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I will become God-Harem King of the World! [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

[X] Pipeman's Plan

"So, uhm..." You scratch your cheek. "Now, do I have to firm a contract for my soul or something?" You sure hope not.

"Don't worry, Devils stopped doing that a long time ago." He smiles good naturedly. Normally you would be jealous but the present day is too weird to worry about petty things like jealousy. "Nowadays, depending on the task we are called to carry out, we ask for part of the client's vital energy, a valuable item or just money. For this specific task..." He takes out a sheet of paper and passes it to you. "Can you compile this questionnaire and put a good rating about my services?"

"...This [Devil Summoning] sounds more like a business company's service than a pact with supernatural creatures straight out of Hell." You deadpan.

He shrugs. "Humans aren't the only ones who evolved."

Yes, but your Suspension of Disbelief did not.

When you see the ambulance arrive and the paramedics come out to tend to Yuuma both you and Kiba silently walk away.

"So..." Kiba begins as you two stop under a lamp in a deserted street. "I take you have questions? I have some time, so I can answer a few before I need to go. This is gratis by the way."


What do you do?
[] Ask him about: Write-in.
[] Go home.

You are down to:

Personal: 14/17
Peripheral: 33/40

Willpower: 8/8


The more questions you ask the less information you will receive.


Just found this thread from TVTropes and I have to say this fragment here has me hooked.

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