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IRC shenanigans

So in commemoration of the channel move, I have fixed the Anon-Speaks tool. It now produces real-life actual samples of the sorts of things Anon would say. Before it was kinda broken and just sampled their greatest hits instead of generating new 'non quotes from scratch.

Check it out!


I'm sensing a theme.

...isn't the training data of the generator a list of all the messages non has sent on irc?

Sure, this may or may not be exactly what non has said, but it's close enough that non could have said it and no one would disbelieve it.
...isn't the training data of the generator a list of all the messages non has sent on irc?

Sure, this may or may not be exactly what non has said, but it's close enough that non could have said it and no one would disbelieve it.
It's a biased training data! Probably filled with ONLY messages with nibbles!
I got a bit of context on Slashdot when the official Linux channel moved off freenode, but would anybody be willing to expound on what exactly happened? Some sort of uber hostile takeover?
A few years back, the founder of Freenode passed away after a car hit him while he was riding a bike. Control of freenode was passed to the senior operators, one of which sold the rights of 'Freenode Limited' (ostensibly created to organize meetups) to Andrew Lee, an entrepreneur who started PIA (one of those VPN services). He somehow also gained control of the domain and some of the Freenode servers, ousted the ops team in favor of his own, and has started speedrunning a game of 'how fast can you destroy an IRC community'.

His tenure as owner has included such gems as:
- Kicking out all ops and taking ownership of any channel that mentions Libera.chat in the channel topic
- Forgetting to reserve ChanServ and NameServ nicks, allowing an unknown to capture the password of anyone who logged in while it was out of their control
- Causing every channel with over 1000 people to move to a new server
- Banning all users who log in via irccloud, because they said mean things about him
- Possibly banning all other BNCs because he decided *he* wanted to own the only permitted BNC on freenode

So... yeah.
It's a biased training data! Probably filled with ONLY messages with nibbles!

I would like to clarify here since the term "training data" and "bot" seems to imply that this is like an artificial intelligence of some sort, that is only "emulating" Anon̦̦. This is not so.

These are Markov Chains, which is basically a mathematical tool that builds a statical model based on sentences Anon has said in the past. As such, there is nothing "artificial" or "emulated" about this. This is a statistically accurate representation of the sorts of things Anon says. That is, a perfect mathematical representation of the typical Anon sentence. Why one could even say it is more accurate than the original. Since this is based upon math and not the whims of Mew.
I would like to clarify here since the term "training data" and "bot" seems to imply that this is like an artificial intelligence of some sort, that is only "emulating" Anon̦̦. This is not so.

These are Markov Chains, which is basically a mathematical tool that builds a statical model based on sentences Anon has said in the past. As such, there is nothing "artificial" or "emulated" about this. This is a statistically accurate representation of the sorts of things Anon says. That is, a perfect mathematical representation of the typical Anon sentence. Why one could even say it is more accurate than the original. Since this is based upon math and not the whims of Mew.
So basically what you're saying is...

-keitwo- [Global Notice 1/3] We are moving past legacy freenode to a new fork. The new freenode is launched. You will slowly be disconnected and when you reconnect, you will be on the new freenode. We patiently await to welcome you in freedom's holdout - the freenode.
-keitwo- [Global Notice 2/3] If you're looking to connect now, you can already /server chat.freenode.net 6697 (ssl) or 6667 (plaintext). It's a new genesis for a new era. Thank you for using freenode, and Hello World, from the future. freenode is IRC. freenode is FOSS. freenode is freedom.
-keitwo- [Global Notice 3/3] When you connect, register your nickname and your channel and get started. It's a new world. We're so happy to welcome you and the millions of others. We will be posting more information in the coming days on our website and twitter. Otherwise, see you on the other side!
And with that, Freenode is dead. 26 years is a pretty good run, 23 years in its incarnation as irc.freenode.net, only to die at the hands of Andrew Lee the great powertripping fucknugget.

Press F to pay respects.

Press F to pay respects.
F for an old friend. It's been quite a few years alongside you.

And now... some quote on what is going on in Rasengan's mind:

<root> The community on IRC is made up of some of the smartest, most beautiful people in the world. It's been an honor to be here with you all, friends and foes. We've been waiting for IRC's return for quite some time -- and for you, we deliver. A new genesis is taking place uncovering a new era. Freedom, and the people, shall rise to power. Freedom is not dead, it lives, here, with freenode."

<root> jane_doe: hint the freenode network is its own sovereign state

" <rasengan@freenode> dead: This was a necessity. freenode was destroyed by the former staff. "

<@rasengan> This is a new genesis, a new era!
<@rasengan> freenode of yesterday is gone.
<@rasengan> freenode of tomorrow is here!
<@rasengan> See you all on the new freenode!
<dead> this is a fucking shit show
<dead> and you can't even explain why you're doing it?
<@rasengan> dead: <3
<dead> why is this happening
<@rasengan> dead: This was a necessity. freenode was destroyed by the former staff.
<@rasengan> freenode is reborn!
<ptx0> been here supporting the removal of prev staff but you just keep doing things
that make less and less sense
<@rasengan> ptx0: This will make perfect sense.
<ptx0> rasengan: that sounds like gaslighting to me
<@rasengan> See you all in the future! The new freenode!
<@rasengan> This is an opportunity for everyone here to go to libera!
<@rasengan> Go go go!
<@rasengan> For the rest, we patiently await you in the new freenode.
<ptx0> rasengan: yo instead of using libera i'll probably just leave IRC altogether, good job
<@rasengan> ptx0: It is your prerogative, we will miss you. We are doing this for FOSS.
<@rasengan> We are doing this for IRC. We're doing this for you.
<@rasengan> FOSS has lost sight of FOSS.
<@rasengan> "Giant projects centrally controlled by a select few" is not FOSS.

