still listening to a weakling. You mock Omega, but you refuse to fight him. Does that make you weaker then him? Considering he is terrified of me?"

Zero lets the younger robot go and smiles. "Now then, second chance little brother. Let's see what you can really do. Don't worry about me or Omega being stronger. Show me the power of Valentine. The Fifth of his line, the Tank. Show me that you are worth a fight with me. Show me the strength that you show for your comrades sake."

Valentine eyes Zero cautiously before answering, "So how do you figure I'm holding back?"

Zero rolls his eyes at him. "For starters your armor isn't finished, nowhere thick enough for your ratings. Besides that you aren't using your main weapons, that big fuck off main cannon or your twin gatling guns. I have read your original specs after all. However the mine launcher and the war hammer are a nice addition."

Valentine smiles back at Zero as a small tank drive up behind him and unfolds. He takes a step back into it as it configures around his body into his missing armor and weaponry. When in finishes Valentine stands nearly ten feet tall. His armor is a dappled green and tan. A twin Gatling gun is mounted on one of his shoulders and the main cannon is mounted to his arm.

"Now this is more what I'm talking about. Now, I won't feel bad for picking on you. So get ready Valentine, no more holding back."

Valentine answers back with a blast of his cannon that Zero narrowly dodges as it levels a portion of the surrounding forest and craters the ground. He launches several mines into the air as he blasts forward, the tank treads on his feet ripping through the undergrowth as he takes aim at Zero once again.

A delicate dance begins to form as Valentine begins to blast out mines and use his gatling gun to halt Zero's superior speed. He aims for the mines as they near the ground to start to force Zero into a line he can predict and blast away with his cannon. But Zero seems to always be one step away from … He hacked the Mets. Damnit. Valentine disregards the targeting data the Mets have been sending him.

"Cheap trick brother."

"You caught on sooner then I thought."

Zero vanishes from sight for a moment before appearing in the air right above Valentine's head. And he drops the hammer on the tank like robot. A crack appears in Valentine's helmet as Zero flashes back away from Valentine as several shots from nowhere converge on where he was.

"You fight like a Robot Master. I'm actually pretty proud."

Zero throws the hammer at a camouflaged robot before zooming away and up one of the many trees before bouncing off towards another robot. Valentine takes aim and fires but only hits his own robots as Zero continues his mad bouncing through the forest.

"You doing this on purpose, did you not like those robots? Or is your aim really that bad." Zero gleefully taunts as he dashes in a damn near straight line. Almost taunting Valentine to take a shot with his cannon. Right before Zero steps on a hidden mine he flashes and sends it flying straight at Valentine's body. The giant reacts quickly and grabs it in his hand preventing a more damaging outcome but nearly wrecking his right hand. But the Tank smiles as he looks at the damage.

"I'm not fast enough, I'm not strong enough, But I won't let that stop me. I'll fight you until the end. My pride demands it."

Valentine takes aim with all of his weapons sending a near constant blast of bullets, cannon shots and mines, but Zero skillfully weaves in between it all with a smile. Mets begin popping out of where they were buried to explode and damage Zero, but he sends them flying with a swift kick or dodges fast enough they can't do anything.

"War at any cost huh?"

Zero pops in front of Valentine with his Z-Saber blazing aiming to finish this fight before anything else starts exploding at him. The slash connects with Valentine's chest but it doesn't quite penetrate far enough to stop him. He swats Zero away with his damaged hand and starts firing but Zero merely flips and dashes out of the rain of bullets.

"Well I think it's time to finish this, wouldn't you say little brother?"

Zero flashes as he kicks his Saber at Valentine. And then flashes again as he pulls the sword out of Valentine's chest. Valentine grins as he falls to his knees as oil gushes out of the wound.

"You really are Father's masterpiece. I wonder how I would have been if I was born from his hands instead of that man. I'm glad that I got to fight you. I just wanted to fight all out without having to worry about my comrades. Thank you, Zero."

Valentine collapses as his system shuts him down to enact repairs.

Zero looks down at Valentine before slinging him over his shoulder and grabbing his hammer.

"I'm just glad that worked. That last move used up the last of my Flash Energy. It was a good fight little brother. Two to beam away, Father."

And with that, Zero and Valentine are teleported away from the destroyed forest around them.

Dr. Wily looks at Zero and Valentine. "Get him into a stasis pod, I'll start working on him as soon as I have some free time. Anything out of the ordinary with you? Any problems with the Flash Weaponry?" Wily listens for a second before noticing a small disturbance coming from Zero. "It seems he managed to do a little damage. I'll fix that up in a minute. So what do you think about him?"

