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the players gave Métis babies to Nazi mad scientist sorcerers in exchange for nuclear warheads

they nuked Mexico City to kill Shaitan

And killed 8 million people (including Shaitan as he rolled poorly)

Odin took over a player's body during this and sacrificed all the souls to himself

Ascending him
Waiit. Are you on the Classic World of Darkness server? That sounds like a story I herd there.
There's a Classic World of Darkness Server?

Edit: Wait, nevermind; it's a discussion server, not an RPing one.
I tend to ignore that since I generally seem to be in areas other than him
A guy who really loves the technocracy
More Mages really.
Understood, let's not talk about C. Drone.

How bad is his Technocracy-wanking? I myself have grown to like the Technos (albeit I like their Dissident Groups even more).
Not that bad. He doesn't whitewash. But he also doesn't shy away from the brokenness of Mage.
I have you know that's not a bad trait at all
*says Maragas who loves Technocracy

Though I sense a story there. If it's not Rule 8 breaking aka political I wouldn't mind hearing about it.
I will leave it at, I really REALLY do not like the Technocracy

As antagonists sure

anything else

Them going insane in outer space and coming back corrupted brings a smile to my face.
in general, I hate the technocracy

There are factions that want to change the technocracy, but as a whole, I dislike the organization

That works, yes.

I love the Traditions (I liked Celestial Chorus first, then Order of Hermes), but I love playing Technocratic Dissidents (Harbinger of Avalon who wants to get rid of the Technocracy's corruption and authoritarianism) even more.
Not really? OWOD is not like NWOD. It is not the same setting with every splat linked. Each is there own. Folks also hated the system for demons and some hated the Christianity theme.

I can see why the latter would be the case, as for the former, what's wrong with the system?

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