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So, what's your favorite CofD splat?

Official? Hunter: The Vigil is my favorite. Rest are also fun. Exempt Beast. Can't stand this one.

I'm also interested in checking out that Deviant: The Renegade.

Fanmade splats I like the most would be Exalted versus World of Darkness and Princess: The Hopeful.
Official? Hunter: The Vigil is my favorite. Rest are also fun. Exempt Beast. Can't stand this one.

I'm also interested in checking out that Deviant: The Renegade.

Fanmade splats I like the most would be Exalted versus World of Darkness and Princess: The Hopeful.

A person after my own heart.

I'm planning to save $100 to commission my own, third version/fork of Princess the Hopeful from someone who is great at homebrewing, by the way. Basically, I wanted to buff Princesses to Mage-level.
I've run into a sort of dilemma where I'm not exactly sure what one of the Huntsman in Changeling the Lost can do or what they might do if they manage to get a mortal to help them in trying to capture a Changeling. Whenever I look into what the Huntsman might be able to do I always hit a brick wall with just coming up with their description. Is there somewhere where I can find the various abilities of the huntsman as well as what they may generally do to those who are working for them but are not submerged in the supernatural yet? I imagine they don't care, just like their fae masters, but I don't know 100%. Currently I have him acting in almost an Agent Smith way.
Official? Hunter: The Vigil is my favorite. Rest are also fun. Exempt Beast. Can't stand this one.

I'm also interested in checking out that Deviant: The Renegade.

Fanmade splats I like the most would be Exalted versus World of Darkness and Princess: The Hopeful.

Deviant is definitely worth checking out, it's a really cool system and has some really cool lore.
Imabot , So, Mage the Awakening... Do you know any game of it running?

I didn't see this or any other WoD/CofD splat games being run here. I guess it's not a popular setting you want to use for the more vanilla content you would see on QQ. This setting is for more niche stuff, I think. But hey. There's this famous second golden rule. You don't like it change it. The first one is to have fun.
I didn't see this or any other WoD/CofD splat games being run here. I guess it's not a popular setting you want to use for the more vanilla content you would see on QQ. This setting is for more niche stuff, I think. But hey. There's this famous second golden rule. You don't like it change it. The first one is to have fun.

I like the way you think. Anyway, a friend of mine is going to give me the Contagion Chronicle and the Contagion Chronicle Player's Guide as a gift - Do you have those two books too?
Who here wants a Broken Masquerade event caused by the Doom Slayer and every other FPS hero who bathed in the blood of demons? Like, all of them so it's a huge army of badasses walking through a portal, over the corpse of a demon that was trying to escape them into the real world and interrupting a summon with a violent entrance nobody can ignore.
I like the way you think. Anyway, a friend of mine is going to give me the Contagion Chronicle and the Contagion Chronicle Player's Guide as a gift - Do you have those two books too?

Also interesting books, though the Player's Guide is a little underwhelming for what it is. There is a neat section on how different kinds of supernatural creature appear in Mage Sight though.
I didn't see this or any other WoD/CofD splat games being run here. I guess it's not a popular setting you want to use for the more vanilla content you would see on QQ. This setting is for more niche stuff, I think. But hey. There's this famous second golden rule. You don't like it change it. The first one is to have fun.

So, which version of Princess do you prefer? Dream, or Vocation?

Also interesting books, though the Player's Guide is a little underwhelming for what it is. There is a neat section on how different kinds of supernatural creature appear in Mage Sight though.

Yeah, I heard about that.
I've run into a sort of dilemma where I'm not exactly sure what one of the Huntsman in Changeling the Lost can do or what they might do if they manage to get a mortal to help them in trying to capture a Changeling. Whenever I look into what the Huntsman might be able to do I always hit a brick wall with just coming up with their description. Is there somewhere where I can find the various abilities of the huntsman as well as what they may generally do to those who are working for them but are not submerged in the supernatural yet? I imagine they don't care, just like their fae masters, but I don't know 100%. Currently I have him acting in almost an Agent Smith way.

I myself don't know.
I myself don't know.

I can actually answer this one. Huntsmen get their full write-up in CtL 2nd Ed, starting on pg. 262.