Zero lightly smiles at Wily, "One day, I'd like a rematch with him, once you get him up and running again. It was fun." Zero takes a more serious tone before finishing, "I can only hope that the rest of them are more like him then Omega. More then anything I want to bash his fake face in."

Dr. Wily's eyes take a more curious glint as he asks, "So what did you get from him? My bet is the cannon."

"The mine launcher, it's a bit more useful in my own opinion. It's a good weapon. I'm surprised he didn't have that from your designs."

"I was still tweaking things with them. I probably would have came up with it eventually."

Zero walks away with Valentine as Wily starts taking note of what he should be doing now.

  1. Prove to Light that you are the best.
  2. Save the other dimension from up to Eight Seven Altered Zero clones.
  3. Prevent war on robot masters.
  4. Teach those stupid chefs how to really cook. Hah, Cooking Masters showed them.
  5. Have Zero break something important.
  6. Make a better toaster. Toasterbot is a go.
  7. Fix up Valentine
  8. Do something with that Axl bot.
A beeping catches his ear, someone is calling you? That's a surprise. Wily pulls up the video screen as Dr. Light appears. Now this is usual, Light never calls you first. Usually.

"Hello Light. Might I ask what you are calling me for? I've got a lot of working I should be doing right now."

"Hello, I can see that you are in a pleasant mood already. Cooking Masters? Really? Was this some way to bring Roll into the spotlight?"

Wily takes a second before beginning to speak but Light already starts to talk again.

"Now Albert, what's really going on here. I know you, Cooking Masters? A Vacation? Dr. Cossack's football tournament, You are stalling for time. You've hidden away. It's unlike you. Now what's going on to make you stall."

A second passes as Wily visibly resists the urge to say nothing. He takes a deep breath before sighing.

"You were always more perceptive than you looked. I was robbed, they took everything. Materials, Plans, several robot masters that I hadn't finished. But worse of all? They took a copy of Zero. He's like your X. Stronger really. What makes it worse is what I didn't have on those blueprints. Zero has, had a flaw. His personality was insane, violent, sadistic and murderous. So I put him in a stasis tube until I could fix him properly."

A flash of something passes over Light's face before you continue on.

"None of it would have mattered if it was a normal theft. No one can really hide from me for too long. Certainly not long enough to build a copy of Zero. But the issue was the thief wasn't from this world. Have you heard of parallel dimensions? He was from one of those. I had to do something, I couldn't just let someone unleash Zero on an undeserving world. I'm not a monster Light."
Albert takes a drink from a glass of water.

"It would take me six months to build a machine to let me do the same. I needed time without Megaman interfering. I needed time to fix Zero. I needed to do something, I called Cossack. He ran the Football tournament. He built an X Generation Robot, he calls her Median. I did other things, I needed parts, lots of them. So I stole from the government, and I kept stealing. Everything was going according to plan. I finally finished the machine not too long ago, and what I found was worse than I expected. Not One Zero. Nine of them, One seemly base model and eight based on the stolen robot masters. When I got my first look at Omega, that's his name, Don't look at me like that I didn't name him, he had slaughtered the scientists that made him. He made it a game. A Wily War on his own rules. If I tried to take him out, the other eight would start to massacre and destroy everything around them. Seriously don't look at me like that. I was attempting to debug Zero and had no plans on releasing him anytime soon. Well before this anyways. I managed to fix him. He's up and running. He's a bit of a fight junky but he's stable and he's capable of showing emotions other than hate or anger."

Light has his thinking face on.

"I'll help. Expect X soon. I have ideas and I need to talk to Cossack."

Light gives a soft smile, "You did the right thing." His picture blinks out and you are alone with your thoughts. What do you need to do?

A light blinks out on the map on the wall. Omega leans forward and smiles. "One down, Seven more to go. Valentine wasn't strong enough was he? Oh well." He walks out of the carnage of the room and into a warehouse and smiles at the shape being constructed. His new armor was coming along nicely. Even better than his old set. He'll finally get to set the scales straight. He will show them all who the real Zero was.

2 resources
Wily Options (Pick 3)
[] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.
[] Gather up the Data inside Axl's head. It could be useful.
[] Start gathering data on where that idiot is
[] Begin troubleshooting Valentine

Protoman Option? (Pick 1)
Protoman is currently very curious about what's going on with everyone.
[] Troubleshoot Valentine
[] Check on Dr. Light and Megaman
[] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median
[] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.

