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General chat thread

After watching Dune (1984) again, I remembered a thing that never seems to get commented on:


What's with the Reverend Mother's teeth? Is that steel?
she has been witnessed
Maybe. On the other hand, David Lynch movies are like this. There are always tons of shit like this. He always adds weird little details, usually to the background, that are easy to miss consciously but still contribute to the overall... Lynchness of the work.
she has been witnessed
Maybe. On the other hand, David Lynch movies are like this. There are always tons of shit like this. He always adds weird little details, usually to the background, that are easy to miss consciously but still contribute to the overall... Lynchness of the work.
You have been Lynched. It's like being enlightened, but involves going straight for the jugular and rope burns. Survival isn't guaranteed.

I'm not actually familiar enough with Dune for anything but a really silly one-shot. I saw the 1984 version, and the one after that which was pretty slow and boring, haven't seen the new one. And I really tried to read the original book but it's got that problem some books seem to have where it doesn't feel obligated to let the reader in on the plot so I just got kinda lost and stopped at around the halfway point. Or at least that's what I remember.

But for a silly one-shot... probably go with the theory that Max is crazy and what he's seeing isn't necessarily real, but give him Haruhi's issue of unconsciously making it real. But (to make it less depressing) make it so instead of causing the apocalypse with that he just wandered from his original, non-apocalyptic world (the first movie) into one that was.

Then he's running from yet another group of raiders one day, blasting across the desert when it happens again, and drags the whole crew of maniacs with him, right into the middle of one of the battles. Chaos and shenanigans ensue.

Hm... if you wanted a longer piece, possibly the idea of him not trusting any faction but all of them wanting him (possibly because he's the only member of the world-crossing that didn't get eaten by a sandworm and they wanna know what the fuck.) leads to an almost Looney Tunes chase across Arrakis as they all get dragged along behind while trying subtly to kill each-other while they're at it. Until he makes friends with Paul, helps him take full control of Arrakis almost by accident, then drives off into the desert, never to be seen again.
...What a bizzare-ass crossover idea you've put in my head.
Fremen having motorized vehicles that have means of propulsion that don't attract the Worms? And, rather than just being Muslim Nomad Ninjas, they also use, for the lack of a better term, light cavalry raiding tactics against those they fight? And those that fight them, like House Harkonnen, adapt accordingly, sending buggies and gun trucks out to take them down.

Think Toyota War, meets Mad Max, meets maybe a pinch of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, and you get the idea.
Funny thing, but my cousin is sulking because I pointed out that gifting his wife a Toyota is a wee bit over the top, and he could just take her out to a decent restaurant.

And he's a decade older than me.
Fremen having motorized vehicles that have means of propulsion that don't attract the Worms? And, rather than just being Muslim Nomad Ninjas, they also use, for the lack of a better term, light cavalry raiding tactics against those they fight? And those that fight them, like House Harkonnen, adapt accordingly, sending buggies and gun trucks out to take them down.

Think Toyota War, meets Mad Max, meets maybe a pinch of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, and you get the idea.

I for one support Maud'Max.

Yes, the engines look crude because they're configured to be arrhythmic, and no two look alike because we require individual deviation to avoid cadence when riding in formation.

Maud'Max can be made to originate for logical-sounding reasons.
I hope everyone's having a good day or night
Watching Dune 2021 today and I gotta say it's a serious power move to have your greatest enemy's naked, insensate, defeated body laying out in the dining room while you have a meal and deal with minor business.

I mean, that didn't end up working out great for 'ol Vlad, but it's still a power move.
Apparently the Steam handheld console runs Arch Linux.

Allegedly the rep for Arch Linux is being n00b unfriendly.

I wonder how long it will take until (or if it's already the case that) most n00bs run Arch Linux, albeit unknowingly.
So I had a dream... that was a full-blown Star Wars movie.

Or a book, I don't know. It felt like reading a book at some points, and a movie at others. But there's a story behind it.

Essentially, the McGuffin here was a modified Star Destroyer, an Imperial one, and a gigantic hydro-pump replaced the top bit at the back of the ship. It used this to drain entire planets of water (really anything with water counted as fair game.) And it used this water to... do acrobatics in space: drifting, twirling, flipping - really evasive and fast stuff.

No one knows where it came from, and no one could destroy it because of how fast it was, and how effective it was at picking off an entire fleet by itself.

