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It Gets Worse [Worm AU Fanfic] Complete

Heh heh heh.

I feel like it's perhaps a little much that Kaiser and Hookwolf are getting involved with this. As far as they know, this is just an ordinary case of leaning on an obstinate civilian; I'd expect some lower-level nonpowered manager to be the one in charge. I suppose it's possible Lee Adamson was doing something unusually important?
Just their bad luck that they decided to be there for this one. And you know, the E88's gotta have someplace to hang out in costume :p
Bwahahahahahaahahahahahahaha! Heelp! my sides! I guess you could say that the Empire got...Shat on! XD Also Sophia's mom was the one to know about her being Shadow Stalker.
Now, the big question: What threat to Taylor is big enough that it needs Leviathan coincidentally coming down on its head?

Alternately, how is the power of the queen of escalation going to react to a threat on the level of endbringers?

Either way, I'll be surprised if BB stands much longer.

Yeah, reading. I totally do that. Ignore this.
That was a beautiful setup for Taylor's power. Oh so fitting, funny and nicely played.
Hrm. Was her power nudging her to mouth off so that they'd react at the right moments? Or was that just her? (It's actually pretty important, with regards to how proactively she can potentially use her power. E.g., can she protect something or someone just by standing near them? If the powers can manipulate her, that's less useful, since she's as likely to end up wandering off at just the right moment as to actually prevent an attack.)
that plane... Just did a pigeon imitation didn't it?

Was that enough to kill Kaiser and Hookwolf? Wonder if that was bus accident was fatal for Cricket?

If Hookwolf and kaiser survive, I bet they contract some disease from the shitstorm they just suffered.

If Taylor puts those pics on PHO... E88 will become a laughing stock. Even worse if it's found out a 'normal' teenage girl beat almost all of their capes without breaking a sweat (and depending on how she was tied, with both hands behind her back).

If she gets a cape name, Ladybug could fit, Ladybugs are associated with good luck.

ABB best hope Taylor never finds out why Emma turned on her

I so hope Amy become her friend.
Hopefully the Empire 88 won't try to get revenge on Danny and Taylor. That would end terribly.

Not for the the Heberts, they'd be fine. But the E88 probably wouldn't survive the experience.
Ouch, that hurt. Literally. I was laughing so hard.
Guys... can you imagine what will happen when Taylor goes to a Simurgh fight?

No one knows exactly what happened, everyone just knows that no one had to be Simurghed that day, an angel statue, 2 rubber duckies and a whale were involved and just being told about what that person saw inflicts 2D6 SAN damage, let alone being there... :p Though strangely enough the madness doesn't manifest if damaging ways for those there...
She stared at Renick, her eyes full of surmise. "Escort them up at once."

Miami, Florida
01:13 AM
Aboard American Airlines Flight 732, Miami FL to Portland ME
01:46 PM
"Brockton Control, this is American 732. We're experiencing a pitch problem.
American 732 reached the prescribed altitude of twenty thousand feet as it passed over the mountains that barricaded Brockton Bay to the west.
"Nobody warns me, Mr Hebert," Kaiser replied. "This is the -"

And then, with a tremendous CRASH, his voice was cut off.

"Kaiser!" Danny shouted. "Taylor! What's happening?"

I had no idea what had actually happened until much later. All I heard was the tremendous CRASH as the roof caved in; something huge and blue blurred past me, taking Kaiser and Hookwolf with it as it punched through the floor and kept on going.
"Taylor," he breathed as I jumped over the rotten step and joined him. "You're all right."

"Yup," I grinned and held up the phone. "And trust me, you should see the other guys."
Ack... You are a GOD. That is all.
Heeee! What kind of missile do you need against the E88? That kind apparently. I haven't seen a Icy-BM gag in a long time (I think last time was in one of Spider Robinson's Callaghan's Crosstime Saloon stories.) Nicely done.
Fun fact: This is a totally real thing that ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Try not to think about that any time a passenger plane goes over your head!
I don't think there's any case of it being that large of a missile that "small" pieces breaking off of it are torso sized.

Mostly the pieces as a whole are orange sized at best, and it's far less common now than it was in the 70s.
Those were glorious. Pure, unadulterated crack.

And yes, if Piggot investigates the incident she'll,suddenly get very pale and then either request a transfer as far from BB as possible, or realize that if she's on Taylor's good side she'll be relatively safe from the crazy.
A few paragraphs into the first chapter and I can see she has Domino's power.....Right?

Basically, Domino has Shamrock's powers. http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Neena_Thurman_(Earth-616)

Probability Manipulation: Domino is a mutant with the ability to subliminally and psionically initiate random kinetic phenomena that affect probability in her favor by making improbable (but not impossible) things to occur within her line of sight, thus causing her to have "good luck" and her opponents to have "bad luck." This phenomenon can be anything from an enemy's equipment failure to hitting just the right switch with a stray shot to shut down an overloading nuclear reactor. The full extent of her powers is still unknown.

This unconsciously controlled talent is triggered when she is in a stressful situation (such as fighting or escaping). This effect constantly emanates from her body at all times and is completely subconscious. However, it is also largely participatory - in order for the luck to take effect, Domino herself must engage in an action whose chance she can affect. She cannot consciously control her ability. Domino can only activate it by putting herself in a position in which she could be harmed. She has shown some level of control over her powers when she caused a lightning bolt to hit two Sentinels.[3]

For example, if debris falling from the sky was about to hit her in the head, she would still be hurt if she stood still. However, if she tried to avoid them, she would move perfectly to avoid each and every piece about to hit her. In addition if Domino where to stand before a hail of bullets she would be a bullet-ridden corpse. Instead, she must take action; in attempting to avoid the gunfire, she will miraculously bob and weave just right to avoid every single shot.

As a byproduct of her probability abilities, Domino's cerebral cortex emits a current of bio-electric pulses down her spine to instinctively guide her movements during such situations, which has the added effect of augmenting her natural reflexes and agility to near-superhuman levels.
Nah, Domino has a combination of a weaker level of Shamrock and Contessa's powers.

Taylor can cause lightning to strike a power transformer a thousand miles away and never know about it. Until 1.2 tons of frozen blue turd arrives at terminal velocity.

EDIT: 'frozen blue turd' is now my new favourite phrase :p
.....I feel like such a cultured deadpooltard now for Immediately thinking Domino when most of you don't even know who she is.

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