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IRC shenanigans

I am on IRC, though I don't see anyone else talking there.
I don't even know what my problem is, but my browsers can't find the server for any IRC at the moment.

I'm assuming it's a problem on my end at this point, because there's a couple other things that refuse to load, but otherwise things are floating smooth, and the 'is it down' sort of internet checkers all say that those places are still up totally fine.

Same here. Can't access both FreeNode and SystemNet. Though it was on my end, at first.
Tried that, did nothing.

Rebooted both laptop and router a couple of times, briefly and then leaving them off for a longer stretch. Still nada. Couple other fixes I googled, no go.

At this point just hitting refresh every so often to see if it's decided to work.
clear dns?

Nope. Still no go. Seriously have no idea what the trouble is.
hmmm... I got nothing.

Normally, I would have suggestions for an actual IRC client... but web interface is... ^_^;

Enough refreshing, and the kiwi client eventually loaded. For about fifteen minutes. It wouldn't actually connect to the chatroom, and now it's dead with the 'can't find this server' message again.

The raw chat link in the menu on top here still hasn't gone through either.

It looks like it's just a matter of waiting for the internet tubes to stop shitting themselves for those pages. Shame.
[09:44] == mode/#questionablequesting [-b *!*@97-96-44-134.res.bhn.net] by Redon
[09:44] <@theweepingman> ~
[09:44] <@theweepingman> Redon.
[09:44] <+a2znut> It would have been fun.
[09:44] <@Redon> Redon is ~Redon@97-96-44-134.res.bhn.net * ...
[09:44] <+a2znut> If you kicked him after he banned himself.
[09:44] <@Enthalpy> That's just mean
[09:44] <+a2znut> XD
[09:45] * a2znut pokes at KuroUsagi
[09:45] * The_Guard is kicking LoL up
[09:45] == mode/#questionablequesting [+b *!*@97-96-44-134.res.bhn.net] by Redon
[09:45] * theweepingman sighs
[09:45] == Redon was kicked from #questionablequesting by Redon [I'm a noob that doesn't deserve to live anymore]
[09:45] <+a2znut> ...
[09:45] <@theweepingman> ...
[09:45] <@theweepingman> Umm
[09:45] <@Enthalpy> ...
[09:45] <@theweepingman> So
[09:45] <@theweepingman> Err
[09:45] <+a2znut> There's someone called The_Guard.
[09:45] <+a2znut> D:
[09:45] <@Enthalpy> I take no responsibility for this
So, my connection to the IRC seems to have flipped out again. Webchat won't load, freenode won't load, it's no good. Been a while since this happened.

I guess I just have to wait patiently until it decides to resume function.
Whenever I type anything into the irc chat I get:

== Cannot send to channel: #questionablequesting

This started 2 days ago. I use the client linked to from the menu bar. Anyone know what's up?

Edit: I guess I needed verbosity
HypoSoc you is needing voice
[17:01] <@gibbousmoons> Every time he gets splashed by cold water, Ranma turns into a military fighter jet
[17:01] <@gibbousmoons> Oh oh

[17:01] <+Chibi-Reaper> Sky battles are late in coming.
[17:01] <+Chibi-Reaper> But they eventually include Taro, Herb, and Saffron.
[17:01] <+Chibi-Reaper> Pew Pews inbound.
[17:01] <@gibbousmoons> all of the springs are replaced by aircraft springs, or armored vehicle springs
[17:02] <@gibbousmoons> Ranma / Ship Girls

[17:02] <@Nekraa> good night
[17:02] == [1]ultima333 [] has joined #questionablequesting
[17:02] <+Chibi-Reaper> Arming the 'Fierce Tiger' rockets. Ready to deploy, standing by.
[17:02] <@Nekraa> ... and I almost want to stay up for this conversation
[17:02] <@Nekraa> :p
[17:02] <@gibbousmoons> Ranma tells Akane to hurry up and get inside him
[17:02] <@Nekraa> anyway, night
[17:02] <@gibbousmoons> Ryouga doesn't want Akane to know that she's inside him
[17:02] == Nekraa [~] has left #questionablequesting []
[17:03] <@gibbousmoons> Ranma is too afriad of Shampoo to get inside her
[17:03] <[1]ultima333> ATTENTION ALL PC GAMERS! IT'S HERE.
[17:03] <@gibbousmoons> Mousse wants to get inside shampoo
[17:03] <[1]ultima333> I'mma look through for a bit, then head out.
[17:03] <+StackedDeck> Thanks for the answers gibbousmoons and Chibi-Reaper.

Gibbousmoons has the BEST ideas.
Whats the server and channel, the menu item doesn't seem to exist.
As far as my computer is concerned, everybody else suddenly logged off of IRC.

Is this even slightly true?
You're alone. So very alone.

Netsplit. It happens.
Netsplit happens sometimes. If people doesn't reappear, try to close and reopen the IRC.
I'm using irccloud. How much does this complicate the situation?
No idea, don't know what it is. But it should work if you close and then start the program again, I think.
It is a remote server which stays logged in for me. I then log in to it. Closing it does not disconnect me.
You could use pidgin or mirc?

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