Robot Master Option (Pick 1)
[] High Risk
[] Medium Risk
[] Low Risk

Next WZN to go after
[] Tetsuo, Steel Man
[] West, Sonic Man
[] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[] Lung, Dragon Man
[] Raiden, Thunderbolt Man
[] Jaeger, Jet Man
[] Shinano, Carrier Man
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Start gathering data on where that idiot is

Resources, both personal and material (also paying back Cossack for the favor he did for us at the same time is a double win), and stopping Bass from fucking things up.

[X] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.

He's better at that sort of meddling.

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man

Shields, pift we have mines.

[X] Medium Risk

Nothing really good to say here, it's a diceroll after all.
[jk] Build Zero a 'puppy' i.e. a pet mobile death fortress...what the lad asked for it and even designed it himself, you're evil not cruel

[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Start gathering data on where that idiot is
[X] Begin troubleshooting Valentine

Wily: Let's see raiding an army, finding the dumbass, and fixing the quack's design. Zero, would you like to help fix Valentine so you can take him to go maul a military facility?

[X] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.

[X] Medium Risk

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man

Wily: Where did I put the design for Hug Man

Zero: Hug Man?

Wily: Yes sounds less threatening than Suplex Man and its hilarious when someone finds out what he's doing.
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.

[X] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median

[X] Medium Risk

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Start gathering data on where that idiot is
[X] Begin troubleshooting Valentine
[X] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.
[X] Medium Risk
[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.

[X] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median

[X] Medium Risk

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Start gathering data on where that idiot is

[X] Figure out what Axl is involved with exactly.

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man

[X] Medium Risk
Not an update but how did everyone like the fight scene? I'm trying to get better at them so tell me what you liked and disliked plus any tips you wanna give.
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.

[X] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median

[X] Medium Risk

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man
[X] Have a conversation with Cossack. As much as you don't want to say this, you might need his help, or more importantly Median's help.
[X] You never expressed your displeasure with the Army that assaulted the Cossacks. Let's even that score and have Zero show them a real bad time. 4d12+12 resources
[X] Go raid the company that makes knock off Robot Masters. You saw their handiwork at the Cossack's castle and would like let them know exactly how you feel about them. 5d15+15 resources.

[X] Check on the Cossacks and get to know Median

[X] Medium Risk

[X] Valkyrie, Shield Man
Vote Closed.

Uh, someone tally it up while I'm at work. plz
Protoman begins a series of shenagians
So this is prolly unexpected, an update that isn't months apart from the last one.

You hate it. You hate that they refuse to see what's right in front of their eyes. That they refuse to believe that your creations could have a heart and soul. That they could have real emotions and feelings. That they were ALIVE. But, you have to keep marching forward on your path. Further and further into the spotlight as the villain. If that means keeping your children safe, so be it.

The alliance has five principal sites from which the army that opposed Cossack mobilized from, with myriad smaller satellite sites that hide research and development. Research funded to take you and yours out. But, don't they realize who you are?

You are Dr. Albert Wily. The master of mass production, the wizard of robotics and mostly the father to your sons.

There is no pity for them. None what so ever about the plot you've concocted. It's time to put on a show. Anyone can be a villain, but someone of your status? It's about style, style and presentation.

Once more into the fray. The button is pressed and now you are in control.

Thousand upon thousands of screens flash on in a screech of static as your voice hails over the airwaves.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Albert Wily, I'm sure you've heard of my exploits. I've recently taken the culinary world by storm. But wouldn't you know it? My vacation time is over and now normal programming is back in action. So get ready for everyone's favorite show. Robot Revolution. You may be wondering how I know this channel exists or how I hacked but, that's not important. What is important is the army knocking at your door this time. You made a grave error. You attacked the wrong doctor. Let me show you how much of a mistake you made."

A noise like a crashing train clammers through the base as thousands of tiny robots pop out of no where with drills and hammers and start demolishing the base. Cutting, breaking, and more as they start wrecking the base around the men. Last time you assaulted a military you had let them keep their buildings. This time? Not so lucky. They can keep the men and the clothing you don't really need the fabric... though an idea for a Thread man pops up for a second.

But onto more important details, it's time to check in on Zero. You wanted the men in charge. You want them to Know. Exactly how far they've dug themselves into a hole. Zero's task was simple. Single handily destroy the main base and take the ringleaders into custody. With a tell tale beeping you calmly swing around and face the men while petting Tango.

"We finally meet, it's been far too long. As you know I'm Dr. Albert Wily. And you are the pests that have been annoying me. The close minded clods that decided unilaterally the world doesn't need me or my works. You've been causing chaos and destruction because you don't like the fact that you're been left in the dust. Well, guess what, I'm finally here to fix that problem. I know some of you hate me, that's good, but I have to wonder. How many of you are afraid of me?"

Wily bares his teeth in a smug grin.

