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General chat thread

Good. People are not clueless. I do hope Sir Attenborough makes it to 100 healthy, as that would be a great century to look back on.
"Oops, it looks like he came inside. This might be the start of a happy little accident."
There is a tabletop game setting that features a religion called the "Happy Little Accidents". They worship Boss Rob. And their priests can conjure things from paintings and drawings they make.
Well, that's a downer. I was checking out some Ranma crossovers on ff.net, when I found this guy.
He updated his profile in early 2021, though, so he might still be alive. If so, I hope he got that liver transplant he needs.
There's a homeless tramp sleeping on the street next to my house. I don't even know if I can call the police, but this is just making me really uncomfortable.
Feed it. If a dog is homeless it needs food. If you're talking about a homeless dude, on the other hand…

Feed him a sandwich, earn his trust, get a living security system.
Feed it. If a dog is homeless it needs food. If you're talking about a homeless dude, on the other hand…

Feed him a sandwich, earn his trust, get a living security system.
Yes, I'm talking about a man. Hence me calling him a tramp.

And no, I don't want him to stay.
And no, I don't want him to stay.

Challenge him to single combat.

Buy him a bus ticket.

Stick him in your trunk and drop him off 4 hours away.

Call the cops.

Hit him with a brick while he sleeps.

Call the HOA, if there is one.

Talk to your neighbors and get their help.

He's homeless and you, presumably, have a home. There's no shortage of options here.
Yes, I'm talking about a man. Hence me calling him a tramp.

And no, I don't want him to stay.
Be American about it. He's both poor and homeless, which means that, by definition, he's a bad person. Just call the cops and go full Karen to get them to drag the evil bastard away.
Called a praying mantis a dumbass today. There's at least one (possibly more, might be multiple generations by now) on our porch most mornings, taking advantage of our porch light pulling prey.

Today I arrived home (I work nights) and found it with its head stuck in the door, between the frame and the door next to the lower deadbolt. I gently poked its leg and it had a hell of a time extracting itself, but it did. Got up after hitting the ground and seemed fine.

I called it a dumbass and went through the door, quickly so the cats wouldn't have a chance to grab at it.
Called a praying mantis a dumbass today. There's at least one (possibly more, might be multiple generations by now) on our porch most mornings, taking advantage of our porch light pulling prey.

Today I arrived home (I work nights) and found it with its head stuck in the door, between the frame and the door next to the lower deadbolt. I gently poked its leg and it had a hell of a time extracting itself, but it did. Got up after hitting the ground and seemed fine.

I called it a dumbass and went through the door, quickly so the cats wouldn't have a chance to grab at it.
I had to fish a bird out of a bug trap it had gotten its foot caught in the fan. This isn't the first time a bug trap has caught a birb, and let it hop away.
Does anyone else think it's weird that it's illegal to sell colloidal silver despite it being used as a relatively effective medicine for centuries because drinking it turns your skin blue, but not cigarettes when they're packed with numerous known poisons and carginogens?
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