Enter the Jedi. Frankly, they're terrified of it and say that it's a "dark-hole in the force, so vivid to any sensitive that the simile could only draw images of an eclipse."

Regardless, they send some Jedi to destroy it and it fails spectacularly. They warp near it, say that it changed into an "...experienced gunmetal gray, littered with fissures that seethed in sulfuric blue and the chasms of which sparkled like sunspots on an ocean floor."

The ship notices them and they disappear. Then the Padawans of the Jedi who were sent cry, a lot.

Then it gets fuzzy from there. There's some more dialogue, a senate thing I think.

Anyway, it leads to the Jedi to make another team. This time all of them being Jedi who were formerly Sith. And by then our main character gets introduced: a Twi'lek girl, she's red and black and if I remember correctly had a scar on her face that was pretty. So she's an engineer, and they all manage to board the ship after it "sang to them in cultured tones that danced as prisms in their eyes. In their boots, hot sand baked on their soles as if from Tatooine."

Then it skips again, there was a scene where the ship tormented them with graphic visions, there was a whole bunch of talk about The Force and how the Force was bad for birthing an abomination. Then they get to the cockpit. So the door opens and it's a black room. I'm pretty sure at this point, nearly everyone is dead. It's just the Twi'lek girl and the pilot who brought them in.

She steps in and the room lights up, and they find the pilots. It's a giant tank and it's filled with a whole bunch of Sith who're amputated, have no eyes and are completely cooked in implants and other technology. Then she realized that the ship is alive and using them as a living battery and then ends the whole thing by making it explode.

...Yeah, I dreamed up what was essentially a full-on Star Wars movie/book. It's fucking weird. Has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Just casually dream up an entire fucking story with characters, plot and all?
...Yeah, I dreamed up what was essentially a full-on Star Wars movie/book. It's fucking weird. Has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Just casually dream up an entire fucking story with characters, plot and all?

A few times. I always hate forgetting them, because they always feel interesting despite how quickly they fade away.

Except that one fucking nightmare. Do you know what would drive you to murder? And not just a bullet through the head but real serial killer shit? I do. I was seething for days because I woke up and couldn't follow through.

I would watch your movie though. Sounds neat.
Essentially, the McGuffin here was a modified Star Destroyer, an Imperial one, and a gigantic hydro-pump replaced the top bit at the back of the ship. It used this to drain entire planets of water (really anything with water counted as fair game.) And it used this water to... do acrobatics in space: drifting, twirling, flipping - really evasive and fast stuff.

Honestly that sounds like a Spaceballs dream.

Treasure it, those are rare thanks to their merchandising agreement.
Has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Just casually dream up an entire fucking story with characters, plot and all?

Yeah, that happened to me a few days ago.

I had a nightmare that we were on a spaceship cruise I suggested moving to a new area to explore and we got attacked. It was explosions then giant insects started to eat the people around me and while I tried to escape with the other people, one of the guards grabbed my shirt and kept me there due to it being "my" fault. So I hid in a small are, Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett were there but they were in their TLOU costumes. Nick died to due the explosions and Murray had some kind of mental break and took a box cutter.
and cut both his eyes in a plus shape and tore them out to replace his with Nick's. His eyes weren't bleeding and looked like basketballs that had been cut.
I woke up after that. Don't know where it came from, I haven't even seen the show.
Has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Just casually dream up an entire fucking story with characters, plot and all?
Several times; it's annoying because I wake up partway through and never get to find out the ending. It seems to happen when I'm waking up really gradually; it's pure dream at first and slowly turns into semi-conscious storycrafting until I realize what I'm doing and then the story thread is lost.
I don't understand why some people think i need help. Sure I have moments, but I'm usually fine in the end.
So I could have swore that you couldn't edit your post past 3 days. Or did something change? Because for whatever reason it's allowing me to edit a post from January 6th for example.
Edit: thanks for answering. But I got four replys. Lol
Last edited:
So I could have swore that you couldn't edit your post past 3 days. Or did something change? Because for whatever reason it's allowing me to edit a post from January 6th for example.

The thread might have been locked when you tried to edit.

Otherwise I can't think of what would cause any post to not allow editing.
So I could have swore that you couldn't edit your post past 3 days. Or did something change? Because for whatever reason it's allowing me to edit a post from January 6th for example.
No edit time limit here or the other forums. There is though a 3 days limit for delete in both SB and SV so guessing that is what you are misremembering.

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