"You see I'm not like you. I understand how important information is. Oh what is that shiver passing through some of you? Feel like someone walking over your grave?"

Wily chuckles.

"Because I can destroy you. Topple the thin little pillars that hold you up in the eyes of the world. A few choice words and even you can't bury the results. I wonder how the world would react to your daughters little 'accident'? Or maybe that grandchild of yours, no not that one, the one that you keep in the basement. Or maybe I should let the world know how your second marriage ended. See death is easy, but suffering? Suffering is forever. Do you understand just how prevalent mine and Light's tech really is? It's in your smartphone, It's in your new computer, it's in anything smarter than a rock. I know everything they know. So tell me gentlemen, do you think you can hide from me?"

Wily gestures widely as he smiles menacingly.

"So gentlemen, let's make a deal."

[45 resources gained] + [Shutting up some idiots]+[Blackmail waiting to destroy them if they take one step out of line]

Well at least that's one headache over and done with, now you need to do something you hate. You need to ask Cossack for he.. hel... for a favor. Ask him if you can borrow Median for a while. Just long enough that you can focus and do repairs and maybe sleep for more then an hour. You say that but it's going to be spent planning again. Because something about Omega is niggling at you. His actions aren't what you expected from Zero. The murder you expected a little, something about him is wrong. And it's bugging you madly.

Zero didn't act like that when you activated him, so what is so different about it? You even wonder if something other then Zero's code is in that head. You shake yourself out of those thoughts and get on to calling Cossack.

"Hello, Cossack, I paid back the favor from before. Don't worry about that army anymore. It's disbanded. On other news, the plan was a success. We were a bit too late still. A Zero copy was still built."

Wily gestures calmly at Valentine on a table for future repairs.

"This is what became of Tankman. He was upgraded to a Zero level body. Now I could keep having Zero go out and fight, but I have this feeling that something is wrong about this. I want it over as fast as possible and I want Omega to have as few chances as possible to get a good look at what Zero is capable of now."

Wily rubs his hands down his face.

"I don't want to ask this, but I need another favor. Can you send over Median? Being able to take down two targets at once would speed this up. If not for me, for them."

Wily places a hand on Valentine.

"He managed to fight it. That desire to harm others. He managed to pull himself away from it. He focused all of it towards fighting Zero. He made a battlefield away from everyone else. I don't know how long they can keep themselves from hurting others. So please. Cossack help me."

"Well that confirms what Dr. Light told me. I'll get Median ready to be sent over shortly. Do you mind looking over her tactile force generator, I'm pretty sure I've got everything set up properly, but I wouldn't mind a second set of eyes on it."

Cossack looks like he's about to hang up before popping up with a question.

"Do you know what Dr. Light meant when he told me to let you know that 'I know how to cheat just as well as you Albert.'"

A quick flash of irritation appears on Wily's face before he quickly smothers it.

"Not in particular, but he's going to be a pain."

"Oh, oh well. Good bye Doctor. And thank you."

Cossack hangs up.

In a brightly lit lab, Protoman looks down at the young looking robot on the table in front of him cautiously as he begins to inspect the device attached to his helmet. Examining where and how it attached and the best way to remove it without frying his brain.

"So, where did you come from? I know all three of the Doctors that have the skill to create you. But, your particular design? It's not something they would have created. A shapeshifting dective? Dr. Wily is good at the particular brand of mechanics needed, Light is best at the AI, and Cossack is good with weaponry. Dr. Light provides for manufacturing and things like that, Cossack hasn't really made any since the war and Dr. Wily wouldn't provide the police a tool to catch him.

Protoman racks through the tools before finding the one he wants as he begins to calmly work at the device.
"I know that you aren't on Zero's level, but you are still miles and miles ahead of everyone else. So you have to be from somewhere else. Not here, but maybe some when else. I think someone has been messing with time again. So who did they steal you from and what did they do to them?"

Protoman gently begins to remove the wires attaching the device.

"I don't think I'm going to like what happened to you."

He glares at the device hanging onto Axl's head like a parasite.

"I know you aren't doing this willingly either, Detective. Stolen from your family so they could have a secret weapon against father. It's disgusting. But it's your lucky day, because I am going to fix it."

Protoman pulls the device off and crushes it in his hand.

"Because I'm the first. I am the one that watches out for them. All of my younger siblings, even if they aren't made by my fathers."

Protoman takes a wire and connects to Axl.

"Now lets see what happened to you."