<@rasengan> freenode classic will be around for awhile.
<@rasengan> But we can't guarantee for how long that 'awhile' is.
<JohnMH> rasengan: Are sponsors pulling out? That's the only explanation I can think of for this.
<@rasengan> JohnMH: Many did, many also stayed.
<JohnMH> rasengan: What's the motivation behind moving to a new IRCd?
<@rasengan> JohnMH: To bring the real FOSS community back.
<JohnMH> rasengan: You don't need to change the IRCd to do that.
<@rasengan> JohnMH: You will see, that it was required.
<JohnMH> rasengan: The IRCd was already Free Software, and is the best choice for a large
network like Freenode.
<dead> rasengan: hey man i will migrate those nickserv/chanserv databases for you for
free if you can't do it.
<@rasengan> dead: We could have mirated, it's not hard.
<@rasengan> dead: That's not why.
<dead> ok then why aren't you?
<JohnMH> A migration path is definitely better than this..
<@rasengan> It's time for a new genesis.
<@rasengan> We have to break out of Conway's law.
<JohnMH> rasengan: There's no *benefit* to new services though.
<JohnMH> rasengan: Where there's no *benefit*, there's no reason to abandon the existing..
<@rasengan> JohnMH: Within 48 hours, it will be clear.
<dead> rasengan: are you planning to merge new freenode with Rizon?
<primalz> dead, lol
<@rasengan> dead: Rizon is a great network.
<dead> i agree rizon is good
<dead> that didn't sound like a no
<primalz> i concur
<primalz> efnet would be the best home for new freenode
<dead> +1 for efnet merge
<unknown_lamer> I hope rasegan chokes on a pretzel, 20y 29w and I'm out, what a total
piece of shit that jackass is
<unknown_lamer> what a pathetic little ratfucker who has to get off on destroying
communities for his own insane ego trip
<JohnMH> unknown_lamer: There's still time for rasengan to revert this decision. It can be done.
<@rasengan> nah
<@rasengan> not getting reverted.
<@rasengan> its done done done.
<unknown_lamer> rasengan: go fuck yourself you pathetic little worm
<@rasengan> Like I said, good time to go to OFTC or Libera if ya'll aren't with it.
<@rasengan> unknown_lamer: <3

and most important of all...
Libera has more active user count, it seems. Less because there are many people registered on Libera, more because Freenode basically suicided.
The last server of freenode classic is disconnected, it looks like.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others. I think it's fairly safe to say, Freenode is dead.
I would like to clarify here since the term "training data" and "bot" seems to imply that this is like an artificial intelligence of some sort, that is only "emulating" Anon̦̦. This is not so.

These are Markov Chains, which is basically a mathematical tool that builds a statical model based on sentences Anon has said in the past. As such, there is nothing "artificial" or "emulated" about this.
You have a strange opinion of AI.

Markov chains are absolutely 100% examples of machine learning. Building a model from data IS the definition of training.

It is an accurate anon bot powered by the most appropriate machine learning algorithm.
Well time to see how long till that someone tries to sell the passwords that were used.

I also got to admit, I don't understand any of that conversation. The how and why that this happened is just a mystery.
I got a bit of context on Slashdot when the official Linux channel moved off freenode, but would anybody be willing to expound on what exactly happened? Some sort of uber hostile takeover?
Here is Ars Technica summarizing the saga.

Meanwhile, Freenode recently went full Orwell:

Freenode Announce said:
-keitwo- [Global Notice 1/3] We are moving past legacy freenode to a new fork. The new freenode is launched. You will slowly be disconnected and when you reconnect, you will be on the new freenode. We patiently await to welcome you in freedom's holdout - the freenode.

-keitwo- [Global Notice 2/3] If you're looking to connect now, you can already /server chat.freenode.net 6697 (ssl) or 6667 (plaintext). It's a new genesis for a new era. Thank you for using freenode, and Hello World, from the future. freenode is IRC. freenode is FOSS. freenode is freedom.
-keitwo- [Global Notice 3/3] When you connect, register your nickname and your channel and get started. It's a new world. We're so happy to welcome you and the millions of others. We will be posting more information in the coming days on our website and twitter. Otherwise, see you on the other side!
You have a strange opinion of AI.

Markov chains are absolutely 100% examples of machine learning. Building a model from data IS the definition of training.

It is an accurate anon bot powered by the most appropriate machine learning algorithm.
There are better machine learning algorithms than just plain old Markov chains nowadays. Just look at GPT-3 for proof of that.

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