In summary, the Huntsman hunts. They have no other purpose or desire because the True Fae have scooped out their hearts to bind them to carry out their will and recapture escaped changelings. All but one of their Aspirations is replaced with the ones the True Fae gave them, which usually amount to 'get back that changeling I was sent after'. When it comes to appearance, Huntsmen can change how they look, but they have what's called a Panoply: a set of items that always are reflected on their person that are core to their identity. These are usually an iconic piece of clothing (a medal, a hat, an eyepatch, something recognizable) and a favorite weapon (an ornate sword, an old-timey musket, etc). A Huntsman is more defined by their equipment than their appearance because their self has been suborned by the True Fae that is using them.

Power wise, they're built very similarly to horrors from the core book, with a couple of exceptions and unique Dread Powers
- Have Wyrd instead of Potency
- Have a Glamour pool to fuel their powers
- Can not use Contracts like a True Fae or Changeling, but can make Oaths
- Can do most of the dream and Hedge stuff that Changelings can do
- Their Virtue and Vice reflect the Title the True Fae gave them and their own repressed self respectively
- Innate powers:
-- Among the Sheep: Can take human form for 2 Glamour
-- Command the Herald: Can summon an animal buddy for 1 Glamour/hour, can see through it's senses and talk through it
-- Heart of Iron: Cold Iron is not a Bane, despite them still being Fae
-- Hunter's Panoply: Gain 8-again when using their Panoply tools, but lose 10-again if they attempt to do an action where their tools could be used, but they don't (or can't) use them
I've run into a sort of dilemma where I'm not exactly sure what one of the Huntsman in Changeling the Lost can do or what they might do if they manage to get a mortal to help them in trying to capture a Changeling. Whenever I look into what the Huntsman might be able to do I always hit a brick wall with just coming up with their description. Is there somewhere where I can find the various abilities of the huntsman as well as what they may generally do to those who are working for them but are not submerged in the supernatural yet? I imagine they don't care, just like their fae masters, but I don't know 100%. Currently I have him acting in almost an Agent Smith way.
Maybe they can bind mortals to Oaths and grants them some powers?
You know, I despair of ever making a decent CofD fanfic; there's so many different interpretations of the fluff that I'll wind up stepping on toes whatever I do.

Edit to avoid Double-posting: Who would win? The God-Machine from CofD or FGO Tiamat?
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You know, I despair of ever making a decent CofD fanfic; there's so many different interpretations of the fluff that I'll wind up stepping on toes whatever I do.
I would say "fuck those people, it's called fanfic for a reason", but if you really worry that much about, maybe try to look on stuff from a different angle, because how much fluff you have to interpret mostly depends on what kind of story you are trying to tell. If you write a story that is more focused one character development and is shown from the chraracters point of view, it's okay to just don't explain stuff or have them come to conclusions, that may or may not wrong, as in presenting something not as "that the way it is" but as "that how character X things it may be, but they aren't really sure themself".

Or just make a xover fic, than you can just say "Some Lore needed to be adjusted a bit to make everything fit together", I mean for some settings even they own lore doesn't make that much sense (yes, I'm looking at you DxD) so you can just nitpick what you like and throw it together.

Edit to avoid Double-posting: Who would win? The God-Machine from CofD or FGO Tiamat?
What kind of contest are we talking about? Because Fight to the Death is a bit strange, because (from my limited understanding) I'm not sure either of then can "die" (at least in a traditional way).
You know, I despair of ever making a decent CofD fanfic; there's so many different interpretations of the fluff that I'll wind up stepping on toes whatever I do.

Edit to avoid Double-posting: Who would win? The God-Machine from CofD or FGO Tiamat?
Or just make a xover fic, than you can just say "Some Lore needed to be adjusted a bit to make everything fit together", I mean for some settings even they own lore doesn't make that much sense (yes, I'm looking at you DxD) so you can just nitpick what you like and throw it together.
Make your story from the PoV of a Vampire childe being sent as a (completely expendable) diplomat to the local Fae court.
A long time ago, I ran a VtM game. I had the players, all Bruha childe, go pick up another young vampire from his home. When they got there, they found a Unselie Sidne in command of some Redcaps chowing down on their mission and his family for the crime of being in their territory. After fleeing (and only losing 2 characters), their Elders decided they needed representatives in the Fae court and sent the players. As a ST, it was fun as hell. I just always had to remember to filter all the lore through what the Changelings wanted the Vampires to see. Something made funnier when one of the players, who was probably the only one who had no idea about CtD lore chose a Pooka as his primary source of information.:)
I would say "fuck those people, it's called fanfic for a reason", but if you really worry that much about, maybe try to look on stuff from a different angle, because how much fluff you have to interpret mostly depends on what kind of story you are trying to tell. If you write a story that is more focused one character development and is shown from the chraracters point of view, it's okay to just don't explain stuff or have them come to conclusions, that may or may not wrong, as in presenting something not as "that the way it is" but as "that how character X things it may be, but they aren't really sure themself".