[Protoman will be causing Shenanigans for the next two turns]

After some tune ups and quick fixes Zero is once again fully repaired, not that Valentine really did that much damage to him, but you still need to refill energy tanks. Zero gives you a thumbs up that he's ready to be beamed out, to once again fight one of his siblings... Is this how Light feels? But once again Zero teleports out into that other world. It's Valkyrie this time, she's based on Shield Man.

A figure sits on a skyscraper watching a beam of light touch down in her city. She gives a beautiful smile, and flicks her golden hair over her shoulder as she stands up and looks down. Her pure white wings flick out as her arms reach out lovingly towards the light.

"It's my turn then"

A voice as clear as a bell rings out as she begins to gesture like a conductor at the city below her. And an orchestra of screams and crashes begins. Lights shift suddenly, cars don't brake, planes drop out of the sky. Robots begin running amuck. Havoc has taken the city by storm. A beeping pops in her ear as Omega's children begin to ask for permission. A silent acknowledgement as to make them leave her alone to watch this most beautiful show.

Zero beams in to an unoccupied alleyway. A crash immediately catches his attention as it slams into one of the walls. Several robots in police colors run into the alley and as one turn to face Zero. A split second and then they start firing. Zero walks away from behind them as they slide into pieces and explode.

"Doctor, we can safely consider Valkyrie to be not like Valentine."

Zero looks around to see a city in flames, planes have crashed into building car wrecks everywhere people fighting each other. It's mayhem and chaos. Drones with glowing red eyes float around and little mechanical spiders walk around causing trouble as more police robots come running down the street. Their angry sirens letting Zero know exactly where to aim.

Two mine shots ring out and nail the robots in the faces while Zero takes care of the aerial drones. Zero glares at the remaining Police Robot and grabs it by the face. His eyes gleam red as he takes over. Before dropping it he takes the robot's buster pistol and smiles as his armor shades to gun metal gray.

"How did Axl say it? Twelve shots to kill any bot that moves?"

Zero smiles up at the growing swarm of drones as he takes aim. The ricocheting shots take down the swarm as he glances around the area. He considers what he learned from the police bot. The Robots are running rampant without Valkyrie's direction. He has two targets now. Does he go after the control switch or Valkyrie?

Finally, some free time. Even still you don't that much. Maybe enough for this plan. With Zero out in the field, Omega shouldn't be paying to much attention to you and your efforts. Whatever info you can steal from that lab will be worth it's weight in gold. What they did to the Copies, where they are, whatever you can get.
You take a quick peek at the lab with the viewer. Empty, good. You beam in a met and have it get to work for you. It shouldn't take it too long to download the labs files. And hopefully Omega will sit where he is and not mess everything up.

[Info Met is deployed. Information will be beamed back to you in two turns. Ish.] [Omega has another hiding spot besides the lab.]

Well you were expecting this. Shadow Man was the first back with the parts you needed for his conversion. Not that Shadow Man actually needs all that much work done. Considering his origin, it's more of a removal of some things and a spec upgrade then the radical upgrades some of the others might require. But he brought in some parts that would be a straight upgrade from what he has.

A new set of frame work for his skeleton that is more lightweight and stronger than his current one. It's from an experimental research lab in America if you remember right. You were going to steal some samples but you got busy with this mess.

Oh, and this is the finished hologram matrix from that lab in Denmark. You didn't even know they were close to finishing this. Shadow man must have been watching them closely. You almost feel outdone since you really only have a set of kunai and shurikans made the same way Zero's saber and tonfa are. But it's a upgrade... You feel a compulsion to make a set of ninja mets for some reason. Oh well.

Zero Fight Options
[] Go after Valkyrie
[] Shut down the Rampaging Robots.

Wily Free time

[] Make Ninja Mets
[] Get introduced to Median by Bass
[] Wonder where Protoman got to.
[] Send someone to cheer up Megaman

Met Options
[] Hide and Hijack Info
[] Explore a bit
Zero Fight Options

[X] Go after Valkyrie
Shut down the source, don't chase the brush fires.

Wily Free time

[X] Get introduced to Median by Bass
Ok, that sounds hilarious, I must do it.

Met Options
[X] Hide and Hijack Info
It has a job to do, do it.
[X] Go after Valkyrie

[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass

[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[X] Go after Valkyrie
[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass
[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[X] Go after Valkyrie
[X] Get introduced to Median by Bass
[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[X] Go after Valkyrie

[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass

[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[X] Go after Valkyrie

[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass

[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[X] Go after Valkyrie

[X] Make Ninja Mets
-[X] Get interrupted from making Ninja Mets by getting introduced to Median by Bass

[X] Hide and Hijack Info
[x] Shut down the Rampaging Robots.
[x] Send someone to cheer up Megaman
[x] Hide and Hijack Info

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