Introspective Tinkerer
Searching for their Answer
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Found this idea on SB and was wondering if anyone would like to take a crack at it.
It started with a mistake. A wrong word spoken at the wrong moment, offering a glimpse of perspective and truth. A wrong book offered at the wrong time, seemingly incomprehensible theory a bit too comprehensible, perhaps. A trip that lasted too long, kind words that might have smothered the drive left unspoken. A burning obsession, a mania that wouldn't abate, fires fuelled by desperate need and an ocean of guilt.
A child dives into a sea of wonders.
When Emiya Kiritsugu returned from another unsuccessful expedition to the cold forests of rural Germany, he finds his adopted son greeting him with a wide, proud smile and a manic gleam in his eyes. The childish exuberance in his words, 'I have cured death', seems like a game of make-believe, like something a child might invent in the boring hours of the day to amuse himself.
Then the cat, mangy fur and unkempt appearance of a local stray, enters the room, a halting shuffle and unnatural gait. Gears click softly and pistons messily driven into muscle and bone rise and fall with an audible hiss. The sound it makes is recognizable, but only superficially so. Grinding gears and the whine of hydraulics, rather than something made by flesh and blood.
The boy claps his hands in delight, as if seeing a puppy or kitten perform an amusing trick. Emiya Kiritsugu can only stare in horror, his son's question unheard.
'Am I a sorcerer now?'
Hmm... If you're thinking of pulling or somewhat fusing 'Genius: the Transgression'... Then chances are that Shirou being a Spark, would have to contend not with Magi (like Rin...) But RIVAL Mad Scientists, who'd probably be pre-emptively killed before they say; make an Ether Liner, or Socially shunned by Society for commiting unethical experiments.
Magi would be a problem, too. Mad scientists tend to do things like true resurrection, time travel and immortality. Gaining that kind of power would be every magus' dream. Of course, attempts would be pointless, Genius Inspiration is a fundamentally personal thing and impossible to replicate, but every magus would be convinced he would be the one person to crack it. Still, for a change up, it's entirely possible to put the Clock Tower into position as the containment service, trying to prevent the Inspired from, say, building a doom cannon and blowing up London. They obviously can't be imprisoned, as the smoking crater that was the last such prison clearly demonstrates, so local members of the Clock Tower are saddled with baby-sitting duty, trying to keep things secret and container.
Killing them all would be an option, but Inspiration comes from direct contact with the Root gone wrong, so it's really a trade-off.