Or just make a xover fic, than you can just say "Some Lore needed to be adjusted a bit to make everything fit together", I mean for some settings even they own lore doesn't make that much sense (yes, I'm looking at you DxD) so you can just nitpick what you like and throw it together.

What kind of contest are we talking about? Because Fight to the Death is a bit strange, because (from my limited understanding) I'm not sure either of then can "die" (at least in a traditional way).

Fight until one of them admits defeat.

Make your story from the PoV of a Vampire childe being sent as a (completely expendable) diplomat to the local Fae court.
A long time ago, I ran a VtM game. I had the players, all Bruha childe, go pick up another young vampire from his home. When they got there, they found a Unselie Sidne in command of some Redcaps chowing down on their mission and his family for the crime of being in their territory. After fleeing (and only losing 2 characters), their Elders decided they needed representatives in the Fae court and sent the players. As a ST, it was fun as hell. I just always had to remember to filter all the lore through what the Changelings wanted the Vampires to see. Something made funnier when one of the players, who was probably the only one who had no idea about CtD lore chose a Pooka as his primary source of information.:)

CfoD. Now CtD or anything oWoD.
Fight until one of them admits defeat.
If I not misremember stuff the God-machine is unable to directly interact with the world and as such I'm not sure if there is anyway to harm it directly. So the on!y way it can act is via it's matrices, so I guess the one way to defeat it is make sure it can't create any more by killing all and everyone that is able to help finish them. Which more of less comes down to wipe out all live. So is Tiamat able to wipe out all live before the God-machine is able to stop it? So depends on the world, how long can the inhabitants survive against Tiamat? Because giving enough time I' m unsure of the God-machine can be beaten, everytime (I'm aware of) we see it "lose" are more short term setbacks and/or it being like, "Nah, I will not tuck with that right now, will wait for a better moment to do it" (P.s. sorry for horrible editing, I'm on the phone and the site is fighting me all the way while typing it)
If I not misremember stuff the God-machine is unable to directly interact with the world and as such I'm not sure if there is anyway to harm it directly. So the on!y way it can act is via it's matrices, so I guess the one way to defeat it is make sure it can't create any more by killing all and everyone that is able to help finish them. Which more of less comes down to wipe out all live. So is Tiamat able to wipe out all live before the God-machine is able to stop it? So depends on the world, how long can the inhabitants survive against Tiamat? Because giving enough time I' m unsure of the God-machine can be beaten, everytime (I'm aware of) we see it "lose" are more short term setbacks and/or it being like, "Nah, I will not tuck with that right now, will wait for a better moment to do it" (P.s. sorry for horrible editing, I'm on the phone and the site is fighting me all the way while typing it)

So, Tiamat has a chance, but so does the God-Machine. Perfect.

I was told by Nasuverse fans that Tiamat can easily defeat a hundred Archmasters. This made me bitter because I wanted CofD and the Nasuverse to stand as near-equals in my planned Crossover.
CfoD. Now CtD or anything oWoD.
What did you actually mean here?
I only have like 2 books from the nWoD. I prefer the old, and I actually haven't found a group of WoD players I can tolerate for more than a couple of games since I moved to MN, so this all happened before nWoD anyway.
What did you actually mean here?
I only have like 2 books from the nWoD. I prefer the old, and I actually haven't found a group of WoD players I can tolerate for more than a couple of games since I moved to MN, so this all happened before nWoD anyway.

CofD means Chronicles of Darkness, which is nWoD Second Edition.

I don't like the prospect of writing a fanfic based on oWoD, let alone Changeling the Dreaming. I'm sorry if this sounds like I am snapping at you, but I really don't get why you'd mistake my intentions; even if you had not read any nWoD/CofD book, I genuinely thought you'd have known what my terms mean through osmosis.
CofD means Chronicles of Darkness, which is nWoD Second Edition.

