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Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

Not in this case. Dialogue-heavy scenes do not always need large paragraphs, and there was enough detail to paint a decent mental image. Good work.
Not in this case. Dialogue-heavy scenes do not always need large paragraphs, and there was enough detail to paint a decent mental image. Good work.

To be fair, the usual extreme people seem to go into is either large paragraph chunks or literal one-liner dialogues with little to nothing else. Somehow making the middling spectrum a rarity instead.
It lives it dies it lives again. Now off to reread the quest
That one was definitely a good one. If can keep this kind of quality in the future, you'll be set with whatever you write.
Oh hey, I get to post this again....

Beware the Ninja Met!

J-pop Pirates. Motherfucker, J-pop Pirates. Why?
In the midst of his conversation with Median about his older brothers, Tetsuo and every other robot in his factory come to a sudden dead stop. A deafening silence devours the factory while Median stares wide eyed at the changes overcoming the cheerful robot. The sudden discord in Tetsuo's normally harmonic network as he's flooded with hate and anger.

His massive ham sized fists clench and unclench as he stares unwavering into the distance as his mets panic and run around widely in circles as they try to figure out some way to calm down their kind master. A pair of mets with red alarms on their helmet attempt to restore order to the rest of the mets.

"THAT, THAT, DIRTY BROTHER KILLER. I'LL, I'LL," Tetsuo roars into the sky. His mets begin to run towards him making comforting beeps and boops. He drops to his hands and knees. "I can't do anything, I'm not like Jaeger or Valentine. I don't like to fight, I don't have their special weapons or tactics. I'm just strong.. Not like my brothers. I just want to build things without people hurting my buddies. I can't fight Omega. He'd tear me apart, just like Jaeger."

Median walks over and puts her hand on his shoulder and kneels down. She smiles at him and pats his shoulder reassuringly. "You don't have to fight him if you don't want to. You don't even have to stay here." With a smile that lights up the entire room she makes her offer to Tetsuo. "Why don't you come back with me, we'll bring all your buddies with us and just leave Omega to get his face kicked in by Zero?"

Tetsuo looks up, "Where would we go? He'll find us."

"How would you like to meet the man who actually designed you? Dr. Wily would love to meet you. When he wakes up from his impromptu nap anyways. So what do you say.." An audible beep interrupts Median as a pair of Mets beam in. One of them chirps happily at Tetsuo while the other projects a hologram of Protoman.

"Hello, Median, Tetsuo."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Protoman, and do I have good news for you. We've got Jaeger." The hologram changes to the broken form of Jaeger on a table with several robotic arms doing smaller repairs. "We've this one to thank," The Met chirps again at Tetsuo. "Father, had set him to spy on what Omega was doing and he saved your brother before he was put into a truly irreparable state."

Tetsuo lightly pats the Met on the head in thanks before standing back up and smiling sheepishly. "So when can we get going? I've got a lot of little buddies you've need to transport back you know? Soo the sooner we get going the quicker we'll be done."

A dark figure stands motionless in pitch darkness, waiting ominously for… A flash of light and a roar of thousands. Her cute figure smiles and poses as the crowd goes wild. A rumble of music erupts from gigantic speakers on either side of her stage. A set of slightly more robotic looking band members flank her with a pair of guitars ready to rock.

"Hello, Kure, It's so nice to finally meet the city my namesake was from. How is everyone doing?" She thrusts out her microphone out towards the crowd as they roar back in response. She smiles widely before doing a cute spin and a pose.

"So let's get started then," she snaps her fingers as the titanic screen behind her comes alive capturing the streams from several floating pixie looking robots fluttering around the concert. A pair of giant teddy bear robots do the robot, while several cute back up dancer robots flutter around the stage as the music begins to flow.

A man is thrown into the waters surrounding the ship, another joining the mass of sentries left behind to guard the ships in the waters. A cute robot sneaks up behind another sailor and hugs it tight as it walks away from the ship to toss him into the waters. A pair of guards grumble about missing the concert while searchlights illuminate the sky. Totally distracted while a giant teddy bear picks them up.

The Idol dances her heart out as her bandmates begin blaring out dueling solos, the crowd roars and bounces around. The ships slowly begin to pull out of the harbor. The pair of giant Teddy robots begin to breakdance. The ships accelerate as warnings and alarms blare. The crowds scream as the music begins to wind down for the night.

The Idol struts to the end of the stage and takes a pose. "If you'd look over to the harbor, you'll see my final act of the night." Fireworks begin to shoot off from the middle of the harbor, illuminating the mass of ships that had been stolen in the world's greatest act of piracy. But none of the crowd realize the truth as they watch more and more fireworks go off in the night sky.

She takes another pose before smiling, "And that's it for tonight. I'm Shinano and thanks for coming." She bows as the stage breaks apart into sets of flying platforms that begin to zoom off towards the Harbor.
Say, hello to Shinano, Eighth in her line. J-pop idol, Zero Master, Pirate Queen, a weapon of fucking war you dipshits.

The Good Doctor wakes up from his sprawled place on his desk Shaking his head free of thoughts of J-pop pirate queen robot masters. His movements causing a cacophony of cracks and pops as he groans. Moments like this remind him of how old he's starting to get. He straightens up and realizes that he's not alone in his room.

Craning his neck up to look at the massive robot, he takes a second to wake up. "Well, considering the fact that there isn't an army of very angry robot masters at my door and all sorts of alarms going off I'm guessing that you must be Tetsuo."

"You can fix him right?"