I don't like the prospect of writing a fanfic based on oWoD, let alone Changeling the Dreaming. I'm sorry if this sounds like I am snapping at you, but I really don't get why you'd mistake my intentions; even if you had not read any nWoD/CofD book, I genuinely thought you'd have known what my terms mean through osmosis.
Like I said, I have no experience with nWoD. Since the 2 books I have in the nWoD both call it that, I assumed that CofD was the abbriviation for the new Changeling game.
But my suggestion isn't actually version (or faction) specific. My example was, but the suggestion wasn't.
Like I said, I have no experience with nWoD. Since the 2 books I have in the nWoD both call it that, I assumed that CofD was the abbriviation for the new Changeling game.
But my suggestion isn't actually version (or faction) specific. My example was, but the suggestion wasn't.

No, that's CtL, aka Changeling the Lost, although I won't elaborate on it here.

And I am not a fan of Vampires except for the Salubri and Assamites; I prefer Mages (both oWoD and CofD).

Edit: And writing a story about how the Technocracy gets reformed and signs a peace treaty with the Traditions will just antagonize fans.
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So, Tiamat has a chance, but so does the God-Machine. Perfect.
The whole argument is a bit stupid, as the God-Machine isn't really an "On-Screen" Actor, it's an entity who manipulates stuff in the background, so it strength in a direct conflict comes from how powerful his agents are and Tiamat seems to be a very active Actor whose strength comes from it's own immerse power. So it's comparing two very different type Actors.

I was told by Nasuverse fans that Tiamat can easily defeat a hundred Archmasters. This made me bitter because I wanted CofD and the Nasuverse to stand as near-equals in my planned Crossover.
Honestly I may be biased because I really like CofD a lot more or it may be my limited understanding of Fate, but shouldn't "Fate Arcana" Archmages be a hard counter to anything from Fate, as say can manipulate key concepts of a being and as such freely manipulate opponents Saint Graph.

Not sure if Tiamat is able to kill one Time Archmage, because he can just hide outside of Time forever, or Space-Prime who could create a place "outside of basically everything" where they and there friends can hide out.

And I am not a fan of Vampires except for the Salubri and Assamites; I prefer Mages (both oWoD and CofD).

Heresy, we all know Tzimisce are the best Clan Please don't kill me, I don't really care whose Clan someon likes most, I'm just having fun.

Edit: And writing a story about how the Technocracy gets reformed and signs a peace treaty with the Traditions...
That sounds like the new plot they will come up for Mage 5th Edition
Let's focus on this part. They'll actually do that?!

What? Creating Mage 5th Edition? There is no official word out yet, but as they working on Hunter and Werewolf right now, I would guess Mage comes afterwards. And they will probably do something stupid "to break the status quo", like having a peace treaty between Traditions and Technocracy, because for unknown reason most Mages died and now the rest has to band together to fight against the Nephandi (or something equally stupid)
What? Creating Mage 5th Edition? There is no official word out yet, but as they working on Hunter and Werewolf right now, I would guess Mage comes afterwards. And they will probably do something stupid "to break the status quo", like having a peace treaty between Traditions and Technocracy, because for unknown reason most Mages died and now the rest has to band together to fight against the Nephandi (or something equally stupid)

To be fair, I do like both Technocracy and Traditions...
To be fair, I do like both Technocracy and Traditions...

Not saying either of them are bad, it's just they don't really work together as they have a fundamental different idea of how "the world" works and as Mage everything comes from you "knowing" how the world works and more or less enforcing you will on the world. So the moment the traditions would except the Technocracy (or the other way around) they would have to except that there world view would also be (at least to some part true) that would go against there own worldview aka "the Truth".

So as Mages do have to be very stubborn they probably would never do that and if they do they probably would become weakened as they are not being able to claim to know the "Truth" anymore.

Same way goes for the Technocracy when they except magic to be true they lose (some) faith in technology and as such there methods wouldn't work as good any more.

So if they ever but there differences aside (which they probably will never able to do for a longer period of time) it will lead to weakening the individual Mages, so overall it's not a good idea.

(Also the war isn't really a war about power or territories, the war is about what the core concept of Ascension is, so I'm not sure what a peace treaty even would contain, in the first place, as only one concept can be true at the same time)

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