A robot with his size should not be able to make that kind of pleading face. Or as be as quiet as he runs. With his size he really should have woke you up when he walked in.

[] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"
[] "Let's go, take me there, I wanna get a look at him."

The things you do for your children.

Half way done. Valentine, Valkyrie, Jaeger and Tetsuo are out of the fight.

The remaining four
[] Lung: The Dragon
[] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
[] Raiden: The Psycho
[] West: "Let's start a Riot" The Football Hooligan.

Well that was certainly longer than a few days. I had a massive change of ideas of what I wanted to do. Then J-pop happened.

Next sent out will be Zero or Maybe X. Doctor Light is muttering something about a project Archerfish.
[?] "Lad, if need be I can just rebuild his body from scratch. This isn't the first time I had to fix a Robot Master that got their chassis kicked and it won't be the last."

Is this suitable?
That raises another question, actually. What continuity is this quest based in?

Well, Uh, a lot of it is based off my memories of what I've read of the gigamax, megamax and other such comics, plus a wide ranging mass of techinical specs and things.

And burning, techinically yes.
Well, Uh, a lot of it is based off my memories of what I've read of the gigamax, megamax and other such comics, plus a wide ranging mass of techinical specs and things.

And burning, techinically yes.
So we might be able to have an appearance by Quake Women/Tempo?

*crosses fingers*

[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"

[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
Well, Uh, a lot of it is based off my memories of what I've read of the gigamax, megamax and other such comics, plus a wide ranging mass of techinical specs and things.

And burning, techinically yes.
I just figured Wily in the morning would be like 'Alright, alright just let me get my tools. Honestly I need to finish that repair met squad if only so I can build new stuff without having to put you lot back together for some reason.'

After all even evil geniuses need their daily cup of joe.
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"

[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate

Why do I have Liz in my head when I was thinking an image for her?
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"

[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
J-pop pirate Zero Master. What. Just... what.

I feel lucky that we didn't snap and unleash 8 robot masters just from that.
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"

[X] Lung: The Dragon

If the LaLindes exist in the world of this quest, then is it possible to have Vesper Woman be a reploid and not a Robot Master as an AU-thing? Vesper is easily corrupted into "Vector", a mathematical term that would fit with the naming scheme of the other androids.

Since that reminded me of Over, who is Median's sort-of-canon-sort-of-counterpart, maybe we could rework him into working as Median's animal sidekick guy? Maybe have them all be several animals in one, or something?
I don't know if Over ought to transform between Wolf, Dolphin/Shark, and Winged Cat or be some kind of weird Chimera with elements of all of them, but if we took either concept, it would set these aside from those that came before them. Or I don't know. Maybe, having been reminded that Over exists, he'll be made as Median's little brother, or be inspiring in some other manner, I don't know.
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"
[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate

We're fighting a war to save a reality... deal with the big treats to the navy first. (then J-Pop Robot Masters, at Zero levels)
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"

[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"
[X] Shinano: The Idol, The J-pop star, Pirate Queen, A fucking weapon of war mate
Dr. Wily Master of Robotics
[X] "Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics"​

"Of course I can, I'm Dr. Albert Wily. Master of Robotics." Wily gives a wicked grin at the robot looming over him. "Now let's get going, I can't do a diagnosis from here can I? Well I could but that's not the point. Let's see, If I was Protoman, he'd be in Room 33 because it's right here." Wily smacks a button on the wall causing a door to open silently.

The door opens to Protoman overlooking a group of mets removing damaged armor. A set of tubes is draining various fluids out of Jaeger's body. Protoman is such a good boy, making sure Jaeger's all prepared for repair. Wily eyes the damage, before buttoning up his coat and putting on gloves.

"Well this is certainly repairable, some minor damage to the wing, amputated arm, and some structural damage due to what I'm guessing is having a skyscraper dropped on his head. Which I'm also guessing is self inflicted."

"How do you figure that?" Wily sighs, "I ask myself what is the most stupid thing one of my sons would do and go with that. It's usually right." Wily sticks his hand out to the right and a screw driver is placed into his hand. "I'm going to remove his brain. Now, yes Tetsuo, the damage isn't that bad, but I would rather not accidentally fry his brain if I missed something. Mostly because I don't have X-Ray eyes in my head yet."

Wily slowly removes the chip before placing it in a nearby container. "Tetsuo, how good are you at creating armor? Jaeger's set is currently a write off, it's only good for scrap at the moment. So we'll be needing to get him a set sooner or later." Wily winces as he gets a good look at Jaegers shoulder joint. "Of course he got his joint damaged, replacing it is always such a pain to do. You should ask Shademan about it Tetsuo, I had to repair quite a few of his recently. I'm going to have to take apart more of his more of his chest than I thought I was going to need to."

With the speed of a man a third of his age Wily begins to tear down Jaeger to bare frame work on his upper chest. "We'll be needing to replace that entirely." Wily sticks his right hand out and a cutting torch is placed in his hand. A met places a mask on his face. The remains of his arm finally removed from his skeleton, Wily takes a closer look at the rest of the skeleton, checking for any minute fractures or damage obvious to the naked eye. With a small wince he notices a small crack in Jaeger's spine.

"Che, looks like Jaeger might be taking a bit longer then I'd like. Protoman, start spinning up these parts with Jaeger's specs. I'll be needing an arm, new spine, and maybe I'd replace his core." Wily looks at Tetsuo's despairing face. "Other than that he seems fine. So don't worry. This is child's play to someone of my skills."
Cool. HN Wily needs to dig in with these Robor masters and start mind crafting up his own resources.

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